TH E MCHI GAN DAILY Ann al Parley Of Accountants To Be Nov. -1 Round Table Discussions And Lectures Highlight Conference Program The 15th annual Michigan Ac- counting Conference, sponsored by the Michigan Association of Certi- fled Public Accountants, will be held here Friday, Nov. 10, Prof. R. P. Syiggs, of the economics department and the School of Business Adminis- tration, announced yesterday. president Ruthven will deliver an address of welcome to the delegates at a luncheon which will be held at 12:3.0 p.m. in the League. Charles H. Lang, advertising manager of the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., will address the informal ban-* quet for the delegates which will be held at 6:15 p.m. in the Union. A special ladies' program has been arranged, permitting the ladies ac- companying delegates to attend all entertainment features of the con- ferenee as well as a luncheon at Bar- ton Hills Country Club and a social period at 2:30 p.m. in the ladies' lounge of the Rackham Building. The conference is to include round table discussions of topics of inter- est to all persons engaged in account- ing. Vernon J. Brown, Auditor-Gen- eral of Michigan, will give a talk on the "Effects of Changing State Re- lationships" and George o. May of Price, Waterhouse and Co., New York, will address the conference at 11 a.m. in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building on "Valuation or Historical Cost; Some Rcent Developments." Corman G. Blough of Arthur An- derson and Co. of Chicao, and Harry M. Trevo of White Bower, and Trevo of fetroit, will address the delegates at 2:30 p.m. in the Rackham auditorium. Capt. Will Judy To Speak Here Famous Dog Authority Will Discuss Rabies Capt. Will Judy of Chicago, noted editor of "Dog World" magazine, and Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, director of the University's Pasteur Institute, will highlight the program of the annual meeting of the Michigan Fed- eration of Humane Societies, to be held onorrow in the League. Captain Judy, who will speal at 3 p.m., is famous throughout the country for his lecture, "Calling a Man a Dog" and has been general cairman of National Dog Week for se'erar years. He has written sev- eral books, among them the popular Dog Encyclopedia and "Training the Dog." Dr. Emerson will speak on "Rabies -Its Extent in the United States," stressing the Michigan problem. Dr. R. Craven of the American' Iumane Association will speak at 2 p.m. At 4 p.m. there will be 'a' general discussion and, at 5, those interested will visit the local society's shelter. The morning willbe taken up with a business meeting, and at 12:30 the members will be welcomed at lunch by Mrs. Guy Mullison, President of the Ann Arbor Humane Association. Angell Will Speak At NIiLeFoundaion Prof. Robert C. Angell, acting chair- man of the sociology department will give a talk on "Men and Books Which Have Infinenced My Mind" at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation, fol- lowing the regular Friday night Con- servative Services. The main part of Professor An- gell's speech will be devoted to a dis- cussion of Prof. Charles H. Cooley who tauglit sociology when Profes- sor Angell was a student here. This is the third in a series of talks which are given at the same time and on the same topic every Friday night by various members of the faculty. Prof. Stocking Co-Author Of Pharmacy Text Book A new pharmacy . text book, "Fun- damentals of Pharmacy, has just been published by Prof. Charles H. Stocking of the College of Pharmacy in conjunction with Walter H. Blome of Wayne University. The book also has a dhapter on hospital pharmacy written by Ed- ward C. Watts, Assistant Chief Phar- macist of the University Hospital. Here Is In Today's News Summary The men who keep accounts of pu- pils' records in school systems will hold their annual convention Dec. 8, in Lansing, it was decided in a meet- ing in Ann Arbor Wednesday. A special committee made the plans for the state meeting . . . county school commissioner Julius W. Haab was host to the visitors. Ann Arbor will offer a musical prayer for peace on Nov. 11, Ar- mistice Day . .'. with a special program to be played on the bells of the Charles Baird caril- lon. Percival Price, University carillorneur, will present the concert .. which will include tunes from the various nations involved in the World W. Prof. James B. Edmondson, of the School of Education, has accepted an invitation to serve on the advisory board of the American Camping As- sociation. The Association has its. national headquarters in Ann Arbor. The Community Fund drive has now reached $6,370 . . . and the drive doesn't end until Monday. The goal is $55,000 ... the workers have been soliciting pledges for two days now. Stan- ley G. Waltz is general chairman. * * * * - The new Kadette Radio Corp. has started manufacturing operations in Ann Arbor . . . a portable radio- phonograph and a automatic clock radio are the first products. The location of the firm is 200 Hill St. Search For RAar Dead FishfKe By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN Dead fish, live chickens, rare win jugs, barrel hoops, a full breakfast, small child-yes, these and man other oddities must be "begged, bo rowed or stolen" by Play Production properties man for the organization forthcoming play, "Family Portrait to be given Wednesday through Fr day, Nov. 8-11, in the Lydia Mende ssohn Theatre. The man in question, James Mo has had long experience in collectin "props," and he knows exactly whe to go and what to do in all eventual ties. His most valuable sources ib clude the city dump, house attic farms and local stores. Chief difficulty in constructing an obtaining the various properti needed for "Family Portrait," Mo explained, is the fact that no artic should be indicative of time or loc tion. The play, which portrays Jest family shorn of all legend and my tery, has been designed to fit an time or place, he added, so the "prop must carry out that idea. Patterns, therefore, must be simp in the extreme, he said, and fril reminiscent of any period will be elim inated. Colors will be plain, wit blue and white predominating, ' added. The problem of securing a you child actor proved to be an annoy ing one. The boy finally selected ac ed with the Summer Reperto Players last season. However, t same care taken with a Hollywo child star must be exercised with th boy. His rehearsals must be prope ly spaced and must not last for to long a time. He must get his prop Aichigan-Life Meeting Features Discussion On Transport atior (Continued from Page 1) 7 president of the Chrysler sales divi- sion of Chrysler Motors. Two principle causes of wear in bearing parts, he indicated, are in the abrasion which takes place in the case of actual metal toametal contact, and in the corrosive action of oxidized lubricants.nBlasting theacommonly held misconception that slightly. rough bearing surface serve as oil reservoirs, Mr. Wallace pointed out that a smooth surface is ideal since' there are no asperities to break the. oil film. Fluid Control Discussed k In a paper presensted yesterday morning, Prof. Edward A. Stalker of the aeronautical engineering depart- ment showed that by controlling the thin layer of fluid adjacent to the surface of an airplane wing, marked changes can be made in the perfor- mance of the airplane. The lifting capacity can be multiplied as much as six times. Accompanying this gain will be the provision of adequate lat- eral c'ontrol and the disappearances of the deadly spin which now accounts for the largest proportion fatal acci- dents. The reddetion of landing speeds and increase in payload are similarly accdmplished. Gasoline of present airplane qual- ity, Dr. Gustav Egloff, director of re- search for the Universal Oil Pro- ducts Co., revealed yesterday, will soon be available to the general pub- lic at a price that will permit its gen- eral use in mdtor cars. The proper place of the engineer in the 'world today was discussed by. Fred M. Zeder, vice-chairman of the board of the Chrysler Corporation. The engineer, he indicated, should take more active a part in the control of the products which he designs and creates. Symposium Ends Session Round table discussions and a sym- posium will feature the activities of the last day of the session today. Alloys and structural design will be the subject of the first discussion lead by Prof. A. E. White at 9:30 a.m. in the Union. Others participating as discussion chairmen are Prof. Walter E. Lay, of- the automotive engineering depart ment, "Automobiles"; Prof. Geor G. Brown of the chemical engineerir department, "Light"; Prof. E. I Bragg of the naval architecture d partment, "Marine"; Prof. A.7 White of the chemical engineerir department, "Plastics and Other M terials" and Prof. Walter C. Sadler the civil engineering departmer "Railways." Performance limits of transport tion; range, speed and capacity w be discussed at the concluding syn posium at 2 p.m. in the Union. Vie' points to be presented are: C. Smith, president of American Ai lines, "Aviation"; A. J. Schamerhor director of the General Motors pro ing ground, "Automobiles," and F.+ Gurley, vice-president of the Atch son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroa "Railways." Wine Jugs, rDAIL ICollege Group ep Prop Man Busy BULLrI Meets At Union amount of sleep. He. must be called FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1939 To Discuss Administration ne for and returned. VOL. L. No. 35 a The animal problem is also acute. Nsicss yIf a dead animal is called for, odor Notices ar- nd signs of blood must be eliminated. (Continued from Page 1) 'f a live animal is needed obvious dif- 'Peside t and Mr.:]1a>hen ,will be 'sm isndhe stage, at home to members of the faculty section, meeting at 1:45 p.m. in Room ' ficulties areencountered nand other townspeople on Sunday, 302, Prof. Arno L. Bader of the Eng- ," The many scene changes must be Nov. 5, from 4 to 6 o'clock. lish department will talk on "Sopho- 'i- made cilckly and completely, Moll more Literary Courses at the Uni- j- commented, so the probem boils down Senate Reception: Since no mndi- versity of Michigan" and Prof. Men- to reducing the number of "props" to vidual invitations are being sent, this tor L.-Williams will lead a discussion 11, a mmnnmm, yet not to so few as to is a cordial invitation to all members on the problems of Freshman Eng- ig givethe audience the impression of of the teaching staff and their wives fish. re "sameness." to be present at the Senate Reception Prof. Carl D. LaRue of the botany to new membels of the faculties on n- Tuesday evening, Nov. 7, in the ball- department will lecture an "Studies s U room of the Michigan Union a 30 on Plant Hormones" at 1:45 p.m. ing SUnion - p.m. The reception will take place Room 4014 Natural Science buildig f from 8:30 to 1a o'clock, after which before the section on biology. Follow- ,d its House there will be dancing rom 10 to 12. ing the lecture, this section will visit es It is especially hoped that new teach the "Growth Hormone Testing Lab- )ll ing fellows and instructors may be oratory" in the basement of the e Free Dancing Exhibitions 'Continued on Page 4) Natural Science building. a- FThe annual meeting of the Michi- et ForWed_ esdaygan Junior College Athletic Confer- w- once will be held at 3:15 P.M. in Room ny Union Open House will be held 316, simultaneous with the annual enc willbeihld t hp .annRoom from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Wednesday A D I meeting of the. Michigan Junior Col- evening, according to Harold Singer, By June McKee leges Debating League in Room 318. '41, of the Union executive staff in Ls charge of the project. The program Demonstration of television tonight - will feature representative displays of will be one of the outstanding occa- Sf-Goverflment th most of the departments and many sions in Ann Arbor radio history and ie of the activities of the University. Duane Nelson, 'Grad., in charge of H sR Been Problem Free dancing to Bill Sawer's or- participants is nervously counting the ig chestra th large ba w minutes and his cast'before the mem- (continued from Page 1) y- held between 8 and 10 p m An open orable event that will take place at t-house will be conducted the same 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The National Student League held a ry evening by the International Center Before this television broadcast, series of meetings in an attempt to hin conjuntion with the Union event. however, two conventional broadcasts find some solution of the problem. d Amongother attractions, will be will go over the airways. There is A faculty member attacked the new is Amon ngfe irst, the Michigan Fan Fare pro- Council as "super-honorary group r- Exhibits will include displaysg gram at 2:45 p.m. over WMBC with which should adopt three Greek let- erbo h aiu dprmnso h Stan Swinton, '40 conducting a r-ound- ters for its name instead of deluding enygineering school, fiearts and bo- table discussion on Michigan foot- citizens of the state with the delusion tanical departments. All the facili- ball in which George Stauter of The that it really is a representative tieas of thre Union will be open, ac- Associated Press and Morton Linder body." cording to inger. Wom en are cor- of the Chicago Daily News will-par- In 1935 three survey pollswere tak- dially invited. ticipate. en and all revealed a total lack of Then the Radio Guild broadcast student interest in the new Under- n~ .will featuye specialized speech over graduate Council. Again a conmittee ASU Ca1s Off WJR at 3:30 p.m. Prof. Waldo Abbot was appointed to work out some solu- ge will analyzethe before-mike delivery ion to the problem. ng Armistice Meeting of John Gelder, '0, Dane Nelson The committee's findings, prepared - and Swinton. Gelder will condense after lengthy discussion and argu- M. and present current campus news mentation, provided for a change, but e- The American Student Union items as AP reports, while Nelson a slight one, in the form of student H. Armistice Day "meeting which was interpiets news copy in commentator government. Though the name of ng scheduled for next Thursday has style, and Swinton gives a sport fore- the student governing body was a- been cancelled, Hugo Reichard, Grad., cast. Gordon Laing, '4, does the changed from Undergraduate Council of chairman of the Peace Commission announcing. In connection with this to Men's Council, the new constitu- nt, announced yesterday. Guild Series, the University Exten- tion effected few radical changes. It Plans are being made for the ASU sion Service distributes to school provided for both ex-officio and ele- a- to participate in an all-campus Armis- radio clubs instructive bulletins, bib- tive members, the latter being chosen ill tice Day, Friday, Nov. 10', Reichard liographies, scripts,. continuity, and by campus vote by schools and col- n- said. A membership meeting in the listings of worthwhile programf erdleges. It was this Men's Council that W- form of a Parley on Peace will be Incidentally, of the talks delivered abolished itself last May. R. held Friday, Nov. 15, for the purpose by the faculty members, fifty thous- r- of discussing the question of peace and mimeographed copies have been n, and to adopt resolutions on peace requested and distributed each year iv- policy which will represent the official And while there is no way of telling G. position of the chapter membership just how many of WJR's radio audi- D SQAPSHLI TC ii- and determine the direction of A.SU ence tune in to campus programs, the SI 4i~ji J . id, peace activities this semester, Reich- listeners-in to this station alone total ard added. almost 15,500,000. T. YOUR CAMERA will ge with Kodak Super-XX Fi * allows it to get snapshots a ease, regardless of lens poM lamps in inexpensive reilec Stop here for a FREE Lf and for the film and lamp Hand us your exposed fit No violinist of our time has equalled his DEVELOPING hold upon the public. The magic of his PRINTING name and his playing stirs musicians and ENLARGIN laymen alike. To both, Fritz Kreisler stands supreme, the acknowledged master of vio- WE FINISH YOUR FILMS th linistic interpretation. To quote what has carefully and conscientiou ~ ~in picture-frami ng sizes, in become a musical adage, There are many u negative with us and we'll violinists ; , . There is only one Kreisler.' '4 FR] { L ' .k... Monda Hill Av I Hey Jitterbugs! Have you heard Herb "Red" Ritz and His Band WE ARE WAITING TO SERVE YOU .. . If you have a yen for the good things in life, you'll enjoy the food here-. and the courteous service. Every dish has that home-cooked quality ob- tained only with careful attention to every detail SCHOOL OF MUSIC 325 MAYNARD STREET A limited number of season tickets and tickets for individual concerts are on sale "over, the counter" at the office of the 111 I I I I