MICHIGAN Dean Bursley Will Address Speech Group Public Address System Will Be Built By Mills For Practice Speaking Dean Joseph A. Bursley will ad- dress members of Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineering speech society, on "Speech Problems in Human En- gineering" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Much demanded as a speakr in various campus and non-campus so- cieties, .Dean Bursley will draw on his experiences as an engineer of human minds in his talk. Seven years after he graduated from the University in 1899, Dean Bursley ac- cepted a position as instructor in mechanical engineering. His suc- cess ladder carried him through as- sistant and associate professorship to the rank of professor in 1917. After two years in the army as ma- Jor and lieutenant colonel in the ordnance department, he was ap- pointed to the deanship in 1921. He is a member. of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Taylor Society, and Tau Beta Pi. John K. Mills, A'4E, chairman of the. Michigan Mike Men in the or- ganization, is building a public ad- dress system for practice speaking. The parliamentary group of Joseph Anton, '40E, will start training on types and forms of amendments. A resolution requiring President Roosevelt to take some action on the .European War- situation will be in- troduced at the meeting by Wade Flaherty, '40E, and the pocket battle- ship will be discussed by a group un- der the direction of Andreas Faste, '40E. "Should we spend most of our defense money for planes or battle- ships?" will be discussed in the 18 neophyte circles in the organization. Westminster Guild To Hear Dr. Yoder Dr. O. S. Yoder, superintendent of the State Hospital at Ypsilanti, will address the supper meeting of the Westminster Student Group at 5:30 p.m. today on "Religion and Mental Health" in the First Presbyterian Church on Washtenaw Avenue be- tween Hill Street and East Uni- versity. Frank McDowell, Grad., will intro- doce Dr. Yoder at approximately1 6:30 p.m. His talk will follow the devotion service which will have Aimee Davidson, '41, in charge. Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the English department and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoisington will be hosts and hostesses. German Troops On Holland Border o .50 Wfiles AMSTERDAMM 0DVNO0OENSCTEIDE GHENT GEN Pe NTWNP 00 o EOLLE MN S y sITrRD 1 VAALSs~oor QUENIN LEC -OAACHEN Qo NI EtlE o G E RMANY MALMEDY M s pABUSCNGEN0 FRANCE ;xoair z' oRHEIMSOf Pe p c Ma a TN d FMAINZ SVER N i KREUZNACH DARMSTADT Concentration of ,Ger> an troops along the Southern. half of t he Netherlands-German frontier is; causing- nervousness amnong Nether- lands border vl}ages, Diagonally shadedl area indicates German and French fortified areas. The. Aliert Canal 'in Belgium is shown as is B elg ian fortifica tion lin e b eh in d it, (brok en lin e ). - f[d t r r se -ais S a e Mater tal Needs For Next Isse Foreign Center To Inaugurate New Program Elizabeth Spenser To Talk Wednesday On Latest American Styles, Fads The International Center's program this week will be highlighted by the first in a series of Women's Hours to 'be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday. These afternoon get-togethers, sponsored by Mrs. Byrl Bacher, As- sistant Dean of Women,. have been planned to give the foreign women of the University and the wives of for- eign students an opportunity to get better acquainted with each other. This week's guest speaker will be Miss Elizabeth Spenser of Goodyear and Co. who will discuss some of the latest styles and fads in American dress. It is the intention of the Center to present each wek specially qualified persons. Mrs. Bacher will be assisted by Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead as special hostess for the afternoon. Today's program at the Center will feature a piano recital by Miss Celia Chao, assisted by Mr. Chia Ren Yang, baritone, both of Nanking, China. They will appear after the regular Sunday night Supper which starts at 6 p.m. The Center's first class in Ameri- can folk dancing begins at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Union Ballroom. The class, which was made possible through the cooperation of Henry Ford, will be conducted by Benjamin Lovett, Ford dance director. The Ford dance orchestra will play. Help- ing will be a group of boys and girls from Dearborn who have had. train- ing in folk dances. Admission is by ticket only. At 7 p.m. Monday the weekly free movies will be shown. This week's film is "Niagara Falls." An explana- tory comment will be given by Prof. Irving Scott of the Geology depart- ment. SRA Director Will Speak Before Hillel Group Today Kenneth Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association, will give a talk on "Ends and Means" at' 11 a.m. today at the Hillel Founda- tion during the regular Sunday Morning Reform Services. In his talk Morgan will discuss religion and will bring out the fact that the ends of it are unimportant, for the means which one follows de- cide his creed. Morgan is giving his address in the absence of Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of Hillel, who is attending the State Convention of the B'nai B'rith in Bay City. Revue Brings Yale Puppets flere Nov. 3,4 Mrs. Roosevelt has come to Ann Arbor and gone again, but she'll be back-in miniature-when the Yale Puppeteers bring their revue for adults, "It's a Small World," nor a two-day showing Nov. 3 and 4 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A million-dollar cast of world headliners will march on and off the puppet stage under the, deft fingers of Harry Burnett, '23, who is a Michi- gan alumnus in spite of the "Yale" puppeteers.dThe wooden caricatures of the world's, great figures will re- veal foibles that their human coun- terparts would take pains to conceal. FDR, Mrs. Roosevelt, James A. Far- ley, Martha Graham-all are lam- pooned unmercifully by their puppet representatives. This is the 12th season that the puppeteers have gone on tour with their revue. Furman Brown, '22, who writes the lines, lyrics and music keeps the revue up-to-date by chang- ing the material from time to time to fit the tenor. of current headlines. Burnett creates the portrait puppets of celebrities and is chief manipu- lator. Tickets for the revue will -go on sale at the League boxoffice Nov. 1, and all seats will be reserved. Miss America Wins HRearts Of Local Men (Continued from Page 1) posed for photographs with Director of Athletics Fielding Yost. Immediately after the game "Miss America" was driven to La1bda Chi Alpha fraternity, where she present- ed its members with the annual tro- phy for the best Homecoming decora- tion. She 'was the guest of residents of Wenley House for dinner, accom- panied by Harmon. Other dinner guests were Ann Vicary, '40, women's editor of The Daily; Carl Petersen, '40, managing editor of The Daily; Ed Frutig, '41, varsity end, Fineberg, Zubon and Goodwin. The dinner was punctuated by frequent requests for photographs and the imminent danger of falling doors as more than 200 residents of other units in the West Quadrangle attempted to enter the dining hall. In the evening Miss Donnelly vis- ited a downtown tavern and then made her final appearance before re- turning to Detroit at an open-house at Phi Delta Theta fraternity. DAILY OFFICTL BULETIN I (Continued from Page 2) series of "Womnen's Hours" from 4 to 6 in, the Lounge_ of the Qpnter. This special tea, sponsored by Mrs. Byrl Bacher, is for foreign women and wives of foreign students. Miss Elizabeth Spense of Goodyear and Co. will speak on "Some Recent Fads and Fancies in American Dress". Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead is hostess for the afternoon. 3. The November issue of the News Bulletin will be on sale at the Hallo- we'en Dance, Tuesday, and in the office of the Center beginning Wed- nbsday. A subscription to the Bulle- tin will give each month a cross- section of the life of the Center. Members of the faculty interested in -following the 1'development of the Center are urged to subscribe. Cercle Francais: There will be a wienie roast on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at the Island. The group will meet at 630 p.m. in front of the Romance Language Building. In case of rain, the meeting will be held at 7:30 in 408 R.L. The new members will be initiated. The Graduate History Club will hold its first meeting of the academic year Tuesday, October 31, at 8 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. . Professor How- ard M. Ehrmann will speak inform- ally on "Studying the Present War." Discussion and light refreshments will follow. All graduate students in history are invited. Transportation Club : There will be a meeting of the club at 7:30 Tues- day night at the Union. All members are urged to be present. Refresh- ments will be served. "Sample of Science" tickets may be obtained by members of the faculties, of the Research Club, and of Junior Research Club, for themselves and members of families, on Saturday and Monday, at the following locations: University Club desk, office of the Dean of Engineering, office of the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. There is no charge. The perfor- mance is at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Psychology Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, November 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Norman R. F. Maier is chairman of the meeting. Miss Barbara Sher- burne will report on her own work on "reasoning" and Mr. James Klee will report some articles on "condi- tioning". The Pi Lambda Theta tea for in- itiates will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 4:30 p.m. in the Rackham Building. All members in Ann Ar- bor or vicinity who have not contact- ed the sorority this fall are cordially invited to attend. Hillel Choir: Tryouts for the Hil- lel choir will be held at the Founda- tion Monday night at 7:30 p.m. -All Hillel members are eligible for sirig- ing in this choir, which will act in (Continued on Page 4) With its Hopwood edition off the press, Perspectives, campus literary magazine, has begun a canvass of campus literati to obtain manu- scripts for its second issue, which will include only material submitted by 'students. Deadline for contributions has been set for Friday, Nov. 3, and manu- scripts may be left at the English and engineering English offices, " or at the Student Publications Build- ing. A general statement of require- ments of the magazine, as expressed by James Allen, '40, and Harvey Swados, '40, co-editors, is: "Perspec- tives is a literary magazine but it should not be implied by this that we reject all that is humorous, whim- sical or light. We are willing to print anything that is well done. New Anvil says that it prefers crude vigor to polished anality. So do we, but we would like to get hold of some POLISHED vigor ,and by "polished" we don't mean stilted)." Essay: David Spengler, '40, editor, says: "Any essay-expository, narra- tive, humorous, what have you-that wanders by Perspectives will be en- thusiastically snatched in and read. And re-read. "If the essay tries to reform, teach or tickle, it will be judged by how well the staff is reformed, taught or or tickled. It can hate men or mush- rooms in general, or economic or educational systems in particular; just so it hates well. It can insist that the Poconos are more beautiful than the Rockies; just so it insists well. It can read anything into any- thing; just so it reads well." Fiction: Hervie Haufler, '41, editor, says: "Every story that is submitted to Perspectives is carefully read and judged by the fiction staff. We have tried to dissolve all rules of prefer- ence or prohibition, and desire the so-called "plot" story fully as much as less pointed sketches of character 'or scene. Surprise-ending short- shorts, short plays and radio skits will be considered. Humor is sought after but is seldom well done. Word- lengths may range from short vig- nettes of several hundred words to stories as high as 5,000 words. In rejecting sumitted manuscripts, the fiction staff will this year strive to make some constructive criticism of each story that is not suitable for pub- lication." Book Review: John Malcolm Brin- nin, '41, editor says: "I have my own staff of reviewers, but if anyone wish- es to review some particular book I will lend it to them from the Book Room (which he operates). I would welcome reviews from people in spe- cial departments-engineering or psychology, for instance-criticizing popular books that fall within their 'fields of interest." Poetry: James Green, '40, editor, says: "Generally speaking, Perspec- tives will print, in the way of poetry, anything from a couplet (rhymed or unrhymed) to an epic It would be presumption on my part to define poetry but it is not such on the part of the poet. Anything which he sub- mits under the name of poetry .'.l be considered as such The test will lie in the matter and manner and not in any superimposed demands." Prom Committee To Meet A meeting of the Soph Prom cen- tral committee will be held at 8 p.m. today in Room 304 of the Union,r chairman James Kehoe, '42E, an-, nounced last night. Committee posts will be decided upon at that time. Chrysanthemum FOR NOVEMBER 11 CHRYSANTHEMUM, the flower for November handkerchief - an exhilarating nosegay inspired by the tang- and touch-down spirit of November. HANDKERCHIEFS for her birthday. A gesture of appreciation to the hostess of a Thanksgiving party. For bridge prizes. A resent for a young lady home from college. Gifts for any and every November occasion. See our comnpleteline of handkerchiefs for fal. Always Reasonably Priced GANCE LINEN SHO 10 NICKELS ARCADE I .. , . Starting Monday I ONEL WEEK SALE E" """""" ,...... p of -M.-ANT LOOKING FOR ANOTHER SPECIAL? Well, CALKINS- FLITCHER have it for you-a. Mary Dunhill special. They have her lip-sticks in the new shades. For your browns and greens they suggest Carneli- an. For your \ =. blacks and blues they suggest Brillon. And with a purchase, you-- 'll receive a three-ounce bottle of her Gardenia cologne. They have suggestions for that week-end too. An alligator travel kit, complete with creams, lotions and powders. This compact little number is also reduced. Well all right, hop to it. * * * JUST WHAT I WANTED, that's. what you'll say when you buy a pastel, wool dress at KESSEL'S. They are just what every girl needsin her wardrobe. Suitable for sport or date dresses, they save on that. budget. Such darlings too-,a French violet wool with dainty white angora trim on sleeve, pocket and col- lar caught my eye. Small sizes too-short girls take notice! An- other had corduroy, gorded skirt with suede cloth top set off by cowboy belt and buttons. They're smart so be smart and buy a wool. FOR THAT HOPE CHEST OR CHRISTMAS PRESENT, get busy. You know how much more you treasure something you made. 1'TTT-S.f.'r, CAT r 'Ytr'T A -Tr-±I'flHNC. has put a quota on the number received so stop in this week at the Women's Exchange. * * * SEEING IS BELIEVING, and I believe that you'll see what you have been hoping for when you look into the mirror after a trip to ALEXANDRIA SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY. There are stu- dents working there and they know how girls are wearing their hair this year, and what will do - the most for you. It is the slant of girls your own age with ideas, modern and clever. It's something new in hair dress- ing and fits the pocket book too. See and believe with me. SOMETHING NEW, SOME- THING DIFFERENT, that is what Revlon is trying to do for you. QUARRY just received a stock of Revlon's ingenuity. They claim fashion is fickle, and so for your approval they present four new, glamorous shades. Keyed to every important mood, they give you Bravo-for dashing, Chillibean- for exotic, Shy-for the wistful, and Red Dice-for adventurous. And still with its non-pealing quality. Sounds interesting. Be the first, let your friends follow! ATTENTION YOU SALE YT'"T1~TNI Trh TTT CV1Nfic.ra ,. 1 avng MONTH -END SAVINGS Monday and Tuesday NEW FALL DRESSES Brilliant new dresses aglow with glittering accents! Frocks to add sparkle to your winter wardrobe. Sophisticated charmers ... that will take you places morning, noon and night. Mossy crepes! Failles! Velvets! Wools! $10 -$12 - $15 Sizes 11-17 12-46 1612-24 Two groups at $5.00 One collection of wools and velveteen-wool combinations. Sizes 10-18 One extra-special group of closeouts mostly crepes. Values to 16.95. Sizes 1 1-44 CLASSIAC SUITS . t.$..95 Suits you'll love . . . live in all winter under your coat! Figure-hugging jackets atop flared and pleated skirts. Plaids and solids. Sizes 9-18. UNTRIMMED COATS Fitted - Boxies - Reefers - Tweeds - Plaids - Novelties at i CLASSICS I 1/3 Less A GRAND OPPORTUNITY to "fil in" your B. H. Wragge wardrobe with extra pieces . . . to get at savings the B. H. Wragge you've been coveting. Lauded for their comfortable wearability, their precise tailoring, B. H. Wragges on sale are something you ought to investigate! I' 4 Wool and Rabbit Hair Cardigans Beige and blue. Sizes 12, 14 and 16. . regularly 895 reguolary 8.95 ii itjashion From HOLLYWOOD. THE V-ETTE Whirlpool bras- siere is fashioned to mould your figure into Nature's perfect lines. Whirlpool stitched cups assure a firm and youthful con- tour and retain the shapeliness of the garment after laundering. Adjustable shoulder straps- and narrow elastic diaphragm con- 6 Wool and Rabbit Hair Skirts .. Violet, cranberry and black. Sizes 10 to 18. I 15.00 1900 25.00 Sizes 10-42 JACKETS.....$3.95 Cardigan and man-tailored types in plaids and stripes. Regular 5.95 values 7 Two-Piece Dresses . . . . regularly 14.95 All wool and rabbit hair, or combined with silk crepe. Cran- berry, green, brown and yellow. Sizes 12 to 18. 11 Wool and Rabbit Hair Dresses . regularly 22.95 One-piece style. Violet, cranberry, green, brown and beige. Sizes 10 to 20. 2 Plaid Tweed Reefer Coats. . . . regularly 35*00 Green with beige, violet with brown. Sizes 12 to 18. 6 Plaid Tweed Jacokets . . regularly 14.95 and 16.95 Cranberry, green and violet. Sizes 10 to 18. 4 Diagonal Tweed Suits . . . regularly 26.95 Violet and cranberry. Sizes 10, 14, 16 and 18. 6 Blouses . . . . . . . . regularly 6.50 Printed rayon and silk, plain crepe. Cranberry, violet and beige. Sizes 10, 12, 14 and 18. 6 lts . . . . . . regularly 5.00 Plaid tweed toques and brimmed felts. Violet, cranberry I I SKIRTS. 9.. $1.49 One group of plaids and solids. Value to 3.95. .I I . ei ADDS AND ENDS in BLOUSES at S100 r i II U .