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October 25, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-25

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ther s

ens Friday
r Session;
ill Appear
and Utilization
iew reports re-
wild lands and
'ners are to be
od Friday and

Douglas Miller Tells Own Story
Of Experiences On Mined Ship
Survivors Adrift in Sea that he was alone for over two hours
For Fifty-Nine Hotrs on the plank before being picked up
Or ''tv-Nne o-trs by his fellow passengers. Unfortu-
In Small Work Boat nately, the boat was not large enough
for the entire group so a number of
By A. PAUL'BLAUSTEIN them took turns sitting on a make-
"I can hardly believe that it. all shift raft.
really happened to me, it seems like "We were out in this boat for 59
a dream now," Douglas Miller, '40, hours," Millerwent on to say, "'ex-
remarked in an interview yesterday posed to cold and rain and without
describing his experiences on the ill- food or water." Lifeboats are equipped
fated Norwegian freighter Ronda, with edibles but this small work-boat
which struck a mine 80 miles off had nothing.
the coast of Holland. The survivors were rescued by the
"We were all sitting in the dining Italian freighter Providence at about
room eating when we heard a terrific 11 p.m. due to the resourcefulness of
noise and felt the boat siake be- the second mate who kept signaling
neath us," Miller continued, "and we SOS with a ship's whistle which he
immediately ran up to the deck." took from the Ronda.
"While I was running up," Miller "They treated us very well," Miller
said, "I heard two more explosions concluded, "landing us at Flushing,
and when I finally arrived on the Holland, the next day. From there I
deck I noticed that the stern was went to Rotterdarn and managed to
already under water." work my way back home on the
The men in the crew rushed to let Dutch vessel 'New Amsterdam'."

sfor the con-
a.m. Friday n
ately following
planting a tree
or of Dr. James
nt of the Uni-
900 and presi-
his death in


Callum of
tree as a
rs. Presi-
he tree on
report of

down the lifeboat but unfortunately1
there was not enough time for only
three minutes elapsed before the Ron-
da went down and it takes about five
minutes, to launch one.
"I saw a plank covering the hatch-
way come loose," he went on to say,
"and I grabbed and held on. Fortu-
nately a small work boat came loose
and the survivors of the explosion
crowded into it. Only 16 members
of the crew and four passengers out
of our group of 37 lived through this:
Doug Miller continued by stating
6,000 balloons,
To Be On Salea

Mimes Name
Two To Direct
Bud getChange
Halligan, Mix To Submit
Revision For Approval;
Final Barrier To Opera
Mimes, honorary dramatic frater-
nity, yesterday appointed James Hal-
ligan, '40F&C, and Charles R. Mix,
'40, to direct the work of revising the
budget for the Union Opera.
When the budget is revised, it will
be submitted to the Union Finance
Committee. Approval of the budget
will remove the last barrier to a re-
vival of the Union Opera, which was
one of the major organizations on
campus from 1907 to 1930.
Members of the Finance Committee
include: Dean Joseph E. Bursley, Re-
gent Franklin M. Cooke, Prof. Ches-
ter 0. Wisler of the engineering col-
lege, Dr.Dean W. Meyersand Don
Treadwell, .'40, president of the Union.
The Union Board of Directors ap-
proved the Opera recently after a
two-day surveyhad-indicated a suf-
ficient amount of talent would be
available for the production.
Welfare Group
To Meet At Hillel
A meeting of the Social Welfare
Committee of Hillel will be held be-
tween 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow at
the Foundation, it was announced by
Robert Kann, '40, chairman.
The committee, which has just
been divided into two divisions, is in
need of members and all who are in-
terested are urged to attend, Kann1
said. The Health Service visitation
group and the "Career Clinic" groupi
are now primarily interested -in per-
sonal adjustment and vocational
guidance and.will make arrangements'
with the University for all students.
interested in taking vocational tests.

and Willis
Land Man-
program in
nstitute of
S. Osborn
ds in this

I,',' 11 1 -- - - -mmemaimm

ate Wa-

,etrA1George A t Yale! am
he water Gam
ence de-
ion, will Balloons, thousands of them, will
be released at Saturday's football)
&C, now game between Miphigan and Yale as
forestry part of an effort to establish a new
k on the tradition here.



Dr. Peet Gets Mendelson


MIA r non

e forest
on who

d Hispanica
feet 1 Tonight
on Uruguay as the fea-
ning, La Sociedad His-
ild a meeting tonight,
an League. Miss Ruth
who taught school in
bout fivr; years, will be

'The project, which is sponsored by
the Women's Athletic Association,
has been planned with the object of
selling 6,000 of the helium-filled bal-
loons to fans entering the Stadium
Saturday afternoon. The balloons,
which will sell at 10 cents each, will
be sent up at the start of the game.
They will bear the colors of Michi-
gan, yellow and blue, or the blue of
old Eli.
The festivities attending the bal-
loon release will include the playing
of a melody about balloons by the
Band under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli.
Also participating in the. handling
of the reelase will be the cheerlead-
ers and 25 members of the ROTC,
stationed in various parts of the
The helium used in filling the bal-
lcons was shipped here from Kansas
in 10 cylinders. The expense of get-j
ting this gas, purchased through the
government, necessitated the charge
for the balloons, according to Mary
May Scoville, '40, chairman of the
project. The scheme is non-profit,
she said, and all balloons must be
sold in order to break even.

Pr*of. Rhead
To Give Solo
Little Symphony Offers
Year's First Concert
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Thor
Johnson of the School of Music, will
give its,, first concert at 4:15 p.m.
Sunday at Hill Auditorium. Prof.
Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, of the
faculty, will be soloist.,
Composed entirely of students, the1
orchestra has been in existence for
over 30 years and is one of the finestj
of its kind in the country, especially'
now since students have been given
credit for their work, according to:
President Charles A. Sink of the
'School of Music.
Holcomb To Speak
To Seminar Today
Mr. Dysart E. Holcomb will be the
speaker at today's seminar of the
Chemical and Metallurgical Depart-
ment. The seminar will begin at 4
p.m. in Room 3201, Epst Engineering
The speaker's subject is to be: "A
Comparison of Theoretictd Design
Methods for Multi-Component Frac-
tionating Columns."
Edward Lebeis Elected.
Head Of Rochdale House
Edward Lebeis, '40E, was elected
president of the Rochdale House at a
recent meeting.
Other officers chosen are Stanley
Leibergott, Grad., house manager,
Rudy Potochnik, '40, steward, Bill
Galusha, '42, assistant steward,
Charles H. Hendricks, '40, treasurer,
Joshua Domshevitsky, Grad., ac-
countant, Paul Banner, '41, secretary
and George Baumgarten,.'42A, pur-
chasing agent.
Eleanor Hazzard Peacock,
Internationally Recognized
Singer, Teacher, Lecturer,
Vocal Stud10
"After hearing your pupil, I have
much pleasure in saying that in my .
opinion, she is a most accomplished
singer of first rank. I heartily con-
gratulate you on her success, and
the excellence of your teaching."
Representative for Paderewski
London, England

By June McKee
Michigan,'s radio rating was
learned Monday when Leonard Pow-
er, from the Federal Communications
Committee, visited the campus.
"Michigan stands close to the top
in radio instruction," he declared.
"As pioneer in broadcasting, Mr.
Abbot's counsel may be valued most
highly. His 'Handbook of Broad-
casting' is being used by those col-
leges foremast in the radio field."
Consultants to the Federal Radio
Education Committee, Mr. Power is'
surveying radio courses, broadcast-
ing, and teaching, on a fifty day tour
of the nation's colleges and univer-
Today, "'Collegiate Quiz" contiues'
its baffling , question barrage over
.WMBC at 2:45 p.m. rhe. women's
victory last week tied the score with
the men, so wit-matching is eagerly
awaited today. Directed by Margery
Soenksen, Grad., the program has
as contestants, Cecil Beglinger, Grad.,
John Gelder, '40, Betty Jackson, '40,
and John Schwarzwalder, Grad. Jack
Silcott, Grad., is emcee, and yours
truly announcer.
Round' table discussion will then
prevail over WJRin the third Stu-
dent Forum program at 3:30. Prof.
Paul M. Cuncannon, of the Political
Science department, brings some of
his students before the mike to dis
cuss "Presidential Possibilities." He
will encourage them to express, their
views, and criticize if they reason
faultily. Donn Chown, Grad, will an-
First YCL Classes Held
At Unity Hall Last Night
Meeting last night at Unity Hall,
the University branch of the Young
Communist League held the first in
its new bi-weekly series of classes on
"World Events and the Present
Crisis." The classes are open to the
public and are led by Joseph Clark,
state secretary of the Young Com-
munist League of Michigan.

Bread and Butter.

.. zC

Granted his second two-year Men-
delson fund Dr. Max Minton Peet, of
the University Hospital, assisted by
Dr. Piero P. Foa, formerly of the
University of Milan, is carrying on
both clinical and experimental work
in hypertension (high blood pres-
The clinical work conducted by
Dr. Peet is a "thorough study of hy-
l pertension patients before operation
in hopes of finding some test which
will determine before the operation
what the probable result will be." As
yet the doctor has not been wholly
successful in finding the satisfactory
rnd completely accurate test. All
there is to work with at the present
time, he said, is the degree to which
the disease has advanced and the
per cent of favorable cases in a simi-
lar age group.
In the group aged 20 to 30 he can
estimate the probable improvement
after operation at 75 per cent; but in
all cases, that is, those from 20 to
50, only about 46 per cent of the
patients show improvement in blood

Kosher Sandwiches Anyti
601 East Liberty Next to the Mi

Try Us Once.... Then AL
Call 9288 - - - 6339
Swiss Steak, Spinach, Scalloped

pressure. This, according to the doc-
tor, is unsatisfactory and must e
improved. Those patients with bad
kidneys or bad heart, or who are over
50 are not operated on.
Some of the patients wno have
been operated upon and released
from the hospital are selected for
further observation.
Experimental research is 'carried
on by Dr. Foa with animals. In the
laboratory he produces hypertension
in the animals and then studies the
"factors producing this experimental
hypertension and possible means to
modify it."
Recently Dr. Peet addressed a meet-
ing at the conference of the Kansas
'City Southwest Clinical Society on
the "Treatment of Hypertension by
Splanchnicectoimy." The subject of
his talk is the present method for
treating high blood pressure and the
recommended operative procedure is
"supra-diaphragmatic bilateral ex-
cision ;, fhe greater, lesser, and least
splanchnib nerves and of the tenth,
eleventh, and twelfth thoracic sym-
pathetic ganglia."

To Study High Blood P

Club fo'r the'




au sed More Stir
Than Actual Battle
of a of a warring nation have no right to
lived complain. It may be so for Ger-
r in many, which has been in a state of
war preparedness for so long that
they know nothing else, but France,
me al- aside from the hub-bub of one city,
at the Paris, is the personification of quiet
living and peacefulness. Every Frenchman,
even most factory workers, has his
zation little square of land that he likes to
bigger cultivate after working hours, and
on of' he stays there quietly until time for'
ench- 'work the next morning. Home and
s cer- family is everything. For such people
to calmly accept the breaking up of
aiting their home and the endangering of
side a their little piece of land is amazing
urned sacrifice.




All-A "

An explosion aft. The sound of rending steel.
Light bulbs broke in their sockets; men were
thrown off their feet. The conning-tower eye ports
wereunder. Shewasgoingdownfastnow.Seventy,
We promise you an exciting experience in this
Prat~a7nt A n cath min Atn of 1h it feels



rery Fr
i mean

Z, weeks rost. pulse- numping SIory oz ouw LI
;..;,.;.'- .--- to be in a U. S. submarine. Scouting the enemy.
In the heatof, battle. Here's a story of modern
submarine warfare told with photographic clarity
by a man who has seen service underseas.
experience in the last war, Herbert Hoover speaks B
out in this week's Post with an authority in many
ways unrivalled by any living American. Read his
five-point programfortheU.S.inWeMust Keep Out.

1808 Hermitage Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Phone 3629

ice had been w
r, days lived be
)me radio was t

s stations, and there it
in, no matter what the
programs might be. Every
lad a radio on one of its
bles, so that one could
the Champs Elysees not,
ord of a broadcast. After
f these broadcasts, small
Id gather. The trend of
ation was practically na-
from the Franco-Italian
ice wharves, through the
is, to the German-French
kers of the north. A shrug
4ers, a sad sigh, and the
rds, "We can't keep on
gh these crises. It has
netime. It might as well
land was attacked, the
t have been waiting to
France was going to do,
peasant boy within that
w that an order of general
. meant war. The boy's
older brother had prob-
d his mother was silently
hP* gn mpn ft~.vron hP

302 South State St. (Near Liberty St.)
Pens - Typewriters - Supplies

Widgeon took Bingo's baby to the beach to get a whack of ozone
When the well-nourished blonde with golden hair flung her
arms around Freddie ... (It's no use! We defy anyone to describe
this plot! It's 99-44/100% Pure Wodehouse!)

" f

PETECTIVE IN A WHEEL CHAIR. Rather odd that Aunt
Sue was giving the detectives precise instructions for finding the
kidnapers of her nephew. But even from her wheel chair she had
a hawk-eyed way of noting trivia others overlooked. Read Miss
Useless and the Underworld by Almet Jenks.

And when pay gets so high the blow-off comes,
what happens to the school? Francis Wallace, sports
authority, takes you through the complete cycle of
pay, bigger pay, championship teams, then school
explosion-as it happened at the University of Pitts-
burgh. Uncovering actual financialrecords for you, he
reveals startling facts. In two parts-both plenty hot!
Test Case at Pitt



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take advantage of our modern



* * 0
RABLE SHORT STORY... Daniel Webster and the Ides of
March, a simple, moving story of'how the history of the United
States was changed by one casual visit of Mr. Webster's with a
hermit in the New Hampshire mountains.
f± C T C T 91-A l C YE' A PUM r.. Ta- ,o r Q r1. a.a. . q,,


I _.



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