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October 24, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-24

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50 Men To Attend State Press Convention

Ftgak Murphy
To Participate
Attendance At 21st Annual
Journalistic Conference
Assured By Vandenberg
Journalists from all parts of Michi-
gan will start gathering here tomor-
row for the 21st annual convention
of the University Press Club, which
opens Thursday, and will continue
through Saturday.
More than 250 Michigan editors
will participate in a three-day pro-
gram, which will be highlighted by
the appearance of Attorney-General
Frank Murphy and Sen. Arthur Van-
denberg at a roundtable discussion of
national affairs. Rumors to the
contrary, both men have indicated,
their intention to attend the meet-
As in former years, several tech-
nical aspects of newspaper work will
come in for broad discussion. Donald
J. Sterling, President of the Ameri-
can Society of Newspaper Editors,
and S.L.A. Marshall, editorial writer
for the Detroit News, will deliver
lectures on "Our Newspaper Job" and
"Backgrounds of the News" at Fri-
day morning's session in the Union.
Also listed to speak Friday on "Get-
ting the.War News" is W. J. McCam-
bridge,-assistant manager of the Asso-
ciated Press.
* Feature of the' first day's meeting
will be a discussion on foreign affairs
led by Drew Pearson of, Washington
columnar fame; Prof. Preston Slos-
son ,of the history department, and
Prof. C. F. Remer of the economics

Oust Chicag From ig Ten Tat's What shu

Eighty-five to nothing was the
tragic score of an unimpressive foot-
ball "mismatch" Saturday in Chica-
Humiliating for Chicago and cer-
tainly no feat for Michigan to be
over-proud about was the devastating
victory tallied by the maize and blue.
The rumor of replacing Chicago in
the Big Ten lineup is again circulat-
ing, and Chicago herself has pro-
fessed disinterest in "big time" col-
lege, football. The Daily inquiring
reporters therefore ask:,
THE QUESTION: Should Chicago

be replaced in the Big Ten, and if so,
by whom?"
Sue Flaningham '41
Sue Flaningham, '41: "Wouldn't it
be more fun to play ten teams in-
stead of nine? I think so, and I
should like to see Chicago replaced
by Notre Dame'for that tenth team.
They would certainly offer stiff com-
petition of Big Ten calibre." '
harry A. Kelsey, '41: "But definite-
ly, if Chicago would be willing to give
up her place. And why shouldn't
Pittsburgh be the logical team for
the opening? ' Pitt has shown interest


Leadin Citizen Of Philippines
TO Lecture Here O n Thursday

Dr. Maximo M. Kalaw, one. of the
leading public figures of the Philip-
pine Commonwealth, will deliver a
University Lecture at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26, in the Natural
Science Auditorium. His subject will
be "American-Philippine Relations in
the Present Crisis."
Member Of Assembly
Dr. Kalaw has been since 1935 a
'member of the Philippine National
:Assembly, the. Commonwealth's uni-
cameral legislature. As chairman of
the powerful committee on appropri-
ations and leader of the Assembly's
:independent faction, he is said to
have played an important part in
determining the policies of the new
Philippine government.
* Dr. Kalaw began his political career
as secretary to President Manuel L.
Quezon, when Quezon was the Philip-
pine Resident Commissioner in Wash-
ington. He later studied political
science at the University of Wiscon-
sin, returning to Manila to become

head of the political science, depart-
ment of the University of the Philip-
II esExchanged With Hayden
In 1923 he exchanged chairs with
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the poli-
tical science department here and,
after a year of study at Michigan,
received the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in political science.
From 1924 to 1935 Dr. Kalaw was
Dean of the College of Arts of the
University of the Philippines. He is
the author of several books on poli-
tical subjects and a novel, and is an
authority on the cocoanut industry of
his homeland. His lecture is spon-
sored by the political science depart-
College Film Series
Is Directed By Grad
"My latest picture 'Dancing Coed'
is partly based upon my own experi-
ences at Michigan," S. Sylvan Simon,
'32, wrote in a recent letter to his
fraternity, Kappa Nu.
Simon, who is Hollywood's youngest
director, has been assigned to make
a series of college pictures of which
"Dancing Coed," now featured at the
Michigan Theatre is the second.
"I hope that all my friends on the
campus like my picture," Simon con-
tinued, "and if they look sharply, I'm
sure that they will recognize their
alma mater behind the name of Mid-

'Father Dearborn'
o Be Resurrected
In New Publication
"Old Father Dearborn" is coming
t4 life again. The journals of Hen-
ry Dearborn, called "Father" by those
who revere him as the founder of
Fort Dearborn,, the forerunner of the
city of Chicago,: are being published
by the Caxton Club of Chicago and
edited at the William L. Clements
Titled "The Revolutionary War
Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1775.
1783," the book contains also a bi-
ograplical sketch by Hermon Dun-
lap Smith of, Chicago, four contem-
porary maps of battles he was in, and
a portrait of him. Lloyd A. Brown,
curator of maps, and Howard H.
Peckhar, curator of manuscripts at
the Clements Library, are editors of
the book which will be published
in early December.
The only journals known which.
run for the complete duration of the
war, Dearborn's diaries are the more
interesting because they are an on-
the-scenes account of the battles.
Dearborn was a lieutenant colonel at
the end of the war and was .in a posi-
tion to know what the army was do-
ing., Active in nearly all of the pro-
minent campaigns of the Revolution-
ary War, Dearborn was later Secre-
tary of War under President Thomas
Jefferson. Besides Fort Dearborn,
the town. of Dearborn, Mich., was
also, named after him.
Of the six journals, one.was never
published before. but the others came
out in an earlier edition without notes.
Four. of the journals are owned by
the Boston Public Library, one is in
the. New York Public Library, and
the other is in the Massachusetts
Historical Society.

Annual Ger an
Contest Date


The annual competition for the
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
will take place the latter part of
March according to Dr. H. W. Nord-
meyer, chairman of the German de-
The competition, which will last
three hours, consists of an essay in
English or in German dealing with
the development of German litera-
ture from 1750 to 1900. Participation
is open to all undergraduate stu-
dents of German taking course 32
or above at the time of' the compe-
tition and are of distinctly American
Qualified students should register
as soon as possible at the office' of
the German department where they
will obtain directions, Dr. Nordmeyer
For the current year the prize
amounts to $40 which represents the
interest on a donation made . nine
years ago by Mr. Thomas B. Bronson,
'81, in honor of Calvin Thomas, chair-
man of the German department from
1887 to' 1896'.

Sigma Alpha
Tea For

Iota Gives


Sixty freshmen and upperclassmen
in the University School of Music
were honored by Sigma Alpha Iota,
national professional musical frater-
nity, at a tea held from 3:30 p.m. to
5:30 p.m., Sunday, at the home of
Mrs. G. Carl Huber, 1330 Hill St.
The tea was the first event of the
fraternity's social season, F. Eileen
Lay, '38, president, announced.
Miss Mora Crane Hunt and Miss
Elizabeth Campbell, founders of the
organization, and Mrs. Mabel Ross
Rhead and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg

. x
\\at Thrifty Prices!


Foreign Relations
SoCietyWill Meet
The first meeting of the Interna-
tional Relations Club will be held at
4 p.m. today in the' League, Prof..
Howard B. Calderwood of the politi-
cal science department, the club's
faculty adviser, announced yester-
Organized several years ago, the
Club serves as a meeting-place for
students interested in the serious dis-
cussion of, present-day international
affairs. The room in which today's
meeting is to be held will be listed
on the League bulletin board.


Vegetable Soup
)f Beverage 26c

Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice o

CHOP SUEY with RICE Assorted Rolls or Bread
(Choice of ONE)
Mashed Potatoes Baked Beans Italian Spaghetti
Fresh Garden Beets Fresh Lima Beans
Tomatoes Vegetable Soup

Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice of Beverage






Baked Potat

Assorted Rolls or Bread
(Choice of ONE)
o Mashed Potatoes
Puree of Potato Soup
Lima Beans Italian Sp


Ye Mgichiga
With Men of Eli on
Their Way,
Assure that Date for

Baked Beans
Fresh Beets


Choice of Salad or Dessert

Choice of Beverage

ROAST VEAL with MINT JELLY Assorted Rolls or Bread




I 111 _ ,

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