Weather ;ent snow flurries, and day; tomorrow cloudy. fiJra aiItxi Editorial The Challenge To Civlizatio~n. L L. No. 33 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Passes, Neutrality Bill To Conference in WldVote Embargo Group Changes Prevented By Early Vote As Administration Wins Conferees To Get Instructions Today WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. -(y- Advocates of repealing the arms em- bargo won the first skirmish ovei neutrality legislaton in the House today when that chamber agreed to send the measure to a conference comittee to adjust differences be- tween the Senate and House versions. The vote, which effectively pre- vented the embargo bloc from offer-' ng amendments from the floor was taken amid angry cries of "City slick- er tactics!" Administration men re- plied that the procedure was normal; No Roll Call There was no roll call' on the ques- tion, but Administration leaders jub- ilantly hailed a previous roll call, on which they mustered an unexpected- 1y high majority of 60 votes, as in- dicating a safe margin for repeal of the e bargo when the final test comes, rl The r111call was on a question of ending debate on the procedure to be adopted for considering the bill. The. result' ineffect, defeated a Republi- can attempt to open up the legisla-, tton for House amendements. The vote was"237 to 177., Oppnents of repeal-most bitter- ly controverted issue of the neutral- ityfigit-adpleaded bitingly and itly for .an opportunity to bring the Sehate bill before the House for any amendments it might see fit to adopt, or to seni it to the Foreign Affairs Oonmittee to be amended. Repeals Embargo The Senate measure repeals the existIngemrgo .pn: arms and am- munition. The House bill, approved. las session, embargoes'"lethal" weap- on&-such as death dealing gases, guis and ammunition-but permits the sale to belligerents of other im- plents of' war such as airplanes and oil.' ' Today's action does not deprive opponents of repeal of an opportunity to vote oa the 'question of what in- structions, if any, the House should give the conferees who will represent it in negotiations with Senators. It is this question of instructing the conferees which is expected to occupy the House fot the next two days. No time limit, however, has been fixed for debating the question. Two Dorms Elect Officersa Fletcher, Vaughan Houses Choose Fifteen Men More than- 90 per cent of the stu- dents living in Fletcher Hall and Vaughan House, residence halls for" men, participated in voting last week to elect 15 men to fill the positions of1 president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and judiciary, social, ath-; letic and scholarship chairmen, ac- cording to Prof. Karl Litzenberg, di- rector of residence halls,. Vaughan House, opened this se- mester for medical students, elected Ned S. Arbury, '43M, Midland, presi- dent, James Collins, '43M, vice-presi- dent, Kenneth R. Crispell, M. secre- tary-treasurer, James A. Johnson, '43M, judiciary council, Keats K. Vin- ing, '43M, social chairman, Gunnard J. Antell, '43M, athletic chairman and Louis A. Craig, '43M, scholarship chairman. Student government at Fletcher Hall will be under the leadership of Gordon Andrew, '42, Detroit, presi- dent, Arnold Larsen, '42, vice-presi- dent, James L. Wolcott, '41BAd, sec- retary, Arthur S. Hann, '41BAd, treasurer, Charles K. Esler, '41, ju- diciary chairman, Edgar L. McCor- mick, Grad., scholarship chairman, Henry R. Clauser, '40E, social chair- man and Clifford Young, athletic chairman. Fifty Picked Here Michigan Students Favor Repeal OfArms Embargo Material Aid To Britain And France Held Desirable By Majority Of Men Interviewed On Campus; See No Danger Of Becoming Involved I s A - .- - Li T fe Parley Molotoff Assails Roosevelt 'o Convene Here Today For Moral Aid' To Finns; Opening Session Will Hear Welcoming Addresses /f And C. F". Kettering Il-Ily Purges Pro-Germans By RICHARD HARMEL and KARL KESSLER With the Senate's abandonment of the arms embargo and the House action sending the new neutrality bill into conference, the issue of whether the arms embargo should be aband- oned has returned to the public lime- light. College students, being of draftable age, should be necessarily interested in the outcome of the present Con- gressional fight. When quizzed by the Inquiring Reporter, Michigan men were almost unanimous in ap- proving the Congressional moves up to date. Many answers were given, and the following are representative. THE QUESTION: What is your opinion of the latest Congressional action in regard to the arms embar- go? THE ANSWERS: Alan Fleishman, '42L: "I approve of it. I feel best defense in keeping 'us out of war is to aid the Allies. We must remember that we are not dis- criminating against Germany. Ger- man'boats can take advantage of the cash and carry plan. It's not our fault if the British navy has them bottled up. I also believe it will keep American boys out of the trenches because if the Allies get enough sup- plies, they won't- need doughboys to be victorious.. ' John Huston, '41: "The arms em- bargo, as presented in the bill now before the House, cannot by any 'stretch of the imagination be termed a neutrality measure. It unquestion- ably will give material aid to England and France at the expense of Ger- many, and any such breach of neu- trality will draw us that much closer to the present conflict. As for 'pre- serving the ideals of democracy, Eng- land certainly has no such motives herself." John Kantor, Grad: "As a South African and a British subject, I am naturally pleased with the decision of the Senate and the action taken by the House yesterday. However, from Ruthvens Plan TouriTo Visit Alumni Clubs Arrangements have been completed for President and Mrs. Ruthven to visit various University of Michigan clubs in the seventh alumni district during a trip which will begin Sun- day, Nov. 12, Vernon F. Hillery, '25L, president of that district, announced yesterday. The Ruthvens will be guests of hon- or at alumni dinners given by the local alumni groups in six cities, the first two in Oklahoma, and the re- maining in Texas. This trip is be- ing made in response to an invita- tion issued two years ago by the seventh district and by the clubs in that district. Hillery, here for the Ruthven Dinner last Friday and for homecoming activities, said he would accompany the Ruthvens during their stay in Texas. First dinner will be given Nov. 14 in Tulsa. A similar affair will follow two days later in Oklahoma City. The Texas stops include Dallas and Fort Worth, Nov. 17-19; San Antonio, Nov. 22; and Houston, Nov. 24. The trip has been arranged to en- able the Ruthvens to become acquaint- ed with alumni in the seventh district, as they have never visited that dis- trict. State Humane Group To Meet E dnerson, Judy Will Speak Saturday At League Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, director of the Pasteur Institute at the Uni- versity, and Capt. Will Judy, editor of the national magazine "Dog World," will be the principal speak- ers at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the state-wide luncheon meeting of the Michigan humane societies in the League. "Rabies-Its Extent in the United States" will be the theme of Dr. Em- erson's talk. He will give special fthe American point of view, the ,Cash and Carry system is bound to keep America out of war by prevent- 'ing such unfortunate incidents like the City of Flint." Buddy Gins, '40: "The way I look at it is that effort should be made by Congress to lift the embargo, not with the point of view, however, of justifying France and Britain in their+ war, but to aid in getting rid of Hit- ler's government. No peaceful settle- ment of the existing conflict seems in sight. We should, therefore, help in bringing peace by lending our eco- nomic support." Edward King, '41E: "I heartily ap- prove the action of Congress up to this point. Our trade should im- prove along with the elimination of risk for American ships since they will be forbidden to go into beligger- ent waters." Maurice S. Reizen, '40, and Charles Jaslow, '41: "The Embargo Act, as the Senate proposes to revise it, will unquestionably aid the allies, which is where our sympathies naturally lie. I don't believe that the arms trade, which comprises only 15 per cent of our trade could draw us in." Student Senate To Hold Public Election Rally Candidates Will Present Platforms At Meeting TonightIn Union Taking the form of a one-panel parley, the Student Senate will hold a preelection Rally at 8 p.m. today in the small ballroom of the Union, with Prof. Lewis G. VariderVelde of the history department as keynoter, Harold .Osterweil, '41, announced yesterday. All students are urged to attend this meeting, which will be an attempt to present the candidates for the Senate election Friday to the cam- pus, a policy never before tried, Os- terweil said. By means of this Rally, the stu- dents will be better able to judge the persons destined to represent them in the Senate for the coming year, Osterweil pointed out. James T. Duesenberry, Grad., will act as chairman of the meeting, and Robert Rosa, Grad., will give a brief talk on the activities of the Senate. Rosa was speaker for the Senate last year. Half the meeting will be devoted to the candidates who will present their platforms, Osterweil said, while the remainder of the meeting will be given over to open floor discus- sion. It is hoped, Osterweil explained, that by means of criticism and ques- tions from the assembled student body, the Senate and the candidates running for it will be able to deter- mine the consensus of the campus on past activities of the Senate and may thereby adjust their stands to con- form with student opinion. Each candidate will be allotted two minutes, except those grouping to- gether on one coalition, in which case the representative of the coalition may speak five minutes. Hallowe'en Means Fun, Mirth For Youngsters Hallowe'en was ushered in last night with its traditional bands of roving children bent on having a night of fun. Gaily bedecked in col- ored cheese cloth, Mama's old shoes, or brother's old clothes and wearing outlandish false faces they proceed- ed to ring bells, put soap on dormi- tory windows or remove gates and ash cans fror their usual resting places. Favorite trick of the evening was that probably played by students in the university who called their friends;, dorms, sororities, fraterni- ties and even The Daily to ask whether they knew it was Hallowe'en, and before any answer could be given, yell a booming "BOO" into the phone and hang up. Ensian Reduced Picture' Offer Tn End Snturdayv Group To Discuss_ _ _ _ NewTechnolIl Duce Overhauls Fascist . w T c nLeadership; Removes Mpe Welcoming addresses, a talk by Three Military Heads May Delay Talks, Charles F. Kettering and a specialen D cs performance featuring analysis of Shakeup Expected scientific progress by six faculty men B will highlight the opening session to- B NvHE.N(ednGa day f te Uverity-ifeconer-HELSINKI, Nov. 1. (Wednesday) day of the University-Life confer- By CHARLES H. GUPTILL -()-The Finish government an- ence on new technologies in trans- ByE CARLES H.( GUPL nounced tonight that publication of portation. ROME, Oct. 31. -W)Premier Soviet Russia's demands on the re- Following registration in the morn- Mussolini in a sweeping overhauling public had "created a new situation" ing, Dean Alfred. Lovell of the en- of the Fascist leadership today re- and caused a delay in the negotia- gineering college will present the wel- moved three military chiefs who had tions. . The exact effect of the unexpected coming address to the 200 scientists conducted staff talks with German disclosures by Soviet Premier-Foreign and research technicians invited to officers and two cabinet members Commissar Vyacheslaff Molotoff int attend the conference at a luncheon popularly regarded as pro-German. his speech to the Russian Parliamentt at 12:30 p.m. in the Union. The shuffling of military chiefs, yesterday was not clear early today,l 'Transportation' Is Topic army leaders, and cabinet ministers, but it was certain he had profoundly "Transportation of Tomorrow" will however, was regarded in foreign shocked Finnish officials. be the topic discussed at the general circle as primarily designed to rein- It was probable a cabinet meeting meeting at 2 p.m. in the Amphithe- force the Fascist regime at home would be held today to consider ther atre of the Rackham Building by Mr. with the international aspect inci- new situation. Kettering, vice-president in charge dental to domestic factors. The communique did not say whe- of research for the General Motors er Finland's delegation to Moscow, Corp. This will be followed at 3 p.m. Whether there was any which left Helsinki last night, would - by a discussion of the chemistry and thought of shelving those in the continue its journey or return heret physics of lubrication as applied to for new instructions. The delegation modern transportation, presented by government who had been looked on was scheduled to arrive in Lenin-t Merrel R. Penske, director of the tased rgrad today. Petroleum Refining Laboratory at But all three replaced chiefs of The Finnish government had kept Pennsylvania State College staff-Gen. Alberto Pariani of the negotiations a matter of close A tea and reception will be given army, General1Giuseppe Valle of the secrecy. by President and Mrs. Ruthven at airforce and Lieut.-Gen. Luigi Russo, 4:15 p.m. at the President's residence, of the blackshirt militia-had con- " It to be followed at 6 p.m. by an in- ferred with their German counter- U.tralit formal dinner in the League. Prof. parts after signing of. the Italian- Na Lewis "112. Gram of the department German military alliane last May- ToN t n of civil engineering will preside and an alliance which no longeris men- To Cost1Naion Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal- tioned in Italy.I ism department will give a short ad- The two cabinet members consid-275 000 000! dress. ered as having pro-German sym- 2)0,) Culminating. Event pathies and affected by the shakeupt Culminating event of the evening' were Lieut.-Gen. Achille Starace, FDR To Present Congressl will be the Sample of Science, pro- secretary of the Fascist Party, and. gram at 8 p.i. in. the Lydia Men- Dino Alfieri, Minister of Popular With Bill For Increase delssohn Theatre, featuring short Culture (propaganda). Transfer to In Defejsive Meaures science addresses by six faculty mem- other posts removed them from the I________ bers. cabinet. -WASHINGTON Oct31---P) Prof. H. R. Crane of the physics Shakeup To Please WASsIGTON Oct t1d-y) department will present an analysis The shakeup was expected to President Roosevelt estimated today of the structure and application of please the Italian people.. There that it would cost $275,00,000 to the University's 100 ton cyclotron, have been widespread reports of safeguard and enforce American s (Continued on Page 8) popular dissatisfaction with the pro- neutrality during the first 10 months German tendencies of some of the of the European war. lesser Fascist leaders. He told reporters that this sum1 would be asked of Congress as a de- Nelson Accepts With the changes, . some foreign Tistrghenedprorithen beief ofuy sm observers considered Mussolini had ficiency appropriation in January. " * estbsed acn ide - Mothad This strengthened the belief of some e stablished a middle-of-the-road officials that the total national de- Hull's Invitation cabinet. His son-in-law, Foreign fense appropriation for the next ses- Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, and sion would exceed $2,000,000,000. -r inMminster of Justice Count Do Gran- The extra $275,000,000, Mr. Roose- International Center Head di remained as perhaps the outstand- velt told his press conference, is To Confer In Washington ing figures next to fl Duce. needed chiefly to pay for increases in" the armed forces ordered Sept. 8 Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor T . It when he proclaimed a limited nation- to foreign students' and director of U al emergency. The expense covers the University's International Center, maintenance of the Atlantic coast announced yesterday that he has ac- duates t neutrality patrol and the mass train- cepted the invitation of Secretary of ing of troops ordered by the War State Cordell Hull to attend a confer- Department. ence on International education and -s ru p eteers A short time before the President cultural relations to be held in Wash- spoke, Chairman Sheppard (Dem.- ington, D.C., Nov. 8, 9 and 10. Tex.) of the Senate Military Affairs Two University alumni with nmble Committee predicted the expanding Hull issued personal invitations to fingers and a flair for satire will army would require $1,000,000,000 persons especially iterested i in- lampoon the world's headliners when next year, and Chairman Scrugham ternational education. President the Yale Puppeteers revue, "It's A (Dem.-Nev.) said the House Naval Ruthven, who was asked to attend Small World," appears Friday and Appropriations Sub-Committee ex- because of the University's occupation Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn pected the navy budget would ap- with a largew number of foreign stu- Theatre. proach this sum. dents, declined because of the press Forman Brown, '22, former Eng- In another defense development of other duties, and designated Pro- lish instructor here, writes the lines, the War Department announced that fessor Nelson as the University's rep- lyrics and music for the marionette the first new aerial fighting unit to resne musical and keeps its satirical punches ;be formed since Congress approved Professor Nelson has been asked to apropos to world headlines by fre- a $300,000,000 air corps expansion in assist in planning the program of the quent revisions. Under the deft fin- April wuld be sent to Puerto Rico conference. The general subject to gers of Harry Burnett, '23, who built in November to reinforce defenses of be discussed will be the problem of the puppets and who manipulates that Caribbean outpost. It is the the foreign student in adjusting him- them in the revue, FDR goes fishing, 27th reconnaissance squadron of 28 self to his new academic and com- Tom Dewey and Jim Farley engage officers, 228 enilsted men and nine munity environment. , in a boxing bout and Martha Gra- planes. - ham dances as she would never dance in real life. Ro e t Dic dits B 1rsley Addresses "It's A Small World" is intendedRooseve D scred s for adult audiences. The presenta- . T Debating Society tion of the revue, therefore, is ir Term Rumnor handled differently than juvenile More than 100 members of the puppet shows. Puppeteers Forman WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. --(')- Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineer- and Burnett have designed a simple President Roosevelt today branded as cn stage, little more than a platform ebodys invention any idea that rosy ,npp'h"' i't wore ' rlr"' b aced bytaescreen hic atserv Inn spueec 6ocley wor e aui-je Uy acked by a screen which evsa DeanJose'h A Burley artvigsta proposed conference on the west Den JhUnion According lt Dean backdrop. The stage allows them to coast might be intended to promote Bursley if you make the man under lean over and manipulate the pup- a third term for the New Deal. you get the most out t what he has, pets in full view of the audience. The Chief Executive was ques- you will be a real human engineer. tioned at his press conference about the statement made yesterdayby The successful engineer must first p a stesaemn aeysedyby Th hselfginmutothrEhrmann Speaks John L. Lewis that two Administra- sell himself to hiself, then t othery To GraduateClb n o cials Graduatentioneofficialsswereorganizing a asmeet must he be able to express himself in January for the secret purpose of 'well in English but in some foreign i aur o h ertproeo language also. .Unlimited patience Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann spoke starting a third term boom. and the ability to make fair decisions on "Studying the Present War" at the Mr. Roosevelt said all he knew USSR Tells Of Increasing Friendship With Former Foes, Italy And Germany Finland Warned In Terse Message (Unless otherwise stated aii foreign dispatches are subject to censorship.) By WITT HANCOCK MOSCOW, Oct. 31.-P)-.Premier Molotoff today chided President Roosevelt for lending Finland the "moral support" of the United States, in effect warned the Finns to come to terms, and notified the world that Russia is drawing closer to Germany and Japan, once partners in the Anti- Comintern Pact. In an exhaustive report on Russia's new foreign policy, the Premier and Foreign Commissar told more than 1,100 deputies attending the extra- ordinary joint session of the Soviet Council that the United States' move to repeal its arms embargo would "intensify, aggravate and protract" the European war. Salient Points Salient points in MVolotoff's 85- minute speech: 1. Struck at President Roosevelt for "intervening" 'in Russia's ego- tiations with Finland "in contradic- tion' of the United States' policy of neutrality." 2. Declared Russia was unable t understandFinland's efusal of a mutual assistance pact siilr to those which made the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania vir- protectorates. 3 Denounced Great Britain and France for carrying on the war with Gernany for the purpose, he said, of safeguarding teir colonial posses- sions. 4. Said "there can be no questin of restoring Poland" and that it was "absurd to continue the present war" for such a cause 5. Asserted that German and Rus- sian relations are being placed on an increasingly-solid and friendly basis. Trade ,Negotiations 6. Announced trade negotiations would be opened - with Japan and opened the door for a move by Tokyo toward stronger cooperation-possi- bly a non-aggression pact. 7. Gave no hint of any possible Soviet aims in the Balkans but said Turkey, which refused a pact with Russia and signed one with Britain and France, must take note of the offer of cooperation to Japan. By her pact with Britain and France, he said, Turkey had /moved into the "orbit of war" and he would not hazard a guess whether Turkey would come to regret it. Russia's dictator, Joseph Stalin, was given a tremendous ovation when he seated himself along with other Soviet leaders in front of the chair- man's rostrum of the modern hall built behind the picturesque Kremlin. Touching on President Roosevelt's plea on Oct. 11 for Finland, Molotoff said near the end of his address: "One finds it hard to reconcile that with the American policy of neutrality." Hull Requests Protection For 'City Of Flint' Crew WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. -()-- Secretary Hull took steps to protect the American crew of the City of Flint today by instructing the American Embassies in Germany and England to request those governments to avoid exposing the crew to unneces- sary danger. Secretary Hull disclosed he still was pressing Soviet Russia for full infor- mation on what had happened to the ship at Murmansk. He further dis- closed that the Department of Justice would prepare the Government's case when the City of Flint seizure is tak- en up by the German prize court at Hamburg. Norwegian Warship Follows City Of Flint BERGEN, Norway, Oct. 31.-(P)- The American freighter City of Flint, in command of a German prize crew, F, , 4:....,'..' l t