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October 28, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-28

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y with

Litt a


Democracy, Pa
And Civil Libel





red Michigan
cted To Crush
Before 60,000

Senate Repeals Embargo;
Approves NeutralityBill

63 To 30 Margin Passes
Measure On To House;
Long Debate Is Climaxed

irst Local
In Decade
c Today
invades Ann
time and the
n its history,
o assets with
et a favored
at the Stadi-
in a decade,
Yale spirit.
am that Yale
be the half-
ri rough-shod
It will be a
s Paul Krom-

Dress Greets
.Football :Fans
Michigan's campus greeted thous
ands, of alumni, students and visitors
this morning with a colorful Home-
coming dress.
Yale will arrive in a special train'
at 9:40 a.m., and mingled with the
New Haven delegation will be many
visitors from every part of the coun-
tty. Numerous Yale men invaded
Ann Arbor last night by car and
plane. With the Eli delegation will
be its 75-piece band and the Whif-
fenpoofs, a singing organization.
Adding to the Homecoming color
today is the presence of members of
the famous Yost "point-a-minute"
teams of 1901-1905. Louis Elbel,
composer of the "Victors," will direct
Michigan's Varsity Band, in his com-
The "handsome Yale man" public-
ity idea will also be used by Michi-
gan's cheer leaders,, who have an-
nounced they will introduce a "super-
lative example of an Eli" before the

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. -()-
Voting overwhelmingly to repeal the
arms embargo, the Senate tonight
approved the Administration neu-
trality bill and sent it on to the
House, where the proponents of the
measure claim a small but safe
The 63 to 30 vote for the measure
was the climax of four weeks' debate
in the Senate and a discussion which
has raged up and down the nation
as a whole since the war in Europe
The bill would permit the belliger-
ents of Europe to buy American pro-
ducts of any kind, with the restric-
tion that in general they must pay
cash, may borrow no money here,
and must provide foreign ships for
transporting their purchases across
the Atlantic.
Further, it is intended to -insulate
the United States from the war, by
laying down conditions designed to
prevent "incidents" likely to inflame
public opinion or tending otherwise
to drag this country into the conflict.
.For this purpose it' forbids Ameri-
can ships to sail for belligerent ports
in the danger areas, bir to enter "com-
bat" zones to be demarcated by the
President, and prohibits American
citizens to travel on belligerent ships.
Four weeks of debate had so fully
covered the issue of the embargo,
that whenthe Senate reached the
point gt which it was confronted with
Current Peace
Views Offered
By Professors

what Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo)
called the "naked issue of whether
we should have an embargo or not,"
the legislators finally found that they
had nothing more, to say.
The vote on repeal, presented ' by
Clark in the form of an amendment
to insert an embargo into the present
bill, showed 60 Senators for repeal
and 33 against it. However, three of
those who voted to retain the embar-
go, although beaten on that issue, felt
obliged to support the bill on final
passage. They were Senators Gil-
lette (Dem.-Iowa), Reed (Rep.-Kas.)
and Johnson (Dem.-Colo). Thus, the
vote on final passage was 63 to 30.
Three Senators were absent, but
their position was announced by col-
leagues. Of them, Glass (Den.-Va.)
and Ashurst (Dem.-Ariz.), were for
the 'bill, and Bone (Dem.-Wash.) was
against. Counting all the Senate,
then, the final vote was 65 to 31, with
the Administration receiving almost
exactly the number of votes it esti-
mated would go to it when the session
began five weeks ago.
U.S. Freighter
Given To Nazis
Envoy Is ol

Students, Alumni, Fa
Praise President Rut
At 10tAnniersar

Ten Years Of Service Are Honored



Life Of

the achieve
head of the
him in revi
well as visi
In an al

gan spih
alike b3
ty, by



ill be
t has


a score


npus fraternities will par-
i1 the traditional Home-
corations contest, which
ged from 10 to 12 a.m. to-
orations are not to cost
. 12 dollars and must be
before 10 a.m. The prize
be awarded .immediately
game by Patricia "Miss
939" Donnelly who is in'


town toaay,


Condemns Governments'
Usurpation Of Power
-Pope Pius XII, in he first encycli-
cal of his Pontificate, today assailed
governments in which civil authority
"puts itself in the place of the Al-
mighty and elevates the state or group
into the last end of life."
"It is quite true that power based'
on such weak and unsteady founda-
tions can attain at times under
chance circumstances material suc-
cesses apt to arouse wonder in super-
ficial observers," he acknowledged.
"But the moment comes," he
warned, "when the inevitable law
triumphs, which strikes down all that
has been constructed upon a hidden
or open disproportion between the,
greatness of the material and out-
ward success and the weakness of the
inward value and of its moral founda-
Metal Societ

Varied Opinions Presented
By Faculty Members In
Union Forum Discussed
Three current views on the pres-
ent American peace dilemma were
presented by faculty members to an
audience of more than 300at the
open forum meeting yesterday at the
The three views, each upheld by
several of the six faculty members
present, were: that Hitler must be
exterminated, even if we must fight;
that only a guaranteed 'permanent
peace will suffice to draw us into.
the conflict; and that we must keep
out of any war, no muter what the
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, Prof. John P.
Dawson of the Law School, Prof.
Harold J. McFarlan of the engineer-r
ing school, Prof. Howard W. Eir-
mann of the history department,
Prof. Arthur Smithies of the econom-
ics department and Prof. Louis C.
Karpinski of the mathematics de-
partment 'spoke on the various
Professor Slosson supported a long
range policy in which the United
States would play a major part in
guaranteeing world peace. In short,
he said the solution of the war cycle
lies in internationalism or something
closely allied to it.
None of the speakers would make
(Continued on Page 2)
FDR Rebukes Wallace

'City Of Flint' Is Reported
Heading For Germany
By Soviet Press ;Report
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. -(W-
Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt
reported to the State Department to-
night that Soviet officials had ordered
the City of Flint to leave Murmansk
under her German prize crew.
"(The press in Russia had already
reported the departure of the cap-
tured American freighter from the
Russian Arctic port, but there had
War Summary
WASHINGTON- Senate indi-
rectly approves repeal of arms
embargo; Secretary Hull, baffled
in search for definite information
on City of Flint seizure by Nazis,
presses inquiries in Moscow, Ber-
lin. Envoy to Russia reports So-
viets ordered City of Flint to leave
Russian port under German prize
MOSCOW -U. .S. Ambassador'
gains belated conference with So-
vietForeign Office Vice-Commis-
sar on City of Flint; reported to
have made representations against
vessel's treatment in Russan port.
- PARIS-Patrol clashes on Wks-
tern Front increasing, French
communique says.
I9OME-F a s c i s t s announce
$873,800,000 set aside for new arms
program; Italian Liner Saturnia
en route to Italy from Gibraltar
despite British order to sail to
England, reliable reports disclose.

-Daily Photo by Bogle
Pictured above are Mrs Arthur H. Vandenberg, a graduate of the
University and wife of Senator vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.), and Presi-
dent Ruthven at the 10th Anniversary Dinner honoring him last night.
Mrs. Vandenberg read her husband's address when the vote on the
embargo last night kept him from coming here himself.

War Coverage
Is Discussed
By Press Club
Marshall, McCambrid ge,
Sterling Speak; Group
Joins Neutrality Panel

ness by men
separable b
tion and d
tan is grea
helm there
to that relat
that neither

Land Utilization
Parley Hears
Arthur Koehler

of the other."
Similar notes
throughout the e
H. Vandenberg,
prepared address
unable to appear

I -A


Of Final Session Z


fidence and tI
who love this
too, has kep
earned his wa



mediocrity that
e, year's outset,
'to whip Army
se only to Penn-
commed itwhat
call the strong-
the East, and a
named Hovey


t the Elis are big and
ey have been weakened
s through which they
their running attack
Kate Burnham. Burn-
s with an ankle injury
hued on Page 3)
rn Front
hes Begin
French Patrols
etween Rivers
t. 27.-(P)-Clashes of
ensity between German
ombat patrols were re-
t on the 'Western Front
Rhine and the Moselle
om the Front said the
re strengthening their
which was said to be
a preliminary reconna-
e, in' which groups of
scouts were used, to
ing combat patrols of
mn. The fighting was
diid tween Wrnch

been some doubt as to whether it was
in charge of the German crew.)
Steinhardt said' that Assistant
Commisar of Foreign Affairs Potem-
kin had advised him that the Russian
government felt that its decision was
not only in accordance with the wells
recognized principles of international
law and consonant with the obliga-
tions of a neutral but that it was also
the correct position to take as be-
tween the conflicting claims of the
United States 'and Germany to pos-
session of the vessel and her cargo.
The ship had been seized by a Ger-
man raider, and taken to Russia.
The United States, contending the
Germans had no right to take her to
a neutral port, had demanded that
Russia hand her over to this coun-

The problem of getting, reporting
and interpreting war news occupied
the attention of University Press
Club members and their guests yes-
terday at the second day's program
of their 21st annual convention.
Cut short by the inability of Sen.
Arthur H. Vandenberg and Attorney
General Frank Murphy to appear as
scheduled in a forum on national
affairs, proceedings in the afternoon
were merged with those of the stu-
dent panel on American neutrality
and peace, sponsored by 'the Student.
Before the merger, however, more
than 150 people heard Donald J.
Sterling, President of the American
Society of Newspaper Editors, S.L.A.
Marshall, editorial writer for the De-
troit News and' W. J. McCambridge,
assistant manager of the Associated
Press, discuss the shortcomings and
difficulties of the present war .cover-
Emphasizing that the war report-
ing thus far has been mediocre, es-
pecially from the editorial standpo4
of play of stories, Mr. Marshall in-
dicated the need for selecting cor-
respondents from those experienced'
in military and naval matters. If
this were done, he predicted, "the
ten plane raids and minor t attles we
have heard of would be treated as
they should be: as mere skirmishes
and not as major engagements.".
Part of the fault lies with the edi-
tors who fail to judge news with the
attitude that correspondents "walk
a tight-rope between censors and
propaganda experts,"' he 'explained.
Failure to consider this fact has
led to the over-play of stories in
many instances.

ASM Founder Membership
Given For Research

As Bruno Richard Hauptmann1
planned his perfect crime; he failed
to reckon with Arthur Koehler,
'11F&C-wood analyzing exper' ex-
traordinary-who told the inside -
story yesterday at the 12th Annual
Land Utilization Conference's lun-
cheon of how he had accumulated
the evidence which sent Hauptmann
to the chair.
Koehler, affiliated with the Forest
Products Laboratory at Madison, ex--
plained with the aid of lantern slides
the methods he used in tracing and
analyzing the wood in the kidnapper's
Part of the ladder's lumber was
traced to a South Carolina mill that
had shipped it to a .Bronx lumber-
yard having in its employ at the'
time a' carpenter named Bruno
Hauptmann, who resigned shortly
after the kidnapping.
This circumstantial evidence was
not conclusive, however, and Koehl-
er proceeded to discover that another
part of the ladder was made from a
floor board ripped out of Hauptmann's
The conference began yesterday'
morning with a discussion-of a recent
report of the National Resourcesd
Committee, on land utilization and
regional planning in the northern
lake states. Prof. Willitt F. Rams-
dell, Willis Pack professor of Forest
Land Management and director of
the program in gland utilization of
the Institute of Public and Social
Administration and Prof. George S.
Benson of the political science de-
partment and director of the cur-
(Continued on Page 6)

For outstanding work in his field
and to the American Society of
Metals, Prof. Albert E. White, director
of the Engineering research depart-.
ment, was awarded a founder mem-
bership by that society Thursday
night in Chicago.x
Professor White served as first
president of the American Society of
Metals upon its organization in 1920.
He is fourth to be named to founder
membership by the society.
The American Society for Metals
was formed by consolidation othe
Steel Treating Research Society
of Detroit and the American Steel
Treaters Society of Chicago. Recog-
nizing the undesirability of having
two technical societies in substanti-
ally the same field, Professor White
was active in bringing about sonsoli-
dation of the two.
Through contacts with members in
both societies, Professor White be-
came acquainted with the advisability
of amalgamation shortly after his
return from the World War. After
numarnns cnnferences' with nreirdnts

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. -(M)-
Secretary Wallace was rebuked at the
White House today for his statement
that the war abroad had made plain
the desirability of a third term for
President Roosevelt.

Michigan Men Will Be Hosts
Today TO Miss America 1939'



The three cups
Daily, the Ann Az
Burr, Patterson, ar
groups giving the l
the student pagei
respectively by tb
dents, women fror
berry Dormitory
fraternity district.
life of Dr. Ruthven,
standing ,events in t
in the University's h
ual, if more jocula
than 1,000 students +
and "Butch" as a
and truly "human"
President Ruthvei
praise not by ac]
great achievementa
by pointing to grey
future, and by cha
course for the Univ(
Lists Ret
He listed and dis
of requisites to the
of the University: s
labor tirelessly for
provement of ever3
institution; involv
faculty members it
continuation of in
encouragement and
dent government; e)
tional services to a
generosity in State
port; unity in ins
Dr. Ruthven co
dress by pointing,
speakers of the ever
ingly dark days
which the world no'
by stressing the iii
cators =in bringing
to the clouded tho
in doubt.
Following his ad(
were paid to the g
trophy, emblematic
inspiration and lei
sented by R. Spen
president of the
Association. The f
the University prE
a folio containing t
ni all over the wol


WAA Sells Balloons
At Yale Game To y

In tracing the route of an
(Continued on Page 6)



Miss America 1939, who was chris-
tened Patricia Donnelly, will arrive at
1 p.m. today at the Union, in response
to a request by Michigan men that
she see the Yale game and tour the
campus in their company.
Her time of arrival, 1 p.m., is 15
minutes earlier than that announced
Miss America, 19-year-old winner
of the recent Atlantic City national
beauty, contest, will travel in a new
onnvrtihb ear and may be accom-

-Dye Hogan, '40, president of the M'
Club, will lead an honor guard of 10
Miss Donnelly's car will follow the
combined Michigan and Yale bands
to the Stadium. She will be escorted,
to her box-seat by Zubon, Petersen
and Goodwin.
Immediately after the game Miss
America will award the annutl cup
to the fraternity having the best
homecoming display. She will be
escorted to dinner at. Wenley House
by All-American possibility Tom Har-

Senate Petitioning.
Deadline Extended
The deadline for petitions for the
Student Senate election, Nov. 3, has
been extended to 11 a.m. today, St-
art Knox, '40, and Norman Schorr,
'40, co-directors of the election an-
nounced last night.

' '.
One hundred fifty Michigan women
fare forth at noon today to sell bal-
loons, about 6,000 of them, each bal-
loon resplendent in the colors of Yale
and Michigan.
The balloons, which are to be sold
at 10 cents each, are not the common
variety. They're being filled with
helium gas shipped here from Kansas.
If things go right, it is intended
that they all be released in unison
at the start of the football game. The
helium insures a swift ascent into the
ether. The project is being spon-



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