TIHIE1MICHIGAIN DAILY TUESDAYVOC. 24, 1 93 9UcJ F-pow. >I r / J A NOSY BYRD DOG-Other fields looked greener iso this sled dog on the U.S. !nt;e'ri Department motorship "North Star" which will acecoan.- pany the "Bear of OaLkland" Carrying the Byrd expedition to Antarctica. Both ships are at Boston. 4 MOMENT ]MUSICALE-A composer's rant interest i h edto of hi:: own work is writt+E=n in the, face of Jaromir Weinberger. (let as he hears his "Blible Poetn " played n an el mri organ by Pietro Yo.n. Mr. Yon is ivell known as the organist of St.. Patrick's cathedral, New York. Mr. W'einrberger. a Czecho-Slovakian composer, has lived in this country sine January,,1939. PRIDE OF YANKEE DOODLE-To help Uncle, Saam observe Navy -Day Olct.. 27, the Destroyer Downes leads Battleships New Mexico,, Maryland, Tennessee, Oklahoma, California, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Idaho and Mississippi through waters with 400 planes overhead. r I I 4 I WATCH DOGS AT SEA-U.S. battleships, such as, New Mexico, Maryland and' Tennessee (right to left), are named for states; surbmarines are named for fish', minesweepers, for bairds. ~~AV1 DAY PAR 4DE ~~~~~~~~~tg ysm1e}idlvso:hnUS.dfnevsesbertetnmsHr a1}':: ':3i"::ii::t %}:- e D:roe ?:,i7s ight) an}Dewey:n;maneuers offCaliforia:coas MAN WtYENT TO THE MOUNTAIN-Snow-capped Mt. San Jacinto towers above the siphons used to carry Colorado river water sonmc 240 miles to Los Angeles and 12 other cities. .. '.r_ {:. ''$1: :,L?{:~ii::v : i ..... .. n...>. :. : j