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October 25, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-25

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r today;


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in today
lections wa
r Wheele
heads of th(
iary groups
h election
>vide that
ol or clas
ndidate an
f the voter
here will t
owed on thi
loting take
ing willbi
31 A.H. be

Gives Recital
To Over_5,000
A shadow of a man. , A gaunt
genius who again and again comes
back to play for demanding audi-
ences. Tall, yet with very stooped
shoulders, Sergei Rachmaninoff last
tnight played to an audience of over
.e Music that was beauty in only the
way that he played it. And then to
see him, a truly old man, but great
with that indomitable spirit which
s has carried, him before many au-
diences. His eyes were rimmed and
reddened from his many tours, and
s worn from many experiences. In his
's entire attitude however he main-
s tained the true austerity and reti-
r, cence of a great old man who feels he
e must recognize his admirers to a
s. slight extent.
s, Stooping in the midst of a small but
a quickly crowded dressing room, he
s scratched out a fine and spider-like
d signature upon programs and pic-
' tures. Glancing up at a remark that
e he must sign papers like any other
ie "famous" person, Rachmaninoff
s spoke with, quiet x vehemence, "It's
e terr-rrible!" And in that voice he ex-
- pressed a contempt at himself that,
he, a man of genius would be signing
autographs like a movie star.'
r To few other questions he main-
al tained a quiet reserve. Student au-
o diences? Yes, fine. Yes, Cleveland
: was the next stop. But when he was
r, asked why he again played that fa-
d vorite', his Prelude in C Sharp Minor,
d he was very sure of himself. He had
r, played it for himself, and not be-
es cause of any audience. Oh, yes, for
P himself. Because he liked it.
, His hands, encased like the 'pre-
h cious things they are, in special
,h glove,s raised, and tiredly motioned
the crowd out. "Terrible" he said.
7s And terrible it was. For hands like
e his a're above fulfilling the whim of
er an excited autograph fan.
r, And so he was left, a tired Russian'
* composer, who had genius above all,
k others. Tired and lonely.

Prelude In C Sharp Minor

Only Thirteen
Vie For Senate
Seats To Date

Broadway Hit
Opens Drama
Season Nov. 8
Play .Production, oldest campus
dramatic organization, will open the
fall season Wednesday, Nov. 8, with
the presentation of "Family Portrait,"
a three-act play by Lenore Coffee
and William Joyce Cowen.
Presentations will be given each
day beginning at 8:30 p.m. from
Wednesday through Saturday, Nov.
8-11, in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, Prof. Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of the group, announced .
Just Released
"Family Portrait," an outstanding'
success on Broadway last spring, has
just 'been released, Professor Windt
said, and Play Production will prob-
ably be one of the first non-profes-
sional organizations in the country
to produceit.
The story deals with Jesus' family,
but tries to show it as "anybody's
family," free from all the legends
generally attributed to it. It is not
a serious, 'religious plot,, nor does it
attempt to be historical in costume or
general feeling. , The authors are
said to. treat the plot with humor
aid humanity.
"Jesus here is shown as His family
would know Him, but no attempt is
made to placethe. family in any par-
ticular locale or age. The action
could take place anywhere from
Judea to Vermont!" It is this uni-
versality of appeal that has made
the hit a success, Professor Windt
Central theme of the play is Mark's
famous observation, "No man's a
prophet in his own home!"
May Get Tickets Now
'Tickets for the play may be pur-
chased at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office beginning Nov. 6. Mail orders
'are now being received.
Play Production presents plays
once a month throughout the school
year. Last year the group presented
"Counsellor-at-Law," "Two Gentle-
men of Verona," and "Petrified For-
est," among others. The correspond-
ing summer group, the Michigan
Repertory Group, has just completed
a seasonof seven plays.
Reich M iisterx
Warns British.



Russia Will SendI



Hull Denies Right Of USSR
To Keep 'City Of Flint';
RequestsShip's Return
Over Half Of Cargo
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.--/P)--The
United States prepared tonight to
seek release of the captive American
freighter City of Flint and at the
same time worried officials strove to
find out what became of the vessel's
crew after she was seized by a Ger-
man raider which sent her to Mur-
mansk, Russian port.
President Roosevelt said he had no
word as to the whereabouts of the
42 sailors, because of difficult com-
munications with the far north city
of Murmansk, it was not clear whe-
ther they were aboard the City of
Flint when the vessel arrived there
flying the German flag and unider
command of a German 'prize crew.
Secretary of State Hull appeared
worried over the lack of informa-

War Developments
From Other Points
(From Associated Press Dispatches)
PARIS-French advance guards on
the Western Front clung to a foot-
hold on German soil tonight. Along
a strategic range of ridges just with-
in the territory of the Reich where
the French took their stand after
general withdrawal from first-line
positions on Oct. 16, patrols of in-
fantrymen armed with machine guns,
rifles and grenades waited in cam-
ouflaged positions to meet any ad-
vance of German troops.
HELSINKI- - Soviet Russia has
modified her demands on Finland in
new proposals being brought here by
Finland's special envoy to Moscow,
Dr. Juho Kusti Paasikivi, authorita-
tive sources asserted tonight.

Of I
To D


(Unless othi
dispatches are
the American
a Soviet port
German prize
fronted Russ
knotty and tic
national law 1


s fu
ge t


g these ,
junior Senate Nears
es from Final Decision
vo can- -

Sixteen Posts To Be Filled
In November 3 Election;
More Candidates Urged
Only thirteen petitions have been
turned in to date for the Student
Senate election Nov. 3, with sixteen
positions to be filled, Norman Schorr,
'40, and Stuart Knox, '40, o-direc-
tors of the election announced last
Inasmuch as the Senate is a gen-
eral campus group, designed to re-
flect opinion on all questions of sig-
nificance to students, the directors
urged every campus group to enter a
candidate. The election will be held
on the proportional representation
system which gives even minorities a
good chance to receive representation'
the directors explained.
Martin Dworkis, '40. acting-presi-
dent of the Senate, said yesterday
that the Senate will hold its regular
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at the,
Union, and that students, especially
those intending to run for the Senate,
are invited to attend. A general dis-
cussion on American neutrality and
on the - election will be- the features
of the meeting.
Candidates are urged to turn in
their platforms as soen as possible,
either to the directors or to Bill Elmer
'41, at The Daily. The deadline for
these, if they are to be printed in the
special Battle Page of The Daily, is 1
p.m. Monday. They must: not be
longer than 150 words unless candi-
dates group together on one slate in
which case, the platform may be.
The Senate office, 302, Union, will
be open from 4 to 6 p.m. loday
through Friday for the filing of peti-
cions, the directors said. .
Harvard Student First
Collegian To Enter War
lieved to be the first U.S. college stu-
dent to fight in the present European
war, John C. Baker, a Harvard grad-
uate, will soon be stationed in the
French Maginot line.{
Reports reaching friends here said
that Baker has joined the American
division of the French Foreign Le-

ence A.
for foreig
tion wouJ

ir 7

un NveutratyI



Pc for

Some Changes Approved
And Others Eliminated
In SpeedyDiscussion


Oct. 24.-(P)-

Is 'ex,

Lates fo
, Jame
mes Ke


J-Hop will be hel
on Page 2)


y Done with three-weeks of oratory, the
d Senate put on a tremendous burst of
n speed today, disposed of a long series
- )f amendments to the neutrality bill
- and drew near to as final decision on
- the essential issue of repealing or
- retaining the arms embargo.
- It approved changes which would'
s permit American ships to go almost
ty anywhere except to the danger zones
(of the North Atlantic, would make
e the bill more nearly a cash-and-
carry measure, and permit ordinary
r trade with Canada across the border
- or through sheltered water and sea-
es ways.
With equal dispatch it turned down
St an amendment forbidding American
1- vessels to go within 300 miles of the
e European continent or the British
is Isles, and rejected a proposal that
no military aircraft should be sold
4 to belligerents until American na-
tional needs had been satisfied.
The day pegan with the Senate
finally entering into an agreement
to limit further debate and thereby
hasten final disposition of the neu-
trality legislation. Under the ar-
rangement each Senator was given
45 minutes to discuss the'bill itself
and 45 minutes on each amendment.:
g Senator Taft (Rep., O.) offered
the amendment to forbid American
ships to go within 300 miles of Eu-
rope or the British Isles. He pleaded
al, that such a provision was pecessary
ed to keep American vessels from being
he sunk enroute to neutral ports.
ty Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.) re-
he plied that the 300-mile limitation
9 would keep American vessels from go-
c' ing to Norway, Sweden, Belgium,
re Holland, Denmark, Spain and Medi-
he terranean ports. He emphasized
that no one had suggested there was
ig danger to American ships in the
Mediterranean. -
us Prof. Allen Sherzer
13 To Talk At Smoker

Hitler Will Fight To End,
Says VonRibbentrop
DANZIG, Oct. 24.-(A)-Germany
is determined to, fight Britain to the
bitter end and is supremely confident
of victory, Foreign Minister Joachim
von Ribbentrop told the world to-
In a 90-minute address von Ri-
bentrop warned Britain that by con-
tinuing the war she was "playing'
dangerously with the fate of her em-
"The present British government
may go down in history as the grave-
digger of the empire," he told a group
of veteran Nazi fighters which formed
his iymmediate audience in this one-
time free city, now incorporated in
the Reich.
The Nazi foreign minister let fall
not a single hint of a possible com-
promise to end the war before the
conflict at arms goes to its bitter con-

Denies Right .
Secretary Hull denmed the right of1
Russia to keep the City of Flint,t
and it was reliably learned that thet
State Department would request the f
release of the vessel if Russia did-
not voluntarily permit her to depart.
President Roosevelt said he hoped
to get the vessel back.
Officials here apparently were tak-
ing their stand on a United States
Supreme Court decision which may3
be summed up thus:t
"If 50 per cent or more of an
American ship's cargo consists of,
contraband and if a belligerent seizes
her, the ship may be taken into a<
port of the belligerent country, but
not into a neutral port except under'
exceptional circumstances such as
stress of weather, breakdown of ma-
chinery, or lack of provisions.
'Conditional' Contraband
Hull acknowledged today that more
than half the cargo of the City of
Flint was conditional contraband,
and some of it was absolute contra-
(Conditional contraband is ma-
terial, such as food and clothing,
which is immune from seizure if des-
tined for civil populations of bellig-
erent country but subject to seizure
if destined for the armed forces.
Absolute contraband, such as steel,
is subject to seizur'e if it is being
shipped to any one in a warring na-
The White House took the position
that if its proposed anendments to
the neutrality act had been on the
statute books, the seizure would not
have taken place.
DETROIT, Oct. 24. -P)- Mrs.
Catherine Anderson of Detroit today
admitted she was concerned over the
fate of her brother, Robert McColl,
46, only Michigan member of the
crew of the seized City of Flint.

MOSCOW-Renewed negotiations
between Soviet Russia and a. Finnish
delegation were suspended today less
than 48 hours after the Finns' arriv-
al, leading foreign observers to be-
lieve the talks were not going too
happily. The Finns prepared to re-
turn tonight to Helsinki presumably
for fresh instructions from their gov-
ernment, indicating that compromise
proposals they brought here were
unacceptable or that Soviet authori-
ties may have made new demands.
LONDON-The British govern-
ment promised the House of Com-
mons a "constant endeavor to secure
the largest possible measure of pub-
licity" in the United States today
while newspaper placards reported
the "U.S.A. angry" over German
seizure of the steamship City of Flint.
Single Tickets
Available For
First Lecture

City of Flint was t
German flag.
Delay of a day or
since there are no i
at Murmansk, Russ
port which is not is
ter. The German ]
is understood to b
about 200 miles no:
Crew In
The Gerian iriz
terned by Russian o
Ing Murmansk, an
Germany embassy
fectly correct," a]
officials said they h
the incident.
Foreign sources b
lieved the Russians
as anyone when it
in flying a Germa
they probably were
the situation.

Alumni Gather For Ruthven Dinner
Here Frida Decoration Plans Told

Mrs. Roosevelt Will Begin
Series Tomorrow Night;
Box Office Opens Today

Single admission tickets for the
'first Oratorical Lecture tomorrow by
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will go on
sale today in the Hill. Auditorium
box office.
The box office will be open from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m.
today. Remaining single tickets will
also be sold tomorrow from 10 a.m.
to 8:15 p.m., the time when Mrs.
Roosevelt's lecture begins.
The First Lady's topic will be "The
Relationship of the Individual to the
Community." She will arrive in Ann
Arbor Thursday morning or after-
noon and will stay at President Ruth-
ven's home until evening. She is
not expected to remain overnight.
Single tickets for later lectures in
this year's Oratorical Series, the next
of which will be by Jan. Masaryk on
Nov. 14, are to go on sale two days
in advance of each talk.

German Raid
Britain's Bal
The possibility
speedy German r
Britain's blockade
and are now roam
an effective camps
shipping was seer
rious reports fromr
The reports ind
)both of the raid(
United States frei
taken it off its cc
Isles with a gener,
it by a German
Russian Arctic :
In addition t1i
either or both o
have been operat
a few miles west
seen in informed
the report of the
British vessels less
this historic Briti
In connection w~
Gibraltar it was b



Going in
welfare fu
clerk, Emn

he third week of trig
Bert J. Rapp prove
the records in tI
of the' former count
M. Gibb, between ti
.ry 1936 to April 193
tage of $5,547.52. A
pp he still has mo
erify the evidence 1
that, the State audit(
he books last sprir
ipon to testify.
mp, accountant in tI
finally finished h
t day of testif yin
the 28 checks from]
one city were paid1
turned over to hi

Guest At Michigan Dinner
In 1911 To Be Present;
Vernon Hillery Arrives
Michigan alumni from all parts of
the country are gathering to attend
the Ruthven Anniversary Dinner Fri-
day in Yost Fiell House.
Myrtle White-Godwin, '10, for ex-
ample, one of the women who attend-
ed the first National Michigan Din-
ner, Feb. 4, 1911 in New York City,
will arrive tomorrow from her home
in Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Gowin,
on that occasion, sat in the gallery
with Mrs. Hutchins (wife of Dr. Harry
Burns Hutchins, then president of
the University) and the rest of the
ladies who attended.
She was one of the first women to
talk to William W. Cook about what
later resulted in the construction of
Martha Cook Dormitory. In 1910
she traveled to New York City with a
letter to Mr. Cook from President

spends at least one week out of each
year in Ann Arbor. Last spring in
Ft. Worth he led one of the largest
Dress rehearsal for the pageant
to be given Friday night at the
Ruthven Anniversary Dinner will'
be held at 7 p.m. today in Yost
Field House. All participants are
to appear with full equipment and
full costumes.
celebrations in the country the day
of the world-wide Michigan Birth-
day Broadcast.
Raul Benedicto, '02L, secretary of
the University of Michigan Club of
Porto Rico, in Ann Arbor expecting
to attend the Ruthven celebration,
left for home suddenly late last week.
Submarine warfare, he said, is mak-
ing the 1000-mile sea voyage from
New York City to San Juan more
dangerous every day.
Donald J. Sterling, Portland, Ore.,

Open Book Of Knowledge
Will Keynote Setting;
Fall Leaves Deck Tables
Preliminary arrangements a n d-
plans for decorating Yost Field House
for the Ruthven Anniversary Dinner
Friday have been completed, Oscar L.
Eberbach, chairman of the decora-
tions committee, announced yester-
The entire decorative scheme, he
explained, is inspired by and will
emanate from a huge golden "Book
of Knowledge," hung from the speak-
ers table directly below President
Ruthven. An immense number "10,"
in honor of Dr. Ruthven's 10 years as
head of the University, will be worked'
out in flowers on the open pages.
From this central motif, and.
spreading all over the speakers' table,
will be placed specially, treated oak
leaves of appropriate fall colors. On
each table, in fact, oak leaf decora-
tions will center about a yellow candle
in a blue base. About 165 candles will

Wolverine Has
Labor Trouble

Meeting To Be Held Today
On 'Hours' Increase
Ten students, and one, faculty
member representing workers, the
Board of Directors, and membership-
at-large of the Wolverine Coopera-
tive Restaurant will meet at 7:30
p.m. today in an' effort to settle the
wage controversy, caused by the two-
hour increase in working hours this
Feeling that conditions in Europe
would bring about a rise in prices of
certain food commodities, John
Scheibe, '42M, president of the or-
ganization, explained that the Board
of Directors deemed it advisable to
save nowr by increasing working
Ex-Governor's Grandson

that the
and that
waters w
under the
the torpe

Yoder T(

Will G
Of ']

will be
J. M

An intimate dis
religious beliefs a
be the basis of th
lecture by the R
Trinity Lutheran
today in the Rack

perience as a
students," ac


N N - GL


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