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November 03, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-03

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Student Senate-
KDeep It Representative .





p.m. A box will be open from 12 noon u
until. p.m. in Hutchins Hall for Lawa
Instruotions Listeda
The following instructions were is-
sued by the directors to all voters:
"Put the number 1 in the, square in h
front of the name of the candidate
who is your FIRST CHOICE for Stu-n
Iebt~ Senator.
"Put the number 2 in front of your
SECOND CHOICE, the number 3 in
front of your THIRD CHOICE, and
so on, marking as many choices as
you, wis.
' Uak yours choices with numbers
only. 1Do iot use X-marks or your
ballt will nt be counted"'
Poster, notices and stickers have
been placed all over campus in the
past few days; telephone conversa-
ti'ns and postcard vote bids have
been the order of the day; giving the
campus the'air of a major political
Identificatiin Cards Needed
Students are reminded that, in
order to vote, it is necessary to pre-
sent identification cards at the polls,]
the directors said. Any student,l
from freshman on up to graduate orr
professional, is entitled to a vote in
this all-campus election.t
"Judging from previous elections,
we expect more than 2,000 students
to vote today," the directors predict-
ed. "Every indication points to af
heated fight at the polls."
Actual counting of the votes will
begin at 7:30 p.m. today in the ubli
cations Building and will be open
for public observation, the directors
announced. However, final results'
will probably not be available until
late Saturday morning, although somef
of the winners may be known earliert
this evening, they said.
Yale ,puppets
Will Deflate'
Public Heroes
A little deflating of public heroes
will take place at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre when
the Yale Puppeteers' revue, "It's A
Small World," opens a two-day en-
Presidents, emperors, actors - the
world's headliners-will go through
their paces under the deft fingers of
Harry Burnett, '23, FDR will give a
Fireside Chat to some fish, Jim Far-
ley and Tom Dewey will meet in a
boxing match and Martha Graham
will do an unconventional dance.
The satirical lines, lyrics and music
for the marionette musical were writ-
ten by Forman Brown, '22, former
English instructor here. Frequent re-
visions keep the punch lines in step
with current headlines.
Intending their review for adult au-
diences, the Yale Puppeteers have
broken away from the traditional type
of marionette stage and 'have de-
signed a simple stage, little more than
a platform backed by a screen which
serves as a backdrop. The new stage
n-iws tem to len vr an mmaninn.-

AUI.UVrUm U to 0u=1m, U' "Io
was. not caused by cigarettes "be-
cause windows on that part of thec
house are screened." 'It- was prob- r
ably started by sparks flying from
the chimney, he said.f
A fire of similar nature occurred a
Monday in the Gamma Phi Beta sp- t
rority, which is just around the cor- t
ner from the Phi' Delta Theta house. t
Very little damage was caused at that s
time f
Search Halted
By Athoites
orFreighter o
British Ship 'Coulmore,'
Supposed Sub Victim,a
Reported In No Dangera
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-(P)-The
British freighter Coulmore, which'
had seemed to be a victim of a sub- t
marine attack within 'the American t
"neutrality zone," was reported safe
today and authorities here called off
a search for her. s
Coastguard headquarters was ad-c
vised by the cutter Bibb early today t
that a Canadian radio station at5
Camperdown had been informed the
Coulmore was safe. Later in the day1
the cutter Chelan received similar ad-
vices from the United States ship
American Trader.
The Coast Guard and Navy, how-
ever, did not abandon the search un-
til still further confirmation was re-
ceived at mid-afternoon.
The freighter. carrying a cargo for
England, left Philadelphia Oct. 28.
In the black hours of yesterday morn-
ing, while heavy seas were running,
shore stations picked up a message '
purporting to have been sent by the
Coulmore from a position about 680
miles east of New York.
Instead of the conventional "SOS"
call, ships now use a special war-time
distress code-a prolonged series of
the letter "S." Officials here ex-
plained such a signal can mean eith-
er a submarine has been sighted or
the ship itself attacked. .
Slovak Mobs Riot
Against Hungarians
BRATISLAVA, Nov. 2.-(P)-Thou-
sands of Slovaks rioted here tonight
sacking two Hungarian newspaper
offices and a number of Hungarian
shops, following a mass meeting
called to protest Hungary's acquisi-
tion of a slice of Slovak territory as
a result of the Munich settlement.
Police looked on with folded arms
as the rioters, shouting anti-Hungar-
ian slogans, surged through the
streets of this capital of Slovakia,
nominally an autonomous republic
but which is under German military

f the principle speakers at the Inter-
Guild Conference of Protestant
church leaders, to be held here tomor-
ow and Sunday.
Designed to formulate a more ef-
ective religious program for students
at Michigan, the conference will bring
ogether the national student secre-
aries of seven Protestant denomina-
ions. This is the first time that
uch an inter-denominational con-
erence has been held in the United
States, according to Mr. Kenneth W.
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
igious Association.-
Dr. Gould Wickey,uGeneral Secre-
ary, Council of Church Boards of
Education, will give the talk sum-
marizing the results of the conference
at a rally of all Protestant students,
on campus at 8 p.m. Sunday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Reverend Adams, who will partici-
pate in the panel sessions, is a gradu-
ate of Wabash College and of the
McCormick Theological Seminary,
and did post-graduate work at the
University of Edinburgh. He was
formerly on the faculty of Women's
Christian College and of Meiji Ga-
kuin, in Tokio, Japan, a pastor at
the University of Oregon and at Ohio
State University.
His work as Presbyterian national
secretary, typical of that of other
conferees, involves the supervision of
the work of 69 university pastors in
52 state schools, the study of indi-
vidual university problems and en-
largement of the scope of religious
work among students.
Among the topics to be discussed
at the Inter-Guild Conference are,
"What is the Purpose of a Religious
Program Designed for Students?"'
and, "How Can Religious Work with
Students be Done More Effectively?"
Panel sessions under these topics will
discuss the several phases of a stu-
dent religious program: worship,
study, recreation, social action and

Coileo ge Group
Holds Meetmg
[n Union Today
Current Events, Problems
Of School Administration
To Be Discussion Topics
Slosson To Speak
On 'Fateful Hour'
Interpretation of the European sit-
uation by Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department will high-
light the one-day convention of the
Michigan Association of Junior Col-
leges, to be held today at the Union.
Professor Slosson will speak on
"Europe's Fateful Hour" at the lun-
cheon meeting of the group in Room.
316 of the Union.
Ijiscussions at the convention it-
self, however, will be separated into
talks on the technical problems of
Junior College administrations and
lectures on pertinent issues of the
A paper on "The Problem of the
Private Junior College in Michigan"
by Dean Roy Newton of Ferris Insti-
tute will initiate the opening discus-
sion at 9 a.m. in Room 302.
Yoakum Delivers Welcome
The address of welcome to guests
and members by Dean Clarence S
Yoakum of the Graduate School will
comprise the first part of the gen-
eral session to be held at 10:45 a.m.
in Room 318, under the chairman-
ship of Frank J. Dove. Dean Yoa-
kum's talk will be followed by the
music of the Highland Park Junior
College Choir, a program by the
Michigan Educational Association,
and a lecture on "Counseling Fresh-
men andbSophomores by Dean Lloyd
A. Woodburne of the literary college.
The sectional conference on Mathe-
matics and Science will meet at 1:45
p.m. in Room 323 in a forum discus-
sion led by Prof. Roy K. McAlpine of
the chemistry department, Prof.
Daniel L. Rich of the physics de-
partment, and Prof. Roy S. Swinton
of the engineering mechanics de-
Reeves, Hall To Talk
Lectures on "The Recent Declara-
tion of Panama" by Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves of the political science de-
partment and "The Problems of the
Far East" by Prof Robert Hall of the
geography department will feature
the meeting of the history and so-
cial science section at 1:45 p.m. in
Room 325.
At the Modern Language Confer-
ence, at 1:45 p.m. in Room 321, Prof.
Michael S. Pargment of the Romance
Languages department will speak on
"Common Sense versus Tradition in
Teaching of Modern Foreign Lan-
guages." A round-table discussion
will follow this talk.
The library section will meet in the
General Library for a discussion of li-
brary problems.
At the conference of the English
(Continued on Page 2)
Prof. Gordy Attends Clinic
Prof. Charles B. Gordy of the me-
chanical engineering department left
for Chicago yesterday to attend a
clinic of the Industrial Management
Society. The clinic will be in session
today and tomorrow at the Medinah

House Re
~Cashi And

Russo-Finnish Parley Is Delayed;
Italy Greece Seek New Agreement
Exchange Of Notes Between Countries Is Revealed;
Soviet Admits Western White Russia

MOSCOW, Nov. 2.-(A)-Reopen-
ing of Finnish-Russian negotiations
on further extension of Russian pow-
er to the West was delayed tonight
while the newly-arrived Finnish dele-
gation watched the Supreme Soviet
unanimously approve the admission
of Western White Russia, formerly a
part of Poland, to the Soviet Union.
Most foreign observers agreed the
attendance of the Finns at the joint
session of Parliament augured well
for the possibility of a peaceful settle-
ment of the Finnish-Russian prob-
Finland's five-man delegation,
headed by Dr. Juho Kusti Paasikivi,
arrived this morning for the third in
the series of talks precipitated by the
Western drive of Russian influence.
In the public outline Tuesday of
Russia's aims, Premier-Foreign Com-
missar Vyacheslaff Molotoff said
Russia wanted a strip of Finland
north of Leningrad, a naval base on
the Finnish mainland at the entrance
to the Gulf of Finland, certain is-
lands in the gulf, a part of the Fin-
nish Arctic coast and demilitariza-
tion of the Finnish frontier.
Finland was offered in return a
portion of Soviet Karelia twice the
area of the territory Russia wanted
from Finland and withdrawal of
Russian opposition to the fortifica-
tion of the strategic Aaland Islands,
between Finland and Sweden, i'f
carried out by Finland alone.
Early tonight the Finnish delega-
tion had received no intimation as
to when it was expected to go to the
Kremlin to renew the vital talks.
Group Talks
On Electronics
Otto S. Schairer Discusses
Role Of Communication
In Modern Aviation
Internal combustion engines and
electronics in the field of transporta-
tion featured the discussion at the
second session of the Michigan-Life
Conference on New Technologies in
Transportation here yesterday.
In the second address of the after-
noon session, Otto S. Schairer, vice-
president in charge of patents for
the Radio Corporation of America,
emphasized the important role played
by radio and its associated fields in
the advances of transportation. Avia-
tion as it is known today, he empha-
sized, could not exist without radic
beacons and modern communicatior
New methods in communication
Mr. Schairer indicated, are even no
lending themselves to safety in opera-
tion of railroad trains, steamships anc
other means of surface transporta-
f tion. The extension of methods o:
facsimile transmission to transporta-
tion needs was also outlined.
By this means, Mr. Schairer ex-
plained, ships at sea may receiv
orders and weather maps in graphi
- forms, and the responsibility of air
e line pilots may be reduced by havini
printed instructions from ground sta
e tions, instead of having to rely upo
n their memory of telegraphic or tele
phonic communication.
e Potentially the most useful of pres
o ent communication methods, h
prophesied, is television, which is ye
s only in its infancy.
f The value of "superfinish" bearing
in improving bearing operation an
; in decreasing wear was discussed i
- the morning session by D. A. Wallac
(Continued on Page 3)
ASU Will Give Party

ROME, Nov. 3.--W)--An exchange
of Greek-Italian notes expressing a
desire to give their friendly relations
a "more concrete form" was pub-
lished today, showing Italy is busily
improving her non-belligerency sta-
tus to strengthen her influence in
Southeastern Europe.
Coupled with a reliable report that
Italy also will sign a new Italian-Bul-
garian treaty shortly, the Greek-Ital-
ian exchange lent emphasis to state-
ments of informed Fascists recently
that Rome has no intention of yield-
ing her position. in the Balkans to
any power.
These Fascists pointed out that
Italy fought in Spain to prevent
Communism from spreading to the
Mediterranean, and was not likely to
stand by while it penetrated South-
eastern Europe where her interests
are paramount.
The notes exchanged by the Greek
and Italian governments were dated
Sept. 30 and expressed the hope a
new agreement shortly would replace
the treaty of friendship and concilia-
tion that was signed in 1928.
Diplomats here have forecast re-
cently that a Greek-Italian nonag-
gression treaty would be signed soon.
The Greek note, signel by Premier
John Metaxas, expressed apprecia-
tion of Italy's "spontaneous gesture"
in withdrawing troops from Greece's
Albanian border on Sept. 20.
He said. Greece was reciprocating
the action and that Premier Musso-
lini's "assurances" of Sept. 12 had
"created an atmosphere of cordiality.",
Both governments, in the.notes
which were exchanged at Atherj;,
expressed a hope that "the evolution
of the international situation will
furnish the two governments in the
near future an occasion for giving
their relations a more concrete form."'
Italy considers her interests in the
Balkans are not only economic but
also political and strategic since she
occupied Albania last April. Lately
the Fascist press has dwelled on the
possibility of a southeastern bloc
under Italian leadership.

PassageNOf Neutrality Act
Seen Near As Conference
Committee Meets Today
Goods Now Available
To Warring Powers
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-()-The
House voted today to repeal the em-
bargo on arms shipments to the bel-
ligerents of Europe, approving as did
the Senate last week, the Administra-
tion's policy of "cash and carry" sales.
The 243 to 181 decision left the
vociferously-argued neutrality bill
just short of becoming law. The re-
maining stages of the legislative pro-
cess, regarded generally as mere for-,
malities, were expected to take no
more than a day or so, with the bill
becoming effective early next week
at' the very latest.
.Vast Supplies Opened
The result of the action of today,
taken in a crowded chamber tense
with excitement, was to open Ameri-
ca's vast supplies to the nations en-
gaged in the European conflict. On
dozens of Eastern seaboard jetties,
goods falling into the instruments of
war category ani particularly air-
planes, sorely wanted by the Franco-
British allies, have been stacked up,
for days awaiting the action of Con-
Today's vote meant that soon they
would be released for shipment. But,
before they can leave this country,
title must pass to the belligerent
governments purchasing them. Since
the bill also forbids loans or credits of
any character to the governments at
war, it :also requires that they pay
Purchasers Furnish. Own Ships

eals Embarg(



Television Has
Showing Here

Moreover, it requires tat the pur-
chasers furnish non-American ships
for the dangerous process of trans-
porting their purchases across the
submarine-infested North Atlantic.
It forbids American ships to enter
belligerent ports in the European area
or to sail through "combat areas,"
still to be demarcated by President
Roosevelt. Under it, too, American
citizens are forbidden to travel on
belligerent vessels.
In actual operation, all concede,
the bill means that the Franco-Brit-
ish allies will have access to the ar-
senal and granary of America, to
the almost virtual exclusion of Ger-
many. This is true because the Brit-
ish fleet holds control of the seas.
However, some argued that it was
possible for Germany to receive Amer-
ican supplies through her diplomatic
allies, Russia and Italy. The law
permits shipment of war-goods or
any other materials to neutral na-
Conference Group Meets Today
The Senate-House conferees will
meet tomorrow morning. Everyone
expects them to approve a bill closely
following the Senate measure. The
next step, expected to be taken to-
morrow or Saturday, is for the Sen-
ate and House to ratify the confer-
ence report finally. Then the mea-
sure goes to President Roosevelt for
* his signature.
- Administration leaders expected to
have the bill ready for the President
by Saturday night and then to ad-
journ the special session of Congress.
The only possible hitch in their plans
was the chance that extended debate
might break out again in the Senate.
l There was still a chance-admittedly
slender-of a filibuster against the
e conference report.

I - - --

ProblemOf Self-Government
For Students Dates To I
By LAU'RENCE MASCOTT had reached their peak witl
Today's Student Senate elections cusation by one faction that
once again bring into bold relief the dent Council was "unrepresei
problem and history of student self- student opinion" and the de
government at the University of abolition of the Council h
Michigan campus. spite of these charges, how
That problem reached a climax last several attempts to permitr
May with the sudden abolition of the resentative opinion on th
University Men's Council on its own were defeated and effective
motion and the transfer of its duties zation was delayed until la
to the student staff of the Union and year
to a newly projected Men's Judiciary Compromise proposals fl
Council. campus all through the y
The move in May was the third measure, conceived in Mar
different scheme of student self-gov- which most of the comprom
ernment undertaken at the Univer- med, was one which providE
sity. admission of ex-officio mer
The problem of student self-gov- would represent the domina
ernment, however, originated way on campus. The whole pro
back in 1906 during the era of the temporarily settled by the c
"point-a-minute teams" and the rapid faculty committee under t
expansion of the University facilities manship of President Ru
and growth of the student body. Uni- study the problem of stude
versity officials then realized that ment.
the campus needed some form of Finally, one June 1, 1933,1
self-government, and as a result, a headlined the story of th
provisionary council was established of a new_"Undergraduat

h the ac-
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The Dail
t creation
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Program Today Is Epoch
In Local Radio History
Television will receive its first pub-:
lic showing in Ann Arbor today at
a demonstration lecture by Arthur
F. VanDyck, manager of the license
laboratories of the Radio Corporation
of America at 8:15 p.m. in Hill
Sponsored jointly by the engineer-
ing college and the Detroit section
of the Institute of Radio Engineers,
the showing here will be similar to
that presented at both World's Fairs
this summer.
Both the sending and receiving as-
pects of television in pddition to a
short explanation of the fundamental
principles governing its operation wil
be presented. For purposes of dem-
onstration, six of the largest type
console receivers now in production
will be aligned on the stage of Hil
Auditorium, and a local talent pro.
gram has been arranged.
A special preview demonstratio
of television was given yesterday
afternoon in conjunction with a.
address to members of the Michigan
Life Transportation conference b
Otto S. Schairer, vice-president it
charge of patents for the Radio Cor
1 poration of America.


Voice In Strike
Won By State
Dickinson Asks Both Units
To Utilize Labor Board
LANSING, Nov. 2.-(RP)-Michigan's
Labor Mediation Board won a voice
today in negotiations to end the dis-
pute that has tied up production at
Chrysler's main Dodge plant for four
weeks, spreading until an estimated
000 are n idle.

Michiganensian Offer
Will Close Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the deadline for the
--_- _, --..-..- 4, .L.4 .. .. t

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