Weather Local light showers today; tomorrow mostly cloudy,. J'rY A6p 411-t a t t9 Editorial Is The U.S. Neutral? . . '1 M VOL. L. No. 38 Z-23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 7, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Parent Group 0pens Annual Session Here; MeetsToday Conference Will Consider Community Problems; Jay Allen Will Lecture Slosson To Speak At Meeting-Today The 10th Annual Parent Education Institute, sponsored by the Universi- ty's Extension Service, will begin its three day session at 9 a.m. today with registration in the lobby of the Rackham Building. The general theme of the Institute will be "The Community-Its Inter- national Aspects; Its Responsibility To Youth; Its Enduring Values; and Its Seach for Facts." Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will give the mor- nin'g session's featured address en- titled "Europe Takes the Plunge" at 11 a.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. His talk will follow the welcoming address by Mrs. J. K. Pettingill, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers., League Luncheon Following Professor Slosson's ad- dress, there will be a luncheon at 12:15 prn. in the League. Mr. James Baird, district principal of the Linge-' mann School in Detroit, will pre- side. The afternoon - session will con- cern itself with a panel called "What Shall We Tell Our Children Abouti the War?" Mrs. Pettingill will pre- side at the meeting in the Lecture Hall of the Rack ham Building. Mem- bers of the panel include Mr.. Leo Fitzpatrick, general manager of radio station WJR; Dr. Fritz Redl of the Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills; Dr. Katherine Greene of Ann Arbr;, and Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association at the University.. Co.:sultnts-on the' paiwl include: Mr. Matthew H. Tlnkham, ot Wayne; Rev. J. W. Boyer of Saginaw; Mrs. Harold E. Lobaugh of Auburn Heights; Mrs. E. R. Grafius of High- land Park; Mrs. Chester. Tuck of Dearborn; Mr. W. Ray' Smittle of Wayne University; Mrs.Roy E. Rob- inson of Highland Park; Mrs. G. W. Francis of Saginaw and Mrs. T. Ray Johnson of Saginaw. Other Consultants Other consultants are Miss Evelyn T. Wilson, principal of Washington School in Ferndale; Mrs. Willard Jewell of Pontiac; Mrs. L. F. Cobb of Pontiac; Mrs. M. A. Kopka of Pleasant Ridge; and Miss Nelle Haley, director of Elementary Education in+ Saginaw. The sessions tomorrow will con- sider "The Community-Its Respon- sibility to Youth." Dr. Vitor F. Spat-1 helf, administrative assistant of the Highland Park Public Schools, will pireside. The morning session will begin at+ 9 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of the1 Rackham Building with a class in parent education supervised by Mrs. H. S. Mallory, lecturer in parent education and child development. Mrs. Mallory is also lecturer and consultant in family relations at the+ University and member of the State Board for Control of Vocational Edu-1 cation. Crawley To Speak Mr. Edward J. Crawley, chief pro- bation officer of the Municipal Court in Cleveland, will speak at 10 a.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building on "The Respon- sibility for Crime." At 10:45 a.m., President Charles S. Anspach of Central State Teachers' College in Mount Pleasant will dis- cuss "The Social Judas." His speech in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building will be introduced by I. M. Brock, principal of the Arthur Hill High School in Saginaw. Mr. Karl F. Zeisler, managing edi- tor of the Monroe Evening News, will lead a discussion at 11:30 a.m. in the Lecture Hall. This discussion. will be followed by a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. in the League at which Mrs. William T. Sanders, past presi- dent of the Michigan Congress of (Continued on Page 2) Women Debaters To Organize Today Women varsity debaters will or- State And CityElecors To March To Polls Today 'Ham And Eggs Scheme, Pair-Mutuels, Prohibition, New Deal Issues Will Confront Voters; Close Detroit Mayoralty Race Seen Faculty Pays Prof. Keeler Final Respects. Long Illness Ends As Educational Dies At Home In Death Director Sundayl DETROIT, Nov. 6.-(ZP)-Another hot Detroit mayoralty campaign end- ed today with last-minute appeals by Richard W. Reading, the incumbent,' and Council President Edward J. Jef- fries, who seeks to-unseat him. Reading reiterated his charges that Jeffries owes much of his strength to the CIO and the Communist party but friends of the Council President, said he had support from all walks of life and that his record in public of- fice spoke for itself. A total vote above 300,000 was pre- dicted by city officials. Only twice has a city election drawn that many voters. Once was in 1930 when the Charles Bowles recall vote was taken and Frank Murphy started on his rise to national political prominence. In 1937, when Reading was elected over Patrick H. O'Brien, who was supported by the CIO, a record votef of 418,000 was established. (By Associated Press) Old age pensions, pari-mutuel bet- ting, prohibition and a feW' contests indirectly involving Roosevelt policies confront the voters with a miscellany of issues intoday's nation-wide elec-: tions., To complicate still further the task of discerning national trends after the ballots have been counted, this hodge-podge of questions is blanketed with a crazy-quilt of local issues al- most as numerous as the candidates themselves. The )California voters are called up- on to make a "yes"' or "no" decision upon a variant of the "ham and eggs" plan which they rejected by a scanty margin last year. The current plan which give $30 each Thursday to un- employed persons over 50. The pay-. ments would be made in state scrip redeemable after a year/ provided a two.-cent .tax stamp were attached every week. The Ohio old age pension campaign is led by Herbert S. Bigelow, Cincin- nati clergyman. It would pay $50 monthly to single persons who are over 60 and retired, and $80 to couples. It would be financed by a state income tax and a levy upon high priced real estate. The pari-mutual refendum is in New York. The prohibition question arises in rural Indiana. The issue of Roosevelt policies is again present in a gubernatorial elec- tion in Kentucky and the election of a mayor in Philadelphia. In Kentucky, Gov. Keen Johnson, who as lieutenant-governor succeed- ed Gov. "Happy" Chandler recently when the latter resigned to be. ap- pointed to the Senate, is running for election to the office he now holds, on the record of the Chandler-John- son administration. The Philadelphia contest finds Robert C. White, Democrat, running on a clean government issue, and Robert C. Lambertson, his Republi- can opponent, arguing that a Demo- cratic victory would diminish the national prestige of the Republican party. Soviet To Keep {'Peace Policy,' SaysMolotoff Anniversary Of Revolution Hears Premier Declare SolidarityOf U.S.S.R. MOSCOW, Nov. 6.- (P) - Soviet Russia will continue an "undeviating" policy of peace, Premier Molotoff de- clared today, while capitalistic coun- tries "provoke the discontent of the masses" by their war policy. Attacking the "capitalistic" United States, Great Britain and France, the Premier in a strongly worded address on the 22nd anniversary of the red revolution, declared Soviet Russia was now "solidly united and power- ful" while "capitalism must perish because it is so old, weak and ineffi- cient." In Great Britain and France, he as- serted, the "interior situation" is bad because deliberate prolongation of the war with Germany is "provoking the discontent of the masses and prepar- ing new flames of anger against the capitalistic power." Likewise, he told a cheering throng of Communist party members at Bol- shoy Opera House, the United States repeal of the arms embargo simply is a "mask to cover their struggle for profit." Molotoff's speech opening a three- day celebration coincided with a Com- munist International manifesto urg- ing British and French workers to "go against those who favor continuing Imperialistic war." Molotoff minced no words in de- claring the Russian foreign policy of peace would be continued and made no reference to indicate that she might provide military aid to Ger- many. Dean Edmonson VoicesSympathy University officials last night paid final respects to Prof. Louis W. Keel- er, director of instruction of children patients in the University hospital and a member of the education school, who died Sunday morning at his home on Granger Ave. after' suffering from ill health for almost' a year. Funeral services were held Mon- day evening in the Muehlig funeral+ parlors, the Rev. Henry H. Lewis+ officiating. Burial will be made to-. day in Michigan City, Ind. "Professor Keeler rendered un- usually valuable service to the Uni- versity and was widely known for his work in his field of special in- terest," said Dean James B. Edmon-' son of the School of Education last night. "He was very affectionately regarded by his colleagues." Appointed To Facultyt 'Professor Keeler was appointed to+ the University faculty in 1926 and served continuously until the time' of his death. He was given a leave of absence a year ago because of poor health. At the time of his death Professor Keeler was associate professor of educational psychology, assistant director of the bureau of educational psychology, assistant director of the bureau of educational reference and research and director of instruction in the University Hospital school. j At the University hospital Profes- sor Keeler and his staff provided edu- cation for invalid youngsters . who were unable to attend regular schools. These elementary and high. school age boys and girls came to; the hospital from cities all over the state. Professor Keeler also served as educational adviser to the southern+ Michigan prison school at Jackson. Born In Disco He was born in 1877 in Disco, Mich. the son of Martin and Flora Keller, and graduated from Mt. Clemens high school. He received his bachelor of' arts degree from the University in 1900, his master's degree in 1910, and his doctor of philosophy degree in 1929. He also studied at Colum- bia and Chicago universities, and taught at the University of Southern California and the University of Georgia. He was a member of the American Association for the 'Advancement of Science, the Michigan Educational Association, the National Education Association, the Exchange Club, the University of Michigan alumni club1 of Ann Arbor, the University club, the American Association of School administrators, the Department of Elementary School principals, Phi Delta Kappa fraternity, and Fra- ternity Lodge, No. 262, F.&A.M. In 1904 he married Lora A. Ham- rick of Michigan City, Ind. He is survived by his wife. A faculty meeting scheduled for Monday by members of the School of Education was, postponed a week in tribute to Professor Keeler. Peace Service Meet Planned For Thursday Gathering Will Pay Tribute To Students And Alumni Who Died In Last War Desire For Peace WillStrikeKeynote A University Peace Service meeting, in which the 300 Michigan students and faculty members who died in the last World War will be remembered by an expression of contemporary stu- dent feeling for peace, will be held at 4 p:m. Thursday in Hlil Auditorium. Sponsored by the Union, League, Congress, The Daily, American Stu- dent Union, Student Religious Asso- ciation, Student Senate, Panhellenic Association, and the Interfraternity. Council, the purpose of the meeting," according to Cal Kresin, Grad., gen- eral chairman, "is to fulfill our obli- gation to the Michigan men who died to end war by re-affirming our desire to remain at peace." Petersen To Talk A keynoting talk by Carl Petersen, '40, managing editor of The Daily, short talks by the Rev. Henry Lewis of St. Andrews Episcopal Church and Robert. Rosa, Grad., president of the American Student Union, and organ music by Palmer Christian, will com- prise the 25-minute program, ac- cording to an announcement by Rob- ert Ulrich, '41, member of the Union Executive Council and chairman of he program committee. The names of those who died in the last war will be written on a large scroll and will be open for public in- spection, Jean Thompson, '40, Pan- hellenic representative and chairman of arrangmeents announced. She is being assisted by Jerry Nitzberg, Grad., of the Fellowship of Recon- ciliation, Don Counihan, '41, Congress, Mary Fran Reek, '40, president of As- sembly, and Mary Honecker, '40 of the League. Other Members Listen Other members of the program committee are Elliott Maraniss, '40, editorial director of The Daily, Dor- othy Shipman, '40, president of the League, Don Treadwell, '42L, president of the Union, and Tom Adams, '40, president of the Interfraternity Coun- cil. Martin Dworkis, '40, president of the Student Senate, and chairman of publicity, is being assisted by Hugo Reichard, Grad., chairman of the Peace Commission of the American Student Union. Transfer Registry To Get War Trade American Union Plans Open House Tomorrow Plans for tomorrow's 1939 edition of the Michigan Union's traditional Open House have been completed ac- cording to Harold Singer, '41, execu- tive council member in charge of the event. Latest notification from the many departments of the University and organizations which are to partici- pate, indicates a number of interest- ing demonstrations and displays, Singer claimed. As part of the regular program, the varsity and freshman swimming teams under Coach Matt Mann, will put on an exhibition and Jimmy Skinner, '43, highly touted breastroker prospect, will be seen in action for the first time. The Glider Club will demonstrate the assembly of the 50-foot sailplane which a member of the club flew across Lake Michigan thissummer. The mineralogy department, more- over, will feature experiments of fluo- rescence with black light on various minerals, and members of the aero- nautical engineering department will have a display in which fluid flow is demonstrated with large water tanks. Free dancing will be held in: the large ballroom with Bill Sawyer's mu- sic between 8 and 10.p.m., At 10 p.m., the Varsity Glee Club will sing a number of campus songs, following. this a drawing will be held in which the holders of the lucky number pro- grams will receive ,free passes to a regular Union dance. ConvicthKillers Are Arraigned Maritime Commission's Action Permits Ships To Fly Panama Flag Eight Boats Involved In Chartering Move Vessels BULLETIN b tl : d b Rapp Questions Gibli As Trial. 4 Nears Co s e Ex-County Clerk Maintains Error In Relief Reports Created Alleged Shortage. By MILTON ORSHEFSKY Through one hour and 35 minutes of .County Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp's direct cross-examination yesterday+ afternoon, Emmett M. Gibb, former county clerk on trial for embezzle-+ ment of relief funds, doggedly stuck to his previous testimony that he had never taken any county funds for his own use, and that the shortage he is accused of making was merely a mistake in the county reports. " Prosecutor Rapp indicated yester- day that he expects the trial to end tomorrow, after Defense Attorney John W. Conlin calls- several "charac- ter" witnesses. Faced with a large fine and im- prisonment if convicted, Gibb. ad- mitted that he had cashed several county relief checks in his own name, but that he didn't use the money for himself. "Sure, I cashed it," he said, refer- ring to a relief check from Ypsilanti City for more than $4,000. "I admit it. But I wasn't taking it for my own use." He testified Friday thathe had "juggled" accounts, drawing checks in his own name, in order to keep up relief payments to various townships who had been delinquent in some of their monthly payments to the county welfare fund. Calmly and laconically, seldom an- (Continued on Page 2) Coach And Violinist1 Meet To Determine Surnames' Origin Fritz Kreisler, violinist, and Fritz Crisler, football coach, met backstage last night following the former's re- cital in Hill Auditorium, shook hands several times, and straightened out the origin of their surnames amid pops of flashlight bulbs. Concerts and the .llinois game were forgotten. as they discussed whether the name Crisler had been originally German or Austrian. Fritz C. agreed with Fritz K. that it had been Ger- Students Claim Over-Confidenice Responsible For Varsity Defeat By KARL KESSLER Their shifting defense was baffling, Into Illinois Memorial Stadium last and Michigan appeared to be asleep Saturday strutted a highly touted a good share of the time. The numer- Michigan squads of potential All- ous fumbles testify to that." Americans to face the underdog Il- John F. Anderson, '40, "I don't be- lini; less than two hours later, that lieve they were serious enough, and same squad limped or was dragged they probably entered the game too out to the amazement of Michigan sure of themselves. Recent newspaper and Illini rooters alike. and magazine articles on their su- What had happened and why? Il periority probably didn't help their linois already had three defeats and mental attitude. As for their con- one tie comprising its record, whereas ference standing, I don't believe this Michigan had been termed the second game seriously impairs that, and I best team in the country, Wherefore think it will serve as an inspiration the transformation? Naturally specu- inthe futSulthorp '40, "Illinois lations have arisen wherever Mon- wanted victory over Michigan and day morning quarterbacks gather, and knew they had to fight for it, while with a view toward skimming a cross- th erinesfigedo rewin. sectional view from the sea of specu- the Wolverines figured on a sure win. lation, your inquiring reporter has It's the old story of an unconquerable made a circuit of the hot-stove league sthe tacomiknow greaoa t o tet to ask-th temkosnwta ohr THE QET NWhCschools are pointing for them and will THE QUESTION: What do you be- play accordingly. Michigan is still lieve happened to Michigan Saturday? one of the best in the country and THE ANSWERS: will prove so against Minnesota." Tomorrow's2 Play To Open Season, Here Final preparations have been com-4 pleted for staging "Family Portrait,"1 Play Production's first play of the1 fall season. Prof. Valentine B. Windt, director of the group announced yesterday. The play will be given9 beginning at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow7 through Saturday in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Tickets for the play are on sale at the theatre ticket office in the League. They are priced at 75, 50 and 35 cents. Telephone drders are being taken at 6300. "Family Portrait," by Lenore Coffee and William Joyce Cowen, enjoyed a long and successful run on Broadway last spring. Play Production will be among the first non-professional organizations in the country to stage the show since its release. The play portrays Jesus' family shorn of all legend and mystery, and laid bare as merely an "everyday" family group. This theme is, carried out in a light and often humorous vein, according to Professor Windt. Action in the play, as well as scen- ery and trappings, are designed to fit any time in history or any loca- tion. This "universality, Professor Windt declares, accounts for much of the play's popularity in New York City. Thompson ToTal To SigmaRho Tau Prof. Milton J. Thompson of the aeronautical engineering department will address members of Sigma Rho Jury Charges Prisoners With Guard's Death I JACKSON, Nov. 6.-(IP)-Six long- term convicts were arraigned late yes-a terday at the Southern Michigan Pris- on on charges of first degree murder in the slaying of inspector of guards Fred Boucher Sunday while attempt- ing to escape from the prison. All six asked examination, whichI was set for 2 p.m., Nov. 15 at the1 prison. The men were brought intoT the warden's outer office for the ar- raignment in single file with in- dividual guards. Other guards were in the lobby and in front.of the prison. The arraignment followed an in- quest, also held at the prison, in which a jury of Jackson businessmenj brought in a verdict that Boucher "met his death from a wound from shot of a gun fired by Sam Sawya, 26, in conspiracy with others to escape from Southern Michigan Prison." Frosh De-Pantsed, Enameled, Clipped In SophBloodlust Black Friday celebrations got off to an early start last night when Tom Dalrymple, '43, Bob Cavanaugh, '43, and Floyd Harrison, '41E, who was assisting them, received free tonsorial treatment, a brand new paint job and pants-removing service by a group of 40 or 50 frosh-hungry sophomores on the Sigma Alpha Epsilon lawn. It all started when Lee Grant, '43, sent threatening postcards to the sophomores in charge of Black Friday festivities in the various fraternities. The recipients of these mysterious warnings, which were signed with Grant's name, banded together in a search for freshman blood. Grant was not found, but the three substi- tutes suited their purpose. The three de-haired, de-pantsed and paint-splattered victims of the re- lentless sophomore bloodlust were cared for in the SAE house after the onslaught, and it is reported that they will be able to hobble to classes to- day if the wind is in their direction. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-(AP)- The Maritime Commission an- nouneed tonight it was deferring "final action" on the United States Lines' application to trans- fer eight of its eleven transatlan- tic vessels to Panamanian regis- try, a step which would allow them to carry goods to the beilig- erents of Europe. Earlier information from the commission had Indicated that It had approved the application to transfer eight of the ships, but after meeting all evening it issued a statemeht at midnight saying: "The Commission is exploring all the circumstances the transfer, as is customary when such applications are filed. ... The Commission hopes tobe able to reach a final decision - promptly." WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-V-P)-The Maritime Commission today permit- ed the United States Lines to trans- fer eight of its eleven transatlantice vessels to registry under the Republic f Panama, a step which will allow them to carry goods to the belliger- ents of Europe. Commissioner Max O'Rell Truitt, discussing the Commission's approval of the company's transfer applica- tions, said there was no contraven- tion of the Neutrality Act, which for- bids American-flag ships to go to the danger zones.- "I don't see any element of a dodge at all; I think it's a completely sound, bona fide situation all around," Trultt said. "Congress unquestionably intended to keep the United States flag from going down in the brine and to.keep United States seamen from losing their lives. "But nowhere in the act does it say' an American citizen couldn't operate a foreign flag vessel with a foreign crew." Title to the vessels will be trans- ferred to a Panamanian corporation. They will carry the Panama flag and will be manned by crews other than United States citizens. Under the Neutrality Act, American citizens as well as ships are ruled out of the com- bat zones. Truitt said the federal government has no financial interest in the ves- sels to be transferred. It has been granting operating subsidies, but these will cease. Thecompany applied for the trans- fer of nine vessels, but approval was given only for eight. Seven of these are the 7,500-ton cargo-passenger carriers: American Banker, American Farmer, American Importer, Ameri- can Merchant, American Shipper, American Trader, and American Traveler. The eighth will be either the Roosevelt or the Harding, in the company's discretion. They are 13,- 869-ton liners. "There isn't any question," said Truitt, "about the fact that these ves- sels could not operate on these trade routes (to Britain, France, and Eire) withl United States crews or under the United States flag. War Summary From World Capitals On November 7 PARIS-French report nine of their planes shoot down nine of 27 German craft. BERGEN-City of Flint cap.- tain says Germans threatened to sink freighter If 'crew gave "any trouble." LONDON-Admiralty spokes- man says German submarine menace "fairly mastered" and British can protect arms ship- mnents from the United States. --