in north
5k A
Why Pick
On Lindbergh?
Michigan-Life Transportation
Conference Opens Tomorrow
angle Leaders
eo Office
fenee Halls
oward student self-
taken yesterday by
he West Quadrangle
ce halls with the
en to fill the posi-
mt, vice-president,
r, judiciary coun-
athletic, social and
men in the eight
l Litzenberg, direc-
e halls announced
and judiciary coun-
he eight houses will
udent council which
constitution for all
in the West Quad,
Scientists, Research Men,
Technicians Will Meet
For Three-Day Parley
Distinguished \scientists, research
men and technicians from the lab-
oratories of the great industrial or-
ganizations throughout the country
'will meet here tomorrow for the
three-day Michigan-Life Conference
on New Technologies in Transporta-
Designed to examine new methods,
new materials and new directions in
the transportation field, the confer-
ence will feature many outstanding"
men in the field of transportation.
Lectures and demonstrations will
deal chiefly with specific 1939
achievements in the respective fields
of engineering, metalurgy, thermo-
dynamics, structure, tensile strength,
speed and capacity in the fields of
air transportation, automotive, high-
way, rail and marine transportation.
Sponsored' jointly by the University
anid Life magazine, the conference
will include such speakers as Charles
F. 'Kettering, vice-president in charge
of research, General Motors Corp.;
C. R. Smith, president of American
Airlines; Fred M. Zeder, vice-chair-
man of the board Chrysler Corp.;
Vandals Return
In New Raids
On Fraternities
Otto S. Schairer, vice-president in
charge of patents, Radio Corporation
of America and D. A. Wallace, presi-
dent, Chrysler Sales Corp.
"Predicated' on the thesis that a.
definite need exists at this time for
a correlation of the best and most
recentythinking in such fields as met-
allurgy, electrinics and combustion,"
the late Dean Henry C. Anderson
stated in announcing the conference,
"the Michigan-Life Conference is de-
signed to draw together laboratory,
men, who, in multiple industries and
for many ends, have been pursuing
identical lines of research in pure
science. Their efforts, translated in-
to application in commercial devices,
produce the transportation services
of tomorrow. It is needless to say
that in these fields we today stand
on the threshold of the possibilities of
a new mobility in American life."
Driver Charged
With Homicide
In Dick Death
be ratifies
nan; Robert
o chairman
st, Grad,
v House
neit at the Wenley
der the leadership
win, '43E, Niagara
ident, Thomas W.
;resident, John A.
ry-treasurer, Ray-
3, judiciary council,
n, '40, social chair-
Chase, '43Spec.,
man and Marvin
C, athletic chair-
n, '43, Quincy, Ill.,
ent of the Michigan
fficers elected are
rice-1iresident, Jack
judiciary council,
'43, social chair-
arke, '43E, athletic
scholarship chair-
enton, '43, and Jim
Campus vandals turned back to
raids on fraternity houses again last
weekend, with silver cups, a stuffed
owl, and ambust of Julius Caesar
numbered among the loot.
Five sports trophies, a homecoming
cup and two chimes were taken from
the Sigma Chi house, 548 State St.
Football decorations, particularly a,
large stuffed football player, were
taken from the Alpha Chi Sigma,
fraternity, 727 South State St.
Two pictures and two trophies dis-
appeared formthe Alpha Tau Omega,
house, 1415 Cambridge Road.
A bronze statue of Julius Caesar, a;
stuffed owl, and other trivia were
taken from the Psi Upsilon fraternity,
1000 Hill St., but most of the goods
mysteriously were returned later.
First Job Lecture
To-Be Held Today
The first of this year's vocational
coffee hours will be conducted at
4:30 p.m. today in the small ballroom
of the Union, according to Robert
Ulrich, of the Union executive coun-
cil. Dean Blythe E. Stason of the
Law School will speak on "Law as a
Dean Stason's talk will open a
series of such discussions to be con-
tinued throughout the year at the
Union. The series was instituted to
afford the student body a further in-
sight into the ways and means of
various professions..
Talks on such professions as medi-
cine, dentistry, foreign service, poli-
tics, architecture, graduate work and
education will feature later discus-
Hearing Set For Nov. 3;
Funeral Rites Are Held
For Teaching Fellow
D. C. Clark of Battle Creek, driver
of the automobile which struck an
Ann Arbor car north of Otisville two
weeks ago causing injuries which led
to the death 'Saturday of W. Bruce
Dick,teaching fellow in the geogra-
phy department, was charged with'
negligent homicide in Flint yesterday.
At first charged only with felonious
driving, Clark this morning demand-
ed examination which was set for
Nov. 3. He furnished $800 bond.
Funeral services were held, this
morning for Mr. Dick who had been
planning to obtain his master's de-
gree in geography in 1940. The body
was taken to Calumet for interment.
Mr.. Dick, a teaching fellow in the
University for four years, is survived
by his mother, Mrs. Victoria M. Dick
of this city; five brothers, Leslie E.
of Montreal, Wis., Melvin N., F. Hazen
and Dr. Vernon S. Dick of Ann Arbor
and Mark W. Dick of Grand Rapids;,
a sister, Miss Mildred C. Dick of Ann
Arbor and several nephews and nieces.
He was the author of several ar-
ticles' dealing with land utilization.
In June of last year, he gave a paper
on "The Settlement of Livingston
County" before the economic social
science division of the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Sci-
ence meeting in Milwaukee.
Honorary Engineering
Society Taps 11 Men
Triangles, Junior engineering hon-
or society, last night stalked the cam-
pus in its semi-annual tapping cere-
mony and troubled the rest of 10
junior engineers and a faculty mem-
Those selected in the opening tap-
ping in the engineering college this
year were R. RaymOnd Allen, Peter
F. Brown, Philip H. Clapp, Arthur
R. Cline, Harry E. Kohl, David M.
Ladd, Robert J. Morrison, William
F. Vollmer, George W. Weesner,
Thomas V. Williams and Prof. Jo-
seph H. Cannon of the electrical
engineering department.
State Parent
Group Plans
Meeting Here
Annual Education Institute
To Assemble Nov. 7-10;
Jay Allen Will Speak
Blakeman, Slosson,
Benson Will Talk
The 10th annual Parent Education
Institute, sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Extension Service under the
direction of Dr. Charles A. Fisher,
will be held Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the
Rackham Building, the League and
The theme -of the Institute will be
"The Community-Its International
Aspects, Its Responsibility to Youth,
Its Enduring Values, Its Search for
Jay Allen, war correspondent and
roving reporter for the Chicago Trib-
une and London News Chronicle, will
highlight the Institute's program
Nov. 10 with a discussion of "Propa-
ganda in the News and How to Spot
It." He will lead a forum on "When
Instructed - When Propagandized"
following his talk. Forum members
who will consider "The Community-
Its Search for Facts," include Michael
A. Gorman, editor of the Flint Jour-
nal; Barclay Acheson, Reader's Di-
gest; S.L.A. Marshall of the Detroit
News; and Prof. George S. Benson,
and Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the po-
litical science department..
Rev. Walton Cole of the'Unitarian1
Church in Toledo, renowned for his,
recent radio campaign opposing Fath-
er Coughlin, will also speak Nov. 10
on "Defending -Ourselves Against
Propaganda." His talk will follow Bar-
clay.Acheson's of the Reader's Digest
who will discuss "1prbedomthe Men-1
tal Climate for Proress."
A student discussion entitled "The
Community Youth Would Like To
See" is scheduled for the dinner meet-
ing at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Union.
Profm George S. Benson of the po-
litical science department will lead
the discussion including among its
participants Tom Adams, '40, presi-x
dent of the Interfiaternty Council;
Carl Petersen, '40, managing editor
(Continued on Page 6)
Three Patients
State Official Terms Two
IONIA, Mich., Oct. 30.-(AP)-Three
Ionia State Hospital inmates, two
of them described by Dr. Perry C.
Robertson, as "potentially danger-
ous" escaped tonight through a win-
dow from which bars had been cut
with a hacksaw.
They were:
Sammy Davis, 35 years old, reputed
former Purple Gangster at Detroit
who was committed to the Hospital
directly by Recorder's Court in 1934.
He was accused of killing Sam Gould,
also a reputed gangster, and was
arrested after he had eluded police
of several states for two years. When
caught, he was operating a gasoline
station near New Rochelle, N.Y., and
had married a New York girl.
Hobart Erickson, 40 years old, of
Iron Wood, committed by Gogebic
Circuit Court before a scheduled trial
on charges of murdering his own
Lloyd Lockner, 23 years old, . of
Detroit, ringleader in tonight's es-
cape, according to Dr. Robertson, who
was committed directly by Record-
er's Court before his trial on larceny
Lockner was in charge of the in-
mate clothing room in the No. 2 dor-
mitory and it was through a window
of this room that the three fled.
Their absence was noticed by an at-
tendant at 7:30 p.m.
, * * *
House Group's
Action Blasted'
By, HamrnFish
War At A Glance
(By Associated Press)
LONDON-A battle between two
German bombers and a flotilla of
British destroyers off the Dogger
Bank in the North Sea today was re-
ported by the Admiralty. The an-
nouncement said tlere were no cas-
ualties on any of the British war-
ships. It was not known whether the
Germans suffered any casualties.
MOSCOW-Premier Molotoff may
state Russia's attitude on European
war at special Parliament , session
opening Tuesday; Russia to welcome
"liberated" sections of Polish White
Russia and Western Ukraine.
Representative Charges
Chamber Is Ga gged
In Embargo Measure
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. ---(P)-
While a leader of the embargo bloc
cried "gag rule," plans to speed
the Administration's neutrality bill
through the -House in short order
were approved today by a majority
of the House Rules Committee.
Representative Fish, (Rep.-N.Y.),
opponent of the Administration'
measure, especially of its proposal to
repeal the arms embargo,' contended
the procedure adopted would deprive
the House of its right to alter the
form in which the measure came
from the Senate. But Chairman
Sabath (Dem.-I1.), denied Fish's
"gag" charges, arguing that the bill
would be treated in the normal way.
Under the procedure, which is sub-
ject to an hour's debate and a vote
in the House tomorrow, the bill would
be sent to a joint House-Senate Con-
ference Conmittee for adjustment of
differences between it and the meas-
ure which the House passed earlier
this year.
The most important difference is
that the House bill would retain a
modified ban against supplying bel-
ligerents with arms, whereas the Sen-
ate proposal would _wipe out th~e
present embargo.
Hot words were exchanged freely
at the Rules Committee's session
when Sabath observed at one point
that the German capture of the
American steamers City of Flint would'
not have occurred had the shipping
restrictions in the Senate bill been
on the statute books.
ASU To Investigate
Negro housing and eating facilities
will be the principal subjects of the
investigation by the American Stu-
dent, Union committee on Negro stu-
dent living conditions, Morris Glei-
cher, Grad., chairman of the com-
mittee 'announced.,
The group, composed of both white
and Negro students, will study the
problems of rooms for Negroes around
campus, and discrimination 6y res-
taurants against Negroes. After the
facts about these conditions are col-
lected, Gleicher said, the committee
will endeavor to provide a practicable
solution for these problems.,
Norway For
PARIS-A renewal of patrol raids
along the entire Western Front ac-
companied by "intensely active"
operations of both fighting and scout-
ing planes was reported tonight by
the French high command.
HELSINKI-Thousands of Finns
who have left Finland's cities for
safer areas were urged tonight to re-
main in the evacuation centers while
the government prepared what poli-
tical quarters indicated would be a
firm "no" to Soviet Russian demands.
Dr., Rabinowitz
To Give Fourth
cI Believe' Talk
General Theme Of Series
Deals With Experiences,
And Religious Crees
Denounces House Group
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of
Hillel Foundation will deliver the
fourth of the "I Believe" lectures at
8 p.m. tonight in the Rackham Am-
Stating 'his -personal concept of
God, Dr. Rabinowitz will also dis-
cuss man's relation to the deity, and
the ethics that spring from such- a
belief, it was announced.
In 'accordance with the general
theme of the lectures, which follow
along the lines explored during the
"Existence and Nature of God" series
last year, these lectures are highly
subjective, according to Kenneth W.
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association. They deal, he
said, with the experiences in daily
work, the intellectual victorie sand
defeats and with the religious in-
sights which the religious leaders of
Ann Arbor have encountered.
The "I Believe" lectures were de-
signed to provide an opportunity for
students to acquaint themselves
broadly with the various creeds in
organized religion.
Woman Hurt In Collision
At Monroe And Tappan
A collision at 7:25 p.m. yesterday
between an automobile driven by
Bert Webb, aged 21, and one operated
by Walter Bauer, 45, at the intersec-
tion of Monroe and Tappan, resulted
in head injuries to Bauer's wife, who
was with Bauer at the time of ;the
accident. Mrs. Bauer was sent to St.
Joseph's Hospital for observation.
Bauer had no driver's license on
his person.
City Of Flint Q
Escorted By W
However, it was lea
put in at the port at 1
EST) and departed thr
escorted outside Norwa
waters by a Norwegian
The early approach c
this northern latitude
favored the German pr
efforts to take the Ar
into a German port I
of its cargo, alleged te
It was already.dark w
at 4 p.m. (10 a.m., EST
many hours of darknes
The reports from Tr
ed the first clue to th
gress since Saturday
official Russian source
sailed from Murmansl
port in the Arctic.
(Determined not to
southward progress c
German officials in
tained silence on the Ci
her attempt to dodg
Berlin Is S:
(Until the ship Qocl
cials declared, -"There
formation about this i
(The State Departn
ington was unable to
word of the vessel.)
(In London, naval
nature would handilc
navy in attempting t(
City of Flint. Theyp
Germans could sail
coast of Norway in te
to prevent the, Briti
stepping in.)
Tromsoe, in northe
about 500 miles frc
which is above the Ar
more than 800 milesf
The reported call a
the second time in ter
had visited that port.
To German Hal
Prize Crew Is Ai
To Elude Brit
American Se
Aboard Fr
(A')-The captive Ameri
City of Flint, which the
trying to slip through
blockade, proceeded on]k
southward, way tonighi
escorted from Norwegif
a Norwegian warship.
Aboard were both her
crew and her America,
Reports from Troms
western Norway, that
had called at that por
confirmed by the Ge
there, when he was rea
He said he had gone f
declined to give further
Other details of the c
ter's dangerous voyage-
time waters were diffi
becaue of Norwegian
regulations 'against d
positions of ships at se
Newly elected Chicago House offi-
cers are: James Kennedy, '43, Sagi-
naw, president, David 0. Matthews,
'43Ed, vice-president, Robert Flott,
'43 secretary-treasurer, Bruce Forbes,
'42, judiciary council, Paul H. Frank-
lin, '43, social chairman, Robert T.
(Continued on Page 2)'
John LDorsey
Wi l Lecture'
On Delinquents
"The Story of the Child in the Ju-
venile Court," will be discussed before,
members of Ann Arbor's Social Serv-
ice Seminar at 10 a.m. today in the
Supervisor's room of the County Court
Building by Dr. John Dorsey, con-
sulting psychiatrist at the Detroit
Children's Center and former mem-
ber of the University medical school.
In his lecture, Dr. Dorsey will lead
the Seminar in a discussion of the
history of juvenile court develop-
ment and present for group considera-
tion his juvenile court plan. He will
also outline the method which he be-
lieves society niust adopt in order
tn meet the nroblem of juvenile de-
Freshmen Must Remove Their Pots
On Enterig Union, Council Holds
The frosh will hereinafter remove
their pots on entering the Michigan
This decree was handed down by
the executive council of the Union
last night as a move to retain the
tradition, in line with this fall's re-
juvenation of the pot custom. Forget-
ful freshmen may now be startled if
not perturbed to hear the clarion cry,
of "Take it off!" ring out upon their
entering the campus center while
still wearing the headpiece.
It all started, according to Frank
Qakes, social manager of the Union,
back in the days when all students
wore pots, or toques, as they were
then described. At that time, all
classes had their own particular
color, and all wore their chapeaux
with the greatest of pride.
At that time, as Mr. Qakes said,
the freshmen were obliged to remove
their pots on all occasions, whether
ramnninr in fr ahat nwn iatrMe's
"People didn't stand for any foolish-
ness from the frosh in those days,"
Oakes claimed.
The Union, in its attempt to revive
this year some of the savor of tho/
past times if not their potency, have
recalled the old but not forgotten
custom of "depotting the frosh" in
the Union. The principle, according
to Union high officials, is not so much
to regain the savagery of a past day,
as to make the frosh feel that they
are in a class by' themselves, and*not
merely a lot of "stooges" for some-
one to pick on. A few years ago, when
the subject of the maintenance of
pots themselves was brought up, the
freshmen themselves were most pro-
minent in arguing for the continu-
ance ,of the custom.
The revival this year of compulsory
pots for freshmen is due largely to
the efforts of the Interfraternity
Council, who felt the nee'a for some-
thing to link together the beginning
cl1as The Couneil therefore. recom-
Candid ates Will Present Aims.
At Student Senate Election Rally
Small Blaze Reported
By Gamma Phi Betas
A fire lasting about fifteen minutes
in the basement of the Gamma Phi.
Beta sorority caused considerable
excitement among the "sorors of
that house about 10:30 p.m. last
-night. Ted Novak, '40, who happened
to be walking by, reported the blaze.
Other than the burning of the
sidewalk, no damage was reported,
and the fire was quickly brought un-
der control.
With the Student Senate election
only three days away, final plans for
a public Election Rally at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the small ballroom of the
Union were announced yesterday by
Sen. Harold Osterweil, '41, chairman
of the Rally Committee.
Prof. Lewis G. VanderVelde of the
history department will address the
meeting, presenting the viewpoint of
the faculty on the Senate; and Rob-
ert Rosa, Grad., will present the veiws
of the student body. James T. Dusen-
berry, Grad., will act as chairman
for the meeting, half of which will be
devoted to two minute speeches by
each of the 46 candiates for Friday's
election. In the case of several can-
terweil pointed out, that the Senate
has ever attempted a rally to ac-
quaint the student body with the can-
didates whom they will vote for in
the election.r
In addition to the Rally, the co-
directors of the election, Norman A.
Schorr, '40, and Stuart K. Knox, '40,
announced yesterday that the ma-
jority of candidates have submitted
platforms and these will be published'
before the election in the Daily's spe-
cial Battle Page.
"With the publication of the plat-
forms, and the Rally, which will be
in effect a one-panel parley, we hope
to give the students a basis for more
Ex-Kansas City Politici
Indicted On Two Coun
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 30.-('
county grand jury swung ano
blow at Democratic boss Tom Pen
gast with a bribery indictment to
As a result the one-time polit
czar of Kansas City probably
ride home from Federal prison i
sheriff's car. He was charged in
counts with paying $62,500 te
Emmet O'Malley, former Missouri
surance superintendent, for the
ter's approval of a fire insure
rate compromise involving more 1
O'Malley was indicted by the s
grand jury on two counts of acC
ing bribes.
Both men are in Leavenworth Pi
tentiary on their pleas of guilt
income tax evasion charges grov
out of the insurance case settlen
Warrants for -arrest of the