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October 27, 1939 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-27

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After several delays, the 27-ton snow cruiser de signed by the Research Foundation of the Armour In-
stitute, of Technology for the United States expedition to the Antarctic, was taken out of its Chicago construc-
tion yard for a "shakedown" run. The giant cruiser has a control room, engine room, living quarters, 'galley,
store room and machine shop. It will carry fuel for 5,000 miles of exploration.

The wreckage of a German bomber is shown here after the warplane had been forced down in a desolate
section of Denmark, on the west coast of Jutland. The crew of four men, uninjured, was interned by Danish
authorities. Fire further damaged the plane after it landed.

! }

Out of a six-inch snow that fell early in Octobr, dam"ging -vegetables and grains in the: Matanuska
Valley, Alaska, the Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Bingle dig their cabbages. Many of the buried vegetables were saved by
snow preceding the cold spell. 'The Rev. Mr. Bingle is pastor of the Protestant Church at Palmer, -capital
of the government's colony.

ermany's foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, quit
left behind this Chow dog, which has become a mascot of
branich, British legion, according to information passed by
censor. The dog was first adopted by a German emnbAssy
o erlisted, turning Chow oter to his father.


.Wkstory's pages were turned back when this reconstructed flour mill, built on the foundations of a mill,
that on the Lee family estate near Stratford, Va., was dedicated by the Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation.
The arigfnal mill was built in 1740. This buildings was made possible by Jesse H. Metcalf, former Rhode
Island- Senator. .

Corp. R. L. ,Rice of the Znd Cavalry Dragoons, Fort Riley, Kas., hais
reason to blow hard: atthe Kansas City Livestock Show. He many have
had in, mind the two-week furlough promised dragoons for each new

Joe DiMaggio, star centerfielder for the New York Yankees, had a
broad grin as he showed his fiancee, Dorothy Arnold, the telegram he
received informing him that he was voted the most valuable player in
the American League for the 1939 season.

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