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October 29, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-29

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cloudy, intermittent snow
or rain today.


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Men And
The Alpha Phis

VOL. L. No. 31




53 719 Spectators See Michigan Crush. Yale


Czechs Clash
With German
Armed Police
In Prague Riot
Citizens Rebel When Nazis
Ban Public Celebration
Of Czech Anniversary
French Cut Army
Despite Nazi Threat
PRAGUE, Oct. 28.-()-An un-
determined number of Czechs and
Germans were reported wounded to-
night in violent clashes resulting I
from demonstrations in observance
of the 21st anniversary of the Czecho-
Slovak Republic.
Shots were heard in various parts
of Prague. The demonstrations in-
creased in violence as the night wore
Strongly-armed police patrolled the
streets seeking to enforce the Nazi ban
on public observance of the national
A cordon of police was thrown
around the center of the city, isolat-
ing that section.
Although German police and storm
troops had clashed with patriotic
Czechs during the day, first reports
of shooting came tonight. The
wounded were said to have been tak-
en :to two hospitals.
nAtuthoritative figures were lacking
on the number of persons arrested
during the day but unconfirmable re-
ports said the total ran into the thou-
With the heart of Prague sealed by1
the police, demonstrations shifted to-
night to the more outlying squares
and streets.
French Release Q4d
Soldiers From Duty
PARIS, Oct. 28.-(P)-Despite in-
dications of an imminent German
offensive on the Western Front the
French Government published an or-
der today which was expected to re-
lease 100,000 men from war service.
Although strong German advance
units were described in military dis-
patches as having concentrated at-
tacks against French positions in four
distinct sectors of the Western Front,
the Government ordered the release
from service of all men of the 1910
class (born in 1890), all fathers of
four or more children regardless of
age, all men aged 43 or over who are
fathers of three children, and all aged
45 or over who are fathers of two.
This move was considered a logical
one by military observers.
French military authorities con-
sider France has almost too many
men under arms. They explained it
was obviously necessary to put sur-
plus manpower to work producing
rather than maintain them under
arms where they are only consumers.
The order followed an unofficial
report that the French had sunk a
German submarine, apparently in the
North Sea although the location was
not specified. The report was given
some support by a semi-oficial an-
nouncement that French vessels and
seaplanes had carried out "several
direct attacks and it appears one of
these at least has been successful."
Land Utilization
Session Closes

Chemical Uses Of Wood
Discussed By Speakers
A discussion of the "chemical util-
ization of wood" provided the theme
for the closing session of the 12th
Annual Land Utilization Conference
yesterday in the Union.
Prof. William Kynoch of the for-
estry school introduced the session's
topic by saying that the chemical uti-
lization of wood means far more than
its literal translation. Research in
the field covers such developments as
anti-shrink treatments, wood preser-
vation and wood fabrication among
Mr. P. M. Wilson of the Mara-

City Of Flint
Is Released,
Russia Says
Previous Berlin Reports
Of Ship's Internment
Are DeniedBy Soviets
Destination Of Ship
Remains Unknown
(By Associated Press)
Denying earlier reports from Berlin
that the American freighter City of
Flint was still interned in the Rus-
sian port of Murmansk, Tass, Soviet
official news agency, claimed that the
captured vessel had sailed from that
port last night after engine repairs.
Its destination was not revealed.
The latest word on the mystery-
surrounded freighter came shortly
after the State Department in Wash-
ington charged Soviet Russia with
withholding "adequate cooperation''
in the United States' effort to settle
the dispute over the ship.
The Department's statement re-
viewed the capture of the City of
Flint and her entry into Murmansk.
It laid the groundwork for further
diplomatic action in the case.,
Earlier, the State Department,
deeply concerned by conflicting re-
ports from Germany and Russia on
the freighter,. had stepped up its dip-,
lomatic efforts to penetrate the maze
of secrecy surrounding the City of
German authorities in Berlin in-
sisted the vessel hadrsailed for "some
German port," as previously report-
ed, from the north Russian port of
Murmansk, to which she was taken
earlier this week by a German prize)
But the State Department at
Washington received a report from
its charge d'affaires in Berlin, Alex-
ander C. Kirk, that German offi-
cials had told him the City of Flint
still was at Murmansk and that the
American crew was aboard.

Senate Race
Attracts 46
Last Minute Rush Doubles
Number Of Candidates;
2,000 Votes Expected
Petitioners Seek
16 Vacant Posts
An eleventh-hour surge of peti-
tons more than doubled the number
of candidates running for the 16
vacant posts in the Student Senate,
bringing the total number of appli-
cants to 46, according to the official
list of candidates issued yesterday by
the Board of Elections.
The all-campus PR voting this
year, which will take place Friday,
.Nov. 3, should break all records and
bring more than 2,000 students to
the polls, official sources revealed.
An analysis of the forthcoming
Senate election indicated a multi-
cornered battle among a Liberal Coa-
lition of six candidates, a National-
ist Coalition of four, an Engineer-
ing-Lit Coalition of two candidates,
and a varied assortment of appli-=
cants flying colors ranging from the
Young Communist League to Inde-
pendent Progressive to Conservative.
The official list follows:
Dan Huyett, '42; Albert P. Blau-
stein, '42, Non-Partisan; Leonard: J.
Boriun, '41, Independent; Martin B.
Dworkis, '40, Liberal; Beverly Jen-
ness, '40, Liberal; Roy Van Cooley,
Jr., '42, Liberal; Annabel Hill, '41SM,
Young Communist League; Paul
Nielsen, '40, Elliott Maraniss, '40,
Dennis Flanagan, '40, Ann Vicary,
'40, James Allen, '40, Ellen Rhea, '41,
and Betty Steinhart, '40, all Liberal
Karl E. Olson, '40, Anti-War Com-
mittee; Mel Fineberg, '40. Jane Mow-
ers, '40, Progressive Liberal; John Zu-
bon, Grad., Dormitory; Jack Scott,
(Continued on Page 2)

Kromer Tallies To Revive 'Touchdown Twins'

Elis Battered

-Daily Photo by Bogle
Paul Kromer broke into the scoring with his 'Touch down Twin,' Tom Harmon, yesterday when he went
across from the four-yard line in the second period. Shown (left to right) are Harmon, Westfall, Burr of
Yale, Nicholson and Kipeth. Kromer is in the pile-up.

Miss America Steals Hearts
On Triumphal Campus Tour

Auto Accident
Proves Fatal
ToW. B. Dick
Michigan Graduate Held
Teaching Fellowship As
Student OfGeography
William Bruce Dick, teaching fellow
in the geography department, died
yesterday in Hurley Hospital, Flint,
as the result of injuries which he re-
ceived two weeks ago in an automo-
bile accident.
Mr. Dick was graduated from the
University in 1935, received his mas-
ter's degree in 1936, and was working
for his master's degree in geography
which he hoped to receive in 1940.
He had been a teaching fellow in
the geography department for four
Mr. Dick was the author of several
articles dealing with land utilization.
In June of the last year he read a.
paper before the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science
in Milwaukee.
He was an honorary member of
the geographical society of the Uni-
versity, a member of the American
Geographical Society, the Junior Re-
search Society, the Quadrangle So-
ciety, the Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence, Arts and Letters, the University
of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor, Phi
Kappa Phi, and the honorary geo-
graphical society, Chi Gamma Phi.
Mr. Dick was born in 1913 in Calu-
met but moved early in life to Ann
Arbor where he lived for 20 years.
Funeral services are to be held at
11 a.m. at the Muehlig funeral chapel.
Friends may call at the chapel.

Judges Name
Prize Winner
First prize for the most ingenious
Homecoming weekend decoration
went to Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity
yesterday, with five otter houses re-
ceiving honorable mention.
Using a slot machine theme, Lamb-
da Chi Alpha had Michigan con-.
ducting the game and other teams
being "taken" when they ventured
to participate.
"Miss America 1940,". Miss Patricia
Donnelly of Detroit, presented the
cup, donated by Burr Patterson Auld
Co., to the fraternity at its house
immediately after the game.
Listed according to order of merit,
the following houses weregiven hon-
orable mention: Kappa Delta Rho,
Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Kappa
Sigma and Sigma Chi. Sororities did
not compete this year.
Representatives of various campus
organizations who acted as judges
were Tom Adams, '40, president of the
Interfraternity Council; Wilbur Da-
vidson, '40, secretary of the Interfra-
ternity Council; Don Treadwell, '40,
president of the Union; Hadley
Smith, '40, secretary of the Union;
Dorothy Shipman, '40Ed, president
of the League; Barbara Bassett, '40,
president of Panhellenic; Carl Pet-
ersen, '40, managing editor -of The
Daily and Phil Westbrook, '40, presi-
dent of Congress.
Time Change Announced
For Carillon Program
Prof. Percival Price will present
his weekly Sunday carillon concert at
2:45 p.m. today instead of the usual
time of 4:15 p.m. The change is
made because of the concert in Hill
The program which contains many
well-known compositions, consists of
selections from Wagner, Gounod, and
Stephen Foster.

Concert Today
Initiates Seriesr
Rhapsody Based On Negro
Songs Will Be Featured1
On Opening Program
John Powell's -,Rhapsodie Negre,"a
a composition based upon Americanj
Negro folk songs, will be the feature
of the University Symphony Orches-
tra's first concort of the year at.4:15l
p.m. today at Hill Auditorium, ac-
cording to Director Thor Johnson of
the School of Music.
The other selections which the Or-
chestra will play are Wagner's Over-
ture to "Rienzi," a standard concert;
selection, and the rarely heard Sym-
phony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 107 by
Mendelssohn. This piece, which is
also called the "Reformation" Sym-
phony, is based thematically on Luth-
er's chorale, "A Mighty Fortress Is
Our God." It is played in four
movements: Adante, Allegro con fuc-
co, Allegro vivace, Adante con moto,
Allegro vivace, Allegro maestoso.
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, an organization which has been
in existence for over thirty years, is
composed entirely of students most
of whom are studying at the School
of Music and receive credit for their
"It was the innovation of this sys-
tem, giving school credit for orches-
tra work, which has helped to great-
ly improve the University Symphony
although it has at all times been con-
sidered one of the finest orchestras of
its kind in the country;" President
Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music stated.
"Also, with the growth of our Music
School here," President Sink re-
marked, "we have attracted a fine
group of student musicians, and witl
the 'esprit de corps' cjveloped byI
our fine conductor, Thor Johnson,
we should be prepared to hear an
excellent performance.
Prof. Mabel Ross Rhead, of the
School of Music, pianist, will play
"Rhapsodie Negre" with the Orches-

By Harmon
For 21 Points
Quarterback Burr Leads
Last-Period Pass Drive
For Yale's Lone Tally
Wolverine Power
Remains Untested
Michigan football fury continued
unabated but its relative strength
remains an unknown quantity as Yale
came, saw and was easily conquered,
27-7, at the Stadium yesterday.
A crowd of 53,719 spectators
watched Tommy Harmon run riot
for three touchdowns over a Yale line
that was touted as its best in a decade
but it was against a team that had
nothing but gameness and a passing
attack that discarded its wraps too
late in the game to completely con-.
found the Wolverines.
Harmon Scores Three
The story was the same yesterday
as it had been for the past three Sat-
urdays. The Wolverine line and
backfield set up the tracks for the
Hoosier Hammer and he rolled right
along them. He scored on plunges
from the 10-yard line and another
from the oneand then ran 58 yards
for the longest jaunt of the day for
the final score. Three conversions
gave him a total of 21 points for the
day and 73 for the season. Paul Kro-
mer, back in the Wolverine line-up
for the first time since the opening
game three weeks ago, notched the
other score on a powerful four-yard
It was the fourth straight win for
the Wolverines but the team's fol-
lowers are still as much in the dark
about its capacities as they werethe
day the season opened. For it was'
another first half victory. When the
gun sounded, ending the first half,
Michigan ledh21-0 and thereywas no
doubt in the mind Of anyone,' in-
cluding the Yale contingent of 200,
that this could be called a contest.
Elis Unleash Air Raid
The Elis, until they scored late in
the fourth period on the wings of an
aerial attack, had been able to pene-
trate past the Michigan 40-yard line
but once and on that occasion they
were forced to punt from the 36. They
unleashed their air raid late in the
fourth period and the passing of
Fred Burr, the fine protection he re-
ceived and the phenomenal catching
of Bill Zilly, George McClelland, Tom
Lussen and Hank Wood regaled both
the spectators and the Wolverines. In
fact, on several of the passes, many
of the Wolverines must have thought
they paid to get in and took the plea-
ure of just watching them fall safely
into Eli hands. In their flurry of
passes,Yale flew all the way from its
own 10-yard line to its lone touch-
down-and even that one was disput-
ed. A fourth down pass from Burr
was caught by Wood on the goal line
where Forest Evashevski and Harmon
stopped him. A hurried official's con-
sultation gave the nod to the invaders
and Howie (Two Plays) Kaye did
the honors on the conversion.
Michigan wasted little time in as-
serting its superiority. After Hovey
Seymour, whose kicking was the lone
Yale salvation during most of the
game, had exchanged quick kicks
with Paul Kromer, the Wolverines
started to move.Bob Westfal picked
up five through center and then Har-
mon went 20 yards behind a beautiful
block by Kromer to the Eli 41. The
(Continued on Page 6)

-Daily Photo by Bogle
Shown greeting Patricia Donnelly, Miss America 1939, is Coach
Fielding H. Yost. Coach Yost welcomed Miss Donnelly in her box
during the Yale-Michigan gaane yesterday.
* * *5 * *

Begorrah, the pixies must ha' been
in Ann Arbor yesterday for a wee
Irish colleen named Patricia Don-
nelly stole the heart of every Michi-
gan man.
Miss Donnelly, the 19-year-old
beauty who recently won the title of
"Miss America 1939" at Atlantic City,
came to town yesterday and wherever
she went Michigan men were sure
to follow.
Her visit was one long procession
of stop-and-go; at men's dormitories,
fraternities, the Union, the Stadium,
and a downtown tavern. Her only
opportunity to rest came when she
attended the Yale-Michigan game.
From the time of her arrival at 1:15
p.m. at the Union until she left Phi
Delta Theta fraternity at 8:15 p.m.
she was the center of attraction of
Ann Arbor males.

an ideal American girl looks and
acts like."
Miss Donnelly's escort during the
evening was All-American possibility
Tom Harmon, whom she called "as
nice a fellow as he is a good football
She was accompanied by three
friends, all professional models, and
traveled in a new chauffeur-driven
"Miss America" arrived late and
did not go to the Stadium behind the
combined Michigan-Yale bands as
was originally planned. Instead, she
was greeted on her arrival in front
of the Union by a crowd of more than
30 persons, a reception committee
and an honor guard of "M" Club
members. In the reception commit-
tee were Mel Fineberg, '40, sports
editor of The Daily; Phil Westbrook,
'40, president of Congress, independ-
ent men's organization; Dye Hogan,
'40, president of the "M" Club; and

Will lie Given
Large scale television will be dem-
onstrated for the first time in Ann
Arbor Friday, Nov. 3 by the Radio
Corporation of America under the
sponsorship of the engineering col-
lege and the Detroit section of the
Institute of Radio Engineers.
Termed the largest television
demonstration to be given outside of
the East, the showing here will feat-
ure movies and a lecture by Mr. Ar-
thur F. Van Dyck, manager of the
License Laboratories of R.C.A. The
demonstration here has been made
possible through the cooperation of
Mr. Otto S. Schairer, vice-president
in charge of patents for the Radio
Corporation of America who is at-
tending the Michigan Life Confer-
ence here.
Eight television receivers will be
shown in operation here Friday eve-
ninn_ Th VrpepiPrnTrnw hih will he

Union Forms Riotous Nucleus
For Alumni And Football Fans

Amid glad cries of greeting, back-
slapping and all of the usual forms
of welcome, visiting alumni, con-
ventioneers, football addicts and stu-
dents surged about the lobby of the
Michigan Union all day yesterday,
keeping the general hubub level high-
er than any other time this year.
With alumni registering, some of
whom planned to see today's Yale-
Michigan football tilt, others to at-
tend the mammoth Anniversary din-
ner in honor of President Ruthven
held Thursday night in the Yost
Fielr -nHousand many othe at-

Those who had already spotted their
old cronies, stood in exuberant groups
or strode up and down the lobby,
each trying to get his reminiscences
in first.
The Union staff itself, according
to Mr. Oakes, was taxed to its very
limit. In addition to serving the
Union's regular meals and carrying
on its usual services, a corps of men
had to be turned over to the Ruth-
ven Dinner to serve at this function.
A total of nearly 300 men are being
employed over the weekend. The
work needed to ready the anniver-
sary dinner was no small job either.
A .. ,, __ rra- - - -

McCall Is Head
Of Press C14i
Annual Meeting Is Clos(
By Election Of Officers
The University Press Club of Mic
igan, closing its annual three-d
meeting at the University, elected
W. McCall of Mt. Pleasant, editor
the Isabella County News-Tim
r..ne an fnr 4 a. - a nrnim a r 1


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