hued warm, occasional
showers today.
Sir igau
By Your Card
Are You Known
i ;+ M w. r..
VOL. L. No. 29
U.S. Freighter.
Released; Hull
Wins Struggle
With Russians
'City Of Flint' Is Claimed
By Germans As Prize
On 'Sea Damage' Rule
Contraband Of War
Is Found On Ship
A dispatch by DNB, German of-
ficial news agency, from Moscow
tonight implied that a German
prize crew again was in control
of the United States freighter
City of Flint after it had been
set free from Murmansk by So-
viet Russian authorities.
MOSCOW, Oct. 26.-(P)-The So-
viet Russian radio announcement late
tonight that the United States freigh-
ter City of Flint had been permitted
to sail from Murmansk under the
American flag indicated that the
United States had won a victory in a
tense diplomatic struggle.
It was possible a German crew had
"hoisted a United States flag until
the vessel is brought into a German
port for determination of her status'
by a prize court. -The Germans con-
tend she was carrying contraband.
Secretary of State Hull had for-
mally demanded today that Russia
turn the vessel over to this govern-
mleht,, while Germany marshalled
arguments to show that the craft was
legally a German prize of war.
The government was advised by the
German foreign office today that no
members of the crew of the Ameri-
can freighter City of Flint had suf-
fered injury when the vessel was cap-
tured by a German warship.
Legal Dispute Threatened
The nub Hof the dispute was wheth-
er the German raider which captured
her violated international law by
sendtfhg her into the Russian Arctic
port of Murmansk. .Hull, in his for-
mal demand on Russia, took the posi-
tion that a prize of war could be
sent into a neutral port only in case
of unseaworthiness, stress of weather
or want of supplies.
The Reich came right back with a
Mrs. Roosevelt Makes Plea
For Improved Citizenship
FDR Lashes
Calls Charge That Foreign
Policy Would Lead U.S.
To Battlefield 'A Fake'
Praises Objective
Press And Radio
Press Club
Hears Talk
By Pearson
Columnist Asserts Turkey
Concluded Allied Pact
After Russian Blunder
Ann Arbor Editor
Outlines Club Work
A Russian blunder, rather than
excellence of British and French
diplomacy, brought about the signing
of the mutual assistance pact by the
allies and turkey, Drew Pearson, co-
author of "The dWashington Merry-
Go-Round," told the 275 delegates
Will Acclaim
At Dinner
Character Actor
-Photo by Merriman
When Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the land, and Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, first lady -f the University, set out to tour the cam-
pus yesterday they were caught in this -pose by a student photographer.
'A* * * .
A solemn, sincere First Lady of the United States struck deep into the
hearts of 6,000 listeners last night in Hill Auditorium with a quiet warning
that.the fate of democratic America depends on the wisdom of its citizenry.
Employing the technique of an artist and a careful, studied logic, Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt captured for herself the ovation of one of the largest
claim that the vessel had suffered
"sea damage." That was the reason
she was taken to Murmansk, said a
memorandum presented by the Ger-
man Foreign Office to Alexander C.
Kirk, American charge d'affaires.
Asked what the damage consisted
of, the Foreign Office replied infor-
mally that it lacked details on that
point, but that such damage would.
include lack of charts aboard the
City of Flint with which to navigate
the waters through which she had
to proceed.
Surprise Expressed In Capital
When Kirk reported this last ob-
servation to Wasihington, there was
some 'raising of eyebrows here. The
view was expressed that the City of
Flint undoubtedly had charts to find
her way to her original destination
in the British Isles, that she could
not be expected to' have charts of
the Arctic Ocean, and thatpresum-
ably the raider had charts which
might have been used.
There appeared to be no argument
about Germany's action in stopping
the ship and taking possession of her.
Berlin announced that a quantity of
contraband was found aboard; Hull
has acknowledged this.
In the memorandum handed to
Charge d'Affaires Kirk in Berlin, the
German Foreign Office said that it
had received no news of any injury
to any member of the American crew
of the City of Flint.
Philippine Freedom
Is Not Endangered
By Japan - Kalaw
The Philippine Commonwealth does
not fear alleged Japanese threats to
its newly-granted independence, Dr.
Maximo Kalaw, '24, PhD, member of
the Philippine National Assembiy and
former Dean in the University of the
Philippines said yesterday in a Uni-
versity lecture.
Instead, Dr. Kalaw declared, con-
trol by refugee Cinese immigrants
of business in the Islands is becom-
ing a serious problem. Reports of
heavy Japanese immigration have
been exaggerated, he continued.
Dr. Kalaw, who is chairman of tne
Assembly's appropriations commit-
tee and leader of its independent fac-
crowds ever to hear a speaker from*
the lighted stage of the auditorium. -
Her message was simple and im-
pressive. Unless American citizens
study their government, she said, our
country willsuffer the pain of .na-
tional catastrophe.
To this wisdom she added a touch.
of humor and a fragment of her own
experiences as the wife of a great'
statesman, and as a member of. a
community, state, and nation. -
She made a plea that America
assume the leadership in the search
for peace "when this war comes to
an end." -
"We must think, for our children's
sake, of some way to form a eace
that will be more lasting than 'those
in the past," Mrs.. Roosevelt de-
clared. "We must begin that think-
Ing now," ,she added. -
h'e ilst Lady cautioned against
they swell of optimism which .has fol--
lowed the present-day surge in indus-
trial prosperity. "We haven't. yet
solved the basic economic difficu-
ties that faced us in the past," she
Mrs. Roosevelt. spoke in a quiet,
confident manner, despite physical
handicap of 200 members of the audi--
ence seated on the stage behind her
as she addressed the open auditorium:
She was introduced by President
She moved into the theme of her
U.S. Neutrality
T-o 'Be Thbeme
Of Iscussion
Meeting At Union Today
will Include Faculty
Talks And Open Forum
American neutrality and peace will
be the topic of discussion at a public
meeting to be addressed by five facul-
ty members at 4:15 p.m. today in
the north lounge of the Union, Martin
Dworkis, '40, chairman of the stu-
dent-sponsoring committee announc-
ed yesterday.
Discussion will be based on a reso-
lution presented to the Student Sen-
ate at its meeting Wednesday night
Dworkis said, and will be on an open
forum basis. The faculty members,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department, Prof. Arthur Smith-
ies of the economics department,
Prof. 'Harold J. McFarlan of the en-
gineering, school, Prof. John P. Daw-
son of the law school, and Prof.
Howard M. Ehrmann of the history
department, will present brief talks,
which will be followed by discussion
from the floor.
The student committee sponsoring
the meeting consists of Tom Downs
"! 40L, Clarence EKresin, Grad., Dan
Suits, '40, and Dworkis.
In brief the resolution which'
f orms the basis for the discussior
recommends the following: Congress
shall remain in session for the dura
tion of the present European conflict;
loans, credits and materials intend-
ed for use in war shall be denie
belligerent countries; American in-
dustrial profits shall be fixed; an
Congress shall have the power t
determine war zones, and shall pro-
hibit American ships or citizens from
n 4-A~ 0-.-a 11101'. ., .nn nff
address immediately after taking the
platfo'm: "I believe it is important
for' every one of us to know our com-
minity,'she said. -Then she proceed-
ed to deyelop her logic, step by step,
moving from the duties. of a citizen
in his home community, to his obli-
gations in the state, nation, and in-
ternational community.
. Mentioned FDR Once _
Mrs. Roosevelt mentioned her hus-
band- only once. It was because of
him, she admitted, that "I first made
trips to :state institutions." When
Mr. Roosevelt was Governor of New
York state he urged her to escort him
(Continued on Page 7)j
Confidence in American youths'
ability to handle "any question which
is theirs to face" was voiced by Mrs.
Franklin Delano 'Roosevelt' in her
press conference yesterday.
The tenor of life today forces youth
to become self-reliant at a much
earlier age than those of several years
ago, she said. "I think they have
met the ch'allenge of modern life re-
markably well," Mrs. Roosevelt went
on, pointing out that the young
people of today are far more inter-
ested in fundamental questions that
affect the world in which they live
than the generation in which she
grew up.
The student of today is growing up
in a difficult age when civilization is
rgoing through. an upheaval, she said,
but emphasized that they are meet-
ing the new problems generated by
that upheaval with a mental balance
that is amazing.
nMrs. Roosevelt pointed out tlat the
modern young person, faced with the
problems arising out of the European
War, is meeting them with a far
, moreintelligent attitude than did
.the student of 1917.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. -(A)-
President Roosevelt, striking out at
critics who charge that his foreign
policy may lead the United States to
war, accused them tonight of per-
petrating "one of the worst fakes in
current history."
In and out of Congress, he said,
orators have been "beating their
breasts and proclaiming, against
sending the boys of American mothers
to fight on the battlefields of Europe."
Attack Is A 'Fake'
This, he ,asserted In a radio ad-
dress, is "a shameless and dishonest
fake." No persons in any post of
responsibility anywhere in the United
States, he said, has ever suggested
that American boys be sent to fight
The President's speech, made as
the Senate neared the final action on
his proposal to repeal the arms em-
bargo, was "delivered- from the White
House under'the auspices of theNew
York Herald Tribune forum on "The
War's Challenge to the 'United
The President - also praised the.;
"majority of the press and the radio"
for "objective reporting" of the -in-
ternational situation. He said' this
had worked so well that he - wished
"for more of -it in the field of domes-
tic news."'
After repeating that this country
is neutral and does not intend to get
involved in the war,. the President
Neutrality Of Thought. Impossible
"That we can be neutral in thought
as well as in act Is, as I have said be-
fore, impossible of fulfillment be-
cause again, the people' of this coun-
try, thinking things through calmly'
and without prejudice, have been and
are . ng.. ;;lap.i inds ,;bot
relative merits -of current events on
other continents.
"It is a fact increasingly manifest
that presentation of real news has
sharpened the minds and the judg-
ment of men and women everywhere
in these days of real public discus-
sion-and we Americans begin to
know the difference between the
truth on the one side and the false-
hood on the other, no matter how
often the falsehood is iterated and
reiterated. Repetition does not trans-
form a lie into a truth." .
Strike Negotiators}
Call Adj.0ournment
DETROIT, Oct. 26.-OPW)-A three-
day adjournment of negotiations for
settlement of a dispute between
Chrysler Corporation and the CIO
United Automobile Workers tonight
prolonged the shutdown of automo-
tive plants that has made close to
100,000 workers idle.
James F. Dewey, United States
Labor Department conciliator who
has brought officials of corporation
and union together in secret confer-
ences this week, aninounced that he
believed "substantial progress" had
been made.
Attorney General Frank Mur-
phy and Senator Arthur Vanden-
berg will probably not be able to
reach Ann Arbor in time to make
their scheduled speeches at the
convention of the University Press
Club of Michigan today, Arthur
W. Stace, president of the club,
announced yesterday.
Poor weather for flying and the
press of national and international
affairs, Stace said, will be to blame
if the men are not here, although t
it is expected that they will arrive
in time for the Ruthven Testi-
monial Dinner.
to the 21st annual convention of
the University Press Club of Michi-
gan, at the first general assembly at'
2 p.m. yesterday in the main ball-
room of the Union.
The admission by Stalin that
Russia would insist upon being per-<
mitted to 'station troops along the1
Dardanelles, Pearson explained, was
the only thing that kept the Turks:
from entering into an agreement witht
Russia. They obviously would not
permit any territory as strategically
important as the Dardanelles to be,
occupied by a foreign power, he con.
tined; and Stalin's admission tossed
what is termed a "diplomatic victory"
in the -laps of Britain and Fr4nce.
The ,assembly of the club was
opened by Arthur W. Stace, editor of
Ithe Ann Arbor News, president.. In
his opening address, Stace outlined
the work that the club has done to
bring together the newspaper men
and women of the state during the
twenty years of its existence.
He called attention to the fact that
- (Continued on Page 3)
Petitions Due Today
For Studant Senate
Today is the last day petitions for
the Student Senate may be filed for
the election to be held Friday, Nov.
3, Stuart Knox, '40, and Norman A.
Schorr, '40, co-directors of the elec- '
tion announced last night. The Sen-
ate office will be open from 4 to 6
p.m. today to receive petitions.
Meanwhile, plans for the Senate
Election Rally at 8 p.m. next Wednes-
day were announced by Senator Har-
old Osterweil, '41. Prof. LewisG.
Vander Velde, of the history depart-
ment, is expected to address the
meeting on the subject, "The Stu-
dent Senate And Its Activities." Hon-
orary Senator Robert Rosa, Grad.,
will. also speak. Speaker James T.
Duesenberry, Grad., will act as chair-
man, and the candidates for the
election will each present their plat-
* * *
'To The Victor'
To Be Shown
Here _Tonight
A Scotch highland feud springing
out of the rivalry between owners of
champion- sheep -dogs- climaxes the
English film; "To the Victor," which
appears at 8:15 'today anid tomorrow
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
sponsored by the Art Cinema. League.
Cast in. the role .of' MacAdam, . a
dour Scotch shepherd, is Will Fyffe,'
veteran of many vaudeville and stage
productions, appearing in his first
full-length film. Margaret Lock-
wood, Gaumont-British "find," and
John Loder, who has risen to British
movie heights via Hollywood, head
the supporting cast.
The two prize sheep dogs in the pic-
ture are -Owd Bob and Black Wull,
whose fight for supremacy precipi-
tates a bitter feud between their
owners. "To The Victor" was adap-
ted from Alfred Ollivant's famous
dog story,."Bob, Son of Battle," and
was directed by Robert Stevenson,
who has also directed "Nine Days a
Tickets for the picture are on sale
at the League box office, and all
seats will be reserved.
at 6:30 p.m. Those attending the
affair are urged to arrive early in
oirder to avoid congestion.
The University Band will begin a
15-minute concert at 6:45 p.m., and
will continue to provide entertain-
ment throughout the evening. The
Men's and Women's Glee Clubs will
offer songs between courses.
Immediately following the dinner,
the students will present their pag-
eant, which is expected to last about
one hour and 15 minutes.
The remainder of the program will
spring a great many surprises, Arthur
W. Stace, program chairman, prom-
ised. The surprise element played
an important part in the success of
the 1937 Community Dinner here, he
added, and this entertainment will go
even farther.
Michael A. Gorman, '36Hon., a gov-
ernor of the University of Michigan
Club of Flint, will be toastmaster.
Only three persons, Sen. Arthur H.
Vandenberg, Attorney General Mur-
phy and President Ruthven will ap-
pear on the actual speaking program.
Senator Vandenberg and Attorney
(Continued on Page 7)
Tribute To His Leadership
Is Theme Of President's
Anniversary Celebration
Pageant Will Depict
Episodes In Career
More than 3,500 people will gather
tonight in Yost Field House to honor
President Ruthven at the end of his
10th year as head of the University.
This "Ruthven Anniversary Dinner,"
largest "national Michigan dinner"
in the University's history, will pay
'fitting tribute to Dr. Ruthven's lead-
About 2,600 reservations for the
dinner, received from all parts of the
country, have assured "quantity" in
the gathering. The co-operation of
numerous dignitaries from campus,
State and nation has assured "quali-
ty" in the elaborate program.
In addition to the dinner guests,
more, than 1,000 students will col-
laborate in a huge pageant proces-
sion depicting episodes in Dr. Ruth-
ven's life and events in the last 10
years of the University's history.
Numerous other students, faculty
members,' alumni and townspeople,
of course, have aided in making de-
tailed preparations for the banquet.
Doors of the Field House will open
Those still planning to attend
the Ruthven Dinner should pur-
chase their tickets immediately.
The Union desk disclosed last
night that the heavy advance sale
has left less than 100 tickets.
Kehoe, hague .
Newly Elected
To Soph POos
Under Committee Decision
Engineers. Have Four
Prom Representatives
__.__ ..
Dormitory Men Name Harmon Host
For Miss America; Coeds Comment
Wenley House To Control
Patricia Donnelly Visit;
Schedule Is Announced
All-American possibility Tom Har-
mon will escort Miss America 1939,
otherwise known as Miss Patricia
Donnelly, during her visit to the
Michigan campus tomorrow, a newly-
instituted "High Command" an-
nounced last night.
The announcement climaxed a day
of excitement such as Michigan has
seldom seen before. Early in the
day, residents of Wenley House, new
West Quadrangle men's dormitory,
seized control of plans for Miss Amer-
ica's visit, invited Harmon as her
host. and, finally, declared that Wen-
ley House would be her official cam-
pus headquarters tomorrow.
rfthn nciran t. irit -rv pn ami
variety becanse the Elis "are tall, have
crew haircuts, smoke pipes and dance
differently." Chi Omega added that
Michigan men should "study Emily
Post, rather than Esquire."
Following the coed attack, the first
High Command issued the invitation
to Miss America "to show the females
their ideal girl." She accepted and
while the group debated as to which
outstanding Michigan man would1
represent them, Harmon-supporting
Wenley House took over the show.
Miss Donnelly, winner of Atlantic
-City's national beauty contest, may
be accompanied by several friends,
all professional model4. If they
come, football players Ed Frutig, For-
est Evashevski and Capt. Archie Ko-
dros will escort them for the eve-
Miss America's car will be met in
front of the Union by a reception
committee of "M" Club members,
zzr - , ,-- - -Tnin PP~l .. A- ntj nl
Michigan Sorority Women
View Threat To Prestige
In Miss Donnelly's Visit
Opening bombshell in the present
heated controversy mauling its way
through the innocent medium of The
Daily was the wholesale condemna-
tion and desertion of Micnigan men
in favor of the stalwart youths from
Yale by the girls of Alpha Phi.
Michigan men, the Alpha Phis
brazenly decreed, have no originality
and are self-centered and conceited.
Not to be taken aback, the versa-
tile lads of the maize and blue round-
ed up America's conception of the
ultimate in feminine pulchritude,
Miss Pat Donnelly, Miss America of
1939, and invited her to spend an
afternoon and evening in the com-
nany of our downtrodden male stu-
Complete official tabulations of
the Soph Prom and sophomore medi-
cal elections were announced last
night by the Men's Judiciary Com-
mittee, with James Kehoe of Wau-
watosa, Wis., elected the general
chairman of the dance.. Carl Rague
was made the new president of the
sophomore medical class.
The two engineers other than Ke-
hoe who were elected to positions on
the Soph Prom central committee
are Robert G. W. Brown of Valley
Stream, N.Y., with 20 votes and
William Furniss of Waverly, N.Y.,
also with 20 votes. Kehoe polled 26
votes. By decision of the Men's Com-
mittee, the number of student posi-
tions on the sophomore dance
group in the engineering-architecture
school voting group, was increased
from three to four. Phelps Hines of
Eden, N.Y., was the fourth man.
Literary school men elected to posi-
tions on the dance committee were
Jack Kessel of Cleveland Heights,
Ohio, with 48 votes, Richard Shirling
with 35 votes and William Schust of
Saginaw with 20 votes. Literary
school women receiving the highest
number of ballots were Grace Miller
of Ishpeming with 21 votes, and Hel-
en Rhodes of Howes Cave, N.Y., with
20 votes.
In the sophomore medical class
elections, besides Rague's election as
president, were the elections of ]?ale
Correa as vice-president, Wintrop
Committee Sets Schedule
For Testimonial Pageant
Student groups participating in the
Ruthven Testimonial Dinner Pageani
were cautioned last night by the com-
mittee in charge of arrangements to
observe the following time schedules
when reporting for the -Parade ai
Yost Field House tonight:
Units one through 16 will as-
semble in the tent at 7:40 p.m.
Units 17 through 52 will as-
semble under the baseball stands
at 7:50 p.m.
Units 53 through 69 will as-
semble under the Ferry Field
concrete stands at 8 p.m.
The above schedule excepts al
women's groups which will meet a
7:30 p.m. at the South entrance o
the Field House. The committe
emphasized that at the times give]
above the groups must be organize(
and ready to, march. All location;
will be spotted by number so the!
will easily be found by the variou
Ohio State Produces
New Slang Dictionary
COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 26. -(A)-
New slang expressions springing fror
collegiate minds at Ohio State Uni
Campus glamor boy-male with $5
campus glamor girl-co-ed with