'11-H E -M T C: 14 T CA 1'1T-.- gal A 'TI V. : 7c+tw ern ,a v n:.7 Tntr _ i . Ti allM Z FRIDAYANC ov. 3, 193; r N r l J I .Th4e Administration's neutralIity bill;'passed by the' Senate after a four weeks' debate, was sent to a House of Represenitatives whose leaders were hopeful of a final vote before, the end of 'the week. Shown studying tho measure befoare a meeting of the Rules Committee are, .left to right: Rep. Patrick Boland, Democratic whip; Rep."A. 3. Sabath, chairmnan of the Rules Committee; and Speaker, William Baflkhead. BEAU) BRL7M'MEL' IN BERLIN-The arm with which +Germnany 's well-tailored foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, created a sensation_ in Lon don in February, 1937, when he gave a- Nazi salute on bein~ presented 'to King Gorge. VI, was'-still: mnaking history _in. 1939. This year found-: him .byusy ;signing documents, the most im-nortant being that'of Aug.-4 'when (wearing "civics") he sighed the Russo-Gerwnan pact, 'voi ding Germany's anti-canjintern. His Oct: 25 Dan zig spee'ch predicted' "war' to the .efld,'' dealt gently with France, professed friendship for U.S.' SALESMAN-Sun of Hitler's: aur- rent favor is repoited ,to be shint- inxg" on suave, blue-eyed; Joacimx Vonl Ribbentrop, :who, sold chain- pagnie before-hb bees-ic a N1azi diplom1a t. Two- Peruvian brother, WmbE~rto. (left) of the air force, and Victor, Gal'lino6 of 'the army, took off from Nett York on a propsoed noni-stop flight to L.ima, ,Peru, a distance of 4,014 miles. The, Gal'lino brothers are shown 'before the, takeoff, which was delayed almost two weeks by weather, examining a prap painted on the nose of their ship. The Lone Agce,". Charles Augustus Lindbergh; whose hope th at. the Unitcd States -w'ed maintain.an embargo oni "offensive 'eap nl" was m, ~hedyesterday when the lcusv of .Representatives follawed thejlead atfthe Sinot Y = rep 2aling the presient Neutrality Act. POWER FOR "O.$S T'-There's. a lot of power here, thinks Gernai~gn~r ~tir~i~Sanic! eAthe motorslhip "North Star" as lie C xx'.mines The valve assemlbl-y of thet longest Diesel engine in any Ship in the Ui.S. It is .3 5feet ltmc > weighs 1.10 tons, has,11525 horsepower and wi l lauh fth "NorthSii~ at 12 knolls when ship leaves Buo tor. with JEy:rd party. SPRITT MAY MEAN LIFE O9 DEATH-Into the "disaster bus," newest emergency ambulance unit at New York's Bellevue hospital; hurry doctors acid nurses called,- out on an emergency. The busses are amply stocked with medical supplies apt to be needed on this errand of mercy. The "disaster bus," which carries 13 doctors and 13 nurses, rolls at a nmoment's notice. ;: :.