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September 19, 1939 - Image 23

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-19

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19, 1939,


Changes Made
In House Rules
For Next Year
Judiciary Council Revises
Regulations Governing
All Women's Activities

University Women Use League Building
As Focal Point For Varied Activities


New rules and regulations for cam-
pus houses have been compiled by
Judiciary Council, Betty Slee, '40,
head of the council has announced
All campus houses are required to
follow these rules, penalties for dis-
regarding them being inflicted by
Judiciary Council.
Elections and Duties of Officers
Offices. Each organized House
shall have a House President. Other
officers andcommittees may be chos-
en as deemed necessary.
Elections. The Houso. President
shall be elected by the girls, by bal-
lot. All houses, the majority of whose
personnel is determined in the spring,
shall elect their president before the
closing of the school year. In all oth-
er houses a president pro tempore
shall be elected before the end of
the second school week of the year to
hold office until the first week of
November. At that time a permanent
president shall be elected for the year.
Note: A temporary president is eli-
gible for re-election.
Duties of Officers. It shall be the
duty of the House President to call
a meeting on the second Wednesday
of each month unless otherwise speci-
fied in house constitution, and other
meetings as needed. She shall pre-
side at these meetings. The House
President shall be responsible for the
enforcing of rules. Such cases as
do not submit to the President's au-
thority shall be referred at her dis-
cletion to the House Meeting or the
House Executive Committee, if one
exists, or to the Judiciary Council.
Failing to refer such cases, the House
President shall be held responsible
for all conduct in her house.
Quiet Fours. There shall be quiet
hours during the week from 8:30 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m., from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00
p.m., from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m., and
after 10:30 p.m., except on Friday
evening, Saturday and Sunday, when
the hours shall be determined by each
house, except that quiet hours must
be maintained after the regular clos-
ing hours.
Closing flours
All houses must close; and callers
leave the premises at 10:30 p.m., ex-
cept on Friday and Saturday nights
when the hour is 11:30. Sunday clos-
ing hour is 11:00.
Freshmen must be in their houses

Unique among the institutions o
college campuses is the Michiga
League, a building in which the wor
en of the University may organiz
their projects, hold social function
and generally promote the spirit o
unity which makes 'such enterprise
The League is maintained for th
benefit of students and alumna
alike, as each woman enrolled in th
University is automatically made'
life member. It is due to the realiza
tion, on the part of the alumnae, o
the need for such an institution, an(
to their unbending efforts to rais
money for the project,athat th
women now in college have such
Alumnae Hold Benefits
For years alumnae held benefi
card parties, bazaars, concerts, all or
a huge scale, and finally raised th
funds, with the supplementary aid o
generous donations, to provide fo
Michigan women the beautiful build
ing which they may feel is open t
them for the mere price of their co
operation with its purposes.
Under direction of Patricia Mathew
'40, chairman of Orientation, Dor
othy Shipman, '40, president of the
League, and other members of the
Council, freshmen are familiarized

of residence each week night at 9:30
The closing hour for other student
shall be 10:30.
During rushing week, freshmen
may be out until 10:00 p.m.
All engagements terminate at 1:30
o'clock on Friday nights and 12:30
Saturday nights, regardless of the
type of engagement. Sunday night
the closing hour is 11:00.
Friday night dances must close at
1:00 a.m., and Saturday night dances
at 12:00 p.m. Girls must be home
one-half hour after the above clos-
ing hours.
The closing hour for those attend.
ing parties that are late dances by
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, shall be one-half hour
after the termination of the music.
Students of all classes may attend
Choral Union and May Festival con-
certs, the Oratorical Association lec-
tures, Dramatic Season and any of
their own class functions which have
been authorized by the University
authorities as well as athletic events
which are included in the athletic
book. Other engagements such as
plays at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre which are likely to detain girls
later than the closing hour of that

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n President Of League at which fraternities have sung the
nsix r eesongs and often have produced "h':
I- merous" skits for the dancers.
e About the time that any of th
s, four class projects are in prepara
f a tion, one may find the League one o
es g the most active places on campus
Committees are entitled to the use o
e many of the rooms in the League fo
ue -their work. Decorations, finances
e costumes, programs, posters for pub
a ' ""licity purposes-all are finall:
- brought together to promote th
f p projects under the auspices of th
d League.
e 4' -League Projects
y 6"""'''w'-"~ The Freshman Project is alwaysa
a.. new sort of entertainment, followe
r by dancing in the ballroom. "Sop
Cabaret, which has employed theme
it and motifs from "Puddle-Jump",
n ' and "Deep Sea Doodles" to "Side
f y-,'walks of New York," is always hel
in the League, in conjunction witi
r - .."the League Fair.
o DOROTHY SHIPMAN Junior Girl's Play is one of th
really important functions of th
year, and is traditionally the oldest
with the League and with the oppor- cmite tr oko hspo
s tunities for participation in various wc eaer thn any f th otes
- activities on campus. though it is produced in the secon
e Dances Held At League semester. it is put on four consecu
e Besides weekly dances which are tive nights, one of which is forsenior
d held throughout the year in the ball- only, after Senior Supper, also hel
room, some of the annual important in the League.
dances of the year are held there, in- etoOgoi.n
. cluding Pay-Off, Panhellenic Ball, Method Of Appointments
Assembly Ball, and Frosh Frolic. Appointments of chairmen of thes
"Fraternity Nights" have been a fea- projects are all handled by the Judi-
tue of the weekly dances the past. ciary Council of the League. Petition
_ ing for positions are handed in b
night must be arranged in advance any women interested, and a week o
t Hoghmusernedad.Freshmenctwo later the council conducts in-
with the House head. Freshmen terviews for all applicants, in th
t must obtain permission for the Lydia Undergraduate Office. After the in
Mendelssohn Theatre from the office terviewing has taken place the fiv
t of the Dean of Women for any mid- members of the council offer thei
s week night. Freshmen should ar-
range to attend such performances 8:00 m. the following Friday night
on weekend nights if possible. Girls F00ps.xtheltosinridnght.
must be in their house one-half hour For sixth lateness-in residence bd
after the termination of the event. 800may thenights. Friday and
The closing hour for seniors on Sat- Frs ne- r
vra Fht a e1:0am or seventh lateness-report of-
-urday nights may be 1:30 a.m. fender to the Judiciary Council.
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper- For fv t e in ons s.
ons, or House Heads shall be respon--For five ffenes in one semeste
sible to the University for the closing -report offender to the Judiciary
of the house at regular hours. Council.
Telephone Regulations These penalties must be imposed by
f No local telephone calls may be the disciplinary officer or council in
received or sent after 11:00 p.m. eachresidence.
r No outgoing or incoming long dis Latenesses are to be reported to the
tance calls may be completed after Office of the Dean of Women and
11:00 p.m. without special arrange- punishment inflicted by them during
ment with the House President or the exam period in June when the Judi-
House Head. ciary Council is no longer in effect.
Signing Out Genera HuseRues
Evening. Any student expecting The House Meeting may make rules
to be out of the house after 7:30 in for the internal government of the
the evening must register her en- house, but these must not conflict
gagement on leaving and sign in with the General House Rules issued
when she returns, by the Michigan League.
Overnight Absences. These require- gAll University students residing in
ments are obligatory: organzed League Houses, whether
Weekends: Any girl expecting to be Graduate students, or landladies
?out of her house Friday, Saturday, or daughters, shall obey all 'house rules.
Sunday night must notify the Head The same applies to guests of resi-
of the House personally and leave dents.
address in advance, and must sign in House rules shall be read at the
when she returns, first meeting of each semester and
Mid-Week: Any girl wishing to be shall be posted in a conspicuous
out of her house over-night during place.
the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wed- Residents may not have guests dur-
nesday, or Thursday) must register ing the week (Monday, Tuesday,
her plan in the office of the Dean of Wednesday, Thursday). Exception to
Women before 5:00 p.m., of that day. this rule is by special permission. No
All' engagements other than those guests are permitted during the ex-
of the type defined in Article C, Sec- amination period.
tion 3, which detain girls later than
the regular hours for any night other
than Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
must be registered in the office of
the Dean of Women before 5:00 p.m.,
of that day. Plans for late return
t from out of town on Friday, Satur-
day, and Sunday nights 'must be ar-
ranged in advance with the House
Head. House Heads may not give
any permission for a return later
than 1:30 a.m. at any time. Such
permission must be obtained from
the office of the Dean of Women.
'Penalties For Lateness
For first three latenesses-five
times the number of minutes late,
.e., two minutes late, ten-minute

For fourth lateness-in residenceV
by 8:00 p.m., the following Saturday
For fifth lateness-in residence by

Union's South Win
Is Foreign Center
(Continued from Page 17)
of students born in countries outside
the continental United States. There
is a student cabinet which, in addi-
tion to the staff of the Center, take
over many of the responsibilities of
the Center.
The staff, with the appointment of
Mrs. Donald Anderson as full time
assistant, consists of Dr. Nelson, Wil-
Ma Gwinner, secretary, and six gradu-
ate student assistants. Robert Kling- Red a
er is in charge of the library and
editing the monthy news bulletin;
George Bowden, the Monday night
free movies; Paul Eddy, in residence
as steward; Lilburn Ochs, assisted
by Conway Magee, in charge of ath-
letics; and Robert.Sethian.
selections to the League Council for
sfinal approval. For most projects
there are about eight positions: gen-
eral chairman, assistant chairman,
costume chairman, publicity ' chair-
man, programs chairman, finance
chairman, make-up - chairman and
tickets chairman.
The merit system committee of the
League handles the files with the
points each woman in the University
has acquired by work on various
committees connected with the
League. In addition to the project
committees, there are standing com-
mittees which work together through-
out the year to manage such affairs
as tea-dances, Children's Theatre
Plays, Installation Banquet and
other incidental functions.
These standing committees, which
any eligible woman may work on,
are: Theatre-Arts, publicity, merits
system, and social committee.
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