'THIE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY J' T I dited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of udent Publications.. Published every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Che Associated. Press .is exclusively entitled to the e forrepublication' of alr news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this- newspaper. All hts of.republication of all other matters herein also, erved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann.Arbor, Michigan, as ond class mail matter; ubscriptions daring regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. RUPFIIBSNTED' FOR -NATIONAL.ADVEKft.ING OY National Advertising Service, Inc. Collee Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW'YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO BOSToN ' LOS ANGELES3 SAN FRANCISCO ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40. Editorial Staff m.i.s Hnton. Lnder Schorr agan. . . navan Business Staff nager . . ;s Mgr., Credit Manager siness Manager vertising Manager . Matnager Managing, Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor- Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . Paul R) Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . HJane Mowers ..Harriet S. Levy, NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN SARASOHN The editorials published rn The' Michigan Daily are written b members of The-Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only* )emocracy Patriotism knd Civil Liberties... EVEN IN PEACE time when the popu- lace, issupposedly in a genial, ex- ansive mood of tolera e,, the- deense of civil berties is a difficult undertaking. In war time id in the immediat& post-war years,. the task- rsumes herculean proportions. That can be .early demonstrated by looking back upon )17-1 and the years that followed, a disgrace- illy repressive epoch resultng from unmitigated' ate, suspidion, and intolerance. -In a frenzy of excessive patriotism, Congress iaidted the Espionage and Sedition Acts. The spionage Act of'1917 provided that anyone who posed' the selective draft. or exhibited ten- ncies of disloyalty toward the governmental ar policy was subject to-a maxinum penalty of .0,000 fine and twenti years imprisonment. zless than a year this law was. strngtheab r the passage of the Sedition Act which in- eased the number of possible offenses. While e Postmaster General proceeded to exclude om the mails all publications tainted with an iti-war feeling, the Department of' Justice re- ttlessly pursued the acts' offenders. Approxi- ately two thousand men and women were jprisoned. All minority opinions, all dissenting 'ices were effectively suppressed. Let us try to visualize the dilemma of a sincere )ung pacifist in that strife-torn period. He ay have been unalterably opposed to militarism the proper means of attaining an objective. he whole concept of mass murder may have en repulsive to his creed of humanitarianism; may have been unable to accept the reasons. r man killing man, since he may have thought ch an insane procedure would-ultimately result man's extinction by man himself. He may we feared that- war would fundamentally. range the nature of his democratic Arica, at a war economy might engender an auto- atic, illiberal government. His opinions; if 'he d the effrontery to utter them publicly, were omptly declared t- easonable, Clearly and rr- cably violations of the Espionage and Sedition ts. The very governihent, whose future growth .d improvement had always been' so vitally portant to him, sentenced . him to prison, ssibly for twenty years; it would brook no vergence from themajolity point of view. Not en if its constitution had- nobly' promised 'free eech! So we have the dismaying anomaly of government prosecuting a wr "to save demc- 'y,' and at the same NniW igndring one of mocracy's basic principles. Oddly enough, even the U.S. Supreme Court, ig hailed as the -"last; bulwark. of, personal erties," submitted to war time pressures. The rams, Schaefer, and Pierce decisions approved implication the governmental abrogation of ye speech. Nor did this infantile policy cease with' the r. Adult discussions of ends and means in vernment . and- related social reforms were rnly frkwned upon and actively opposed at ery availble opportunity. The notorious alien ids conducted throughout the U.S. by Attorney neral A. Mitchell Palmer are an illuminating ample. Alieis were deported upon a whole- e scale, if' they had even so much as' fortui- isly commuinicated with med who were sus- ted of "subversive activities," a generalization en to a varity of interpreta ions. These mass portations nWavh *e meant thiat the cnvced GULLIVER'S CAVILS )By Young Qulliver GULLIVER would like nothing better than to stop talking about the war in Europe, but as there are going to be people who think that it is our job to pitch in and help the English and French, Gulliver is going to keep on howling them down. Paul Chandler. did us a real service in this Thursday's Daily editorial when he warned. us against the "boys" (all of them, incidentally, too old to join the Army) who. are beginning to use words like "slacler." It would seem that we have to keep pounding home the point that young men simply do not want to go and die for either the British Empire or Mr. J. P. Morgan. And it would seem that we have to keep pound- ing home the fact that the present war is an imperialist war and that as such we want no part of it The men who are saying otherwise, the meri who say that this war is a war of democracy or of Western culture against fascism are all old enough to have lived through the last world horror. Have they learned nothing from the first World War? Can they honestly say that there is anything which basically dis- tinguishes the present'war from the last war? THE plain fact is that we are simply not in- genuous enough to be persuaded that Cham- berlain and Daladier and their governments are the political expressions of Western culture. If they were, would they have helhed Hiter and his barbarians into pwer? Would they have yielded to him on every point? Would they have attempted to provoke him into war with the Soviet Union? Would they have actively col- laborated in the annihilation of Spain, Austria, Czechoslovakia? Chamberlain and.Daladier are not the defend- ers of Western culture. In fact, they are the very men who pave the way for complete fascism in France and England. They are not interested in defending culture, they are not interested in defending the progress of the human mind, they are not interested in defending any ideal of any sort. They are interested solely in maintain- ing the present domination of the British Em-. pire, with its half a billion subject peoples, and the French Empire, with its forty million subject peoples. There are a good number of men holding important positions who are-going around these days smirking whenever the word neutrality is mentioned. "We don't want to be neutral," they say. "We can't afford to be neutral. We've got to help England and France win this war, and if things get really bad for them, we'll have to get into the fight ourselves." A lot of these men are college professors. If- they succeed in convincing enough young men that it-is their duty to give their lives for Wes- tern culture, or for democracy, or for humanity, the blood of these young men will be on their hands. The thing isn't funny any more. It is a little too late for us to wisecrack about getting chopped up in Flanders, because the people who think that we ought to are getting busy. They are vocal, they have influence, and they have sup- port from high places. It is time for American youth to stand up and say as loudly as possible that it wants no part of the present war, that both sides are bandits, and that victory for either side in a prolonged struggle will bring nothing but desolation to Europe and bitter dis- illusion to another Lost Generation. By JOSEPH BERNSTEIN This English movie is the story of dogs, sheep, stones, men, and two lovers, in that order. Rare- ly has there been so fine a film on the lives of' shepherds and their dogs; even the wide and rough moors of Scotland take part in the simple story. Primarily it is the tale of rivalry be- tween two sheep dogs: Black Wull and Owd Bob. But more than that, it is the tale of men herding sheep, their occupation,. warping their lives, thoughts, customs. McAdam (Will' Fyfe), the mas.ter of Black Wull, is a finely acted characterization of a vicious, scurrilous, yet understandable old man. However, this is not the' movie of an individual, no more than the Good Earth is, the story of one Chinese peasant,. or Gypsies the story of one Russian. The very smell of sheep and shepherds is. brought ii. to make for a beautiful, unified picture of the rural Scotch. To The Victor is structurally well-made (direc- tion by Robert Stevenson), and the photography of the landscape; the running sheep, the magni- ficent dogs, and the villagers is done with re- straint and effectiveness. If the producers had left it at that, it would have been a more impressive picture. But un- fortunately they seemedhto thirnk that the love interest had to be brought in, and even went to the naive extent of having the heronie "sent forth onto the moor" by her drunken father, But don't let this keep you from seeing the movie at the League. Will Fyffe is genuine, the villagers real, and the dogs, above all the dogs, are not to be missed. vigorously against local manifestations of intol- erance. Concerted action by other national and student groups is equally important. For only by effective gout) action can we moldd anuhlie AS OTHERS SEEIT ... To Boo Or Not To Boo To the Editor: I noted a recent letter to you from C. B. du Barry Campau, evidently a woman, admonish- ing- all and various that they should on no ac- count boo the Yale boys, when they arrive to take part in the coming fiasco. Miss du Barry notes with pain that other good teams have been thoroughly booed within her span of mem- ory, and she regrets this. But, she says, Yale is different, and while. boos at Ohio and Iowa boys are terrible, boos at Yale boys would be horrific. Her chief reason for this clarion call to. decency seems to be that Yale has only once before ventured into these precincts, and that they must carry away a good. impression of. Michigan. Personally I'd rather have them see us for what we are, but that's beside the point. Miss du Barry,.Campau. also gives other less, cogent reasons. Now I, for, one, feel that Yale's prolonged absence from these parts is legitimate cause for a, resounding boo in itself. After all Michigan. has been here quite a while. Other reasons are still less plain. It can't be on account of their foootball team we shouldn't boo them, because anybody that puts a bet on Yale without getting 20 points is strictly a sucker. It can't be that the Yales are good looking be- cause I've heard them called a lot of things but never that. No, what Miss du Barry Campau implies is that they have social. position and that that entitles them to a no-boo bank holiday., They always taught me that the old families, got that way by being there first when the In- dians were being- robbed; Michigan Indians, some of them, too. Well, I am all for avenging the Washtenaws, but I can see that there might be a difference of opinion on that so let's have a compromise, Miss du Barry Campau. I, and such gents and joes as want to, will boo Yale whenever they trip, gouge, knee, or kick Michigan. We will also boo them for stalling, grumbling or arguing with the referee. We-mayeven boo them just for the hell of it if we're in a bad mood that day. Now you on the other hand, need not boo AT ALL. You can, and doubtless will, behave like- a'perfect lady all afternoon. Honest; we won't care a bit. -John Schtvarzwalder lfeemit e I-ewood Broun The Drew PedrSOM - Robert S.Allen. WASHINGTON-Real field mar- shal of the Administration's fight in the House for the neutrality bill is that wily, potent little Texan-John Nance Garner. This fact isn't being shouted from the housetops, but behind the scenes it's a decisive reality. More than 30 years of: service as a Representative, capped by. several terms as floor leader and Speaker, have given the Vice-President a pow- erful influence in the House, par- ticularly among the old-timers who run -the works. Floor Leader Sam Rayburn is a Garner protege; so is Representative Lindsay Warren, brainy North Carolina parliamentary strategist. Warren is slated to preside2over the House when it considers the bill "in the committee of the whole," an astute move aimed to off-set the weak floor generalship of Chairman Sol Bloom of the Foreign Affairs Com- mittee. Some White House advisers wanted Garner to make a radio speech or issue a press statement urging the House to concur with the Senate on neutrality. But he backed away from this suggestion on the ground that it would be resented and that he could work most effectively by keep- ing out of the limelight. "I'm no shrinking violet," Garner said with a mischievous. grin, "but there are times to bloom and timest not to bloom." S- ver Lining The President's conference with the delegation of Senators and Con- gressmen seeking emergency relief for the 21 states hit by drought and flood was very serious until just be- fore they rose to go. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he remarked sol- 'emnly: "I've been thinking, maybe I ought to apply for some of this relief money. You know, I'm a drought victim myself." The group looked at him in sur- prise. "I lost a large numberof Christmas ?trees in, the drought" that hit New York State last summer," Roosevelt' explained. "However, it isn't as bad as it seems. As 'you know, it takes seven years to produce a crop, and these trees were newly planted. So the loss wasn't as great as it might havebeen if older trees were de- stroyed." "There's another silver lining to that dark cloud, Mr. President," broke in Texas' witty Senator Tom Connal- ly. "If you've lost your Christmas- trees, your enemies can't very well call you Santa Claus any more." Note: The delegation went to the White House expecting to explain' the details of the drought and flood problem. Instead, Roosevelt not only had allthe facts and figures atnhis finger-tips but pointed out two sources whee $25,000,000 was avail-' able for relief purposes that his vis- itors had completely overlooked. lasurance Racket War news has obscured a lot of things in Washington, one of the, most important being the investiga- tion of. insurance companies being conducted by a section of the Securi- ties and Exchange- Commission; The investigators are housed in a second-rate apartment house, and are doing their work so quietly that about the only people aware of their existence are the taxi drivers who suddenly have dicovered that women no longer peer from the apartment windows. Nevertheless the SEC economists have just about finished a report which will cause a big furore in the insurance world. The investigation: will show, in brief, that some of the biggest insurance companies in the country have been fattening on Negro washwomen and domestic servants for what is called "coffin money." The SEC probers have made a special study of this particular type of poor man's insurance, known as industrial insurance, and find that at the end of 1937 there were over 88,.- 000,000 such policies in force in the United States. 'Compare this with the U.S. population of 130,000,000 and 'you will get some idea of how many people, poor and middle class, take 'this burial insurance. In seven states and the District of Columbia, the SEC found that more industrial insurance policies had been sold than. the total population of those areas. Last spring William. Parish, presi- dent of Standard Oil of New Jersey testified before the monopoly com- mittee on a - bill to require oil pro- ducers to get out of the retailing business. Last week Sidney A. Swens- rud, vice-president of Stanard Oil of Ohio, appeared before the commit- tee and a large part of his prepared statement was practically word for word. the same as Parish's, also a written manuscript. Still ,unex- plained is who prepared their state- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIi Freshman Round Table: "Boy and Girl Relations" will be the subject discussed at the Freshman Round Table tonight at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will be the speaker. Hillel Foundation will have "Open house" after the football game this afternoon. ComirgEvents Graduate Outing Club: There will be a meeting for the election of of- ficers at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 29. All members are urged- to be pres- ant, and those who have not paid ,heir dues should do so at this time. Following the business meeting, there will be a hike. Junior Mathematics Club: There will be a meeting on Monday, Oct '30, at 7:30 p.m., in the Michigan League to which undergraluate stu- lents interested in mathematics are :ordially invited. Professor E. W. Ailler will speak on "Infinite Sets" And Doctor W. T. Scott will discuss' ;he use of "Continued Fractions." House Heads, Dormitory Directors, md Sorority Chaperons Freshmen ,re invited to attend the Mu Phi Epl- on formal musical on Nov. 1. They may have 10:30 permission. German Table for Faculty Members: Ihe regular luncheon meeting will be e!aeld Monday, Oct. 30, at 12:10 p.m. 'n the Founders' Room of the Michi- ;an Union. All faculty members in- 'erested in speaking German are cor- lially invited. There will be a brief nformal talk by Prof. Hanns Pick on, .'Die politishe Lage der Schweize." Physics Colloquium: Prof. George Fl; Uhlenbeck will speak on "Proper- pies of Gases at Low Temperatures" at the Physics Colloquium on Mon- lay afternoon, Oct. 30, at 4:15 p.m. in- Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. 1940 gaduates in Mechanical, Elee- trical, ChemicalIndustrial Engineer- ing, an(!,, Chemistry: Mr. Atkinson of the Procter and gamble Company will be in Room 348- West Engineering Building at t o'clock Monday evening, Oct. 30, :or the purpose of outlining oppor- unities for college graduates. Pre- liminary forms will be filled out at ghat time. It is requested that as many seniors and graduate students as find it ossible attend this group meeting. Tau Beta Pi meeting Sunday, Oct. 29 at the Michigan Union. -Activities are requested to arrive at 4 p.m. "Sample of Science" tickets may be obtained by members of the faculties, of the Research C'ud, and of Junior Research: Chib, for themselves and members of families, on Saturday and Monday, at* the following locations: University Club desk, office of the l Dean' of Engineering, office of the; Dean of the College- of Literature, Science, and the Arts. There is no charge. The perfor- mance is at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. , Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will hold its. regular. meeting in the Fireplace room of Lane Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The Lutheran. Student Club will have as its speaker this Sunday Ira (Continued from Page ,2) Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. Today's Events, I 1. M. *Smith, Registrar. The fellow- ship hour will be from 5:30 until 6 p.m. when dinner will be served by the ladies of Zion and Trinity Luth- eran Churches. The parish hall is located at Washington and Fifth. Come and share in the fellowship with us! Churches, Disciples Guild,, (Church of Christ): 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 6:30:p.m., Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the department of history will speak on "The United States and the European Situation." A discussion will follow the address. . 7:30 p.m., Social hour and refresh- ments. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,. Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by The Rt. Rev. Lewis B. Whitte- more, Bishop of the Diocese of Wes- tern Michigan, and Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; '7 p.m. Student Meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker, Bishop Whittemore. Topic, "Ten Ancient Rules for Living," third in series on Foundations of our Reli- gion. Ypsilanti Y.P.F., guests. The eight o'clock Communion Sunday morning is a corporate Communion and breakfast for students from Grand Rapids. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C. W. Bra- shares will preach on "Wrestlers With the World." Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Vrede- voogd will lead the discussion. Wes- leyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. at the Church. A group from the Drama Club will present "The Whistle Blows" for the program. Fellowship hour and supper following the meeting. Trinity Lutheran Church, Wil- liams and Fifth, will hold its worship services at 10:30 on Soaday morn- ing. Rev. H. 0. Yoder will deliver the sermon. . Just about the worst way of achieving justice is to throw in trumpets' and riding boots while everybody sings "Ahunting we will go." Under dictment and has those. circumstances any- thing that moves becomes a fox and subject to suspicion. Neither hounds nor human beings judge the nature of their objective very clearly once they have worked them- selves into a lather. Of. course, I have the Browder case partly in mind: Earl Browder is under in- been charged with using a fraudulent passport. He should be tried on that issue. Judging from some editorial comment, there is a disposition to take him over the jumps for the death of the Czar, the Ukraine famine and the Russo-German pact. I am amazed and puzzled by the fact that, when one of my Connecticut neighbors put up bail for Browder she was immediately summoned before the Grand. Jury I trust that furnishing bail has not yet become. a. crime. I do not- know whether we, in America are peculiar in our emotional habits about justice, but it does seem to me that the American way often demands that legal activity should be something like a horse race. The district attor- ney is supposed to get off to a. good start, but. then he cancoast along comfortably for quite a while. Nobody bothers until time for reelection nears. At that point, he must be as busy as all. get-out and come roaring down the stretch whipping and lashing every inch of the way. * * * ' There used' to be a society for aviators called the Quiet Birdmen. I suppose there's no such thing any more, and so I would like to havethe title turned over to some group within the machinery of law enforcement. I would like to see a club of Quiet Lawyers or an association of judges who never made a wisecrack from the bench in the hope of earning a headline in the newspapers. The latter society might find it advisable to shrink its title somewhat. But the thought remains. When law and melodrama mingle Justice jumps out of the window. Or pos-, sibly she is pushed or takes a false step on account of her well-known astigmatism. One of the troubles with spy hunts and drag- nets and cleanup crusades. is that they actually dissipate energy. In the beginning there' are all sorts of noise and violence and convictions and whatnot. Occasionally a few real offendersare punished with the rest. But after a year or less everybody is sick of the sport and goes back to golf or Chinese checkers. Such innocent people as were knocked down in the rush are decidedly out of luck. It will take years before anybody even thinks of' getting them out. * * * - Surely the years from 1914 through 1918 should have taught us a lesson. Some of the gentlemen who were harried as Reds in those days have now Zion Lutheran Church, Washington and Fifth Streets, will hold its wor- ship services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Stell- horn will deliver the sermon. First Congregational Church, State and William Streets, Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister. 10:45 a.m. Public worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "Mud Slingers and Stone Throwers." 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship vill meet at the church for supper. 7 p.m. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will address the group on "Making Friends on the Campus." Student Evangelical Chapel: Any- one interested in evangelical Chris- tianity is cordially invited to attend the Sunday worship services conduct- ed by Dr. G. Goris, of. Grand Rapids, in- the Michigan League. (See League Bulletin Board for the assigned room). At the 10:30 a.m. service Dr. Goris will speak on:"A Friend of Deity." The topic of the sermon for the 7:30 p.m. service will be "Wholesome Traditionalism." On Fridays at 8 this group- spon- sors a program of social and recrea- tional activities in 'the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Sunday school and dis- cussion groups 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel of the Women's League. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Everlasting Punishment." Sunday school at 11:45- a.m. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Religious Convictions, "Why We Misbehave as Humans" will be the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship Serv- ice. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for a sup- per and fellowship hour. Dr. O. S. Yoder,. superintendent of the Ypsi- lanti State Hospital, will speak on "Religion and Mental Health." First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron. Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister. Sunday Services. 9:30 Graduate Bible Class. Prof. Leroy Waterman, teacher. 10:45, Morning Worship. Sermon topic; "God's Confessional." 12 noon, Student Round Table. Discussion topic, "What About Pray- er?" 6:15, Roger Williams Guild, in the Guild House, 503- E. Huron. Freshmen members have charge of the program. Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) Si- lent meeting for worship at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. At 6 p.m. a group will give informal reports of War In The' Zoo Was it Siegfried Bassoon who, dur- ing the last war, envied the animals of the London zoo their undisturbed lives and regular feedings? No matter, he shall have no successor this time. The Regent's Park Llamas and camels have been put to work in place of the uhorses .needed by the army and the trucks that are without gaso- line-petrol, if you insist-because of the rationing And Berlin has decreed limited feedings for the animals of those who, unlike farmers, cannot raise fodder on their own acres This affects teamsters' horses, the small house- holder's cow and the little pig or two that he may be fattening. Apparently the Nazis are not preparing to wel- come any returning prodigals. There will be no feasts to celebrate the, re- turn of the Tyrolese or the Baltic Germans to the homeland. Jobs Test To Be Given