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November 05, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-05

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IlH . O ...n - - '- _ --:.. -... -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

arl Petersen
lliott Maraniss
tan M. Swinton
dorton L. Linder
orman A. schori
>ennis Flanagan
ohn N. Canavan
knn Vicary
del Fineberg

Editorial Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
* Sports Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager s . . . Paul R. Park
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart
Women's Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko
Women's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers
ublications Manager Harriet S. Levy


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily-
staff and represent the views of the writers

Students Don't Govern
At Michigan .
T HE CLAIM that student government
at the University .of Michigan has
been, a gross failure is highly inaccurate; true
i student, government here has never been at-
Last April's Spring Parley indicated recog-
nition of this fact by setting up a committee
"to. study student government at other col-
leges and make recommendations for the
strengthening of student government by invest-
ing specific powers in a democratically elected,
student leadership."
"Student" government, it is admitted, has
not been successful. That was evident last
May when the Men's Council, the then high-
governing body for students, abolished itself
In. its abolition move, however, it provided for
the taking over of its duties by the student
staff of the Union and a projected Judiciary
This newly established Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil was empowered "to direct and consider peti-
tioning of candidates seeking political posts"
and "to act as a judiciary in dealing with stu-
dent offenders." The Council has set up an
intricate code of rules for procedure. It has
as yet to deal with a single offender.
Ethics at "student" elections, moreover, still
exhibit the fairness of a high-geared city poli-
tical machine. Still in open view at the recent
J-Hop and Soph Prom elections were the old
illegitimate political practices of the "flaming-
youth" era. Still existent were the various
campus cliques and machines and. their "per-
suasive" methods to obtain signatures for peti-
tions. Though the situation of several years
ago when there were more votes cast for a stu-
dent 'office than there were eligible student
voters did not present itself (not because stu-
dent machines have suddenly become moral, bt
rather because of the identification card sys-
tem of voting), more sophisticated techniques
;have been developed. The cornering of several
identification cards by one member of the
imachine, thus enabling multiple voting serves
as an example.
The fundamental fact remains that "student"
government has failed, because the students have
not governed. Surveyors of the Daily files re-
veal that all student governments on the Un-
\rersity of Michigan campus have been' virtually
powerless, their efforts limited merely to the
adoption of resolutions and the administration
of some of the minor details of student elections.
Student government without power, moreover,
cannot hope to attract much student interest;
Ws a result, the holding of a student--governing
office has been limited not to those who are
truly interested in student government, but to
those who are much more interested in seeing
their picture in the 'Ensian with a list of in-
Oocuous positions beside it. Because of the
latter desire, student elections have degenerated
into contests between small cliques who are
interested in prestige for themselves, not serv-
iee for the student body.
"Student" government, finally, has not suc-
ceeded because, in many cases, as past issues
of the Daily reveal, it has been the faculty not
the students that have governed. And in such
a case, student interest inevitably decays and

Of ALL Things'
....By Morty-Q....
THE group of eleven men sat around the long
table and talked over the situation. Three
were smoking cigars; four had cigarets; two
pipes; the other two were picking their nails
and nose respectively. One of them rose to
"Gentlemen, as we have already noted, some-
thing definitely must be done. We absolutely
cannot have such an intolerable situation exist-
ing on this campus. It is indecent, that's what
it is."
"Well, Llelywyn, it isn't so much that it's in-
decent as it is undignified. "This from Cigaret
No. 2.
"But something definitely must be done; I
think we are all agreed on that," offered the
The men shook their heads in agreement.
Something had to be done. "And quickly, too,"
was Cigar No. i's suggestion.
"Well," said Pipe No. 2, who seemed to be the
chairman, "It would seem that we are agreed
that Lambeth is to be punished for his dastard-
ly action. But now the question remains as to
severity and the method of our action. What
shall we do about it?"
"Fire him," snorted Cigaret No. 4.
"No, we can't do that; he has a contract."
"And", observed Pipe No. 1, "His grandfather
owns an automobile factory."
"We could make him some kind of a super-
visor or other. You know, where he wouldn't
be in the way too much," Cigaret No. 2 piped
in again.
"No, his contract says that he must stay as
carilloneur. And we can't possibly break that.
You know, gentlemen, the scandal and all that.
No, he must remain as carilloneur, but we have
to think of some way to curb his fiendishness.
Why, if he is allowed to continue our whole
university will be disrupted. Do you realize
gentlemen, that yesterday, when Lambeth was
giving his concert, there wasn't a single student
in class? As soon as he started to play, they all
got up from their seats in the classroom, the li-
brary or wherever they happened 'to be, walked
out into the street; and began to. dance. I tell
you, the man has some fiendish hold over these
students. It's uncanny, that's what it is: un-
"Sort of like the Pied Piper of Hamilton o'
wherever it was," said the Nail-picker. He was
the comedian of the group.
"Well", said Pipe No. 2, the chairman, "I
think the only thing to do is to call him in and
talk to him. Perhaps we can find out from Lam-
beth himself just what he is doing."
He reachedto the side of the table and press-
ed a little button.
N the adjacent office, on the other 'side of the
door, sat a little man with thinning brown
hair. He looked around the office with a peculiar
smile on his face. His right foot lightly tapped
the rug as if in time to some swing number.
The buzzer at the secretary's desk buzzd
and the lady told the little man that he was
wanted in the other room. He thanked her,
got up, still slightly smiling and walked into
the room where the eleven men sat arond the
long table. He sat down at the nearest end, fold-
ed his hands in his lap, and began to tap his
right foot again.
"Well, Lambeth, I suppose you know why
you have been called. The Board cannot under-
stand your action at all. It is utterly incompre-
sible to us. And, as you have been notified, we
think your actions nothing short of disgraceful.
Just what have you to say for yourself, Lam-
Lambeth looked at each of the eleven men
with that same smile. "Nothing."
"But why, when you give your carllon con-
certs, do you make those horrible noises instead
of regular carillon music? And why does this
make the students leave their classroom to dance
in the street?"

Lambeth looked with a surprised look at the
chairman and then around to the other ten.
"Did they really do that?" he asked, almost glee-
"They certainly did," said the Nose-picker.
"And we will not tolerate any of that nonsense
from you. Why can't you play what you are
supposed to play? Why must you make those
weird noises on the carillon?"
"Weird noises? Those aren't weird noises,"
repliedthe little carilloneur. "That's the Ji/e."
"The what?"
"The Jive-makes you hep on the mellow
The eleven men looked at each other and
then back to the little man. The little man was
now tapping his foot quite hard and increasing
the tempo of the beats.
"Will you please repeat that," asked Cigaret
No. 3.
"That's the Jive, man. Hep, .hep. Palomar,
The eleven hen looked from one to the other
-empty faced looks. Then they asked more
questions and looked some more. And the little
man kept on tapping harder and harder until
his whole body shook and swayed. And all the
eleven men could find out about this Jive was
that when Lambeth sat down in front of the
carillon keyboard, he was seized with this in-
controllable urge to "beat it out," and then, be-
fore he knew it, he was "in the groove." They
did not quite understand. At first they asked
if it was possible for him to stop; the little man
said it came over him without warning and there
was nothing he could do about it. And when
they demanded that he either stop or be fired,
he just smiled and tapped his foot and called:
"hep, hep."

Tomorrow evening Fritz Kreisler will appear as
soloist in the second of this season's Choral
Union concerts. Mr. Kreisler has chosen from
his repertoire the D major Concerto of Vivaldi
(transcribed by Kreisler), the D major Concerto
of Tschaikowsky (revised by Kreisler), and a
group of five original works by himself. His ac-
companist will again be Carl Lamson.- ,
Bernard Shaw once remarked that if criticism
is to have any effect on concerts, it must clearly
be published before they come off. That is all
very well if the critic has anything to say in the
first place. But a program such as Mr. Kreisler
has chosen for tomorrow evening leaves one
more with the feeling that it would be wiser to
discuss the spiritual obituary of Igor Stravinsky
than attempt to say anything about a program
the first half of which consists of two concertos
both in the key of D major, and the latter half
of a group of original works which as far as this
reviewer is concerned rather hang in limbo than
suffer the blessing of heaven or the curse of
Is Successor To Joachim
Frankly, I do not know what to say anent Mr.
Kreisler or his program. If there were more
data and I had the least suspicion the reader
would approve, I would expound the attributes
of Mr. Lamson as an accompanist. Howevery,
that would not only be unkind to Mr. Kreisler but
also to Mr. Lamson; since, in the works chosen, it
is the business of the accompanist to remain in
the background. If attention were called to him
in a concert preview, it would be the writer's
eternal shame that no possibility was afforded
the player to justify that ecomum. Suffice it
to say that Mr. Lamson 'is of that rare class of
accompanists who guarantee that Brahms did
music a great service in writing as much for the
'accompanist' as for the 'soloist.'
Lest the reader suspect that my reticence to
croon the praises of Mr. Kreisler is due to an un-
favorable regard for that atrist's musicianship,
let me dispel any such notion at once by stating
that I believe he is the ideal successor to Joseph
Joachim. Though I have never heard Joachim.,
he being somewhat before my time, yet I have
read his praises: and I have heard Mr. Kreisler
on more than one occasion. As far as I have
been able to make out there has been no fall-
ing off. And that seems to me sufficient praise
for any artist!
Criticizes Program Choice
But-and you can depend upon it there will
always be a but when a young man in . his
his twenties takes to writing with a chip on his
shoulder-I do not at all like Mr. Kreisler's
choice of program. He still may be the master
interpreter, the rightful heir to Joachim; 'but
in furthering the cause of music as a progres-
sive dynamic art through which the people of
our own time would like to hear themselves ex-
pressed, he is as ungracious as were the Irish
printers when it came to publishing the works
of the youthful Joyce. Oh, I am well aware
that in the late nineteenth century Mr. Kreisler
performed the works of his contemporaries, or
near contemporaries, Vieuxtemps and Max
Bruch; and that later he introduced even the
gentlemanly Elgar. And however watery and
nondescript these composers were, it is all to
Mr. Kreisler's credit that he gave them to the
public for appraisal. But that is not now the
Kreisler that I am talking about. I am now
referring to the superb violinist who, since the
twenties of the present century, has failed to
take up the cause of any but the most con-
formable writers, at least in his concerts in
Ann Arbor.
It used to be-it was so with Joachim and
Liszt-that prominent instrumentalists, singers
and conductors, took it upon themselves to be
responsible for the advertisement of some con-
temporary writer who, they felt, had something
to say but who could not make himself heard
except through the avenue of the concert stage.
Most outstanding composers are exceptional
performers also But obviously they cannot
perform equally well on every instruments for
which they write. It is the duty of every artist
and critic to combat (yes, a positive aggressive
act of war) this tendency of performers to sati-
ate a twentieth century public with an overdose

of ancestral worship.
Lauds Mature Craftsmanship
In all this I have apparently failed to take
into account the fact that Mr. Kreisler is devot-
ing the whole latter half of his program to
modern music-his own music. That is all very
well, but Mr. Kreisler knows as well as I do
that the greater mass of his music is neither
modern nor even representative. One can hard,
ly call representative music written admittedly
as an imitation of the spirit and structure of
eighteenth century formalism. And though
Mr. Kreisler has done work on his own, it still.
sounds too much like Sarasate via incipient Satie
for us to laud it as a new voice in the annals
of music literature.
All that I have said may sound somewhat
unkind, though I do not mean it is such. No
one holds in higher esteem than I the mature
craftsmanship and musical insight of Fritz Kreis-
ler. But it seems to me that we do want some-
thing more than a re-hashing of the old state-
ments, we do want to hear what the people of
our own time have to say through tone, color,
and verse about the problems of our own time,
and we do want to experience sympathy and
encouragement from the most illustrious of our
interpreters for the writers of today.
. . Bom, Bom, Bom, Bom-the quarter-hour
notes. More silence as the last echo nF the rom


Drew Pedrsou
Robert S.AIen
WASHINGTON-The confidential
dispatches from Europe are buzzing
with conflicting reports regarding
the British and the Russians. The
reports happen to be absolutely true,
nevertheless they don't make sense.
For instance, it is a secret but ac-
tual fact that a British ship left
Odessa, Russian port on the Black
Sea, not long ago loaded with $10,-
000,000 worth of the latest Russian
military equipment for the Chinese
armies. This equipment was not
cast-off stuff which the Russians
did not need, but up-to-date wea-
pons of war.
The Japanese knew about it, and
tried through diplomatic channels
to stop it. But the ship arrived in
Rangoon, port of British Burma, just
the other day and its cargo is now
in Chinese hands.
The ship, it should be noted, was
British, and it took Russian arms to
a British port. In other words, the
British and Russian Governments,
officially none too friendly, are work-
ing together behind the scenes when
it comes to combating the Japanese
in China.
Another diplomatic cross-current
is the British suggestion, so far un-
official, to send Anthony Eden, ex-
Foreign Minister, to Russia as Am-
bassador. Under the same plan, the
French would send to Moscow ex-
premier Edouard Herriot, one of the
most important figures in France.
Behind this proposal is a group of
liberals in both Britain and France
who believe in trying to win Russia
away from Hitler. It is the same
group which urged a Russian alliance
before Hitler beat them to it.
Vigorously opposed to them are
conservative members in both the
French and British cabinets who are
worried over Russia's designs on In-
dia, and fear that the fall of Hit-
ler would lead to bolshevism or at
least "democracy" in German. In
other words, they fear the menace of
revolution as much as the menace of
Note-This gives one clue as to
why ex-President Benes has been
given little Allied support in organ-
izing a revolutionary movement
among the Czechs. Benes is classed
as a liberal and a Russian sympa-
America's most unique opera or-
ganization-the San Carlo Company
-carried the Wilson Theatre in De-
troit by storm Friday evening with
opera's celebrated double feature pro-
l gram-"Cavalleria" and "Pagliacci."
The theatre rang with applause
time and time again as the singers,
admirably accompanied by Carlo Pe-
roni and the San Carlo's orchestra,
gave what has been considered by
many one of the best performances
of their careers.
The sterling calibre of the perfor-
mance can be attributed to the San
Carlo Company's recognizing the
great popularity of the two operas
and its unstinted use of the best tal-
ent at its command.
"Cavalleria" starred the Company's
budding young soprano, Norina Gre-
co, as the Sicilian peasant girl-San-
tuzza. Her liquid voice was refresh-
ing to say the least and more than
made up for her inadequate acting.

Sharing equal billing with Miss
Greco were Myra Manning as Mam-
ma Lucia, keeper of the inn and Syd-
ney Rayner as Turiddu, her son.
Mascagni's purpose, the telling of
a sombre tale, was defeated more
than once during the course of the
performance. Little mannerisms of
the actors and the comical slapstick
between Turiddu and Alfio when the
latter confronts Turiddu with the ac-
cusation of paying court to his wife
-all these caused ripples of laughter
to run through the audience.
"Pagliacci"-the second offering of
the evening-included masterful per-
formances by Mostyn Thomas as To-
nio, the clown, and by Francesco
Curci as Beppe, Harlequin in the play
within the play. Thomas' prologue
and his characterization of the evil
scheming hunchback left nothing to
be desired. Curci, on the other hand,
did not seem in as fine voice as he
should have been. Yet, his Sob Song
could hardly have been better.
They were ably assisted by Leola
Turner as Nedda, (Columbine in the
play was in the play, Aroldo Lindi as
Canio; and Stefan Kozakevich as Sil-
vio, a young rustic.
The company will continue in De-
troit for this coming week and to-
night's performance will be "La Tra-
viata." Tomorrow and Tuesday will
feature "Faust" and "Tannhauser"
Congress To Consider
I' r t r t _rfirn H rs + r


(Continued from Page 3)]
Women's Athletic Building will open
for the season on Monday, Nov. 6.
Hours: 3:15 to 6:00 and 7:00 to 9:00
Monday through Friday, and 3:00 toT
6:00 on Saturday afternoon.
Junior and Senior Medical Stu-
dents: All classes for the Junior and
Senior medical students will be dis-
missed from 1:30 to 2:30 P.M., No-
vember 10, in order that members of
these classes may attend a lecture]
by Dr. Hugh Hampton Young, Pro-
fessor of Urology at Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, which will be
given in the University Hospital Am-
phitheater at 1:30 P.M.
Academic Notices
English 127: Make-up for Classroom
Exercise to be held Monday, Nov. 6,
4 p.m., in Room 2225 A.H.
Choral Union Concert: Fritz Kreis-
ler, violinist, with Carl Lamson, at
the piano, will give a recital in the
Choral Union Series in Hill Auditori-
um Monday evening, Nov. 6, at 8:30
o'clock. A limited number of season
and single concert tickets are avail-
able at the School of Music office.,
Graduation Recital: Albert Zbin-
den, B.M., will give a piano recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree in the School of Music Audi-.
torium on Maynard Street, Tuesday
evening, November 7, at 8:15 o'clock.
The public is invited.
Architectural Building Exhibition:
An exhibit of wood sculpture by
Mr. Seth M. Velsey of Dayton, Ohio,
is being shown in the ground floor
cases of the Architectural Building.
Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday un-
til November 19. The public is cor-
dially invited.

Dr. Gould Wickey, General Secre-
tary of the Church Boards of Educa-
tion, will speak in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, this evening at 8 p.m., on
the topic, "Living With Others." Dr.
Wickey's address, which is open to the
public, will conclude the Inter-Guild
Conference in which the National
Secretaries of seven Protestant De-
nominations are taking part.
Today s Events
Graduate Outing Club: All.gradu-
ate students who enjoy outdoor ac-1
tivities are invited to comd to the
Club Room of the Graduating Out-
ing Club in the Rackham Building at
2:30 p.m. today.
After a brief business meeting,
there will be hiking, bicycling and.
games. Supper in the Club Room.
Eta Kappa Nu: Meeting in the
Michigan Union today at 7 p.m.
Those wishing to eat in a group will
meet as usual at 6:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Club will
have as its speaker today Dr.
Mary Markley, one of our National
Secretaries. Rev. Fred Schiotz will
be there also. The fellowship hour
from 5:30 to 6:00 will be followed by
dinner at 6 p.m.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Prof. Otto Laporte
on, "Ein japanisches Schatzhaus aus
dem achten Jahrhundert."
Romance Languages Journal Club:
will hold its annual reception in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
League Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 8:15
Prof. Arthur Hackett has gracious-
ly consented to participate in the
program. He will present a selection'
of French songs.
Graduate students in the depart-
ment are cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 P.M., Wednesday" No-
vember 8. The subject to be dis-
cussed is "Some Phases of the Prob-
lem of Blood Coagulation." All in-
terested are invited to attend.
Seminar in Continued Fractions
will be held Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
in 3201 A. H. Dr. Greville will speak,
on "Continued Fractions in Inter-
polation by Reciprocal Differences."
The Social Committee of the
League members are to report at the
Union from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., Tues-
day, NoVember 7, to participate in
the International Settlement square

Publications Building for the pur-
pose of selecting material for. the
next issue' of Perspectives.
Women's Intercollegiate Debate:
Meeting for first Conference Debate,
Tuesday, 7 p.m., Room 3209 Angell
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
6:30 p.m., Dr. George Oliver Taylor
of St. Louis, Mo., National Student
Work Director for the Disciples of
Christ, will address the Guild.
7:30 p.m., Social hour and refresh-
mnets. The Guild will go in a group
to the Rackham Amphitheatre for
the Inter-Guild rally at 8 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser-
mon by The Rev. Henry Lewis, and
Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten at Harris Hall; 6:00 p.m. Stu-
dent meetin, Harris Hall., Buffet
supper. Speaker, The Rev. Charles
Cadigan, Rector of Christ Church
Cranbrook, former Chaplain to Epis-
copal students at Amherst. At 7 :45
pm. meeting will adjourn to Rack-
ham Auditorium.


First Church -of Christ, Scientist.
Morning service at '10:30. Subject:
"Adam and Fallen Man."
Golden Text: "Ephesians 5:14.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints:.Sunday School and Dis-
cussion group 9:30 a.m.. Chapel,
Women's League.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "'The Quest
for Christ."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class at Stalker Hall under the lead-
ership of Mr. Lawrence. Vredvoogd.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 rn. at
the Methodist Church. Dr. Heil, D.
Bollinger, national secretary of the
Wesley Foundations will speak on
"The World Mission of' the Chris-
tion Religion." Fellowship hour and
supper following the meeting.
Trinity Lutheran Church, William
and Fifth Ave. Morning worship,
10:30 a.m. Sermon by Dr. Gould
Unitarian Church: 1r am. "Every-
man's Psychiatry" sermon by Rev.
I3. P.Marley'
7:30 p.M.'Liberal Students' Union
-rof. Roy Wood Sellars will dis-
cuss "The Liberal Implications of
the Prbtestant Revolt."
9 o'clock, Social Hour.
First Congregational Church:
10:45 a.m. Public worship. The
title of Dr. Parr's sermon is "On Be-
ing Alive."
6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will
meet at the church for supper.
7 p.m. Prof. J. P. Slusser will ad-
dress the group on "American Mu-
ral Art."
Zion Lutheran Church: Morning
worship at 10:30 a.m. Semon by
Rev. Stellhorn.
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., "Religious Convictions of Tui-
tion and Intuition" will be the sub-
ject of Dr. W: P. Lemon's sermon at
the Morning Worship Service./
4:30 p.m., Vesper Service - Holy
Communion and reception of . new
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu-
dent group, will meet, for a supper
and fellowship hour. There will be
a talk by the Rev. J. Maxwell Adams,
of Philadelphia, on "A Student's Re-
Hillel Foundation: Reform services
will be held at the Hillel Founda-
tion today at 11 a.m. Dr. Isaac Ra-
binowitz will deliver the sermon en-
titled "The Jewish Way."
St. Mary's Catholic Chapel: Sun-
day Sermon: "There Is a God".
Masses: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11:30
a.m. Tuesday, Apologetics Class at
5:10 in the Chapel. The lecture this
week is "The Church and Evolution".
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual
Help at 7:30 p.m. Following the No-
vena will be Benediction and confes-
sions. Thursday at 5:10, Apologetics
Class on "Original Sin and the Im-
maculate Conception". At 7:30 there
will be a lecture on "Explanation of
the Mass", in the Chapel. This is
being given at the request, of Lane
Hall and is open to everyone.' Satur-
day confessions at 3:30 to 5:30 and
7:30 to 9:30. Weekday masses at 7
Student Evangelical Chapel: Stu-
dents and friends interested in evan-
gelical.christianity are invited -to at-
tend the Sunday worship services
conducted by Dr. G. Goris..of Grand

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