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October 22, 1939 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-22

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Duqpqew *...21'

Tu~lanp ....
rN. Caroling- ..

14 Nebraska....... 219 S. Methodist... 16 Georgia Tech
14, Baylor ..........) arquette......0 Vanderitu

14 Princetoni...... 14 N.Y.U. . .... ... nDike .
6 Columbia.......7 Carniegie Tech ... O Syracuse




Ohio S
then r
ter dri
just mi
turvy 1
playt iV
and p6
play, f.
for a
ball sti
then d'
on its
a blizzE
they t
of vict

xe~eTourdowlu lasses Give,
Oio WinOv rGphwrs, 2.3-20,
'lie lMaag's ~Fieldl Goal march climaxed by substitut'e full-
TI WT* 'ack' Milt Piepul's one-inch plunge
oves To BeW inningf U~over center.
argin ;ISeesaw Tilt The Midshipmen; checkmated on
the ground, took to the air with: a
NEAPOLIS, Oct. 21.-(P4-)'desperate& passing attack in the final
tate's roaring Buckeyes pitched( period and' clicked for a 64-ytard
touhdo~ipasses today and touch~down on an aerial fron red-
touchdoed Bob Leonard, substitute half-
'esisted a Minnesota last gu.ar- tack, to ilimont Whitehead, another
[ve that netted one score and1 substitute halfback. .Whitehead took
iissed another to win a topsy, the 34-yard heave on the' Irish 30,
ball grne23 to 20 before 55,000oooutraced 'two 14otre Damers to the
goal line'' and tfhen kicked' the' exaa
ee points behind, the Golden point.
ors ~drove despjerately to - the
t and . Grey's four-yArd line JTi aruw J efts Ill raw;
,wo minutes to play. On that f~
Minnesoa was c'auight holding IINarwJ'0W af e,, i7-6
nalized;15 yar~ds. On the next CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 21.-(/)-
furth downp, Joe Mernik tried
score- tyinig pladce kick. The Indiana University squeezed the Uni-
ruck thle'center barof the goal' versity of Illinois today, 7 to 6, by
bl$oted a split second and the narrow margin of a' successful
copped back the wrong way. placekick after touchdown, giving the
St~ate thuis became the first Hoosiers their second Western Con-
'e teamt to 'defeat a Bernie ference victory of the season.
an coached Minnesota squ~ad ' a h is im nteIitr
home field since 1932.Itwstefrtiminheitoy
thre-pont argi ofvicoryof the series between the two teams
t~ire-pint argn ofvicorythat Inidiana had defeated the''Illii
bQOod out so promhinently in a on the latter's home' field.
that several times threatened
and of touchdowns came in the The Hoosiers' sturdy defense saved
;yes bjig secon~d quarter when tI segae in the first .qiater when
vice came fromh behind to score Bob "Zuppke's fiery eleven stormed'
nts. to the Indiana three yard line, regis'-

His Running Aids In Piling-Up Points

s '

Hercules tRenda, diminutive Michigan halfback who started the
Wolverine's drive for their second touchdown by returning a Chicago
punt 25 yards. Hsere later rounded end for the touchdown.

148 sec
ing, th
tate dr.
ky, 0.
ar, ext
later pi

Irish 1Beat
Bej ore Ht
by a horde' of
tiptoed their v
today to beat
Navy team 1,
screaming far
land Stadium.
The South1
dirt on the fii
period when OC
Ill., third-:str'i
27-yard run
first time he1
ball, Sberidai
week from the
.T~he second.P
in the third

conds of the ~first half tem a ±urst ulwn there~. Four
ie Gophers stopped an ?lays gained two and a half. yards, the
riye on their 12, s0 210-;ball going to Indiana on downs on
es Nra,'tackle from the 18 inch line.
kicked a, field goal
remnely difficult angle Putrdue Whip3 ,Spate, 20,M7
proved to be the margin Fo7 Yars Frt "i
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct'. 21.-(/VP)-
Navy, 14°7y A couple of bull's eye passes by ;Mike
.age rowdByelenie and Johnny Galvin and a
sudden dash off' tackle by the elusive
D, Oct. .21.--( ) -Notre Byelen~e brought Purdue a, 20 to 7
n-fast backs, aided triumph over Michigan State's Spar-
fine-blocking linemen, tans' here today before a Dad's Day1
w'ay to two touchdlowns :crowd of 21,000.a 1
a stubborn air-minded It was Purdue's first victory of .the
4 to 7 before 81,104 season and Michigan State's third.
is. who jammed Cleve;., defeat in a row. Purdue previouisly'
had lost to Notre Dame and tied.
Bend Irish struick pay Minnesota, and the Spartans h ad
irst play of the second been° beaten by Michigan and Mar-t
yen Sheridan of Havana, cjuette.
ng 'back, ripped, off :a Purdue's first tally came suddenly,
around right end the two' minutes before the first h~alf
had his hands onl tlhe ended. From .his' own 42' BY"elene
.n graduated only this 'rifled a pass to Dave. Rankin on the
e fourthi string. State six from where Rankin, takingt
Nsotre Dame score" came the' ball from Byelene on an end-'
period on a' 64-yard around play, went over.
Announcing" a
A NEW an#d Detter
t - .Infqrma pnm - Res erva innus
In Lobby iof the Michigan Unionx
- S daily Phone 2-4431 (eve.3245) c


Fighting Yale' Eleven Trounces
Untorganized Army Team, 20-151

NEW HAVEN, Oct. 21. --(-)- A that threat by intercepting another
searching party went out looking for of Burr's pitches, but on the first
the kitchen sink today after the Yale play Cape Burnam broke through to
football team had beaten Army, 20- block Hatch's punt, Bill Zilly re-
15, in a harrowing, hair-greying ball covered for Yale on the Army 3, and
game that had everything in it but Tom Lussen, taking the ball from
thatvalabl pice f hme urnsh-Burr on an end-around, carried over
thatvalublepiec of omefurnsh-the second tally.
There were so many pass inter- -_______________
ceptions that it looked like a play
the boys had practiced before hand.
.There were blocked kicks, a volun-
tary safety, an Army passing attack
that let loose 34 aerials and an Army
funning "attack" that was held to a
net gain of 33 yards.
62,0;00 See Game
But emerging from the confusionS E\
was, chiefly, the picture of a Yale
team better than. it had been given
credit, for and an Army team without
punch or cohesion. The Cadets could
make gains only through the air and,
when their passes were broken up in R
against the charge of as tout Yale
line. USA C
A crowd of 62,000 that includedTUSD y C
formner President Hoover and Gov-
ernor Ralph Carr of Colorado, both
guests of Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin
of "Connecticut, saw Army recover a
'Yale fumble on the Elis' 18-yard
line early in the second quarter and
go over from there in eight plays.
Eli's Lead At Half
It was Seymour's punting that
pushed Army back and eventually
gave Yale the ball on' the Cadet 28,
from where Burr passed to Alan Bar-
tholer y for the first touchdown and
a 7-6 half time lead. In the; third
perior another Burr pass, to Jim Mc-
Clelland, gave Yale first down on
the Cadet 12.
Johnny Hatch apparently stopped:;




H'rs. 10.-


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