#,: THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN DAILY. AS OTHERS SEE IT '. I }- 7 am - managed by students of the University of ter the authority of the Board in Cpntrol of ications. very morning except Monday during the ar and Summer Session. tuber of the Associated Press ated Press is exclusively entitled to the lication of al news dispatches credited to Lerwise credited in this newspaper. All ablication of all other miatters herein also ffice at An Arbor, Michigan, as er. regular ,school year by carrier, RESENTED FOR NATIONAL.ApVEft.SINc BY tional Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers R resewative d MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.; AGO - BOSTON .OS ANGEILES- SAN FRA14cISC9 Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff raniss . Swinton . * Linder . Schorr 'anavan erg . Business Staff :. Managing Editor Editorial Director .ity Eitor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor 4ssociate Editor Women's Eitor Sports Eitor Poor Michigan Man To the Editor: An Open Letter to the Members of Theta Chapter, Alpha Phi Sorority Dear Miss Phi: It was with considerable alarm and regret that I read in the Daily of Oct. 18, the laments of your sorority concerning the amorous inade- quacy of that emotionally morbid and intellec- tually harassed creature, the Michigan man. Poor devil! Alas that, even as "goofy" as he is reputed to be, he should have stared at an Alpha Phi. That in itself should be a symptom of his sorry state of mind. Torn between the heart-. rending task of keeping the home fires burn- ing with his correspondence, and at the same time urged on by that old biological demon, feminine proximity, it is small wonder that the entire male population of the university is iot suffering from dementia. So the Michigan woman wants something different, something off the beaten track from Union to Bell to Arboretum. Admittedly the Union is too damn' respectable, the Bell tqo stuffy, and the Arboretum too populous. The League is out too, as far as that goes, what with taxi dancers and stags milling about on the floor. But far be it from the Michigan man not to make progressive changes wherever possible. Might I suggest an alternate route, from the Armory to Flagen's to the Stadium, over which route I will offer to take any suitable represen- tative of your house on the night of Saturday, Oct. 21, 1939, to secure her approval or disapprov- al of it. The congenial atmosphere of the Armory will, I am sure, inspire the Michigan men to dance in a manner which the University women have never suspected of them. Also, I imagine that the average Alpha Phi would be rather surprised at the number of self-centered Michigan men who find solace from campus woes in the charming company of those girls who in- habit the Armory. Tall, pipe-smoking, crew- haircutted Yale old men! Phooey. Come out of your sorority houses, girls, come to the Armory, and see the Michigan man in his true self, not as the poor, browbeaten youth who walks the campus staring at the Alpha Phi's in search of a friendly face. -John Ragsdale J fe e w io*WY V'e H.ywood BrOiun Among the ironic tragedies of modern war- fare is the fact that the fairest odays are the foulest along the front. The full moon is not a Sportsmanship To Yale Gager And Again To the Editor: The average Michigan man admittedly dis- claims having had handed down to him grains of salt collected by his ancestory on the historic voyage of the Mayflower. Some Michigan coeds seem to be'dissatisfied with the supply of salt in Ann Arbor. Presumably these women would like to go to school in the East, and perhaps become attached to one of the Four Hundred families. If this be the case, I wonder why they haven't enrolled in one of the many two thousand dollar a year riding academies of the Atlantic seaboard, so that they would be able to see the tall boys with crew cut and pipe more often. Could itbe that most Michigan sorority women are daugh- ters of ordinary professional men, teachers and social climbing tradespeople, and are not prop- erly fitted, financially or socially, to keep up with the Stork Club Merry-Go-Round? The weekend of Oct. 28 will be very disap- pointing for Yale boys. Michigan men should get as big a laugh as the Eli are sure to watch- ing the sorority girls put on the "dog." -A Student of Life Drew Pedrson and+ RobertS.Allen 0W WASHINGTON-Most important branches of the Government during thefirst few years of the New Deal were Agriculture, because the plight- of the farmer was a matter of major concern; the Treasury, because taxes, gold and the dollar constantly were before the nation; the Interior De- partment, which handled the public works program; Justice, which had to defend New Deal legislation before the Supreme Cgurt; plus the Labor and Commerce Departments and the new relief agencies. For six years New Deal emphasis was placed upon the civilian and domestic branches of government. but today all that is changed. Euro- pean war is the reason. Today, most important branches of the Govern- ment are the State, War and Navy Departments. By some quirk of fate, also, it is two of these three Departments which, just at the time they are needed most, happen to be the weakest in the Gov- ernment. Today the Navy is enjoying the largest peace time appropriation in the history of the country. Yet it is limping along with only an acting Secretary of the Navy who has been, ill part of the time. Sick Men During the six years of the New Deal, the Navy was under the com- mand of Claude Swanson, sometimes so ill that he had to be oarried out, of Cabinet meetings. Amazing fact is that since Swanson's death, Roose- velt has considered appointing as Secretary of the Navy Harry Hopkins, another very sick man. Hopkins has been too ill to give much attention to running his Commerce Depart- ment.- In fact, some of the President's friends almost believe that he is keeping the Navy leaderless for the1 specific reason that he wants to bel Secretary of the Navy himself. Credit Manager Manager g Manager ;er '-__.. Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy DAILY OFFICIAL BULL NIGHT EDITOR: ROY BUEHLER [he editorials published in The Michigan ly are written by members of The Daily Ef and represent the views of the writers Y. Aem, 0 0 ANN ARBOR, apparently, is a town where neither drivers nor pedestri- ans have any fear or respect for life or death.- They seem to think that people can run into cars and cars into people without injury. This reckless abandon poses a unique traffic problem. A policeman kept tab on the number of cars and people that heeded the caution light hang- ing over the street in front of the Union. He had been on duty for five hours, and, during that time, only four cars and about twice as many, students had paid any attention to it. Both drivers and pedestrians went sailing through with apparent disregard for each other. It is amazing that someone does not reach the other side of the street with a body full of fenders: Other bad crossing spots apparently do not seem to bother anyone, but, like the Union cross road, give the City- Council and police head- aches. People cross the intersection at North University and State in every conceivable fashion. Another troublesome spot is the intersection of North University, Washtenaw and Church,,: opposite the Dental school. At night this spot' is especially dangerous sfhce the nearest street- light is about fifty yards away-too far to give any real warning. ,City authorities and the police force have long been hunting for a solution to this traffic prob- lem. The drivers content themselves with cursing the pedestrians who make human traffic haz- ards out of themselves, and the pedestrians shouting their condemnation and defiance at the drivers who hinder their comfortable jay-walk- ing. But none of this helps the situation. The prohibition of parking on main streets would help a great deal. It would ease the ,congestion and make it far safer to cross the street. But even that would not -solve the entire* problem. While panaceas are not to be expected, there is one corrective that might ease the situa- tion considerably. If those who drive and walk would inaugurate a self-carried out "courtesy campaign," not the fanfare and parade type, but one in which every person quietly takes his part, if drivers would be more respectful of those crossing' the streets, and if pedestrians-would exercise more common sense and courtesy before they venture onto the street, perhaps a saner and safer traffic situation might result. A little altruism in the traffic problem can go a long way toward making Ann Arbor streets safe. -Winston H. Cox ,rw .. lore for lovers but a lamp to light the way of bombers. And a high sun in the skies means greater mobility for mechanized units. When na- ture does her best the worst of man is put on show. Bleak days and winter nights seem more appropriate for slaugh- ter, but these are the very conditions under which a great offensive may break down. Up rises a red and giddy sun at dawn and troops go over the top behind the barrage of the big guns. Man thrusts aside all the brightest gifts of existence in order to kill and be killed. To be sure, after fields have been fiercely con- tested the landscape itself takes on the look of nightmares. And when the earth and all the groves are shattered it may seem a little easier to leave the world behind in a last attack. Trees are piteous as victims of shellfire. Their very tenacity makes them targets for a tdrture which leaves them skeletonized against the sky. After days and even weeks of pounding some part of the stump will still remain or the bony finger of a single branch continues to beckon as in the days when it offered shade and shelter. The scarred earth becomes a dirty chalk-white along the Western Front, and when the wind blows or high explosives fall a greasy geyser, like water from a ditch, splashes high in the air. But man has yet ho weapon whichcan deface the sky for more than fleeting minutes. They have bright stars in France, and at this time of year the bowl above the fighting men is far more blue than the uniforms of the poilus. I first saw planes in action on the British front, and the afternoon was one to fill anyone from the city with the excitement which comes when the ceiling is high and sunlit. And suddenly I saw the white buds burst many thousands of feet above our heads. First these blossoms were single, and then they were grouped close to form a huge flower like a' chrysanthemum. The anti-aircraft guns were pinning a machine within their far-flung petals. Perhaps the plane drew clear or was lost in the; middle of the deadly bouquet. Beyond the gar- den of the guns two other machines were in com- bat, and it was not possible for artillery of either side to participate, since they dived and rolled, too rapidly for any marksman to wing a foeman without endangering a friend. All I could see was the quick spark of machine- gun fire, and this was no more than a lightning flash, hardly as big as your thumbnail. The sound of it remained inaudible. These men had' sailed up and up into an element once reserved for the figures of mythology. But now the geni- us of mortals had made it possible for human han a o l yi f n in rl na ,L+.. r To the Editor: The appearance of the Yale football team in the Michigan Stadium on Oct. 28 will be one of the highlights of Michigan's football history. Only once before has the Blue team come west, which it did several years ago to play the Uni- versity of Chicago, a gesture to honor Coach Alonzo A. Stagg. Yale comes west once again to meet Michigan in a fine spirit of sportsmanship and friendship. In recognition of this feeling Michigan will, I am sure, want to do everything to show her ap- preciation. Therefore let there be an entire absence of booing and other examples of poor sportsman- ship, which I regret to say is not always lacking during football games in the Stadium. Thousands of Yale Alumni from the Middle West will be on hand to see their team give their all, so let's show them that we of Michigan understand true sportsmanship in its truest sense. I should like to make a suggestion which I feel sure will help in impressing the alumni from the effete East-that there is real spirit at Michi- gan. I think that most of us agree that the sing- ing of the Yellow and Blue and Varsity and The Victors is not all that it could be, due largely to lack of leadership. Let's get the Varsity Glee Club to come out between halves to lead the singing accompanied by Michigan's fighting band. This has been done ion occasions in past years, and the results were well worth the effort. By all means let us have. the Glee Club. -C. B. Du Charme, '06 War Boom AMERICAN industrial production in many fields has shot suddenly upward during re- cent weeks, even though consumption has re- mained at about the same level. Obvious reason for the rise is the expectation of big war orders from Europe, plus the supposition that they'd best buy heavy stocks at once, while prices are relatively low, and be prepared for big business when Europe begins calling for supplies. But, going by some significant recent indica- tions, there is a very good chance that the manufacturers who have been planning on a major war boom taking place soon will be fooled -and that the "war prosperity" balloon may be rudely deflated. In the first place, it is a certainty that our only war customers will be England and France- Britannia rules the waves, and the German mer- chant marine has been almost entirely driven to cover. Britain has been preparing for this war for a long time. The result is that considerable time must go by before she will have to face a shortage of any important material asset. * * * In the second place, the allies must husband their slender gold possessions. They haven't any money to spend foolishly. That means Britain will exhaust to the utmost the resources of that empire on which the sun never sets, before she makes any big purchases elsewhere. And the British empire (taking it for granted that h. fleet will be able to keep the trade lanes open, and hold down losses from German submarine, battleship and air attack to a minimum) is ex- ceedingly rich in almost everything that is neces- sary to the maintenance of a country in either war or peace. To a considerably lesser extent, this is also true of the French empire. And what the French lack will, as long as possible, be sup- plied them by the British. The effect of the war so far has been harmful to American business. England and her posses- sions normally constitute our largest single foreign customer. The 'outbreak of hostilities caused an immediate drop in British imports from this country. * * 4, . There is one obvious exception to this-and the exception is arms. If the embargo is re- moved, we may confidently expect the munitions industries to boom. Britain is not only able to produce adequate war materials, even though a+ the resources of her great manufacturing es- tablishments are today being given to supplying her soldiers with the weapons of destruction. If you have airplanes, rifles, shells, or machine guns to sell, you have no need to worry about your future business-you will probably receive more FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1939 VOL. L. No. 23 Notes To The Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackhain Lecture Hall. The Senate Committee on Univer- sity Affairs will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 4:10 p.m. Mem- bers of the University having topics which they wish to be considered by this committee will please send them to the chairman.- C. W. Edmunds. Aeronautical Engineering Seniors and Graduates: Those obtaining eith- er bachelor's or master's. degrees in Aeronautical Engineering in FebrU ary, 1940, should fill out the De- partment personnel records before Nov. 1, 1939. If a student is unable to obtain his photograph by this date, he should turn in his record and supply the photograph later. Blanks for this purpose may be ob- tained in the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering Office, B-47 East Engineering Building. It is es- sential that personnel records on all students be on file in the office, in order to supply the manufacturers' with accurate and complete informa- tion. Eligibility Cards: Saturday, Oct. 21, will be the last day on which eligibili- ty cards will be signed, according to Roberta Leete, Chairman of Merit System Committee. All girls inter- ested in working on any League Committee must have a signed eligi- bility card. These' cards can be ob- tained at Room 4, University Hall, and can be signed at the League every day this week from 3 to 4 p.mn. University Elementary School Li- brary Hours for today: Service will be restricted to the hours from 11-12 in the morning and from 4:15 to 5:30 in the afternoon. The regu- lar Saturday hours 8-12 and 1-3, will be maintained on Oct. 21. AcademicNotices War Mud Throwing In contrast to the Navy, the War Department today suffers from the fact that there are two virtual Secre- taries, each one intent on running the Army. One is mild, innocuous, charming little Harry Woodring, one of the nicest secretaries of War ever to try coping with the generals. The other is dynamic, hard-hitting, restless Louis Johnson, who as Assistant Secretary never is happy unless he is summoning war councils or mobil- izing industry.. Second result is that major War Department decisions go 'across Roo- sevelt's desk. He has to be the arbiter between Woodring and Johnson. Thus he becomes Secretary of War as well as Secretary of the Navy.. Service Men At Top Also it means that the generals, except for majorhdecisions, realy run the War Department, and a cen- tury of experience has proved that the American system of having a civ- ilian in charge of military affairs by all odds is the best. Politics is as rife in the Navy Department as on Capitol Hill. The younger officers and the enlisted men are tops, but the higher-bracket offi- cers are stagnant. For the most part they have reached high position by influence. They are the men who have pulled wires, have money, and whose wives dine out with the right people. Admiral -Leahy, the one really big man in the Navy, has retired, and, Admiral Stark, who replaces him as Chief of Operations, is the martinet type who allows 15 minutes a day for each admiral to report, and would scarcely interrupt that routine if t'he whole Navy Department were under bombardment. Naval Politic s Until recently, personnel assign- ments were under Admiral Adolphus° Andrews, whose specialty was wel'l- tailored suits and a knack of getting in with the President. There are 15 battleships in the .Navy, all prize commands, and every Captain in the Navyekowtowed to Adolphus and played politics in order to get a battleship. Biggest jolt given to the U.S. Navy in years has been the sinking of the British battleship Royal Oak and the airplane carrier Courageous, plus the maiming of other heavily armored British warships. For years the American admirals have sat aromnd the General Board solmenly swear- ing that the battleship was invincible. She could withstand all sorts ofpun- ishment, they said. She could be hit by airplane bombs or submarine torpedoes, but she could not be sunk. General Billy Mitchell of the Army Air Corps tried to tell them differ- ently. So did the late Admiral Mof- fett, head of the Navy's air services and such civilians as Secretary of Engineering Mechanics I Review. Any student desiring to review the portion of E.M. 1 covered to date may attend the meeting in Room 401 West 'ngineering Bldg. this evening from 7 to 9 p.m. E.E. 71 Interior Illumination De- sign, will not meet today. For the session on Monday, Oct. 23, at 3 p.m., study chapter six in the textbook and solve Problems 10 and 11 in that chapter. Professor Kenneth T. Rowe wild not meet his classes in English today. Ch. E. 29, Section 1, 'will meet to- day at 1 p.m. E. S. PettyJohn. 'German Make-Up Examinations: The make-up examinations for Ger- man 1, 2 and 31 will be given on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 306 U.H. No student will be allowed to take this examination unless he presents a written permit from his instructor at the time of the examination.. Exhibitions Exhibition by Ann Arbor artists, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, open until October 26 on Sun- day afternoon, 2-5 p.m., Oct. 22. An Exhibit of Southwest Indian' Pottery and Painting will be shown in the Central Galleries, on the Mez- zanine floor, of the Racrham build- ing. The exhibit will be open daily until Oct. 21 Todays Events. Women's Swnmin, Chub: There will be an organization meeting and tea for those who wish to join the women's swimming club today at 4 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Build- ing. Those who can not come but want to join the club are asked to call Sally Corcoran at 2-2591 Stalker Hall: 7:30 p.m. Bible class led by Dr. Brashares at the church. 9 p.m. Group leaving for a scavanger hunt. Swarthmore Club: Organization meeting of Swarthmore Club will be held this evening in the Michi' gan League at 7:30 p.m. The Lutheran Student Association will have a hay-rack ride this evening at 8 p.m. All students intending to go are asked to be at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall promptly on the hour. Games and refresh- ments will close the evening at the Parish Hall. It would help the com- mittee if ou would call 2-3680 or 7228, if you did not make your reser- rations on Sunday evening. Hillel Meeting: All students inter- ested in learning the Yiddish lan- guage are requested to attend a meeting to be held at the Hillel Foun- dation today at 4:30. Mr. M. Raden, of Detroit, will lead the class. Conservative Services will be held at the Foundation tonight at 7:30 p.m. The Fireside Discussion on the theme, "Men o1 Books Which Have changed My Thinking" will be ledby *Mrs. ;Isaac :Rabinowitz, instead f Prof. Richard E. Fuller, as previously announced. A social hour will follow. Coming Events Freshman Round Table: Miss Mux- en, Counselor on Vocational Guid- ance, will discuss the topic, "For What Are We Preparing?" at the Freshman Round Table, Lane Hall, Saturday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m. All fres~hnen men and women are in- vited. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 7:30 to 10 on Saturday evening, Oct. 21. The moon, and the planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be ac- companied by adults. The Pi Lambda Theta tea which was tentatively scheduled for Oct. 24 will be held Oct. 31 in .the Rack- ham Building. Graduate Outing Club will leave the northwest entrance of the Rack- ham Building at 2:30 p.m. Saturday for its annual outing at Camp. Ta-' coma on Clear Lake. Reservations must be made. Call 5572 between 8 and 10 p.m. Thursday orFriday. ayride for Congregational students and their friends . Wagons wil leave Plgrim Hall, 68Es William 'St., about 8pm. Saturday, Oct. 2 Lots of fun,.games and refreshments. Call 2-1679 for reservations. Phi Delta Kappa will hold a fellow- ship luncheon Saturday, Oct. 21, at 1:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Dr. Habib Kdrani, Professor of Compara- tive Education in the American Uni- versity of Beirut, Syria will speak. Members of other chapters who are now on campus are especially invited to attend. Internatonal Ceute. Change in Sunday Program. Dr. Habib Kurani, 'who was '0 have spoken on Nov. 26, has consented to speak at this earlier date in. order to make it -possible for us to hear Dr. Edgar Fisher, Assistant Director of the Instittue of International Edu- cation, on Nov. 26. Dr. Iurani is Pro- fessor of Comparative Education and Registrar of the American Univer- sity at Beirut, Syria. He will speak on "Some Obseervations on Compara- tive Education." The Lutheran Student Club will meet at Zion Parish Hall on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. There will be a fellow- ship hour from 5:30 until 6 p.m. when a dinner prepared by the ladies of the church will be served. Dr. ERockey from Detroit, who has been very ac- tive in student work, will address the group. Churchill Corrects Tolerance For The . Pacifist, . One of the more heartening features of the present intellectual. atmosphere is the increased respect with which the .out-and-out pacifist . is regarded. Whether it be held for secular or reli- gious reasons, the pacifist's, position has been given a much more forceful expression and has received a much more considerate 'hearing in 1939 than it did in 1917 or 1918. How long this will prove- the case- none- can say. There- "are indications that it may not be for long. The pacifists may be driven under- ground again. -The only certainty is that 'when Those persistent house of commons interrogators have spoiled one of the best stories of the war. It isn't every; day that a German U-boat comman- der wirelesses the first lord of the British admiralty the position of a torpedoed English ship. One did. Nor is it mere routine for the British navyto capture absubmarine eom- mander who thus had distinguished himself. The navy didn't. Winston Churchill has been com- pelled to admit to commons that he had been misinformed, that a check- up :revealed the German officer was, not among British prisoners. But if the first lord of the admiralty is to be denied the last laugh, he still in- sists on the final word. "On the other hand," Mr. Churchill went on, "the statement in a German broadcast that the officer who sent the mes- sage was the same one who sank the Cerebes is erroneous. No such ship exists on the British register." One battle of propaganda has been fought to a draw. -St. Louis Star-Times Chapel Service Club: All mi bers of St. Mary's Chapel wl, terested in acting as ushers or choir members are asked t a smoker in the Auditoriur Chapel on Saturday afternc 21, between 2:30 and 5 p.m. conclude our organization p listen to the Michigan vs. game. Refreshments will be mem- ire in-