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October 27, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-27

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arsity Polishes Passing Attack; Elis Drill In Stadium T
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DAT, om. 27,' -1939

Line-Smasher Eager To Hit Yale Line


Bullet Bob Westfall, Ann Arbor sophomore fullback, was the only
first-year man to make his way into Coach Fritz Crisler's star-studded
Michigan backfield this year. His powerful smashes into the line
together with effective blocking when not carrying the ball and savage
tackling on defense, make him one of the finest Wolverine fullbacks in
recent years. Yale should find that out Saturday.
Westf all Prefers Straight-Line'
Tactics For Piling Up Yardage

Team To Unite
For Yale Fray
Star Teams Of 1901-1905
Will Parade On Field
Between Halves
Michigan's "grand old man," Field-
ing H. Yost, will be reunited with
members of his famous "Point-A-
Minute" football teams of 1901-1905
at the homecoming game with Yale
this Saturday.
Among the headliners of those
golden days who are expected to re-
turn are A. G. (Germany) Schulz,
first of the roving centers, and All-
Time All-American Willie Heston.
Everett Sweeley, once captain and
one of Michigan's greatest punters,
will also attend, along with Al
Herrnstein, Fred Norcross, Tom Ham-
mond, Art Redner, and a host of
others. Missing will be the late Dan
McGugin, star guard, H. S. (Boss)
Weeks, and Neil Snow.
Between halves the old-timers will
form a block "M" on the field while
the Michigan Band plays "The Vic-
Michigan teams during the years
1901 to 1905 scored 2,821 points to 40
for their opponents. They won 55
games, lost one and tied one. In 1903
Minnesota gained a 6-6 tie with the.
Wolverines, and in 1905 Chicago de-
feated them 2 to 0 to break Michi-
gan's string of 57 games without a
In 1901 Michigan defeated Stan-
ford 49-0 in the first Rose Bowl game
on record. During the regular sea-
son they scored 550 points in 11 games
and held their opponents scoreless.
Five members of the first team
Yost coached at Michigan in 1901,
will be present: Heston, Herrnstein,
Everett Sweeley, H. S. Graver and Art
Kappa Nu, A.T.O.
Win Speedhall Tilts
Kappa Nu defeated Phi Gamma
Delta 10 to 4 yesterday to enter the
first place play-offs in the fraternity
speedball league. Burt Klein, who
.scored five points, and Norm Rosen-
field, who scored three, led the Kappa
Nu offense.
Alpha Tau Omega won from Phi
Kappa Tau 6 to 1 in a game fea-
tured by the star playing of Thomas
Courtney of A.T.O. and Dick Weath-
erston of Phi Kappa Tau. Delta Up-
silon topped Phi Sigma Kappa in a
close contest 2 to 0.
In the inter-dormitory touch foot-
ball league, Wenley House defeated
Michigan House 13 to 6. Arnold
Horelick scored all of Wenley's 13
points, while Bill Burke was the out-
standing player of the Michigan
House team. In the Independent
touch football league, Hiawatha Club
won from the Lumburks 6 to 0.
Guard Asks Shaughnessy
To Crack Whip On Team
CHICAGO - (P) - Chicago's Ma-
roons scrimmaged 90 minutes in the
rain Thursday and then asked Coach
Clark Shaugnessy to start "cracking
the whip" on laggard athletes.
Walter Maurovich, a guard, acted
as spokesman for the squad, which
showed new spirit and drive in of-
fense and kept the freshmen well in
check on defense.



The Crystal Ball.. .
.Each year, when the sun rises to
shine on the new football year, it
reserves a special kiss for a favorite
son. In the glory of that light, the
annointed basks for a year, then as
suddenly fades into comparative ob-
livion. But a few remain to catch
the rays, refracted as they pass
through the vale of time perhaps but
nevertheless still shedding a glowing
light. Willie Heston, George Gipp,
Chris Cagle, Red Grange, Jay Ber-
wanger, all carved their niches. But
now another comes, another who
cries to these revered figures "move
over, the best is yet to be." Tom
Harmon's star is rising on the football
For no ordinary all-American
is Harmon. Everyone who has
seen him play is cognizant of this.
He has speed; he has power. He
has football "it." Not least
among his abilities are his de-
fensive work and that oft over-
looked bit of offense, blocking.
When Harmon reached college he
was touted by Fielding H. Yost as
"the best high school athlete of;
1936." He was publicized by an offer
from a Southern school to forsake
the "simon-purism"'of Michigan and
take advantage of, among other
things, the financial return this school
could offer him. Before they tore a
sheet off his first calendar year his.
name was in headlines. The day he
stepped on competitive turf for the
first time last year his eyes were
blinking from the glare of the power-
ful spotlight of public opinion.
But this pretender (for such he
was a year ago) to national honors
was ready for the test. Behind a.
fine line and a fine blocking quarter-
back, as he is the first to admit, he
ripped opposing lines to shreds. His
knee-high leg action, his swivel hips,
his speed and shiftiness made coaches'
tear their hair and linemen hide.
their heads. The added threat of
Paul Kromer and Norm Purucker in
the backfield made Harmon doubly
dangerous. He carried the ball 77
times and averaged 5.17 yards per
try. And his passing was just as9
good with 21 completions in 45 at-
tempts for a .466 percentage.
But that was 1938. He was just t
a sophomore, trying to live up I
to a big reputation. The Harmon

of today is an entirely different
player, He is smooth and pol-
ished. He's cool and heady. He
learned how to play. In short,
there's a chasm between the Har-
mon of 1938 and the Hoosier
Hammer of 1939.
* * *
And everyone realizes it. Yost is
unwilling to compare Harmon to
Heston. He saw Heston in 56 games,
Harmon in but 10. But the disin-
clination to rate the pair by, this
gourmet of delectable football talent
is a tacit recognition of Harmon's
merit. Fritz Crisler. compares him.
to Grange, says he has more natural
gifts than the Red Scourge of Illi-
nois. Crisler. says hie's a better all-
around player than Clint Frank of
Yale, whom, two years ago, Fritz
called one of the greatest he had
ever seen.
Unlike the Michigan Daily of 1924
we don't want to say that Grange is
"just a runner." Those words were a
prologue to a sorry chapter of Michi-
gan history. But the Hammer can
block, tackle, pass, and run too. Cris-
ler says he can do everything as well
as Frank, and he's faster and can
tackle better.
That's why Harmon has his
own knife out, a knife sharp
enough to carve a nice little niche
in the gridiron hal of fame.
* * *
Grantland Rice, veteran sports
authority, has changed his plans
about attending the Yale game Satur-
day. Instead, he'll watch Ohio State-
Cornell and catch Michigan against
Penn. Evidently he considers Satur-
day's battle a sinecure.' John Kieran,
New York Times sports columnist,
still plans to be here. The game will
be broadcast by the red network of
NBC byWilliam Frey while Bil-.lat-
er will work for the Yankee chain.
* * *
CORNERSTONES: It takes a half-
hour and 90 feet of tape daily to bind.
Paul Kromer's leg . . . At that rate,
in one season it would require three-
quarters of a mile of bandage to do
the trick . . . Harry Tillotson pre-
dicts an attendance of at least 60,000
for the game if the weather is good
. . . Advance sale is over 45,000. . .


"Barrel through 'em! That's all."
Which is fullback Bob Westfall's way
of saying that the best way to gain
yardage in a football game is to fol-
low the time-worn geometric rule
that the shortest distance between
two points is a straight line.
Speed merchants in the game pre-
fer to run a'round their obstacles, but
not young "Bullet" Bob, a rough,
tough, piston-legged 5 ft., 7 in. local
boy who, as a sophomore, crashed his
way into the. Michigan lineup this
fall on his sheer drive and competi-
tive spirit, not to mention a fine
blocking ability,
Plenty Of Leg Drive
A leading exponent of the "straight
line" school of running, Westfall cites
his physical make-up as the best
argument for carrying the ball as he
does. He is heavy for his height,
tipping the scales at 175 pounds, and,
being built close to the ground and
possessing more drive in his legs than
any Michigan fullback in recent years,
is mighty hard to stop once he has
attained momentum.
On his very first play as a member
of the powerful Wolverine backfield,
Bob demonstrated his theory very
convincingly by breaking through
center, and when directly confronted
by Eddie Pearce of Michigan State in
the secondary, kept to his beaten path
instead of veering to the right or left.
As a result, Pearce was rudely
knocked back on his heels and West-
fall, momentarily slowed down by the
impact, continued on his merry way
for 12 yards and a first down.
Not overshadowed by his rushing,
Bob's effectiveness as a twin-blocker
along with Forest Evashevski has
been one of the shining lights of the
three-week old season. It makes no
difference to him how big the man

is whom he is assigned to take out
of the play. He's a fearless charger,
and a source of keen pleasure to
Coach Fritz Crisler and his staff.
They like to see a boy out there who
not only has the power but takes a
fiendish delight in using it to his
own, and the team's, advantage.
Only Regular Soph Back
Coach Lou Hollway of Ann Arbor
High, who watched Westfall for
three years while he was starring for
the Pioneers, predicted that' Bob
would do great things under Crisler
if given the chance. He got his
chance, and his work speaks for him-
self. .
Westfall is the only sophomore in
the starting backfield, and yet he
already has the poise of a veteran. It
was necessary for him to beat out
junior Ed Christy and another soph-
omore standout, Bob Zimmerman, to
get where he is, but it's a safe bet
to say that he'll stay there. A player
with such pistol-hammer power just
doesn't belong anywhere else..
End Mike Dunke Added
To Indiana's Injury List
McMillin was glad the Indiana Uni-
versity football schedule makers left
this weekend open when Mike Dunke,
last of the available left ends, suf-
fered a leg injury in blocking scrim-
mage Thursday. The Hoosiers meet
Ohio State at Columbus, Nov. 4.
EVANSTON-(P)-Rain restricted
Northwestern football practice to a
blackboard session Thursday as the
Wildcats prepared for the Illinois
game Saturday. The Illini have won
three of the last four games at Dyche


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