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November 05, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-05

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Don't Look Yet,Mrs. Garner


Among the many gavels in Vice-President Garner's collection is a
new one of Florida cedar carved with his likeness, cigar and all. In a
playful mood, he is shown about to bring it down on the unsuspecting
head of Mrs. Garner. He immediately thought better of the idea,
Emphasis On Student Morality
Refcted In Early Regulations
By EMILE GELE By 1863 the University had grown
Development of morality wa s a into such a complex organization that
more direct purpose of college educa- stricter rules were necessary to main-
tion back in 1855 than it is today, ac- tain the established moral standard.
cording to the official University by- Being more specific than laws of
law filed in the Historical Collections former years, Section 46 stipulated,
at the Rackham Building. "No student shall be allowed to fre-
Modern students wno feel self- quent gaming houses, play at cards,
righteous at attending weekly church or practice any species of gambling,
services should refer to rule n.umber or attend gaming or drinking saloons,
one, which decreed, "There shall be or be guilty of profaneness, or any
daily morning and evening prayers at act of violence, or keep the company
such hours as the faculty may con- of persons of ill repute, or be guilty
sider most convenient and proper, of any other known vice; and the use
and all the students are required of intoxicating drinks is prohibited."
to be present at these religious ex- Apparently a crime wave of apple
ercises." And it was reinforced by polishing struck the campus in the
rule two, saying, "Each student is early '60's, for Section 50 solemnly
required to attend divine worship prescribed, "Presents to the officers
every Sabbath, under the direction of- the University, from the students
of his parent or guardian." or any class of them, are prohibited,
Class Skipping Discouraged and officers are requested to decline
Binding on habitual class skippers their accepance if tendered."
with kind professors who do not en-_
force the present rule on absences,
would be law four, warning, "When-' Rdo R
ever the unexcused absences, failures Katternborn, To Speak
or tardiness of any studentshall have
amounted to five absences, from a
daily exercise, his parent or guardian Eighty-five broadcasts in eighteen
shall be informed of the fact, and days is the record hung up during
when such account amounts to. 10 September, 1938, by H. V. Kalten-
absences from a daily exercise, he born, famous news analyst for the
shall be considered as dismissed by Columbia Broadcasting System, who
his 'own act.'will speak here soon in the Oratorical
his ow act."Series.
There was also a decree which, if While trpps were mobiilzed and
still in effect, would result in a week- statesmep haggled at Munich, Mr.
ly queue of Ypsilanti-goers extending Katenborn read newst reports, talked
from President Ruthven's front door by radiophone to correspondents in
to the Field House, Commandent European capitals and digested and
eight read; "No studentshall leaveEpan dtlstanies.and;
town during a term without obtain- explained the latest news over a net-.
ing ermisionof he Pesidnt. work of more than 100 stations. Time
ing. permission of~ the President.was so limited that he was forced to
Even then the traveling student had eat and sleep in a studio. With the
to steer clear of his own home, for outbreak of the war, Mr. Kaltenborn
"No student shall be excused to re- has resumed his broadcasting, but
turn home unless at the written re- this time, it is said, on a more leisure-
quest of his parent or guardian.". ly schedule.
No Card Sharpers Allowed
Woe to the student caught lighting
a firecracker or playing pinochle, and Talks On Jewish Way
thprhv vin.n rp r 1 -1') la_

NOTES FROM Damp Ann rbor
ByoJune McKee
t was a sweeping stride towa This damp Ann Arbor weather of
better broadcasting that television the last few weeks will not affect
took the other night. . . The six re-- the to e of the carillon bells. In
Hopwood winners 'may fnOW follow ceiving sets around Hill Auditorium's fact, they can be heard better in
the activities of their colleagues in stage were keenly rivalled by the front damp weather, although listening is
a mimeographed bulletin which will lobby's sending studio. There Jerry harder on the audience. Prof. Perci-
be published two or three times a Wiesner, Grad., and Mary Lou Me- val Price, University carilloieur, thus
year and mailed to all former prize Kisson, '41, well mastered the care- assures those who are afraid the
-recipients. The bulletin, combined monies during the interviews that carillon concerts will suffer from
with the afternoon teas held regular- Duane Nelson, Grad., collected-to a the dampness.
ly in the Hopwood Room are designed consequent, =fine varied showing of Professor Price, who became caril-.
to bring the group closer together local talent from fields of song, mu- loneur at the University of Michigan
and through integration to extend sic, dance and drama . . . RCA took Sept. 1, sits in his office high up in
the influence of the contests. pictures for "Life" and those of us the tower rehearsing, *riting or ar-
*" * involved in this initial television show- ranging music for the carillon, or
Harold Courlander, twice a win- ing here have an experience well- teaching classes. - In his capacity
ner, will soon publish "Haiti Sing- worth remembering and relating to as a professor he teaches three class-
ing" a book dealing with folk songs future followers . . . es in the composition of music.
from Haiti through the North Caro- Varied Career
lina Press. Mr. Courlander received NOTABLE NOTES ... Formerly Dominion Cariloneur in
a $250 minor award in drama the The prowess of Michigan's football Ottawa, Ontario, Price made a guest
first year of the contests, 1931, and team and Tom Harmon is even appearance in Ann Arbor last fall.
the next year was presented a $1,250 praised by Bing Crosby's Kraft Music His first appointment was in Toron-
major award in the essay division. Hall, at this punchy program's half- to in 1922. He had been studying
***hour mark wherein colelgiate doings organ but knew the fundamentals
Hubert S. Skidmore, a $1,500 fic- sway conversation . . . of playing a carillon. He studied in
tion winner in 1935, received his For the entertainment of the state's Europe and later was the first non-
third novel from the presses late last CCC boys, the Collegiate-Quiz copies European to obtain a degree from a
summer with the publication of "Riv- of Hanky Pankies and guess-what Belgian school of the carillon. In
er Rises," a romance for children sketches are now being passed among 1925 he became carilloneur at the
by Doubleday Doran. His second them, at their request . . . Thdckefeller Memorial Carillon in New.
volume was entitled "These Silent WEEKEND AIRINGS... York City. Two years later he went
Hillse " was-ntito Ottawa to- play -the carillon at
- This morning "Join The Choir" the Peace Tower of the House of
Seven former winners are now on features dramatization with its hymn Parliament.
Seve forer innes ae no onsinging. Ted Mattson, '41, Doris Barr, A highpiti rf Piescre
campus assisting in the Hopwood '40, Ransom Miller, '40, and Jean Van ca hi point prin of. Price's career
Room, teaching romance languages Raalte, '40, do selections while Mary came ing then Qn of nthsglar when
or English, or working in the Chil- Frances Reek, '40Ed, narrates. Mar- i d Canada and the United States.
dren's Theatre. Seven others are gery Soenksen, Grad., and Duane He played for.them;while they: were
workingon material to be published. Nelson direct. intheyCanadian apital. Besides
Frances Jennings Stillman, a ma- Comes then the third "Marital Re- his appearance here ast year he
eurneciptoth" icount fwitcnthes, atons" broadcas at 1:1 p oe has given guest performayces in
ru rnd itoAthis cuntr y ither WJR"many places in Europe and this- con-
husband in August from Liverpoo linquent" is discussed by Dr. Lowell tinent.
where they have been for the past J. Carr, Director of the Michigan.rT
twoyers.Ma-kui ia mjo ChldGudane nsttue.Marguerite ~ Similar To Piano
award winnerin j36i Cnow, - dance I-nsttue. "The keyboard of the carillon is
awar winer n 196 i nowem-Mink, '41, will announce, and so startmuh-letatofhepin"d-
ployed on the staff of the "Far Eas- off a week wherein girls get to test lared Professor Price. "It is dif-
tern Magazine in New York. their announcing abilities by taking ferent from the organ because no
a turn at the mike. stops are used to produce the effects."
California's Deportation Monday, music and drama domin- ThE tone depends more on the play-
ate the dial around WMBC at 2:15er. touch than does that of the or-
Of Indigenits i tre rtuhta os hto h
I Sae p.m. Louis Quall, '41, announces. gan. The great variety of tones pro-
HANFORD, Calif., Nov. 4.-(P)- Then, the Pulp and Paper Labora- duced by a carillon, 'the unusual and
A penniless family of eight was or- tory will be explored for ether at delicate shadings of tone maike it one
dered to return to Missouri in the 3:30 p.m., WJR. On this Campus Of the most beautiful of instruments."
'first court action to rid Kings Coun- Research Tour, for the sake of "Mike' Music for the carillon i's 'usually
ty of indigents from the Midwest. and audience, Prof. Waldo Abbot
William George, cotton picker, delves into the model paper mill of the home front Under the con-
chose to return to Arbyrd, Mo., with equipped to make and test sheets of stnt bombardment of war news
his widowed aunt and her six chil- paper. The announcer is Richard propaganda and oratory, they stop
dren rather than serve a six-month Slade, '41. to analyze their own feelings, fromn
jail sentence. "WHAT ARE WE GOING personal and general standpoints.
The aunt, Mrs. Beulah George, said TO DIE FOR?" -s'
These discussions, to end next
she persuaded her nephew to bring Finally, NBC continues the "Youth- Monday, are being studied word for
her family here when she heard that Questions-the-Headlines" conference, word by a committee of educators
California paid morehfor the sup- at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow. Herein the and experts on news and psychologi-
port of orphan children. They young men and women representing cal-propaganda analysis to determine
arrived Oct. 19. the new "war generation" reveal the war generation's state of opinion,
their opinions on war and peace. and how it is being affected.
A War Without Words The students represent all view-__
points, kinds of background, ances-
BERLIN, Nov. 4.-(AP)-Internal af- try, education, political opinion, oc-
fairs held the attention of most Ger- cupation, faith, income level and per-
man officials tonight as army chiefs sonal history. Recognizing them-
completed a week of the shortest selves as a potential "lost generation"
series of communiques experienced if war should come, they will act as
by the Reich since the war started. i reporters and fighters in the first line
$ Of seeialIntret I- Uni,

Weather Aids
arranged by the carilloneur from
compositions written for other in-
struments. Very little modern music
has been written for the carillon, but
some of the works of the earlier
composers have survived through the
years that carillons were never played.
The skill of the individual player is
shown in his arrangements and the
-music he himself has written. Pro-
-fessor Price has 'written 'several
pieces, some of which have been
published. He has also written one
book, the leading authority on the
carillon.' In 1-934 he received the
Pulitzer Prize in music, awarded by
Columbia University.
To play the carillon Professor Price
sits on a long bench in front of a
keyboard with handles and pedals
arranged like the'keys of the piano.
The pedals and the keys both work
the same bells, allowing the caril-
loneur to use more tones simultan-
eously. He hits the keys with 'his
fists (or his fingers to produce a
chord);' the -pedals are also used.
Hard Muscular Work
It is as hard musculat work for
the carilloneur to rehearse as it is
to play a concert. A replica of the
keyboard, with the hammers at-
tached to metal bars instead of bells,
is used for the practice. During
the actual concerts Professor Price
sits among the bells in a small, glass-
enclosed office just next' to the' big-
gest of the 53 bells, the one that
chimes the hours.
'The concerts every noon, Sunday
afternoons and Thursday evenings
are Professor Price's contributions -to
the musical tradition of the campus.
Dr. Hugh Hampton Young
To Give Medical Lecture
Dr. Hugh Hampton Young, profes-
sor of urology at Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, will give an extra-
curricular medical lecture at 1:30 p.m.
Nov. 10 in the University Hospital
Dr. Young is well known as the
founder of the magazine, "Journal
of Urology." He has contributed over
350 articles on urology to medical
publications all over the world.
Medical classes will be excused in
order to permit the students- to at-
tend the lecture.
Eta Kappa Nu To Meet
Eta Kappa Nu, honor society of the
electrical engineering department,
will hold a membership meeting -at 7
p.m. today in the Michigan Union. It
will be preceded by the usual group
dinner at 6:30.


_3.5 79P.M.


She was made for love . . . are secrets that every woman
young, beautiful, thrilling knows, that no woman speaks
love! But what decent man of ... revealed by-the genius
would marry her now? Here of the screen's finest actress!

Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of
the Hillel Foundation, will give a
talk on the "Jewish Way" at 11,a.m.
today at the Foundation, during.the
Sunday morning Reform Services.




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