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November 02, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-02

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Considerable cloudiness, local
snows, continued eoia


Awf, it;


It Costs Less,
But What About Health?

I *

VOL. L. No. 34




Fight In Senate
Nears Climax
Tomorrow As
Votes Are Cast
Forty-Five Candidates Seek
16 Available Positions
In Hotly Contested Race
Platforms Reveal
Varied Interests
Handbills, posters and gaily col-
ored stickers gave the campus the
air of a major political battleground
yesterday as the 45 candidates for
the Student Senate election tomor-
row began their fight to obtain the
16 vacant seats available in the Sen-
Of the 45, many have grouped to-
gether In coalitions, running for elec-
tion under such designations as: Lib-
eral Coalition, Nationalist Coalition,
Engineering-Literary Coalition, Non-
Partisan, Liberal and even Progres-
sive-Liberal. Individual candidates
represent such varied interests as:
the Young Communist League, the
American Student Union, the Anti-
War Committee, and Conservative.
Vote From 9 to 5:30 P.M.'
Voting will continue from .9 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at. four poll-
ing boxes located in the Union, the
League, the lobby of the engineering
arch and in the main concourse of
University Hall, Norman A. Schorr,
'40, and Stuart K. Knox, '40, co-
directors of election announced yes-
terday. Another box for law students
will be open from 12 noon to 2 p.m.
in Hutchins Hall, the directors said,
and a special box in the Union will be
open at 8:30 a.m. so that the Vargity
footballers may vote before they en-
train for Urbana. Voting at the reg-
ular polls will be concluded at 5:30
p.m., the directors explained.
"We expect a heated contest at
the polls tomorrow, with more than
2,000 students voting," the directors
said. The election .last .year drew
2,033 votes. Students are reminded,
the directors id, that identifieation.
cards are necessary to vote and must
be presented at the polls.
Sazpie Ballots Available
SamUle bllots will be available for
inspection after 1 p.m. today at the
Student Publications Building, the
directors said, and copies of Wednes-
day's Daily' with platforms of the
candidates may also be obtained to-
Counting of the votes by the com-
plex H, are system of proportional
representation will begin at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow, the directors announced,
and will be open to the public. How-
ever, judging by previous elections,
the vote count will not be completed
until late Saturday morning, al-
though some of the winners may be
known earlier in the evening.
College Group
Meets At Union
To Discuss Administration
Problems, Current Issues
Technical problems of Junior Col-
lege administration and discussions
of world-wide pertinent issues will
feature tomorrow's one-day conven-
tion at the Union here of the Michi-
gan Association of Junior Colleges.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will deliver the

principle address, "Europe's Fateful
Hour" at the 12:15 p.m. luncheon of
the group in Room 316 of the Union.
At the general session, under the
chairmanship of Frank J. Dove, at
10:15 a.m. in Room 318, a message
of welcome will be given by to
members and guests by Dean Clar-
ence S. Yoakum of the Graduate
School and this message will be
followed by the music of the High-
land Parks Junior College Choir and
a talk on "Counselling Freshmen and
Sophomores" by Dean Lloyd A. Wood-
burne of the literary college.
..A paper on "The Problem of the
Private Junior College in Michigan"
by Dean Roy Newton of Ferris In-
stitute will initiate the opening dis-
cussion at 9 a.m. in Room 302 .
Lectures on "The Recent Declar-
ation of'.Panama" by Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves of the political science de-
partment and "The Problems of the
Far East," by Prof. Robert B. Hall
of the geography department as well
as talks by Prof. M. H. Pargment of
the Romance Languages department,

Boss Ket Explains The Automobile

White House
Hits Russian
Early Hints At Influence
Of Neutrality Debates;
Scouts .Premier's Talk



-Daily Photo by Bogle
A few of the finer points of automotive research are being explained
by C. T. Kettering, Vice-President in Charge of Research of General
Motors. le and his listener, Otis Peabody Smith of Life Magazine, are
attending the Life-Michigan transportation meeting being held here.
Dev*lopment In Transportation
Keynotes MichiganLife Meeting

Conference Will Continue
Today With Symposiun,
Speakers And Luncheon
Future advances as indicated by
past developments in the field of
transportation and its cognate sub-
jects were stressed in the opening ses-
sion of the Michigan-Life transpor-
tation conference here yesterday.
Events scheduled for the second
day of the conference today will lead
off with a general meeting at 9:30
a.m. in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Prof. George
Brown of the chemical engineering
department will speak on "Combus-
tion in the Otto-Cycle Engine."
This will be followed 'by a sympo-
sium on "Boundary Layer Phenomena
in Transportation" -featuring D. A.
Wallace, president of the sales cor-
poration, Chrysler motors, in a dis-
cussion of solids and Prof. Edward A.
Stalker of the department of aero-
nautical engineering ,on the question
of fluids.
At the 12:30 p.m. luncheon in the
League, Fred M. Zeder, vice-president
of the board of Chrysler Corporation
will discuss new implications in au-
tomotive research. In the general
meeting to follow at 2 p.m., Dr. Gus-
tav Egloff, director of research, Uni-
versal Oil Products Co., will speak on
motor fuels of the present and future
and Otto S. Schairer, vice-president
of RCA, will present an analysis of
the part played by electronics in
Concluding event tomorrow will be
a formal banquet in the Unio'n. Speak-
ers will be E. Blythe Stason, E. E.
Provost of the University and Roy E.
Larsen, president of Time, Inc.
The importance of power to trans-
portation and the constant fight
waged by research against skepticism
to new advances were stressed in the
address yesterday by Charles F. Ket-
tering, vice-president in charge of re-
search for General Motors.
The five most important factors
which have made modern efficient
high-speed transportation possible,
Mr. Kettering pointed out, are power,


and the development of pneumatic
tires, alloy steels, and light-weight
fuels. Without these, he indicated,
aviation and the modern automobile
would not be feasible.
Internal combustion engines, he
pointed out, provided a flexible and
mobile source of power with a high
ratio of horsepower per pound weight
of the unit. In conjunction with the
internal combustion engine, gasoline
provides a light and powerful fuel.
In addition to the necessary part
played by pneumatic tires and strong,
light-weight alloy, Mr. Kettering em-
phasized the important role con-
tributed by modern advances in high-
way engineering.
Merrell R. Fenske, director of pe-
troleum refining laboratories at Penn-
sylvania State College, presented the
chemistry and physics of lubrication
as applied to modern transportation
in the second lecture yesterday. The
problem of modern engine lubrica-
tion, he pointed out, arises not from
any failure in the lubricant, but rath-
er fromithe oxydation.of.the oils. This
oxidation results in the formation of
sludge, an increase in viscosity
Featured event of -the, day was the
(Continued on Page 8)
Clubs Must Report
To DeanBy Friday
A warning has been issued from
the Dean of Students Office to the
to report the names, titles and classes
presidents of student organizations
of all officers by Friday in Room 2,
University Hall. Any organization,
which does not furnish the required
information in writing will no longer
be considered in existence. Active
societies not at present registered at
the office are urged to do so mimedi-
A new cooperative house has been
the only group to date to file appli-
cation for approval. After Nov. 3
lists of those approved and those
dropped will be published in The
Daily. The Daily Official Bulletin
is keeping organizations informed as
to their standing.

Recall Of Envoy
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.--()-Sus-
picion that Russia was trying to in-
fluence the neutrality fight in the
United States was voiced today at
the White House, while on CapitolE
Hill Rep McCormack (Dem.-Mass.)
flatly demanded recall of the United
States envoy to Moscow.
Seizing upon the speech in which
Russian Premier Vyacheslaff Molo-
toff criticized President Roosevelt
and said repeal of the arms embargo,
AVould prolong the European War,
Stephen Early, presidential secretary,
raised the question whether it was
"purely coincidental" that the ad-
dress was delivered at a time when
an important Vote on neutrality leg-
islation was scheduled in the House.
Argue In House
In the House Chamber, too, ad-
vocates of repeal eagerly used the
speech as an argument for their
cause, while opponents hotly dis-
puted the contention of McCormack
that a vote for the embargo could'
be considered a vote for Communist
McCormack started off the stren-
uous argument by demanding that
Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt
be .called home because of "this at-
tempt to influence American public
opinion-this grave breach of inter-
national law."
McCormnaek said that with the em-
bargo "we are' lending practical aid
to those forces that would destroy
religion and impeding other forces
not trying to destroy religion."
McCornack Challenged
McCormack i was. promptly chal-
lenged by embargo advocates. Repre-
sentative Fish (Rep.-N.Y.), a leader
of the group, said the address was
"the most wapike speech since we
1declared'' 91."' He and
Representattive Rankin (Dem.-Miss)
objected to McCormack's bringing re-
ligion into the debate. Rankin
shouted that he was a Christian and
opposed to Communism, but believed
that lifting the embargo would lead
Great Britain and France to "intensi-
fy the present war into a real war."
, "If we are to police and quarantine
the world for religious motives, we
might as well have a vote today,"
Fish said. "No one wants to rid our
country of Nazi, Communist and Fas-
cist forces any more than I do, but
it is none of our business what kind
of religion they have and it is none
of their business what kind of gov-
ernment we have."
Honor Engineering
Group Established;
Handbook Released
Formation of a new Honor Com-
mittee and the distribution of The
Arch, new freshman engineering
handbook, were announced last night
by James E. Brown, '40E. president
of the Engineering Council.
The Honor Committee, Brown in-
dicated, will supervise the operation
and dicipilinary action of the en-
gineering college honor system. Let-
ters explaining the operation of the
system have been distributed to fac-
ulty men who will pass this informa-
tion on to freshmen and transfer
The Arch, which will be released
for distribution today, will serve as a
year book for freshman engineers.
In addition to pictures and home ad-
dresses of all freshmen, the hand-
book also includes articles explaining
the operation of the engineering
The message of welcome to the
class of 1943 is given by the late Dean
Henry C. Anerson. Also'included are
a history of the engineering college
an explanations of various engineer-
ing activities, honor and professional
societies and the operation of the
honor system.

British Facing,
Rationed Food
Government To Instigate
Regulation In December;
Shipping Losses Are High
Churchill Reports
German Ship Menace
LONDON, Nov. 1.-0)-A govern-
ment announcement that food ra-
tioning would begin next month
brought to every home in this ship-
fed island tonight the war at sea--
where two more British ships were
sunk and two German pocket battle-
ships raiders were reported to be at
. The sinking of the Liverpool bteam-
ship Bronte and a British freighter
east of Cuba added nearly 10,000 tons
to the more than 200,000 tons of
British merchant shipping sent to
the bottom since the war started.
Winston Churchill, first Lard of
the Admiralty, told the House of
Commons that two German pocket
battleships were reported at large
in the Atlantic - presumably the
Deutschland the Admiral Scheer-
and added that he could not make a.
forecast as to when they might be
Food Minister W. S. Morrison an-
nounced that rationing of bacon and
butter would start in mid-December
'with the limit at four ounces of each
per week per person. Bacon includes
Morrison said that "for the present"
imports of butter and bacon from
European sources "have been re-
duced" but that there-still was.enough
meat and sugar. Ration books in-
'lude coupons tor .meat, sugar, mar-
garine and cooping fats, which may
be rationed later.
Prime Minister Chamberlain start-
ed. talks with. Canadian and other
dominion ministers today on United
Empire war plans, the most impor-
tant of which 'is pooling of aviation
resources in Canada.
Rapp finishes
County's Case'
Against Gi* b




Will Perform
In New Satire
After a slow-thinking, walrus-
moustached old Englishman had seen
the Yale Puppeteers perform in New
York several years ago, he came back-
stage and examined carefully the
puppet character of the First Lady
of the Land, whose wooden counter-
'part had revealed hilariously human
foibles during the performance. His
examination finished, the English-i
man shook his head and said pon-
derously, "Fawncy anyone's doing
that to Queen Mary!"
Satirical "fawncy" is the aim and1
art of the Puppeteers, who will pre-t
sent their marionette musical for
adults, "It's A Small World" at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow and Saturday at thet
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Fawncy" if you will, FDR giving
a Fireside Chat to a school of fish,
or Tom Dewey and Jim Farley pairedt
off in a boxing match, or Mrs. Roose-
velt and Dorothy Thompson putting
on a sister act, and you begin to
realize the flights of satirical imagi-
nation that Forman Brown, '22, and.
Harry Burnett,.'23, (Michigan alumni
in spite of the "Yale" Puppeteeers)
have concocted for ,their revue. J
Brown, who' once taught English
here, writes the lines, lyrics.and mus.-1
ic and keeps the revue up-to-date
by changing the material from time
Ito time to fit the tenor .of current
Chief puppet-manipulator 'is Bur-
nett, who constructs and operates
such dignitaries as Alexander Wooll-1
cott, Emperor Hirohito and Lynn
Fontanne.' An exhibit-of his master-
pieces is now being shown in Slater's
This season the Yale Puppeteers,
who took their name 12 years ago
when Burnett attended the Yale
Drama School, are engaged -on their
most extensive tour to date. They
will visit 40 states. '

Sub Attacks English Craft
In American Waters;
Six Cutters Aid Search
Neutrality Violation
Protest Is Studied
(Unless otherwise stated ali foreign
dispatches are subject to censorship.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-(1P)-Na-
val and Coast Guard vessels bucked
an Atlantic gale tonight to search for
a British freighter which flashed
word she had been beset by a sub-
marine about 680 miles from New
The scene of the attack as reported
by the freighter Coulmore, a 352-foot
Collier, was 62.31 degrees west of
Greenwich, 100 miles inside the Pari
American "neutrality zone" fixed at
the recent Panama conference.
Official quarters here said that if
it were established that a submarine
had fired a torpedo within the neu-
tral zone the United States would
consult immediately with other
American republics as to what steps
to take.
Action Would Mean Protest
The diplomatic action probably
would result in a protest to the of-
fending power, either by the United
States and the other American re-
publics individually or by Joint ac-
tion. At the Panamia conference no
decision was made as to just wha
action would be taken if the neutral
zone were violated.
The Coast Guard Cutter Bibb, one
of a number of craft searching for
the. Coulmore, -reached, her position
this morning but found no sign of
the 3,670-ton freighter or of survivors.
Thirty-four men 'and the captain's
wife were aboard.
The Bibb scoured the surface of the
sea in that vicinity and then turned
North to search in that direction. It
reported a 'gale blowing from the
,The' bad weather forcedi two Coast
Guard airplanes which joined the
search to turn back to their bases at
New York and Cape May, N.J., with-
out reaching the Coulmore's reported
Six Cutters Out
The Coast Guard had the cutters
Hamilton, Campbell, Chelan, Arg
and Duane in the search as well as
the Bibb.
The Navy joined the quest with
the cryptic comment that its ships
were helping in "saving life at sea!
The number of navy vessels sent ou1
was unannounced.
The Coulmore, which had callei
at Boston with a cargo of Russiomn
coal Sept. 9, sent out her distress call
last night. Shore stations hearc
them faintly at 10:50 p.m., and the3
became plainer until 1:38 a.m., whe
nothing more was heard.
Gov. Dickinson
Will Intervene

Coast Guard Seeks
British Freighter

Conlin To Begin
Six Witnesses
Checks Were-

Tickets for the
go on sale at 10
League boxoffice,
be reserved.

performances will
a.m. today at the
and all seats will



Road To War Led To Campus
D g , Records Show

After three weels of circuit court
proceedings during which more than
40 city and township officials offered
testimony, County Prosecutor Albert
J. Rapp yesterday closed the county's
case against Emmett M. Gibb, former
county clerk charged with embezzle-
ment of relief funds.
Attorney John Conlin will begin
the defense presentation today when
court reconvenes at 9 a.m. He said
yesterday that Gibb would be called
to the stand.
Prosecutor Rapp indicated the pos-
sibility that J. Martin Rempp, ac-
countant in the county clerk's office,
may be asked to testify again in
order to clear up previous testimony
that he had borrowed $1,354.40 to
make up the shortage in the relief ac-
counts. The county exhibits show
that that amount never appeared in
the accounts, Rapp said.
Six more witnesses appeared dur-
ing yesterday's' sessions to testify that
relief checks totalling more than $5,-
000 had been cashed by Gibb, and had'
not been deposited in the County
fund for relief money.
Under Prosecutor Rapp's question-
ing, Alfred Staeb, vice-president of
the State Savings Bank, revealed that
four relief checks had been deposited
in Gibb's personal account. Supple-
(Continued on Page 8)

Medical Group
Offers Course
Practitioners Will Study
Registration for a postgraduate
course in psychiatry for practicing
physicians to be offered by the De-
partment of Postgraduate Studies and
the Michigan State Medical Society
will begin at 9 a.m. today in the Uni-
versity Hospital, Dr. Raymond W.
Waggoner, in charge of the course,
announced yesterday.
This course is designed to aid the
physician in general practice in the
management of a difficult group of
cases. Neuropsychiatric disorders
'will be discussed. Problems incident
to the administering of care of men-
'tal disease by the state and the re-
sponsibility of the community in
mental hygiene will be considered.
Various types of neuroses, the early
manifestation of the major psychoses
and the management of individual
cases will be demonstrated.
Twenty-five doctors from various
states are registered at present in
the course, "The X-Ray Diagnosis of
Thoracic Disease" which is being
conducted by Dr. Fred J. Hodges and
his staff. This course will last until
Nov. 4.

In Auto Stri

A campus referendum on com-
pulsory military training; distribu-
tion of questionaires on the military
capabilities of Michigan men and
women "in time of need"; emergency
conferences between student leaders
and faculty men--these events and
many more comprise the story, writ-
ten in the spring of 1917, of the Uni-
versity of Michigan's preparations
for war.
From the chronicle of these events
of twenty two years ago can be
drawn a picture which when tripled
in size, as military men say it must
be, will furnish some idea of "M"
Day in Ann Arbor if America marches
In March 1917, one'-month before
Congress declared war on Germany,
the University, like the nation,
"swung several steps nearer war with
comprehensive preparedness moves."'
Campus opinion was unanimously
behind The Daily that month in its
campaign for.. compulsory military
training. While the Board of Re-
gents hesitated, the student body,
through The Daily and Hill Audi-

officers training corps of freshmen'
and sophomores and suggested that
the Michigan Union, then an all-
student organization, be empowered
"to secure definite information re-
garding all resources of the Univer-
sity including the faculty, students
and alumni." It was emphasized
by the committee that ROTC mem-
bers were "no more subject to call
than citizens not enrolled for mili-
tary drill."
Five thousand students voted in
the referendum on the two issues:
"Do you favor compulsory military
training for freshmen and sopho-
mores?" and "Would you endorse
compulsoryntraining for all students
provided the Regents deemed such a
step advisable?" Returns favored
education in the art of war by four
to one, 3,369 out of 4,336.
Women, some of whom had an-
nounced they intended to enlist, were
permitted to vote, and ballots were
destroyed as soon as they were count-
ed. Previous to the election, one
undergraduate pacifist was ordered
to stop distributing literature oppos-
ing compulsory military training on

Dean Stason Will Inaugurate
Vocational Guidance Lectures

Action Is Taken By Sta
After Dewey Adjouri
Federal Conferences
DETROIT, Nov. 1.-A)-Gov. Li
en D. Dickinson and the State Lal
Mediation Board today assumed
'rection of the 'negotiations betwe
the Chrysler Corporation and the C
United Aut)> Workers Union for
settlement of the Chrysler dispi
which began 27 days ago and ha 1
more than 50,000 workers idle.
The state acted formally af
'Federal Labor' Conciliator James
Dewey adjourned; indefinitely 1
'conferences he had been holding w
representatives of the corporat
and the union.
The state-directed conferences a
start tomorrow at 2 p.m. (EST)
the executive offices at Lansing.
Dewey said he would attend t
Lansing meetings. "This should x
be interpreted as a break-up of F(
eral negotiations," Dewey said.
Dewey said of the Detroit conf
ence that it "is adjourned subject



RegionsOf Poland
MOSCOW, Nov. 1. --P)- Soviet
Russia today welcomed two new
regions, fruits of the German-Soviet
partition of Poland, into member-
ship in the Soviet Union.
Thn - rascnw n .-I~ra,- ~C.

The first of the Union directed
Vocational Guidance talks will be
given at 4:30 p.m. today in the small
ballroom of the Union in conjunc-
tion with the first of the year's reg-
ular Coffee Hours, Robert Ulrich,
'41, program chairman, announced
yesterday. Dean E. Blythe Stason, of
the Law School and Provost of the
University Will speak on law as a
n,.nfPaci nn

Too often students decide arbitrar-
ily on work in some field, Ulrich said,
basing their decision on personal cir-
cumstances more than on a consider-
ation of their capabilities. The per-
sonal and informal type of discus-
sion carried on in these series of talks,
he said, were admirably designed to
'illustrate. the true nature of what
will face his student. In the talks so

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