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October 21, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-21

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No, 24



p q



da zis Call Turkey
Britain's Stooge'
In Mutual Aid Pact



Invading German Planes
Fly Over English Base
But Fail To Drop Bombs
Finland To Renew
Talks With Russia
BERLIN, Oct. 20.-(P)-Nazis to-j
night declared Turkey became "Brit-
ain's stooge" when she signed a mu-~
tual aid pact with the Allies and
could no longer be regarded as a neu-
Adolf Hitler received a personal re-
port on the tri-power pact from his1
ace trouble shooter, Franz Von Pa-
pen, German ambassador to Turkey.
Von Papen arrived in Berlin today
after a hurried trip from Ankara. He
was expected to return to his post
within a few days.
Although German political leaders
professed to see a loophole in the
pact in Turkey's reservation against
being drawn into war against Russia,
attacks on the agreement were caus-
The government meanwhile opened
a system of special short-term cred-
its for businesses throughout the
Reich which have been hard hit by)
the war to prevent bankruptcies andI
sharp disruptions in national econo-
A high command communique re-Y
ported quiet on the Western Front.
Repatriated Germans continued to
arrive in Gotenhafen (Gdynia) andj
Danzig. Most of those arriving from
the Baltic countries were professional
people-doctors, teachers, artists,
lawyers-but from 15 to20 per cent
were farmers.
Great Britain: Raiders s
Fired On By Anti-Aircraft
LONDON, Oct. 20.-(/P)-Invading
German warplanes flew over the stra-
tegic Firth of Forth again today but
dropped no bombs and escaped the
fire of anti-aircraft batteries and
British fighting planes which went
up to meet them.
Air attacks on strongholds of
British naval might had been ex-
pected, one authority said. He added
that the performance of defenders in
shooting down eight German planes
during raids earlier in the week was<
On the Western Front, Britain but-
tressed the allied "waiting wall" with
fresh troops and counted as a gain
every day of mud and every delay of
a possible wide-scale German offen-
British military authorities dis-
closed that the flow of troops which;
put 158,000 British soldiers on French)
soil in the first five weeks of the war
had been continued and might soon
be increased.
Allied armies gradually being
strengthened were described as dig-t
ging in for the winter in the blockade
by land and sea to starve Germany
Reviewing the minor "experimen-
tal" actions of the week, one author-
ity declared:
"We are one week nearer winter.
Each week makes the chance of Ger-1
man large scale operations that much;
The British board of education hasi
started school children gathering
acorns and beech nuts to feed pigs.
A memorandum sent to 10,000 rural
schools said acorns were more nour-
ishing than oats and beans.

WAA To Back
Balloon Sale
At, Yale Game
In an attempt to estaiish a new
Michigan tradition, 6,000 helium-
filled balloons bearing the colors of
Michigan and Yale will be released
at the kick-off of the game Oct. 28.
Conceived, organized and carried
out by the Women's Athletic Associ-
.ation, the plan should, from all in-
dications, take its place in the gal-
lery of Michigan traditions.
The balloons, which will be sold
for ten cents a piece by members of
the Women's Athletic Board and their
helpers, will be blue, yellow and
white. Filled with helium, they will
'ise straight into the air upon being
Instructions as to the releasing of
the balloons will be announced over
the public address system, and print-
ed instructions will be included in
the regular programs.
Fielding H. Yost, Director of Physi-
cal Education, has .given his whole
hearted approval to the plan; and
William D. Revelli, conductor of the
Michigan band has consented to lead
the band in a song as the balloons are
The task of buying and selling the
balloons has ben undertaken by the
Women's Athetic Association with no
thought of profit. Due to the high,
cost of heliiftn gas it will be necessary
to sell all the balloons in order to
realize expenditures.
Mary May Scoville,. '40, has been
appointed chairman of the project.
Jane Grove, '41, is in charge of the
selling force.
World Affairs
Club Will Meet
Calderwood Sets Tuesday
For FirstMeeting
The International Relations Club
will hold its first meeting of the year
at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the
League, Prof. Howard B. Calder-
wood of the political science depart-
ment, the Club's faculty adviser, an-
nounced yesterday.
All students interested in serious
discussion of present-day interna-
tional affairs are invited to attend,
Professor Calderwood said. Founded
several years ago here, the Club par-
ticipates in the annual regional con-
ferences of .International Relations
Clubs of other schools.
Tuesday's meeting will deal chiefly
with problems of organization for the.
coming year. Subjects for discussion
and the necessary committees will
be chosen. The room in which the
meeting is to be held will be listed
on the League bulletin board.
The Club also maintains an exten-
sive library of books and research
material on world affairs. One of
the plans suggested for this year is a
series of round-table discussions of
the European war by members of the
faculty, equipped to speak authorita-
tively on its various phases.
Deadline Announced
For J-HopPetitions
The Men's Judiciary Committee
announced a deadline yesterday for
all education school petitions for
J-Hop committeemen.
Women should submit their peti-
tions at the League undergraduate
offices before 5 p.m. Monday, and
men's petitions should reach the

Union student offices before noon
The Council also announced two
new rules affecting membership on
dance committees. They are as fol-
lows: one, each student may have one
and only one vote for his dance com-
mittee; and two, students graduating
in 1940 and 1941 may hold positions
on two dance committees, while stu-
dents graduating in 1942 may serve
on only one dance committee.
1 *1 Ti

Neutrality Act
Not To Cover
Surface Ships
Roosevelt Distinguishes.
Vessels; Explains Limit
Of Territorial Waters
Sen. Brown Raps
Lindbergh Speech
HYDE PARK, N.Y., Oct. 20.-()-
President Roosevelt drew a sharp line
of demarcation today between un-
dersea and surface ships of bellig-
erent nations, asserting at a press
conference that they were as dis-
similar as apples and peaf .
He turned aside in that manner
a question about the possibility of
extending to surface vessels of the
nations at war in Europe the re-
strictions he imposed, by a proclama-
tion issued under the neutrality law,
on the use of American ports and>
territorial waters by their submarines.
Some persons received the impres-
sion, however, that since he placed
the two types of ships in different
categories he invited the interpreta-
tion that he would not put them in
the same classification under the
neutrality act.
Reporters sought to lead the Presi-
dent to a discussion of the idea that
restrictions on submarines involved
German naval operations primarily,
whereas restrictions on surface ves-
sels would affect the Allies more than
Mr. Roosevelt, who arrived from
Washington by special train this
morning to spend the weekend at his
family home, devoted much of the
press conference to a discussion-of the
limits of the territorial waters of
the United States. He said they
varied with circumstances. Those
limits, he added, might range from
three to hundreds of miles off the
Brown Calls Lindbergh's
Talk 'Gratuitous Insult'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. -(P)-A
barrage of short speeches from both
sides carried the Senate's general
neutrality debate toward its close
today with Senator Prentiss Brown
(Demn.-Mich.) asserting that Col
Charles A. Lindbergh offered Canada
a "gratuitous insult" in a recent radio
The Michigan Senator, supporting
the Administration move to repeal
the embargo on arms shipments to
belligerents, referred to an address in
which the famous flier called for
retention of an embargo on "offen-
sive weapons" and virtually demand-
ed that Canada cut her link to Bri-
Asserting that, if Canada should be
attacked from abroad, the United
States would have to defend that
country, Lindbergh simultaneously
questioned the Dominion's "right to
draw us into a European war simply
because they prefer the crown of Eng-
land to American independence."

Britain Pries
Officials Say.
American Letters Opened
En Route To Germany;
Hull To Consider Action
Mail Will Be Sent
Via ItalyIn Future
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. -(A')-
United States postal officials formal-
ly called the State Department's at-
tention today to Great Britain's
action in stopping American mail
addressed to Germany.
Secretary Hull began considering
whether to make representations to
Britain. Queried by reporters, he
said that the Government would re-
serve all its rights under internation-
al law and that he would give the
question whatever attention it called
Postal officials said yesterday that
the British, in searching ships for
contraband, had taken American
mail, censored it and then sent it back
to this country.
It was announced here that mail
to Germany would, in the future, be
routed through Italy to avoid inter-
ference by Britain. Consequently
any controversy on the subject may
be avoided in the future.
Today's incident recalled an ex-
change of notes between the United
States and Britain and France dur-
ing the World War. Secretary Lan-
sing told the British in January, 1916,
that he did not admit their right to
remove or censor mails carried by
neutral vessels. Thereupon, Britain
and France promised to refrain from
seizing and confiscating "genuine'
The controversy was renewed later
in the year, however, when Lansing
received reports that American mails
were again being seized. He admitted
Britain might intercept at sea all mail
coming out of and going into effec-
tively blockaded enemy ports. He
also admitteddthat parcel post might
be considered merchandise and treat-
ed as such under the rules of con-
traband. But he pointed out that
the traditional policy of the United
States was to permit mails to go
even to enemies of this country.
Finally, he proposed that the issue
should be submitted to arbitration.
His proposal was not accepted.
First Lady To Be Guest
Of Ruthvens Next Week
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt has accept-
ed an invitation to stay with Presi-
dent and Mrs. Ruthven during her
visit to Ann Arbor next week.
Mrs. Roosevelt will probably arrive
in the city from Detroit shortly before
her lecture at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in
Hill Auditorium. According to pres-
ent plans she will not remain here
on Friday.
Her talk will be the first of a series
of eight to be given by the Oratorical

As Gridders Seek Second
Big TenWmin Over Chicago


Dunham Hits New Welfare Act's
Unsound Provisions, Ambiguities


To Be Short

HELSINKI, Oct. 20.-(RP)-'Moral-
ly strengthened" after the Stockholm
conference of the four Nordic states,
Finland will send her former pre-
mier, Dr. Juho Kusti Paasikivi, back
to Moscow tomorrow for renewed ne-
gotiations expected to last not more
than two or three days.
Paasikivi will leave at 11:20 p.m.
(4:20 p.m. EST) with Finland's coun-
ter-proposals to the Soviet govern-
ment, which were expected to reflect
the will.of the northern countries to
steer clear of any entangling alliances
and to protect their neutrality and
independence at any cost.
The fact that an additional dele-
gate may accompany Paasikivi was

The "ambiguities, defects and un-
sound forms of administration and
organization" in Michigan's new Wel-
fare Reorganization Act, passed in the
last session of the Legislature, make
it a "discredit" to the state, accord-
ing to Prof. Arthur Dunham, com-
munity organization specialist in the
University's Institute of Public and
Social Administration.
Professor Dunham's views are ex-
pressed in an analysis of the Act
issued yesterday by the Michigan
Conference of Social Work.
Agencies Cut To Six
Among the provisions of the Act
are reduction of the number of state
welfare agencies from nine to six;
replacement of the state welfare de-
partment and the emergency welfare
relief commission with a department
of social welfare, under two coordi-
nate executives, the Supervisor of So-
cial Security and the Director of So-
cial Welfare; institution of a county
department of social welfare, under a
"full time working" board, in each
county; and the establishment of a
bifurcated plan for the administra-
tion of federally-subsidized public as-
sistance and general relief funds.
General relief is administered by the
county department of social welfare
with minimum state supervision.
Professor Dunham charges that the

pitalization of afflicted and crippled
children by the probate court, a ju-
dicial agency.
ThenewAct, Professor Dunham
declares, fails to abolish the dupli-
cation of state aid to dependent chil-
dren, over-centralizes state adminis-
tration of federally-subsidized cate-
gories of public assistance and con-
tinues the "anomalous" position of
the county welfare agent. Not only
does it introduce into general relief
the "unwise" distinction between
county poor and township poor, he
goes on, but it makes the state pro-
vide at least 50 per cent of general
relief funds without having the right
to supervise their expenditure.
Other disadvantages, Professor.
Dunham asserts, are the lodging of
the state juvenile institute commis-
sion, a directive agency, within the
state department of social welfare,
and the consolidation of "totally un-
related" soldiers' and sailors' relief
with general relief.
Basis Not Sound
As a whole, Professor Dunham ad-
mits, the Act "obviously has certain
constructive features and will make
possible certain improvements" but
it does not, in his opinion, "afford a
sound basis for the permament reor-
ganization of the public welfare serv-
ices of Michigan."
In 1936, the late Governor Fitger-
a 1 r anninted -~1Prfessr DuTinhanm

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