THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY ART , r I rI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stuadent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University yearand Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVER%.8ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Colege Pubdishers Representaive 420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO *"BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO -Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 rA Petersen iott Maraniss an M. Swinton >rton L. Linder rman A. Schorr' Ennis Flanagan. hin N. Canavan n Vicary 1 Fineberg Editorial Stafff . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor *Associate,Editor . Associate Editor SAssociate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor Business Staff siness Manager t. Business Mgr., Credit Manager )men's Business Manager .. 'men's Advertising Manager . blications Manager . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . HJane Mowers " Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD HARMEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. By Your Card Are You Known . . B YTHEIR identification cards shall they be known. Not that the photo- graphic reproductions .on the little blue paste- boards serve to identify students. But rather will the student be known, as far as his campus consciousness is concerned by the number and variety of punch holes in his card. For it has become a custom, through many years, to clip, punch or otherwise mutilate a student's identification card to show that he has voted in one of the campus elections. Next Friday, .Nov. 3, the Student Senate will hold its fourth semi-annual election to choose 16 new members. Inasmuch as the Senate was established for the express purpose of present- ing a cross-section of student opinion, it is neces- sary that a large proportion of the student body take part in this election, in order to make the Senate truly representative of the campus. The first election in the Spring of 1938 saw 1,709 students out to cast their votes; the second election in the Fall of 1938 had 2,093; and the election last Spring totaled a vote of 2,033. Ol of a total enrollment of approximately 11,000, there should be a larger number of students exercising their franchise. However, outside of a presidential poll, these votes have been larger than any other all-campus showing. To vote in the Senate election is a very simple matter. Under the Hare system of proportional representation employed, it is only necessary to mark the ballots, in the order of choice, with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. Voting boxes will be placed at convenient places all over campus, so if you, as students of Michigan, wish to make the Sen- ate a body worthy of representing you, present your identification card at the polls, next Fri- lay, and cast your vote. -William Ebner By MARY McSHERRY Pueblo Indian Art "Objects of art" that satisfy the inherent love of beauty in man are very pleasant pieces, and pictures which offer exciting color combinations and applaudable technique are also often stimu- lating works, but art, real art, shows itself in those pieces which not only have the exciting qualities of form and technique, but which repre- sent and present in their very being the civili- zation which produced them. Such art-or its duplications-make up the exhibit of Pueblo In- ian art now on display at the Rackham Build- ing. Perhaps most indicative of the Indian culture and life pattern is the evidence of rain symbols throughout the display. Both the pottery and the painting emphasize the Indian's dependence upon rain for their life. Indeed were it not that the Pueblos live in an arid land, the pottery exhibit, the more interesting because the original half, might well be lacking entirely, for a humid country would make unnecessary the .need of water storage jugs and would - also make im- practical the use of food storage containers. As it is, every one of the pottery pieces has a utili- tarian purpose, a use clearly discernable even to the twentieth-century eye, and each of the many pieces is a well made, functionally de- signed, beautifully decorated work. Completely American, for the Spanish in, fluence never made itself felt upon Indian art, the pottery proves that the best art is that which dwells closest to the life of its people. Made by the Pueblo women after the designs inherited from generations of potters, the work is possessed of a remarkable vitality of color and motif. Thunder and lightning, the seed and flower, birds and animals, all symbols of rain and fer- tility, are handled in a fashion so completely natural as to achieve a very modern decorative unity. The geometric, too, is frequently used, so that if one did not know the age of the pottery, one would be tempted to attribute part of the design to the influence of the modern abstrac- tionists. But not only the. patterns and form of the pottery catches our attention.,, The extraa- gant use of color, and finish, which varies from the dullest, almost raw look to the porcelain gleam of the Santa Clara blacks, heighten the beauty of this ware. Though the work of allsix pueblos represented hold ones interest, that most likely to claim praise for all virtues, design, color, util- ity (that is,, clear utility), and finish, is the pottery of the Acoma pueblo. More difficult to criticize from the point of technique-for these are reproductions-but less difficult from the side of immediate appeal are the water colors. Startling in the use of broad color areas and exciting ir the extreme vitality of subject matter, these paintings offer wide contrast to each other and to the rest of con- temporary art, while at the same time they form a clear cut, united school and, indeed, proclaim their modern feeling in every line-or perhaps more clearly in every omitted line. For these paintings are remarkable in their restraint: not one line, one large, meaningless stroke, is per- mitted. Full of many small patterns and deli- cate designs, the pictures nevertheless have no feeling of crowding. There is nothing cluttered about the most peopled of the scenes. Even a work like Awa Tsireh's "Circle of Women Dan- cers" is balanced, dignified. And why? Because the background is perfectly plain. Against such a broad expanse, even the most intricate cos- tumes, the most violent colors, seem quiet and . well ordered AS '3OTHERS [feem ioMe Heywood Broun In spite of much breast beating by Borah and others it seems to me extremely unlikely that we shall be drawn into the war as a participant. assuredly we should not stay out of the peace. And at this moment a negotiated peace might be achieved if only our nation were ready to unite and assume our share of the responsibility for the preservation of world security. I am thinking, of course, of the immediate creation of a living League of Nations with teeth and spine and lungs and liver. This is the only reasonable way in which the present conflict can be ended. The only other alternatives are stale- mate or victory after great destruction. And either of these last two solutions would mean nothing more than a truce in which the combat-' ants moved out of the war of weapons back into the war of nerves. Fear would be the certain victor. It is not in the cards that it can be conquered by any eventuality brought about through gas and guns. Most certainly I do not want to see Hitler or Stalin emerge as the overloard of humanity, And yet if the British and the French could unseat the Fuehrer they would not even be as far as first base in solving the international situation. It would help a little, but not enough. There are too many other Nazis. I do not think it likely that the Allies can beat Germany into abject submission. And if they did I am puzzled to know what good would come of it. If Hitler is minded to fight until he can dictate every comma in the terms of settlement, then the war will have to go on. Yet even if that is his pur- pose, which I doubt, the fact should be brought out and placed upon the line. It is said that the pledges of the present Reich are written in blood and water. But even that argument strengthens the necessity for a settle- ment to be underwritten not by the combatants alone but by all nations. Without organization neutrality is not only a negative but essentially an ineffectual attitude. But already we have seen a coming together of many countries, both in Panama and at Oslo. It will be easier to make a good peace now than a year hence, no matter what the tide of battle. And so now is the time for the call to go out for a conference of all lands. The neutrals have almost as large a stake in such negotiations as those nations which are at war. Among the neutrals m lions stand under arms and all the anvils of peaceful folk resound with the hammer, the blows of feverish prepara- tion. We prepare for war. Let us not take those risks which are vital in preparing for peace. The call to a conference might come from the President alone or from Mr. Roosevelt in combi- nation.with the Vatican, the Scandinavian coun- tries and the nations of South America But the United States can play no useful part in such a conference if our delegates come in as Cook's tourists intent on looking at the frescoes -and then fading out of the picture. If there is to be peace in our time all the contracting parties must enlist for duration. No cathedral of-consequence can be construc- ted upon a cornerstone which is ambulatory. We must come in as part and parcel of the edifice and not function merely as kind friend and severest critic. I do not think the call for a world conference should wait upon receipt of engraved invitations from the belligerents to all the neutrals. The impetus should be ourst The problems to be taken up would be of vast complexity and difficulty. And yet it would be easier and less bloody to break through them than to pierce the Maginot or the Siegfried Line. The task of settlement will not be lightened by throwing into the gears the bones of many millions. And let no American statesman or poli- tician say, "What's Hecuba to us?" For weeks the Senate has been concerned with debate as to the relationship of America to the rest of the world. We have not been able to shut out the world problems. Indeed, I do not think that should be our desire. Let us move for world peace now, and then let us do our share in helping to preserve it. We will betray our generation and those who follow after unless we say, "Here is the rock. Come, men and . women of the world, and rear the temple." modern political development, based upon obse vation of the experience of all countries, that the first attacks upon democracy by those forces determined on its complete construction always take the form of denial or limitation of demo- cratic rights to Communists, and that these at- tacks then quickly extend to those who cooperate in outlawing Communists, until nothing what- ever is left of popular liberties or civil rights. This technique for the destruction of democracy was erected into a complete system under the self-styled Anti-Comintern Axis', a system which, since the break up of the Axis has been taken over by the British and French ruling classes, and is now very forcefully being propagated in the United States . . . As for the Communist Party, it is far from being strong enough to be decisive in determining the course our country , Moreover, our opportunity and our resolution to stay out grow with the passing of the days. And yet I fear that we may make desper- ately the same tragic blun- der which we committed in the last conflict. Indeed, in large measure we already have done so. We should re- main out of the war, but Drew PemmD# Robert S.AlleR WASHINGTON-One of the least understood but most important feat- ures of the neutrality fight is the important undercover role being played by Herbert Hoover. Not for years has the ex-Presi- dent been so active.hHis recent radio speech and the similarity between his ideas and Lindbergh's were only sur- face indications of his extensive op- erations. Hoover's friends in all parts of the country tell of receiving tele- phone calls, wires and letters from 'him spurring them to throw their weight 'against Roosevelt's neutrality bill. Besides the Lindbergh speeches, Hoover is credited with influencing 'at least two Senators and several Congressmen to oppose the legisla- tion. How far Hoover has gone in his behind-the-scenes war against Roo- sevelt was illustrated the other day ' when he heard that the President was considering the appointment of Col. William Donovan as Secretary of War in a coalition Cabinet. Apparently this nettled the ex- President. Why it nettled him, only Mt. Roosevelt knows. However, turn 'back for a moment to Mr. Hoover's house on S Street in Washington just ten years ago. Scene 1-1 929 'Hoover had just been elected Presi- dent, though not yet inaugurated, and one of the men who contributed heavily to his election was Colonel Donovan. A World War hero and a brilliant, liberal lawyer, Donovan was the mainstay of the Justice De- partment during the Coolidge Ad- ministration. In the 1928 campaign, he was one of Hoover's closest advisers, and be- ing a Catholic and wet, he pulled a useful oar against Al Smith. There- fore it was generally understood that. Donovan would become Hoover's At- torney General. After Hoover came back from his goodwill trip to South America, it leaked out that because he was a wet, Donovan would not become Attorney General, but instead would be Secre- tary of War. Finally Hoover asked the Colonel to come to his S Street home. News- ,papermen waited outside, expecting a cabinet announcement. When Dono- van came out, he looked flustered. "'Did he ask you to become Attor- ney General?" they asked. "No." ' "Did he ask you to be Secretary of War?" "No, we sat there rather embar- rassed," explained Donovan, "and finally he asked me what I thought about the Philippines. I told him I wasn't interested. By that time it was most embarrassing and I left." Scene' I-1939 Now, ten years later, with reports current that Donovan at last might. become Secretary of War, though un- der a Democratic President, Hoover called up mutual friends and com- plained about Donovan's "ingrati- tude." He further suggested that the friends intervene with Donovan and ask him not to take the job. Justice Leaks The Justice Department has been double-checking certain subordinates to find the advance leak about plans to indict Earl Browder for using a fake passport. Frank Murphy was all set to move in on the Communist leader Monday when Representative Thomas let loose his carefully timed blast on Sunday wanting to know why Mur- phy had been so slow in acting. ' There also may be a leak regard- ing the tightening Justice Depart-. ment net around William Pelley, head of the Silver Shirts, and Bund leader Fritz Kuhn. Federal fireworks will break over their heads soon. Steve Early's Luck White House secretary Steve Early at last has found a way to beat the races-but he's trying to keep it a 'deep, dark secret. Steve, who shares the general pub- lic's delight in watching them run on a brisk fall afternoon, has been be- sieged by well wishers each with a "sure thing from the feed box." And each time Steve has bet on a "sure thing" he has lost the proverbial shirt. So recently Steve decided "to hell with the tips". When he goes to the track he now buys his program and racing form and picks them himself. 'And much to his surprise, Lady Luck 'has started smiling. Biggest trouble now is trying to convince his friends how he does it. They are all certain he has some source of secret information and want to be let in on it. Roosevelt Refugees Behind-the-scenes resentment a- gainst Roosevelt has been poorly con- cealed amongthe International Re- fugee delegates, now meeting in Washington to settle the problem of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1939 VOL. L. No. 29 Notices Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Fores- try and Conservation at 8 a.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium at which Mr Raphael on, Director of the Lake States Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Forest Service, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Shel- ter Belt Project." Students in the School of Forestry and Conservation are expected to attend and all others interested are cordially invited to do so. Facnity of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due Saturday, Oct. 28, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, chairman. Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all Engineering freshmen will be expected from faculty members during the 6th and again during the 11th weeks of the semester. These two reports will be due about Nov. 3 and Dec. 8. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail. Please refer routine questions to Jane Roll- man, Office of the Dean, (Extension 575), who will handle the reports; otherwise, call Prof. . A. D. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. Identification Pictures will be re- Huired for admittance to the football ;ames from now on. Any students who havenot obtained their cards hould call atRoom '2, University Hall, at once. Presidents of Student Organizations should report the names ,titles and classes of all officers to- the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, not later than Nov. 3. The following is a list of student organizations as now approved in the Office of the Dean of Students. Any organization which does not furnish the required nformation in writing by Nov. 3 will ,e considered no longer in existence. Any active organization not listed .hould apply for official recognition it once. List of officers now on file. All-Campus Peace Committee Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Chi Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Kappa Delta Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Omega Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha Amer. Inst. of Electrical Engineers Amer. Inst. Mining & Metallurgical Eng. Amer. Society of Civil Engineers Amer. Society of Mechanical En- gineers America Student Union *Anti-War Committee Armenian Student Association Art Cinema League Assembly *Avukah Athenia Barristers Cercle Francais Chinese Society of Chem. Industry Chinese Student Club Chi Rho Sigma Christian Science Organization Congress Delta Sigma Rho *Deutscher Verein *Druids Eastern Society Engineering Council Engineering Honor Committee Eta Kappa Nu F. F. Fraternity Flying Club, U. of M. *Forestry Club, U. of M. Freshman Glee Club Galens Gamma Alpha Gamma Delta Girls Glee Club Glee Club, Varsity Graduate Club in Education' Graduate History Club Graduate Outing Club Graduate Student Council Hiawatha Club Hillel Foundation Hillel Players Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences Interfraternity Council Inter-Guild Council Iota Alpha Iota Sigma Pi Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Phi La Sociedad Hispanica Lawyers Club Lawyers Liberal Club' Les Voyageurs Men's Judiciary Council Metropolitan Clubs Michigamua * Michigan Christian Fellowship 'Mortarboard *Mu Phi Epsilon Newman Club Nippon Club Omega Psi Phi Omega Upsilon Outdoor Club Phi Delta Kappa *Phi Epsilon Kappa Phi Eta Sigma Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Lambda Upsilon Robert Owen Cooperative House Rochdale Cooperative House Roger Williams Guild Rover Crew Sailing Club Scabbard and Blade Scalp and Blade Scandinavian Club Scimitar Scroll Senior Society Sigma Alpha Iota Sigma Delta Chi *Sigma Eta Chi Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Rho Tau Socialist House Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Industrial Lawyers Students Senate muomi Club Tau' Beta i Tau Epsilon Rho Tau kappa Epsilon Tau Sigma Delta Theta Phi Alpha Theta Sigma Phi Toastmasters Club *Transportation Club Varsity 'M' Club Vulcans Wesleyan Guild Westminster Guild Wolverine Student Coop. Women's Athletic Association Wyvern * Young People's Socialist League Zeta Phi Eta Ticket Sale:, Maurice Evans' Ham- let:. Arrangements have been made by the English Department to en- able students to purchase tickets at reduced prices for Maurice Evans' "Hamlet." A limited number of tick- ets for the evening performance, Monday, Oct. 30, will be sold at $1.10 (the regular price is $2.75). Round- trip bus tickets to Detroit may also be purchased at the reduced rate of $1.20.- Bses,' ill leave in, front of the Union at 6p.m. sharp. .The pe- foriance begin' at 7:30 p.r. sharp. Women students will receive late permission. After ,the performance, buses will re-load at the Bus Terminal on Washington Boulevard at Grand .Riyet.. Tickets will be on sale in Room 3223 A . today from 9-12 and 2-5; and 'on Saturday, 9-12. House Heads, Dormitory Directors, and Sorority Chaperos: Freshmen ore invited to attend the Mu Phi Epsi- lon formal- musical on Nov. 1. They may have 10:30permission. Women attending the Illinois Game: . Women students wishing to attend the linois Michigan game'are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. Aletter of per- mission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednes- day, Nov. 1. If the student does not go by train, special permission for an- other mode of travel must be includ- ed in the parents' letter. Graduate women are invited to register in the office. Academic Notices Oriental Languages 154: Students in the course are asked to leave at the office, 2021 Angell Hall, before Saturday, all written work now 'due. L. Waterman. E.M.I.: There will be a review ses- sion in E. M. 1 in Room 401 from 7 to 9, today. Economies 54, Make-up Final: There is to be a make-up final examination at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Room 206 Ec. Anyone intending to take this examination should see Professor Peterson. Concerts Orchestra Concet: The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, with Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, as soloist, will give a con- cert Sunday afternoon, Oct. 29, in Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. Todays SEvents Scabbard and Blade: F-4 will meet in the lobby of the Union promptly at 7:15 tonight, and go to the Field House in a body. Everyone must be present at this ceremony. Bring sabers. Uniforms required. Please be prompt. Suonti Club: There will be a meet- ing this evening, at 8 p.m. o'clock in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Come and enjoy'folk dancing and a HalloWe'en party. Tree Planting: A burr oak will be planted by the Land Utilization Con- ference in honor of President James B. Angel between Alumni Memorial Hall 'and the, Romance Language Building at 11:45 a.m. today. The tree will be presented to the University by Sen. George P. McCallum and accepted in its behalf by President Alexander G. Ruthven, All Interested are cordially invited to SEE IT 4 4, 4 Poo I s The first three months of a new school year should be joined into one month to be called "Football," for this is the season of the year when the gridiron sport rules supreme. Reigning supreme right along with it is the football pool- and collegians and non-collegians by the thous- ands are, spending thousands every week in them. Editorial campaigns are beginning to appear in many college newspapers against these rackets, and we pass on to you the particularly timely advice from the Daily Northwestern: "Perhaps you've heard that it's pleasanter (and cheaper!) to learn by another's experience than by your own. Take the advice, then, of luckless students who in past years have dropped their hard-earned dollar in the football lotteries racket. You can't win. "The odds stacked against you are five to 25 times the odds conceded on the ticket. That's a tremendous profit for your bookie right there. But even should you hit the jackpot, the chances are excellent that you couldn't collect. Profes- sional gamblers have a way of vanishing into the atmosphere when a 'sheep' happens to crack the odds. Send the tempters on their way." --Associated Collegiate Press Let's not discount Herr von Ribbentrop too quickly. Remember he used to be a champagne Browder Arrest Attacked To the Editor: The arrest and indictment of Earl Browden, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States, puts before America the issu f of preserving our civil liberties, and staying out of the Imperialist war now going on in Europe. There can be little doubt that this move is an act of political persecution. As the New York Herald-Tribune wrote, "Mr. Browder's indict- ment marked a climax of resentment against the Communist Party." This statement was withdrawn. Browder commenting on the case said, "The legal absurdity of the proceedings is revealed by the fact that even the reactionary. Hoover regime, which had this alleged case when it was fresh, ten years ago, decided there were no grounds for prosecution. Now it is warmed over, so that it appears my so-called crime is traveling under my own name. Even traveling under an assumed name, which I have not'done in many years, is a custom on the highest Ameri- can social circles, and one could imagine the consternation in high society if it should be established as a crime." This attack upon the Communist Party and the Young Communist League comes at a time when powerful forces in our country, the em- pire of Big Business, are geared to the Chamber- lain-Daladier axis, and are attempting to drag' America into the war to reap an even greates flood-tide of war profits and new areas of im- perialist domination. It is precisely because the Communist Party of all countries are the only ones who are consistently working for peace that the Fascist dictatorship in Germany had to out- law the Communist Party and imprison and execute its leaders before they could carry out { I q