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In This, Issue
---I- M
VOL. L. No. 24
60,000,000 Pound
Credit Note Given
Turkey With Pact
Britain And France Follow'
Up MutualAssistance
Promise With Finances
Germany, Russia
WaryOf Situation
ANKARA, Oct. 21.-(W)-Britain
and France were reported in reliable
quarters tonight to have followed up
their mutual assistance pact with
Turkey wth P. 60,000,000 pound credit .
note (about $240,000,000).
The western powers, it was report-
ed, would advance 25,000,000 pounds
(about $100,000,000) of this sum in
the form of arms and ammunition to
enable Turkey immediately to streng-
then her position as a guardian of
the Dardanelles, gateway to the Black
There was no confirmation of this
report available tonight either from
Turkish officials or from the British
or French embassies.
But it was understood that Gen.
Maxime Weygand, commander-in-
chief of French fores in the eastern
Mediterranean, and Lieut.-Gen. Ar-
chibald P. Wavell, British middle east
commander, had discussed the ques-
tion of military equipment for Tur-
key in their talks with Turkish staff
The conversations, which started
Wednesday, ended tonight with a
banquet at the French Embassy. The
French and British commanders were
scheduled to fly back to their posts
Meawhile, high Turkish officials
went into a diplomatic huddle which
may. have a far-reaching effect on
the fate of southeastern Europe in
the war.
Foreign Minister Sukru Saracoglu,
returning from Moscow after three
wee o1 ungucessful-negotiations'
for a Turkish-Soviet Russian pact,
made a report to President Ismet In-
onu and the Turkish cabinet.
Saracoglu gave them, unofficial
sources said, details of Russia's de-
mand that the Dardanelles be closed
to British warships, which was re-
ported to have caused the breakdown
of negotiations.
Soviet To Keep Eye
On Turkish Dardanelles
Moscow, Oct. 21.-()-Ominous
rumblings against Turkey and her
new mutual assistance pact with
Great Britain and France were heard
today in the German and Russian
capitals, with Germans generally ex-
pressing belief that Russia had de-
cided to deal roughly with the Turks.
Russia served notice today as "the
greatest Black Sea Power" she "must
keep a'watchful eye on everything'
related to the Turkey-controlled
despite the British-French-Turkish
The government newspaper Iz-
vestia's bitter attacks on the tri-
power treaty, terming it an unsuc-
cessful attempt to drive a wedge be-
tween Germany and the U.S.S.R.,
made diplomats wonder what effect
the pact would have on Finnish-Rus-
so negotiations which resume Mon-
"The Soviet Union, which is the
greatest power on the Black Sea
(others are Turkey, Rumania and
Bulgaria), is obligated to follow at-
tentively everything connected with
the approaches to the Black Sea,"
Izvestia said.
The newspaper said the pact with
the allies "drew Turkey into the orbit
of war" and attempted to "draw the
U.S.S.R. into a combination which
is chiefly directed against Germany
and eventual enemies of England and
France in the Mediterranean (pre-
sumably Italy)."
French Heavy Artillery
Aimed At German G.H.Q
PARIS, Oct. 21.-(A')-Military ob-
servers tonight reported French
heavy artillery had methodically
shelled an area of 2 square miles on
the extreme northern sector of the
Western Front, hoping to drop a big
shell on German general headquar-
A communique described the fire as
From military information made
nnhblie in Paris it anneare1 thatG er-
Freshman Bashfulness
Foils Plans For Dinner
That old villain bashfulness is foil-
ing the plans of a housemother in the
new West Quadrangle mens' dormi-
tories to arrange for an exchange
dinner with Mosher-Jordan.
The housemother complains that]
all the boys want to go to Mosher-
Jordan; none want to remain as hosts
in their own dining halls. The fresh-
men claim, according to the house-
mother, that "you can always get by
with seven women, but imagine en-
tertaining a girl at a table with sev-
en other men."
Student Senate
Elections Race
Opens Monday
Petitions Will Be Accepted
Until Friday; Will Use
Hare SystemAs In Past
The fourth semi-annual Student
Senate race will officially get under
way at 4 p.m. tomorrow when co-
directors of elections Stuart Knox,
'40, and Norman A. Schorr, '40, open
the Senate office in Room 302 Union
to petitioners for places on the ballot.
This all-campus election, which drew
more than 1,700 students to the polls
last spring, will be held Friday, Nov. 3.
Would-be Senators will have until
Friday, Oct. 27, during the hours of
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to register their can-
didacies, in this election which will
be conducted, as in the past, accord-
ing to tge Hare system of roportion-
al representation with t single
transferable vote, Knox said.
Names will be placed on the ballot
in the order petitions are received, as
far as it is possible, Knox explained.
He also reminded applicants to sub-
mit platforms and party designations
at the time of application.
Petitions must include signatures
of at least six student backers, and
should be accompanied by a fifty-
cent filing fee and a University cer-
tificate of scholastic eligibility.
The elections heads reminded peti-
tioners that the deadline for all plat-
form copy forathe Senate Battle Page
has been set at 1 p.m. Monday, Oct.
Senator Seeks
Gold Reduction
Vandenberg Asks Control
Over Metal Purchases
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-()-
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
said today he had suggested to Sec-
retary Morgenthau that the treasury
curtail purchases of gold, repricing
the metal at a lower level at least
for the duration of the European war.
Vandenberg read to the Senate a
letter he had written to Morgenthau
in whch he declared that the pro-
posed "cash and carry" sale of war
materials to belligerents might bring
"dangerous repercussions" on this
country's fiscal system.
Such sales, Vandenberg said, would
be almost sure to cause the "dump-
ing" of foreign securities on Ameri-
can markets by nations seeking cash.
In addition, he said the effort to ac-
quire cash might be "an ultimate in-
flux of all the remaining gold in
the world" into this country.
"If we invite the further inflow
of gold to the exent that we wholly
monopolize it, we will create a situa-
tion which will defeat the utlimate
hope of remonitizing gold in world
trade," Vandenberg declared.
Directory Reprinted
To SupplyDemandI
The unprecedented demand for the
current issue of the 1939-40 Student
and Faculty Directory has resulted
in additional conies being nrinted.1
First Lady s
Talk Oct.26
Opens Series
Mrs. Roosevelt To Discuss
Individual's Relationship
To Modern Community
Ticket Sales Reach
Unprecedented High
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife
of the President and an internation-
ally-known public figure in her own
right, will open the 1939-40 Lecture
Course series of the University Ora-
torical Association at 8:15 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26, in Hill Auditorium.
All sales records on the Oratorical
Association's history have already
been broken, it was announced yes-
terday. Remaining season tickets will
be on sale tomorrow and Tuesday,
with single admissions to the eight
lectures available Wednesday.
To Speak On Relationship
Mrs. Roosevelt will speak on "The
Relationship of the Individual to the
Community." She will arrive in Ann
Arbor Thursday morning or after-
noon and will stay at the Ruthven
Observer of the American scene,
syndicated newspaper columnist, and
radio and platform speaker, Mrs.
Roosevelt has been called the most
remarkable First Lady in history.
Known for her amazing energy,
simplicity and versatility, Mrs. Roo-
sevelt is acknowledged to be one of
the best informed women in the na-
tion on American affairs. She has
for many years played an important
part in the educational, sociological
and political affairs of the day.
Called Unofficial Surveyor
Mrs. Roosevelt has been called the
President's "unofficial surveyor of
public opinion" and is famous as an
investigator of New Deal projects.
She is the author of several books,
among them her autobiography,
"This Is My Story," and is a member
of the women's advisory committee of
the Democratic Party.
The second, lecture in this year's
Oratorical Series will be delivered b)
Jan Masaryk, son of the first presi-
dent of Czechoslovakia and pre-An-
schluss Czech minister to Great Bri-
tain, on Nov. 14. Mr. Masaryk will
discuss "Civilization in Peril."
Cornelia Otis Skinner, "the one
(Continued on Page 2)
Garner Seeks
To Halt Debate
Vice-President Wants Vote
On Neutrality Next Week
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.--()-
Vice-President Garner, impatient over
long-drawn-out speechmaking on the
administration neutrality bill, was
reported today to be exerting his in-
fluence to secure a final vote next
Friends said that Garner, who has
given wholehearted support to Presi-
dent Roosevelt's recommendation that
the arms embargo be repealed, be-
lieved that the three weeks of de-
bate had been ample and that oppo-
sition senators now should accept
a limitation on future debate.
The Vice-President advised ma-
jority leader Barkley (Dem., Ky.) it
was said, to ask the Senate to agree
to a restriction on debate. If that
is not accepted, Garner was quoted
as saying, then the leadership should
call the Senate into session at 10
a.m. each day and delay adjourn-
ment until 10 p.m. The chamber us-
ually meets at noon and quite about
Meager Croi
Educated Toe Boots Four Goals.
Chicago Team Held To Center Of Field
For Full Four Quarters; Wolverine
Second And Third Teams Are Used
CHICAGO, Oct. 21.-There was another Chicago massacre at historic
Stagg Field yesterday afternoon while 4,800 fans watched, but there was
no one to blame for it except the schedule makers and those who insist that
a Simon Pure educational university can play big time football.
The game, which by the way was won by Michigan, 85 to 0, was more like
the band drill. The first team, the second, the third, and part of the
fourth marched up the field and down again and nothing stopped them
but the goal line.
Every time, with the exception of three, that the Wolverines gained
possession of the ball they scored. Twice they quick-kicked on the first
down, and the other time they lost the ball on downs.
The parade started within two minutes after the game began, when
Fullback Bob Zimmerman counted, and by the time the half rolled around,
halfback Herc Renda, end Ed Czak, halfback Tom Harmon, quarterback
Forest Evashevski, halfback Fred Trosko, fullback Bob Westfall, and half-
back Dave Strong had tallied to bring
Council Limits Mrs. Karpinski
Elections Qu ota Reported fHurt
To Single Vote'DuringStorm
Publishes Two Resolutions Professor's Wife Suffers
Concerning Class Dance Multiple Contusions As
Committee Regulations Hurricane Hits Vessel
Two new regulations governing Contrary to former reports, Mrs.'
elections for class dance committees Louis C. Karpinski, wife of Prof. Louis
were announced by the Men's Judici- C. Karpinski of the mathematics de-
ary Concil.partment, suffered multiple contu-
ary Concil.sions and other injuries aboard the
Eachuperson voting for candidates liner President Harding which land-
to committee posts, the new regula- ed in New York Saturday to end a
tions state, shall have one, and only voyage across the hurricane-swept
one vote, for the dance committee of Atlantic, it was reported by the As-
one ote fo th dace ommtte ofsociated Press yesterday.
his class. For example, a junior in Seventy-three personssuffered in-
the literary college may vote for only juries aboard the vessel, which car-
one candidate for 'J-Hop committee, ried 597 men and women returning
instead of five as was formerly the from Europe. The ship almost foun-
dered in the ocean when struck by a
case. huge wave 100 feet high after having
Second resolution passed by the previously battled 110-mile-an-hour
Council limits the number of offices winds.
that may be held by any individual. It was also reported that Professor
Those students who are to be gradu4 Karpinski "severely criticized" the of-
ated in 1940 or 1941, may serve on ficers and crew for their handling of
no more than two class dance com- the situation. He told national press
mittees during their entire college services that "we -had no warning,"
careers. During and after the school and that "many injuries could have
year 1941-42, a student may serve been avoided if officers had ordered
in only one such position. them to their staterooms." The vet-
Thus, before 1941, a student may eran mathematician also circulated
be elected to the J-Hop committee if a petition among the passengers
he has previously been on either the criticizing the treatment of Amen-
Soph Prom or Frosh Frolic commit- can refugees in Europe, it was said.
tees, but is ineligible if he has been One man, Paul Johnson, 19, a din-
on both. ing room steward, was washed over-
After 1941, each student may hold board during the tornado which hit
a position on only the Frosh Frolic, the ship last Teusday, the worst tor-
Soph Prom, J-Hop or Senior Ball nado in the memory of the oldest
commitees. seadogs aboard.
Rake And Canvass
To Be Antiquated
By New Invention
Rolling up leaves in canvas may
soon be a thing of the past on the
University campus, if a mechanical
sweeper-upper tried out yesterday
proves successful.
Sounding the eteath knell of the
old rake and sheet method is a nw
vacuum sweeper invented by Ernest
M. Maddux, Ypsilanti street com-
missioner. The sweeper, which works
on a principle similar to the ordinary
household vacuum cleaner, is pulled
across the lawn behind a truck, into
which the leaves are swept by the
strong air blast generated by the
motor-driven fan.r
The machine was first used about
a year ago, and has been slightly
altered within the last two weeks by
Maddox. The giant sweeper was
demonstrated on the campus yester-
day to a group of city and University
Churches Look
At War Scene
Addresses Today Consider
Situation Abroad
Adhering to the subject uppermost
in the minds of the majority of stu-
dents during the past few weeks of
international crisis since the German
declaration of war on Sept. 3, Ann
Arbor churches today are debating
the war, its various issues and prob-
At the morning service of the First
Congregational Church, Rev. Leonard
A. Parr will preach on "Prepare for
Wesleyan Guild meeting at Stalker
Hall, this evening will be addressed
by Bishop Blake on "America and
With pacific hopes, Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will speak on "Church Pro-
grams Towards Peace," this morn-
ing, considering what the Christian
Churches can do to further peace in
a disturbed world.
Varying from the war theme, the
Student Round Table Discussion top-
ic at the First Baptist Church today
will be, "What Can We Believe About
Ourselves?" Continuing a considera-
tion of student problems, Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver of the English depart-
ment will talk on "Student Goals"
at the Guild meeting at 6:15 pm.
,Submarine Supply
Tanker Is Sougrhi
MEXICO CITY, Oct .21. -(M)-
Foreign intelligence agents tonight
were investigating reports that the
German tanker Emmy Friedrich
which sailed from Tampico last night
would serve as a supply ship for Ger-
man submarines operating in the
the score to 55-0.
The third quarter was compara-
tively dull with the Wolverines tally-
ing but one. However; the first team
returned for six minutes in the final
chapter and found time enough for
Harmon to score one touchdown and
kick a field goal, and to have West-
fall burst through center for 23 yards
and a score.
Called It A Day
Then Crisler called it a day for the
first stringers and sent them to the
showers. But the Wolverines kept
plugging and added another touch-,
down before the game ended, The
comptometers showed Michigan with
12 touchdowns, 10 conversions and
one field goal. Shades of the point-
a-minute teams.
The Maroons never had a chance.
They were both hapless and hopeless.
The closest they ever got to the Wol-
verine goal line was the,0ja.d line
in the sdeond quarter where the Wol-
verines took the ball on downs.
Crisler started his second team but
that didn't delay the massacre a bit.
Bill Melzow, guard, kicked off to
Miller on the Chicago 20-yard line,
and end Harlin Fraumann pulled him
down on the 25.-Cocaptain Johnny
Davenport's third down kick was .
blocked by tackles Bill Smith and Bob
Ostroot, the other Wolverine tackler
recovered on the five ysrd line. Zim-
merman ripped off left guard on the
first play for a touchdown, and Mel- ocnetdteke o h xr l
o cneed the"*ick or the"tr
Renda Returns
Five minutes later it started again.
Renda returned Davenport's punt
from the Michigan 25 to the Chicago
15. Zimmerman cut ,through cente'
for five and Renda took the same
-oute for 10 more for a first down.
Zimmerman and halfback Norm Call
made it another first down on the
1. On an end-around Ed Czak went
off tackle to the 13, but his ill-advised
ateral went astray and quarterback
KFarry Kohl recovered on -the 20.
Call's and Renda's gains were nulli-
fied by the two off-side penalties,
but Renda then scored from the five
yard line without being touched.
Melzow again converted
After the Maroons received, Fred
S s Wolverine guard, recovered
Wasem's fumble on the 17 for Michi-
gan. Call, on a reverse, went to the
f our, and then Cak scored on an.
end-around. Melzow did it again.
The crowd laughed good-natured-
ly as the first team came into the
game at the beginning of the second
(Continued on Wage 6)
35 Years Old
Girls (Glee Club
Reorganized this year under the
direction of Ruth Enss, '41SM, the
Michigan Girls Glee Club will give
its first engagement with the Varsity
Glee Club at the President's Dinner.
Organized in 1904, the Glee .Club
twith a membership of eight was
directed the first year by Mrs. George
Hastreiter. The next year Dr. Albert
A. Stanley, a former director of
music, appointed Nora Crane Hunt to
directorship, and she piloted the
Mutual Assistance Pact With Turkey
Called Victory For Western Powers,
The mutual assistance pact signed
Thursday by Great Britain, France
and Turkey may be regarded as the
first diplomatic victory of the wes-
tern powers in the present war, Prof.
Howard M. Ehrmann of the history
department commented yesterday.
This agreement is of value to the
western European signatories, Pro-
fessor Ehrmann observed, in that it
provides for the armed intervention
nf Turkey in behalf of England and
Professor Ehrmann said. Under no
circumstances, however, he added, is
Turkey to be forced to take up
arms against Soviet Russia.
Moreover, in case England and
France become involved in war with
a European power (outside the Medi-
terranean area and apart from their
agreements with Greece and Ruma-
nia), the three signatories are bound
to "consult," and Turkey is to as-
sume an attitude of at least benevo-
too is lined up against German ex-
pansion in the Balkans, and can give
valuable assistance to the western
powers by keeping the Dardanelles
open to the British and French navies.
Russian aims in the Balkans also
have been temporarily checked by
the treaty. One of the most impor-
tant or these aims is to wrest Bessa-
rabia from Rumania, an action which
now would bind Turkey, at least, to
benevolent neutrality toward Great
Britain and France in their efforts to