warm. I Bk igan tlx L Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1939 olm Parley No Support 0 'd Filand Agreed m Goal Nations t.19.-(AP-A a neutral coun-1 ow of the Rus- led today with- ng Finland any s of anA Travelers' Cheques Give Merchant 'Ride' A warning against A. C. Gibson who has been reported passing fraud- ulent travelers checks, was issued by the Ann Arbor police department yesterday. The Masten-Chase cloth- ing store had notified the police that at 10 a.m. Thursday morning, Gib- son had passed fraudulent checks to. the amount of 50 dollars. The State Police were called and they reported that a man answering the same description had passed bad ehecks in St. Joseph and Benton' Harbor. The checks were drawn on the Atlantic National Bank of New York. Gibson, age 67, is six feet in height, weighs 200 pounds, wears a tan over- coat, gabardine suit and light felt hat. Homecoming Display Plan. Is Announced Fraternities Will Decorate' Houses; Zones To Build Ruthven Dinner Floats IFC Banquet Honors New Pledge Class Adams Emphasizes Duties Of Neophytes; Glee Club Leads Group Singing Kappa Nu Receives Scholarship Award Simplicity and the absence of long speeches marked the Interfraternity- Council's annual Pledge Banquet last night with an attendance of more than 700 at the Union, when the 506, men pledged last week were formally welcomed into fraternity life.. For the secon consecutive 'year, Kappa Nu was presented with a scholarship cup by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, an award signi- fying that their scholarship average was tops among the fraternities. Emphasizes Responsibility Following the banquet proper, Thomas B. Adams, '40~, president of the Interfraternity Council, gave a short talk stressing the responsibility of fraternity membership. Addressing the audience of pledges, rushing chairmen and fraternity presidents, Adams said, "You cannot bring credit upon yourself without making your group the more worth- while, you cannot disgrace yourself without taking from your group something that has real value . your first job at college is study .. through the college, you are the in- heritors of the toil of thousands of scholars of all ages; through your fraternity, you are the inheritor of' the traditions of hundreds of men who, with great affection, have or- ganized and maintained it. Sing Michigan Songs The Varsity Glee Club, under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, of the School of Music, presented a group of Michigan songs, and led the group in some of the more familiar college songs. Wilbur S. Davidson, '40, secretary of the Council, acting as toastmaster, introduced the members of the execu- tive committee of the Council: Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd, of the engineering, school; Charles Graham and Her- bert Watkins, out-of-school mem- bers; William Bavinger, '40; Jack Gelder, '40; Robert Harrington, '40, and Hugh Estes, '40; student mem-. bers. U.S. Resents Japan's Acts, EnvoyWarns Speech Indicates Possible Intervention In China, Informed Observers Say Japanese Shocked By Stern Attitude TOKYO, Oct. 20.-(P)-Official and diplomatic circles were rocked today by the speech of United States Am- bassador Joseph C. Grew in which he 'declared, frankly that American opinion deeply resentei the "bomb- ings, indignities and manifold inter- ference with American rights" in China at the hands of the Japanese army. Japanese and foreign observerts who said they were "astounded" at the outspoken address, one of the strongest ever made by a diplomat in Japan, expressed the belief that it had two possible meanings: 1. That the United States was preparing definite action to oppose further Japanese "interference" in China. 2. A strong indication that public opinion in Japan itself was turned sharply against Japanese militarists. "The ground in Japan must have been prepared in advance for such a powerful statement," well informed sources declared. "A year ago it would have done more harm than good, therefore it would not have been made." The tall, grey-haired ambassa- dor, who said his words came "straight from the horse's mouth," spoke yesterday before a dumbfound- ed audience of Japanese fiotables at a luncheon of the American-Japan Society, often a sounding board for authoritative discussion of American- Japanese relations. Senate Debate Reaches Basie Turkey s or one hurl ow- ion, yof ChamberlainM Hails Pledge As 'Long-Term Policy Of Collaboration' Western War Front Is 'Relatively Quiet' LONDON, Oct. 16. -(;P)- British and French diplomacy tonight won Turkey-watchdog of the Dardanelles -to a 15-year pact of mutual assist- ance. A cheering Parliament heard Prime Minister Chamberlain announce the pact had been signed at Ankara by French, British and Turkish repre- sentatives. He declared the instru- ment cemented a "long term policy of collaboration" and 'was not merely "a temporary arrangement to meet a pressing emergency." The treaty provides for military aid against "aggression" in tpe Medi- terranean. It went into effect upon signature at Ankara tonight. Under the terms of the pact Tur- key is not obligated to go to war against Soviet Russia, but otherwise she is obligated to go to the aid of France and Britain if they must go to war to maintain their pledges to support the independence of Greece and" Rumania. Specifically, the pact provides it "cannot compel Turkey to action having as its effect or involving as its consequence entry into armed con- flict, with the U.S.S.R." This war was itself relatively quiet. The French high'- command an- nounced the French on the Western Front had withdrawn for distances of as much as six miles along a 22- mile line, indicating the French were almost back to their own frontiers. The German high command issued a communique stating the French had retreated entirely behind their own lines, with the Germans halting of their own accord as they reached the frontier, The German communique said "the first phase of the war" in the West was ended, and stressed the unimpor- tance, in German eyes; of the action there, by citing small numbers of casualties, the small numbers en- gaged, and the fact that the Ger- mans in their counter offensive had stopped at the French frontier. Cheered By Parliament Von Tea ANKA formally Britain enemies tance p territori eastern kans. The t Reverses Signs Assistance Tr With Britain And Fr er in war Three.- CoveI PRIME MINISTER CHAMBEaRLAIN Student Freed From British mits Tu: event o and, S( terprete sia whi ean or the E his' s to I on fer- nands on the .ained a secret. d appeal for a e communique its expressed ,f, who voiced untries would y to "cooperate t of peace and Plans for the traditional home- coming day decorations to be put up by the various campus fraterni-, ties Saturday, Oct. 28, and plans for the Interfraternity Council's five en- tries in the President's Pagaent, Oct. 27 were announced yesterday by Toi Adams, '40, president of the Council. Homecoming this year will be held the same day'the Yale gridders meet Michigan. The decorations will be judged from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Oct. 28. All fraternities wishing to have their decorations entered in the con- test must fill out an entry blank to be sent out by the Council. Decora- tions must be complete by 10 a.m., Adams explained. Judging will be done by Don Tread- well, '40, president of the Union, Had- ley Smith, '40, secretary of the Union, Dorothy Shipman, '40, president of the League, Barbara Bassett, '40, president of Panhellenic, Wilbur Da- vidson, '40, secretary of the Interfra- i ternity Council and Adams.. Following the awarding system used last year when Sigma Chi won first place, Adams announced that there will be two, cups, one for first and one for second places. These will be awarded the winners at noon of the day judged. In addition to the homecoming decorations, the 41 fraternities, act- ing as five units, will enter five floats in the President's Pagaent, the eve- ning before homecoming. separate be Issues On Arms rent cast at the end of the t with the Russian- ions only in the most Hears,, )fficials k - r C t a I' Rachmaninof Opens annual Returning for the seventh time, Sergei Rachmaninoff will officially open Ann Arbor's winter musical sea- son at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, the first concert ,of the Chorall Union's 61st annual series. Dr. Charles A. Sink indicated yes-. terdayi that some ticke.ts for Tues- day's concert and for the series of 10 may still be obtained, but he ex- pects a sell-out for the entire series. Versatile. Russian musical artist, Rachmaninoff has piled success up- on success in this country since his debut in 1909. His fame has, come primarily as a concert pianist, but he has written all types of musical com- position, and has conducted in Russia, and in England. Gibb Case [ON ORSHEFSKY secutor Albert J. Rapp e first week's testimony: against former county M. Gibb, charged/with , by calling up two more clals to identify welfare actions between their di Gibb. spectators heard Mrs. arthy, treasurer of Web- ~, testify at the morning he had sent $1,817.51 in bb in payment of Web- Philippine To Lecture Dr. Maximo M. Kalaw, member of the Philippine National Assembly, will give a University Lecture on "American-Philippine Relations and the Present Crisis" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, in the Natural Science Auditorium. Vandenberg Says Lifting Embargo May Eventually Force U.S. Into Conflict WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-()-For a' brief, frank interim, the Senate's neutrality debate got down today to what many Senators consider the essential question involved in repeal- ing the arms embargo-and a point that has been largely avoided in nearly three weeks' discussion. This was the argument that the ban on arms shipments to belliger- ents should be lifted to help Great Britain and France win the war and thereby eliminate any danger of German aggression against the Wes- tern Hemisphere. A Republican supporter of Presi- dent Roosevelt on the neutrality issue, Senator Austin (Rep.-Vt.), raised that question today, and in doing so set the Senate off to a short, excited flurry of give-and-take debate. While Senator McCarran (Dem.- Nev.) was asserting that the support-. ers ,of the Administration bill had' lost sight of the objective of neutral- ity and instead wished to take sides, Austin interrupted to observe that "I think it is necessary to promote the peace and the security of the United States that the allies win." Senator Borah (Rep-Idaho) was on his feet at once demanding a definition of the word "win." Austin replied that "winning" meant stop- ping aggression and halting events that might lead to the occupation of Canada or nearby islands by "totali- tarian nations engaged in efforts tc dominate the world.b I At that point Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) inquired whether Aus- tin's argument would not logicall3 call for active American participa- tion in the war if lifting the embarg failed to produce an allied victory. l ;' 3 7 e r 0 D 4"- Feared Injured On Liner Struck By Hurricane A storm which swept a seaman overboard, sent 73 passengers to the hospital, and lashed the U.S. liner President Harding in the north At- lantic Ocean for many hours, caused no injury to Prof. and Mrs. Louis 'rr ni~p Iriifu rce.W 1 ~4lo~ar 3 xIJstarAU.O3' SpyCharges, After spending one night in a Brit- ish jail as a Nazi spy suspect, Merrill J. Luther, '40, of Ann Arbor, is now safe in Rothenberg, Sweden, accord- ing to a cable received yesterday by his mother, Mrs. M. J. Luther of 708, Haven street.. Luther, former member of the now defunict Panorama magatzine,shipped as helmsman on the Swedish S. S. Roxen last April, and after stopping in Hawaii, Australia, Java, East In- dies, Capetown and bakar in Africa, was forced to accompany the ship to the Canary Islands when war broke out. After the ship had had flags paint- ed on its sides to escape being bombed, Luther went to England. After a short stay in London, she went to Blyth and then to Newcastle where he was arrested on the report of 'a pedestrian who had seen him taking pictures. He was let out the niorning after when it was seen that all his papers were in order. Luther was accompanied on the trip by Francis Faulhaber, '38, and Sam Coscarilli, Wayne University student. Faulhaber left the ship at Dakar and came back to the United States. Luther hopes to. be able to return to this country in December;al- though he did not say how he in- tends to, make the trip. He intends to return to school in February. Alumnae Will Plan New Girl's Co-op was s Refik Tchal der-in-chief of eastern Medi Britain by Ami Knatchbull-Hu Gen. Archibal( Middle East co Its provision 1. British- Turker if an committed aga pean power ar act of aggressi er leading to ) ean area in wh 2. Turkish Prof. Karpinksi Reported Safe in an ranes in the event the v /come engaged in h ing out their inde tees to Greece and 3. Immediate tri "with a view to su as might be consi case of aggression power against anc tance one of the has undertaken ar any aggression aga pean state which tories considered own security." German Po As to Germany light of the new Papen, German a kara, said Germ would "remain go( its conclusion. Von Papen, A trouble shooter w to Ankara to atte key away from t front, made this Bulgaria, as he J< to rep*t to the F of events. He ind tended to return week. Authoritative C feared the pact m: break of a generE -- 1 i 1 '+ i Student Opinion Divides Sharply, Karpinsu kit was learned yesterdy Professor and Mrs. Karpinski, re- Plans for a new girls' cooperative turning from *urope after a nerve- dormitory to house 20 students will wracking experience in Europe secur- be discussed at a meeting of the ing boat accommodations, were board of directors of the Alumnae aboard the liner when she ploughed Council at 11 a.m. today in the Mary into a hurricane that was so severe B. Henderson Room of the League. that the captain radioed a call for Present at the board meeting will assistance. be President Ruthven, Regent Esther University officials were informed Cram of Flint, Dean Alice Lloyd, yesterday that Professor Karpinski . Prof. Katherine Chamberlain of the was unhurt, along with his wife and physics department in Wayne, Mrs. Mrs. W. E. Underdown, who 'is also Stowell Stebbins of Marshall, Mrs. traveling in the party. Mortimer Roberts of Grand Rapids, The storm on the Atlantic came Mrs. D. 'H. Bruium of Lansing, Mrs. as a violent climax to Professor Kar- James Kennedy, Mrs. A. C. Fursten- pinski's efforts to return to Ann berg, Mrs. Theophile Raphiel, Mrs. Arbor. He was originally scheduled Clarence Skinner, and Mrs. S. Beach to resume teaching around Oct. 1. Conger. . Thei ster1 sessi checl ster'E J. Martin Rempp, accountant in the county clerk's office, who worked un- der Gibb from Jan. 1, 1936 to April 15, 1939, returned to the stand for the third time during the trial to clarify his previous testimony. At the afternoon session Edward G. Foster, supervisor of Ypsilanti township, revealed, under Prose- cutor Rapp's questioning, that on several instances his township's ac- counts of welfare transactions failed; to tally with Gibb's. He testified that- a $493.20 check for the March, 1936 welfare paynient, appeared on Gibb's books as $406.26, and that the vouch- er to the county treasurer set the figure at $348.11. By KARL KESSLER and RICHARD HARMEL With the call of the Chicago game ringing in their ears, the Varsity's valiant fans are leaving Ann Arbor today by every conveyance imagin- able-except automobiles. The auto ban prevents many Uni- versity students living in Detroit and its vicinity from utilizing a cheap method of transportation. Of course, there are arguments on both sides of the fence and The Daily Inquiring Reporters have taken the opportunity to go out and ask: THE QUESTION: Do you believe that students should be allowed to drive cars to out-of-town football games? THE ANSWERS: Douglas Miller, '40-"Yes, I believe of the worry with which mothers would be faced." Ruben Frost, '40E-"By all means! The private lives of the students should be no concern of the Univer- sity, and the question should really be up to the individual. After all, when students drive outside of Ann Arbor, they should be out of the juris- diction of the University. I believe they are presuming too much." Office of the Dean of Students- "Out-of-town trips to football games are probably the most dangerous trips that students can make.- In spite of our desire to aid students to attend away games, we cannot, with fairness to experience and to parents allow students to undertake such trips." Alice Kaufman, '42, and Edmund Fraternity House Mother Finds Duties Numerous But Pleasant directly invol( They said 'I back on Russi ranean, which ways has con sphere, and tb take the next might work wi has done. i i t 3 l i k Wolverine Begins Coffee Hour Series The Michigan Wolverine Student Cooperative inaugurated a series of Coffee Hours yesterday attended by students and faculty members in its building on South State Street op- The life of a fraternity house- mother, while it entails a great deal of work, is as pleasant as any woman could wish, Mrs. K. C. (Aunt Kit) Carney, of the Sigma Phi Epsilon house, said last night. Being a house-mother, she con- tinued, is almost the same as having a great many sons, and I cannot help looking on the boys as my sons. That is responsible for the greatest dif- but that really is not difficult," Mrs. Carney said. "My most important task, and the one which keeps me busiest, I suppose, is keeping my boys healthy. There are enough of them to make that a real job, you know." Chaperoning is a pleasant problem1 for a house-mother, she continued. It really only means being present when+ needed and at the same time not get- ting in the way, she said. It is al- In contrast to anxiety ,in the pact was receive in Rome and Mc immediate react ters, and the Rus ing it as a dip officially silent. Tension quick Europe when th FE' ~ III ~A &. I,