vashevski Continues To Shine
Waiting For The Eli
When Fritz Crisler came to Ann~
Arbor ini the spring of 1938 inia'nmove~
to re-vitalize Michigan's footballI for-~
tunes, little did lie realize teat one of2
his mos~t imnportanit problems in
mouldig a winning'team was already
Fores~t Evashevski, a young m~an
who bocs i hsleep, was only a
newcomer tthesquia at the time,
but one looks at' the~ "one-main gang"'
in acton cninced the Wolverine
coach that this boy'~ had. wh'at it takes
to handle the "irpost' vital assignmenat
in the bakfield; naivelyr, the blocki1ng
Shife t'4 b 4rterback{
Evashevski rpo~rted, to Crisler as aj
center, bt4istloffeive cares ere'
far mr m pr'es'sive han hlis' ball-
full well that' he mus hve a good'
blocking 'bckifMichiganwas to
come 6out o9f 'th' doldrumsn:.Besides,
Arche Kodtos ' as lhandling the pivot
post vryAInicey: So Eie was' shift-
ed to quarteback, here to tis day
he has en ptting on one of'the
greatest'sinleperfomances ever
wintesds4ce'Fieldig 14 Yost took
over Mihi s coaching duties in
The w~ork of a bloi~ng back~ is us-
ually fs~rovershadowed' by thle men
who carr te al for the scores, but'
there is little justifcationi for it.
Evashe~vski's wor'k'has been vital.
Without it, Mi~chigan's present pow-
er wouldn't be there.
Jock Sutherland, the veteran coach
«vho developed several Pittsburgh
teams whiich weire the class> f the
nation, bates the importance of block-
ing with this stattfement: "It isn't
I ai ite tr'ue that if' you Piav~e a good
blocker, anybody can carry the ball.
Bput it's alm~ost true Let's put it
this way : A good tball carrier c'an go
quite a way with a good blocker, but
he can't g~o anywhere without one."
Sutherland r'eally hits Evie right
on' the niose when lhe sayis, "Onice in
a while you will find a' boy who really
wanits the job. He's the type of boy
Iwho 'just lik~es~ to go out anid hit some~-
body for the sheer funi of it. A~e gets
a greater kick out' of that' thani he
'does out of carrir'lig the' ball. He's'
your real natural blocker:"
Evie llas ' l . Prex'etiisites
Besides exhibiting a ri turl'aIdesire
to block, Fvashevski has all the pre-
requisites fbi a good blocker : siz'e,
powe'r, s;peed, the drive of a fullbiack, k,
the ability to stait gtiickly out of his
hope and' a shiftiness wiclh enablesi
him to strike 'off suddenlyt this way
or~ that to c'ut down a' would-be" tack-
The leading sports e6xets of the
country will be looking around ina
few weeks: for one blocking back to
put in their respective' All-American +
backfields, but' they needn'~t look
I arther tihanri Mchigan. Ask Fritz
4 Crisler.
Exit, We Hope ...
All that remains to remind us' of!
the 'debacle against the Maroons
three days ago is a sour, taste in our
mouth and the conviction that Chi-
cago, should voluntarily- drop out of
the Big Ten. Thie score was, when
we stooped counting, 85'4f but' it must
just as well have been 185 or 25
Any time Michigan threw Tom lHr-
mon around either end he could have
scored. 'That's how poor Chicago
was. Arid'this isn't being written in
any attemrpt to deprecate the ex-
hibition the Maroons put on.' 1
Just look' at' the' e'vidence. The
last two quarters of the game were
12 minutes long because Fritz Crisper'
with a n~egative gain. Had~ the gamne
been played in Ann Arbor againsta
major opponent, the UniVersityT would
have realized a large profit. This wasj
lost by playing Chicago. The' team~
got nothing. out of it. It actually
lost a day's' practice. The Chicago
player's, as we have already said, got
nothing from it except an inferiority
complex. The spectators got nothing
frorni it. It wasri't even 'worth the
diine that President Hutchens of
Chicago would 'have them pay.
~, .' '
lIt's very simple for the Uiversity
of! Chicago administration to say
Doherty Fattens Track
Team At Steak Roast
Ken Doherty took a big step for-
ward inl his program to build up a
strong varsity track team. The pro-
gram got off to a flying start Sunday
night -with a steak roast around a
bonfire just beyond the Island. Cider,
broiled steaks, potato salad. and the
fixing were dishedl out to the thin-
clads by the committee of Ralph
Schwa7rzkopf, Dye Hogan, Phil :Bal-
yeat, and Dave Cushing.
Sigma :Phi Epsilon
Sigma Phi Epsilon defeats
Delta Chi, 9-4, in the or.
played in the inter-fraternil
ball league yesterday.
tii (.
Don 'tForgt
She will be expecting .
Get Gilbertss or Johnson's
Ietsy ftoss Sho p
Pauil K5romer, Wolverine triple-
threat 'Touchdown Twin,' is fully
recovered from his leg injury in-
Burred in the opening game against
Michigan State and is set to go
when the Vale Bulldogs comie here
JFreshm en1Boxe rs
Impress Larson
The freshman boxing team, com-
posed of about 40 boys, is the most
eager and hardest working group that
Vern Larson., the boxing coach, has
seen in all his years at Michigan.
The squad practices every after-
noon at the Waterman Gymrnasium.
The boys are put through a period
of strenuous setting tip exercises and
the rest of the *afternoon is spent by
either punching the bags or sparring
with each other.
This year's squad is so large that
every class and every weight is rep-
resented. Larson declares that he
would not be at all surprised if many
of the squad placed in the Golden
Gloves this year.
The boxing coach is eager to have
as many boys out for freshman box-
ing' as possible. All boys that are
interested should report to the Wa-1
terman gymnasium any afternoon.
suggested to the referees that if Coach
Clark Shaughnessy were' willing it'd
be all right with hire to shorten' the1
quarters. It wasn't according toi
Hoylec but it was humane. At least'
it shortened the 'slaughter and' while3
the Maroons asked for no quarter'
they'receivect shorter ones.
Then Michigan had orders to punt
on first down. They did it only twice'
bc-cause, they were so dcep in Chicago
territor'y whenever they gained' pos-
session of -the ball that they cobld'n't'
punt withiout being too'obvious abou.
the whole thing.
There never was any doubt but thatJ
Chicago was outclassed (this comes
first in the department of understate-
mnent).: They lost what little eni-
thusiaSm they had'for this particular1
game' when in thle first' two minutes
against the wolverine second' team,
they had'a kick blocked and' a touch-E
down scored against them. It' was
only a foreshadowing of what was to
come and they evidently, and we
think, quite wisely realized that here
was a force too great for them to cope
with. They didn't exactly give up:
they just didn't try very hard. And
according to the wayi they' play foot-'
ball they were entirely correct' in their
actions. At Chicago they play foot-
ball' for the fun of it.i Any fool
could have seen, in the'first minute if
there had ever been any doubt' about
it before, that there would b~e no fufn
in this game. So they coasted: they
took' it easy. They didn't want to get1
hurt so they didn't block or tackle I
Michigan came out of the game1
"this" is' the way we play football-'
for the fun our kids get out of it."E
Buit that' doesn't solve the problem.}
Andi the'imnmedate future, there
are two alternatives. Either, to put
it mildly, Chicago should~ make it
more attractive to 'have athletes come
to school there 'or it should retire
from big-time competition and re-
treat to the solace of its own.. comn-
petitilve' class. Chicago certainly
wouldn't think of pitting its excellent
debate team against Ann Arbor High
School. Why should. it ask other
universities do do the same thing in
If President Hutchlens were to
write us arid ask us for our opinion
we'd tell hinm to quite the Big Ten,
at least in the highly competitive
and financially' remunerative sports.
Maintain the high intellectual stan-
dard it's built up ove'r the years and
rid' itself of the less important ac-
tivity. That would mak'e it' easier
all around.
Dauve Allerdice, the sophomore sen-
sation fr'onmPiriceton who has' been
the'i' Iger's outs'taning back this'year,
is the son' of' the Dave Aller'dice who
p~romienaded on Perry Field 30 years
ago. And therein~ lies two stories.
The first is that Allerdice' the sec-
Bird cages, foods, supplies
Birds' Boarde'd R~easmiable Prices
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ond might just as well have come to
Michigan. Three years ago, ;Fritz
Crisler met the Allerdices, one and
two, in Indianapolis. The Michigan'
Allerdice' asked Crisl r about the Eas-
tern schools and what Crisler would
advise his sone to'do. So Crisler sug-
gested that he go to Exter and pre-
pare for the college boards at Prince-
son. Allerdice the' second took the
advice , went to the Eastern prep
Eschool and now is the star to which
P rinceton football hopes' cling. But
the funny part is that Crisler, as some
of those close to athletic sources
know, came to Michigan. And he
inigh1t have had Allerdice here.
Pr of. Wilber 'T. Humphreys asked
us about the possible relationship be-
tween thle two and, then told us about
the Allerdice he knew. The story was
verified by Crisler who had heard it
from Fielding H. Yost under whom
Allerdice played.
Allerdice" was' quite a redoubtable
man while he was here and not the
least of his feats was playing with
one arm, his left; in splints. Professor'
Humnphreys still recalled and mar-
velled at the way 'he'd punt with his
lef u arimhugging his ineck.:IHe'd re-
ceive the ball in his good right arm,
drop it against his leg and boot the
Nall down field. 'And not only thati
but he was quite a romantic figure
too," added the professor. We didni't
ask in what way.'
~Complete Line
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324 S. State 813 S. State
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