THE MICHIGAN DAltY THUTRSDA Ya NOV , Al MICHIGAN DAILY I f X- Jifecii l Fey wood Broun The day was dismal as we drove past the Fair on its closing day. Only a few enthusiasts for education passed through the portals. Rain fell persistently upon the World of Tomorrow and 1W 1 dited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of. ident Publications. ublished every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press M'e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All Lts of republication of all other matters herein also served. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as sond class mail matter. ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER1,SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative, 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON * LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO- ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 -.doom.- JVMWL somehow seemed to empha- size the gap between man's potentialities and his per- formance. As a matter of fact, almost from the mo- ment that a forward-point- ing finger was set up in Flushing Meadows the Uni- verse in general started to retrogress as rapidly as pos- sible. Even a little faster. L. N. Ticar Editorial Staff sen . raniss . winton . Linder. ;.Schorr. anagan . . anavan erg . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor SAssociate Editor Women's Editor * Sports Editor Business Stafff Manager Lness Mgr., Credit Manager Business Manager AdvertisingrManager ns Manager . Paul R. Park Qanson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy 3HT EDITOR: ELIZABETH M. SHAW The editorials published in The Michigan ly are written by members of The Daily f and represent the views of the writers Y. osts Less, What About Health?. . i THE COUNTY BOARD of Supervisers, in refusing to grant $8,700 for the frmation of a county health department, has done irreparable damage to. the people of Wash- tenaw County. Its ill advised move means the death knell of a proposal giving better pubic health protection to all county residents. Justification of the .Board's action 'has been found in the interests of economy. What kind bi economy is it that retains a few paltry dollars in the public treasury, at the cost of jeopardiz- Ing the people's health? Under the existing system of public health protection, the people are exposed to all kinds of danger. Many outlying districts have no hiealth supervision at all. Many towns have health boards made powerless by meager appro- priations. Nowhere in Washtenaw County ex- ept in a few instances, do we have adequate ex- wination of our school children-especially hose in the lower income brackets. It is in these classes that tuberculosis may easily arise xnd rage unchecked. Here too, scores of people will be exposed to the disease. Some will, con- ract it and have to be treated in state institu- ions partially supported by county contribu- ions. Again, what type of economy is it to hift the appropriation for a county health board o an ultimate appropriation to help maintain. lhe indigent in hospitals? More than 60 out of Michigan's 83- counties, have adopted county health departments. Ini- icative of their importance are the statistics rom a county almost half the size of Washte- aw. Out of 8,683 children examied by county wealth doctors, 6,076 needed attention and 2,205 f these required emergency attention. Can you :nagine the situation in our progressive county rith its far greater population? County health departments serve the com- iunities under its supervision in many ways. )ne isolated 744 cases of communicable disease. t did not stop there. It serviced them if the atients were too poor to afford adequate medical ttention. The same department kept under onstant supervision more than 400 cases of yphilis and gonorrhea in addition to checking in their sources. It offered pre-natal advice to xpectant mothers. This active anti-venereal disease policy will eap dividends for that county in the long run. y its investigation and servicing, the birth of iphilitic babies and the number of still births ue to syphilis were reduced. This will mean neat savings to the state because it will eventu- Lly reduce the number of children and adults, ippled, blinded, deaf and insane as a result of philis who must be cared for in public institu- ons. And what did our county do? It killed a .easure offering all this-and even more-in the iterests of economy. What about the cost situation of such a de- artment- The Board condemned it because $8,700. Conservative estimates of its cost are ilculated as reasonable by public health experts. hie mere organization of a county health de- irtment would make $7,500 immediately avail- >le to the county. A Michigan statute provides at the state annually must give $3,000 to any 'unty health department. The county's share But there will be another year for the World and for the Fair. Grover Whalen is not mocked. The enterprise constitutes already a brave and gallant try. Perhaps the picture of an inter- national society which was done in plaster on a remade swamp may become a reality of flesh and blood when spring breaks through. There is a rock and it can be found. Into very granite the countries near and far may fix their roots when next the World of Too- morrow is exposed to the public view. In- stead of a row of restaurants and exhibits, the family of fellowship could quite possibly be on the move when once again the grass thrusts up to the sun after the bleakness and the bitterness of winter is gone. And I trust that Mr. Rose's mermaids may again recline on warmer water and demonstrate the back stroke. General Motors, Billy Rose and the Italian bar won the first-year honors in my estimation. I failed to share the enthusiasm manifest by many for the Soviet Pavilion. The smile which formed the motif of every mural seemed. to. me too set and glittering. It reminded me more of Red Riding Hood than of the revolution. And before the gates were closed, the Russian grin had become by many shades too 'cynical." In applauding the food and drink put out by the Italians, I have no desire to indorse the political and economic theories of . Mussolini. The spaghetti ran on time long before the Latins turned to Fascism. It happens to be a fact that Italy has mastered the magic of the frying pan beyond any other nation. And I am 'not. exclud- ing the Scandinavian. The French werein the picture. You cannot throw their chefs "out'-of the contest. But I would like to throw out their head waiters. up to each member of the medical profession of this county 'to give his individual support to this movement. This can be done by contacting or writing the Supervisor of your ward or town- ship, in order that he may be convinced of 'the altruistic aims 'of this project." Even this at- t'empt to secure a county health board failed de- spite the fact that our doctors are the ones best equipped to know the county's public health needs. What can be done now? The Board of Super- visors has definitely gone against .the measure at its current meeting. Their adverse action should not and must not mean the death knell of the fight to establish a county health board. Their blunder must mean the beginning of a bigger and better fight to make them see the necessity for a health board for Washtenaw County. --Richard Harmel NYA Experiments In Americanization. N EXPERIMENT in Americaniza- tion is being conducted at the Cassidy Lake National Youth Administration Camp with three Austrian and German refugees as subjects. The boys, Bertold Hausman and Jonny Ne- mon from Austria and Henry Levy from Ger- many were sent to Michigan pripnarily for the purpose of resettling them as permanent resi- dents in this state according to a letter received from William Haber, executive director of the National Refugee Service, Inc., in New 'York City. By accepting thse refugees, the NYA camps are violating no rule which prohibits th& expenditure of funds for aliens. Before the three refugees were admitted to the camp, Fred M. Butzel, chairman of the Detroit Resetllement Service, guaranteed that none of them would be- come public charges. At present NYA funds have been curtailed and subsequently the number of campers has been cut so that facilities which the refugees are en- joying would normally be idle. At Cassidy Lake. as well as at other NYA camps, the arrangement has been worked out whereby everything con- sumed or used by the boys -is paid for from, private sources so that they are no cost to the government, nor do they discommode any Ameri- can youths. Their presence at the NYA camp is theresult of a special program worked out jointly by the National Refugee Service and the NYA in Wash- ington to admit a limited number of refugee youth to some of the benefits of the NYA camps. Forty refugees are enrolled in camps in approxi- mately one dozen states. The refugees get a period of orientation to the American way of living in these camps., In addition they are given practical vocational training designed primarily to direct them away from the congested and competitive occupations 4-'!. , m,~ ri', 4 nfl, rnwic r'n H o ia 'd.atfair. fariMlA Drew Pearson ad j' RobertS'.Allen WASHINGTON-Paul McNutt will be tlpe, last man to talk about it, but he and Francis Sayre, High Commissioner to the Philippines, put across a neat double-play to prevent Secretary Ickes from really running the Philippines. Under the new reorganization plan, Roosevelt concentrated insular affairs under the Interior Department, transferring the Philippines from the War Department to Interior, which already handles Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands. But newly appointed High Commissioner Sayre did not seem to like this. He came down to the Interior Department and demanded a large area of office space-which he did not get.. Also it was quite apparent that Ickes, when put in charge of the Philippines, would really run the Philippines, and Sayre did not like this either. So High Commissioner Sayre got together with ex-High Commissioner McNutt and drafted a letter for the President's signature by which the Philippines virtually were taken out of Ickes' hands. The letter instructed Sayre to report direct to the President. Then they got Roosevelt to sign the letter, partly by giving the impression that Frank Mur.4 phy, also ex-High Commissioner to the Philip- pines, had approved it. Murphy, however, had not. And the other day, after Cabinet meeting, he stopped Ickes, who has become one of his best friends, and said he had just learned of the letter. "I'm absolutely against the idea," he told his. Cabinet colleague. However, it was too late. The Philippines, though nominally under Ickes, have been euch- ered out from under him. Vandenberg's Home Town One of the Administration's most effective weapons in the House neutrality battle was sup- plied by the home town of Senator Arthur Van- denberg, leading defender of the arms embargo. It consists of a full-page advertisement in The Grand Rapids Herald, of which Vandenberg once was editor and publisher, vigorously calling on Congress to repeal the arms embargo in orderto preserve the peace of the country. The ad was paid for and signed by 76 of the principal busi- nessmen of the city. . Among the first names on the list was that of John Wood Blodgett, multi-millionaire phil- anthropist and treasurer of the Vandenberg-for- President Club. S* * * Behind that mysterious conference between Attorney General Murphy and leaders of the American Federation of Labor was a great secret AFL fear. They had suddenly realized that the J7ustic Department's attack upon monopoly in the build- ing industry might nullify one of their principal weapons in fighting the CIO-jurisdictional strikes and boycotts. The AFL has used these tactics with telling effect in various sections, particularly the Pacific Northwest, where Dave Beck, regional teamster boss, forced the lumber industry to a virtual standstill by refusing to handle timber cut or milled by CIO members. When Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold, hard-hitting head of the Anti-Trust Division, launched the building industry clean- up, the AFL generalissimos expected it to be a routine affair aimed at contractors and manu- facturers. When Arnold made it known that he also was going after racketeering, they still were undisturbed. In fact, AFL President Green, long a foe of labor racketeering ,privately approved Arnold's plan. But when the first flurry of grand jury in- dictments disclosed that boycotts and jurisdic- tional strikes were to be placed in thesame cate- gory with price-fixing and other monopolistic operations, AFL bosses hit the ceiling.' At a stormy Executive Council meeting, Dan Tobin, teamster president, scathingly waded into Green. There has been bitter feeling between the two for years and Tobin poured it on hot and heavy. In the end, it was decided to send a dele- gation of building trade leaders to Murphy to demand that he call off Arnold. Murphy assured them the clean-up was "not directed against labor," but beyond this he re- fused to go. He has said nothing to Arnold about soft-pedaling and Arnold is continuing to let the chips fall where they may. To the ex- Yale law professor, a law violation is illegal whether on the part of labor or business. German Army Is Powerful Reports on the German army relayed here by U.S. official observers indicate that Hitler has one of the most superb fighting forces K. the world. While its training and morale are no better than the French army's, it is superior in tw6 highly important things-mechanization and skill in using it. The latter is especially impor- tant. For the use of sub-machine guns and other modern war weapons is not like firing the ordi- nary army rifle. To put under-trained British youngsters in the-trenches with these modern guns would be suicide, according to military experts. This is one reason the British are calling no more men to the colors. They have reached their training capacity for the time being. AS OTHERS SEEIT .. A Bastille Of Books? To the Editor: The general library has, in the past, been the point of many jokes and when mentioned is usually a source of great merriment as every- body tells of their many disappoint- ments. It is now a conceded, fore- gone conclusion that filling out a slip and waiting at the desk is mildly comparable to hailing the evening westbound sky-liner. I will admit that when I first be- gan to utilize our library (that big building) I was an optimist, but to be repeatedly told that the books were not in, were on reserve in An- gell Hall, or some similar tale has just about caused me to refrain en- tirely from the useless ritual of at- tempting to extricate a volume (of my own choice) from this Bastille of Books. Naturally we realize that, with the demand, many books will be difficult to obtain but why, if the books are removed, aren't the cards marked or taken out of the files? And why, again, does Angell Hall require so copious a supply that it necessi- tates the removal of all the books in the surrounding buildings. We are told to get a book at the Main Library and proceed on a book hunt that would put the F.B.I. into doldrums of despair, yet failing to capture the elusive volume. The condition is becoming more acute each day and I think that some feasible measure must soon be taken. To relieve this "atrocious" condition I have notated, below, some possible steps. 1. Have a Plebiscite. 2. Make Angell Hall the book cen- ter (officially) calling it "The Angell Hall Main Book Quarry." Of course the present main library would be given some new name as "Ye Studies Hall and Booke Repaire Department." $. A band of intrepid (irate) stu- dents seize control of the library, by armedforce, and,rousting the present regime, take control. 4. Quit reading or buy 100 copies of each book. 5. Re-name the main library "The Citadel."' Walter E. Kaler, Jr. Slosson Simplifies To the Editor:.. It is my feeling that Professor Slos- son oversimplifies in certain respects the matters dealt with in his other- wise excellent letter. of Oct. 31. In the first place, he tells Ameri- cans "If you want to know what the British and French are really like- look in the nearest mirror!" It is, of course, true thatthe three coun- tries are -alike in being capitalistic democracies. Even so, there is at least the possibility of varying emphases In the three as between capitalism and democracy. Such being the case, it may be that the American demo- cratic emphasis is somewhat greater than is the case in Britain or France. A much more serious oversimplifi- cation, to my mind, is seen in the sharp distinction Professor Slosson draws betwen the "democracies" and the "autocracies." He says "What Germany, Russia and Italy are really like cannot be told in the same way (through looking in the mirror) be- cause, since they are autocracies and not democracies, they show to the mirror not faces but masks; the masks of Hitler, Stalin and Musso- lini. When those masks are off at last the world can talk face to face again, and perhaps talk permanent peace." My contention is that the differ- ence between a "so-called" democ- racy and an autocracy is but one of degree rather than one of kind. The mask in the case of the former is somewhat less a disfigurement-but it is a mask just the same. A further contention I wish to make is that there will be no reason- able hope for an enduring peace un- less and until the great "so-called" democracies become overwhelmingly democratic in their emphases. -Roy H. Holmes Labor Peace Advised As the AFL and the CIO meet in their respective annual conventions, 't is well for both to review their positions in respect to the war, the status of democracy in America arnd the welfare of labor as a whole. Two' objectives are important-the unity )of. labor for protection of existing gains and further advance, and sup- port of an administration that on the average is much more favorable to union aims than any opponent is likely to be., The rank and file of both organizations are without much question. favorable to unity and to. support Mr. Roosevelt. The danger comes from a few leaders in both who are either short-sighted or so embittered by previous incidents as to be moved by personal combative- ness more than by the requirements ,of the situation. The reactionary. officials in the AFL are old offenders, but Mr. Lewis himself is also at fault in his abrupt breaking off of peace negotiations, in his rash deci- sion to invade the building trades THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1939 VOL. L.. No. 34 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Notices To The Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The second regular meet- ing of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, for the academic session of 1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025 Angell I;all on Monday, Nov.' 6, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various commit- tees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should .be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the November meeting. Edward H. Kraus Agenda- 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of Oct. 2, 1939, which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor Walter F. Hunt. b. University Council, prepared by Professor C. S. Schoepfle. c. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor E. F. Barker. 1 d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, prepared by Prof. C. D. Thorpe. e. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean Edward H. Kraus, 3. Report on the tutorial system, by Prof. W. G. Rice, chairman of the Advisory Board. 4. Discussion of the report, "The Evaluation of Faculty Services," led by Prof. J. K. Pollock, chairman of the committee. 5. New business. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts. Courses dropped after Saturday, November 4, by stu- dents other than freshmen. will' be recorded E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- 'ness. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture,' Science, and the Arts' may ob- tain their 'five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselors'. Office, FRoom 1708 Mason Hall, from 8 to '12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according 'to the. following schedule:: Surnames beginning H through 0, Thursday, Nov. 2. Surnames beginning P through Z, Friday, Nov. 3. Public Health Nursing Certificate: Students expecting to receive the Certificate in Public Health Nursing in February or June 1940 must make application at the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Physical Education for Women: Individual skill tests in tennis, golf, riding, archery and badminton will be given Friday, Nov. 3, from 3-5 p.m. at Women's Athletic Building. Swim- ming tests will be given every Tues- day and Thursday evenings at 8:30 at the Union Pool. Please sign with ma- tron at W.A.B. for tests. Academic Notices Department of Mathematics Staff meeting will be held today at 4:15 p.m., in 3201 A.H. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, Sec- ond Section, will meet on Friday at 1 p.m. in Room 247, instead of on Saturday at 8, in Room 246, West En- gineering Building. Lectures Television Lecture and demonstra- tion with moving pictures, Hill Audi- torium, Friday, Nov. 3, at 8:15 p.m. There is no admission charge and the public is cordially invited. Today's Events Professor Preston Slosson will speak tonight at 8 o'clock in St. Andrew's Church on the subject, "Is Christian- ity of Any Value in the Present World Crisis?" All students and faculty are cordially invited. Zoology Seminar: Mr. Alfred Perl- mutter will report on "Variation of American North Atlantic Marine Fishes Correlated with the Environ- ment" tonight at 7:30in the Amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building. Political Science Round Table: The first meeting will be held today at 4 p.m. at the Rackham Building. Engineering Mechanics Colloquium: "Review of Literature" by L. C. Maugh. "Prediction of Ship Power from Model Tests," by L. A. Baier. Meeting in Room 314 W. Engineering Annex today at 4:15 p.m. Anyone interested is cordially invited to at- tend. Upper Peninsula Students: You are cordially invited to attend the Upper Peninsula Students' Mixer, sponsored by the Hiawatha Club, which is to be held this evening, from' 8 to 10 o'clock, in the Michigan League Ballroom. Classics Students: Phi Tau Alpha, honorary classical society will meet at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall. All students who are enrolled in Latin 5, Greke 31, and courses more advanced than these are' cordially invited to attend. Ticket Committee for Assembly Ball will meet today at 4:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. Women's Archery Club: Will meet this afternoon at 4:15 on Palmer Field. Women's Fencing Club meets to- night at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium Physical Education Men: Phi Epsi- lon' Kappa invites all physical educa- tion men to, see moving pictures of National Collegiate Wrestling shown by Coach Cliff Keen tonight at 7 o'clock in the wrestling room of the Intramural Building. Rover Crew will met in Room 316 of the Union at 8 p.m. tonight to formulate plans for' the organization of a chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, na- tional service fraternity. All stu- dents with Scouting experience are urged to attend. Omega Upsilon: Meeting today at 5 'p.m. at the League.: The room will be posted on the bulletin board. All active members and pledges please be present. . Tbe Social C mnmittee of the Ameri- can Student Unoi*, will meet tonight at 7 o'clock in the Union. League Publicity Committee: Meet- ing atd4 p.m. today in the. League Undergraduate-Office. The Theatre Arts dance committee will have a meeting at 5:15 p.m. to- day in the League. Michigan.Dames: Click and Stitch group will. have its first meeting in the League, Nov. 2, at eight o'clock. The Hillel Camera Club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Foundation. Coming Events The "Round Table Discussion" on "Light" to be held in connection with the Michigan-Life Conference on New Technology , a n d Transportation, scheduled for the Michigan Union Friday morning, Nov. 3, will be held in the large auditorium of the Rack- ham Building in order to provide ade- quate facilities for the demonstrations of polarized light and of safety glass. It is therefore possible to extend an invitation to members of the faculty and students who may be interested in attending this meeting. Admission tickets may be obtained upon request from the Secretary of the Engineer- ing College in the West Engineering Building, Secretary of the Physics Department in the Physics Building, the Secretary of the Transportation Department, or of the Chemical En- gineering Department in the East En- gineering Building. The program, Nov. 3, Rackham Au- ditorium: 9:30 a.m. "Street and Highway Il- lumination," Kirk M. Reid, Illuminat- ing Engineer, Nela Park Department, General Electric Company. 9:55 a.m. "Proper Illumination and Safety," Louis Schrenk, Chief En- gineer,. Public Lighting Commission, Detroit, Michigan. 10:15 a.m. "Indirect Highway Lighting," G. Donald Kennedy, Depu- ty Commissioner, Michigan State Highway Department. 10:35 a.m. "Polarized Light" (dem- onstration) Edwin H. Land, Presi- dent and Chairman of the Board, Polaroid Corporation. 11:25ra.m. "Safety Glass" (demon- stration) Dr. Geo. B. Watkins, Direc- tor of Research, Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. The Outdoor Club invites you to join them for a weiner roast Sat- urday, Nov. 4. The group will leave Lane Hall at 8:30 p.m. Come and bring a friend. Assembly and Congress are jointly holding again this Saturday a radio "Open House" from. 2 'to 5 p.m. in the League Grillroom for the Illinois football game. Reservations for the hayride to be held Saturday, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p.m. can be made by calling the office of I 14 (. ennel Ainnointed I I!