4* today and cloudy. I p1 LiJt .ritgan 11 1 111 will, I 11111 llwffiwv , 1 11 111111 1 all VOL. L. No. 21 Smith Elected Class President, By Engineers; Only 122 Vote Forbes Chosen Treasurer And Estes Is Secretary In Year's Initial Poll President Climaxes Active College Life year year, of ti 140 e Smith, Hugh Estes and bes were elected to the )sts of president, secre- asurer of the senior en- ss by 122 engineers who. polls in the first class the year yesterday. as slightly lighter this ) the same election last E. Brown, '40E president eering council, reported. s turned out to vote at nding election last year. Live On Campus new senior engineering s been active in campus reasurer of the freshman s also a member of the ack and boxing squads. member of Triangle, en-, eternity, Phi Eta Sigma, nor society, Tau Beta Pi, honor society and Chi Y. Hishome town is Ak- etroit, . is a member of Tau, engineering speech Tau Beta Pi. He is known for his magic entertain- vhich he indulges as a' s, East Falmouth, Mass., member of the Interfra- ncil for the past two s now a member of the mmittee. He is also a 'e to the Engineering a the American Society cal Engineers student l is president of Delta ernity. her Candidates ldidates who had peti- rices were C. Owen Brod- ;onrath, Robert K. Tiede- eodore Zurhurst for pres- y C. Billings and Robert r secretary and Robert id Paul C. Robertson for on was conducted by the cordance with its duties' k over from the defunct: Zcil last year. Polling located in the Engineer- Ze entrance of the West Building and in the lobby Engineering Building. officers elected will hold ive posts until the fifth n, at whirh time a new, Z-323 5,000 Cheer VarsityNight Annual Show Before an enthusiastic audience of 5,000 that filled Hill Auditorium to the last row of the second balcony' the University Band presented its fourth annual Varsity Night radio program last night. Highlights of the program were the two quiz contests directed by Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department, and participated in by eight students drawn from the vast audience. Apart from the regular prizes, each student was awarded a free pass to, one of the -dances either at the League or at the Union. Harry Wismer and Ty Tyson, ace. sports-commentators from Detroit stations' appeared before the micro- phone during the program, Wismer taking the microphone with him into the audience to interview the stu- dents on the outcome of the Michi- gan-Chicago game. Tyson told the story of football broadcasting at the University. Other features of the program were the Band's appearance as a glee club in a special arrangement of "Over the Rainbow," the singing of Mariam Westerman of the University Quar- tette, and the brilliant cornet solo by Alvin Johnson, one-time member of the United States Army Band. Counts Relates School Ideals To emocracy CAA Names 51 For Flight SchoolHere Ground Training Already Started; Actual Flying Lessons To Begin Soon Group To Complete Program Next June Fifty-one students, selected on a basis of scholarship and physical ex-I cellence, were named yesterday by the Civil Aeronautics Authority toE undertake flight training under the provisions of the CAA Civilian Pilotj Training Program. Ground school for the students has already begun and will continue throughout the first semester. Flightt training will begin early next week1 and will be completed by June 15, 1940. In this time the program will pro- vide sufficient training to pr'epare a< student for a private pilot's certifi- cate of competency. It will include 72 hours of ground school and 35 to 50 hours of flight instruction at locale airports.- In selecting applicants, the CAA gave preference to students with one year's residence at the University and to students having high scholastic standings. Students were selected onl a quasis from all departments of the University. The students selected include: L. Charles Ballance, SpecL, Paw Paw;f Vernon C. Bengal, '41E, Blackfoot, Ida.; Arthur J. Billet, '42E, Berkley; Arthur J. Brandt, jr., '40E, Birming- ham, Mich.; Edward G. Bull, '40E,. Stockton, N.Y.; Casey M. Carter, '40, Hollywood, Calif.; Edward Crossley, jr., '41BAd, Flint. - Others were Daniel E. Culver, '40,) (Continued on Page 2) connally Say oeS Hat Vote Amendment For Shipping Being Slowly Framed WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. -()- Casually, but directly, Senator Con- nally (Dem.-Tex.) accused opponents of the Administration neutrality bill of "filibustering" against tht meas- ure today during a spirited Senate debate. He made the accusation, as a play on words and in a manner so off- hand that it went virtually unnoticed by the opposition group, and for the time being it went unanswered. It was the first time, however, the word had been used by any Senator associated with the leadership in the fight for repeal of the arms embargo, and thus was regarded as indicative of what some of them believe they may have to contend with before the Neutrality Act reaches a final vote. Meanwhile, the Administratio 'leadership was slowly framng an amendment to the bill to permit American vessels to carry cargoes to any ports in the Pacific and Indian oceans and possibly to ports in the South Atlantic. Chairman Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) , announced that Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee would meet tomorrow to con- sider a half dozen proposed amend- ments to the shipping provision. State Parent Group Plans Meeting Here Annual Education Institute To Assemble Nov. 7-10; Jay Allen WillSpeak Theme To Treat 'The Community' The 10th Annual Parent Education Institute, a project of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers and the Extension Service of the Uni- versity, will be held Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 10. The theme of the Institute will concern "The Community-Its In- ternational Aspects, Its Responsibility to Youth, Its Enduring Values and Its Search for Facts." Jay Allen, Spanish war correspon- dent and roving reporter for the Chi- cago Tribune and London News Chronicle will highlight the program at 2 p.m. Nov. 10 with an address on "Propaganda in the News and How to Spot It" after which he will lead a forum entitled "When Instructed -When Propagandized." Slosson To Speak , Prof. Prestoli W. Slosson of the h istory department will follow the opening talk at 10 a.m. Nov. 2 in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School by Mrs. J. K. Pettengill, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, with a lecture at 11 a.m. entitled "Europe Takes the Plunge." The afternoon session will be fea- tured by a panel on "What Shall We Tell Our Children About the War?" Panel members, among others, will include Mr. Leo Fitzpatrick of Sta- tion WJR in Detroit and Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of the SRA of the University. "The Community-Its Responsi- bility to Youth" will provide the topic of the second day's discussions. Mr. Edward J. Crawley, chief probation officer of the Municipal Court in Cleveland, 0., will lecture on the "Re- sponsibility for Crime." Mr. Karl F. Zeisler, managing editor of the Mn- roe Evening News, will lead the dis- cussion following. Tibbets To Speak Mr. Clark Tibbetts, lecturer in so- ciology and director of the Institute for Human Adjustment, will feature the afternoon session with an ad- dress on "The Coming Michigan Youth Survey." Hie will be followed by conferences on "Personal Adjust ment and Character Training"; "This Side of the Court;" "Guidance Prob- lems in High School"; A Michigan Experiment with a Boy's Club" and "Vocational Problems of Youth." Dr. Ernest J. Chave of the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, (Pontinued on Page 6) lb -10hI L e ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 1939 ,PICVE FIVEC German Air Raid Infliets Damage At Scapa Flow U.S. Gets Soviet Messag Russia Assures President Training Ship 'Iron Di Finland's Independence MurthyWtres Hit In Attack On Br Will Not Be Violated Fortified Na'al B _____ He Will Attend IpratVco Message ReportsImportantVctor ' dRut R t FeAe 'Friendly Parley' RReported At0Bei WAHIGTNOc.7.-(IP- ." r "'a';""*" (Unless otherwise stated all fo WASINGONOct 17dispaehes 'are subject to cnsors President Kalinin of Russia assureddaso President Roosevelt today that Rus- By EDWIN STOUT sia's s;e aim in negotiations with LONDON, Oct. 17.-(l)-G Finland was "consolidation f the- warplanes struck twice today a reciprocal relations" and "strengthen- Scapa Flow lair of Britain' Ing of friendly cooperation" between hitting and damaging the tr the two countries, "'ship Iron Duke, and ranged ov This was his reply to Mr. Roose- east coast of England and Sc velt's message last week expressing in widespread scoutin raids "the earnest hope that the Soviet Union will make no demands on Fin- Four German planes were re land which are inconsistent with the shot down, bringing their los maintenance and development of eight in two days. amicable and peaceful relations. be- "' "" The attacks followed yeste tween the two countries, and the in- H raid on the Edinburgh and Fi dependence of each." Forth area in which three E The White House released the texts e naval vessels were slightly dar of both messages, transmitted through 16 sailors and officers flled a Ambassador Laurence Steinhardt.{injured President Kalinin recalled that the Other Sinlkng There independence of the Finnish republic They came as the governme "was recognized by the free will of closed that the heavily-de the Soviet government on Dec. 31, Scapa Flow harbor wasthe se 1917," and the sovereignty of Finland A'i ORNEY GENERAL MURPHY the U-boat sinking Saturday was guaranteed by the peace treaty battleship Royal Oak, with 78 of Oct. 14, 1920, between the two Attorney General Frank Murphy lost. countries., wired acceptance late yesterday of In the first attack today, at "By the above-mentioned acts of the invtation to attend the Ruthven a.m., four German planes da the Soviet government the basic prin- Anniversary Dinner, to be given Oct. the1training ship 'Iron Duke, I ciples of the reciprocal relations be- 27 at Yost Field House. Until yes- Jellicoe's flagship in the World tween the Soviet Union and Finland terday, Murphy's presence here for Scapa Flow wa the scene of were defined," he said. the dinner was in doubt because of the most dramatic incidents in unsettled conditions in Washington. history when the German Hint The day before the dinner he will Fleet was scuttled there Jwu Student ~e ate address the University Press Club of 1919, by German sailors who o Michigan, holding its annual con- the seacocks rather than 1 alls Election venton here, on "Activities of the British have the surrendered Department of Justice." He will also intact. a o n nswer, questions. On ofthefu lae a PetitiOnS .. W n sThe appearance of Senator Arthur th ritish to hav' eens H. Vandenberg at the dinner remains this first attack, and th doubtful, because of the present neu- aged. Candidacies May Be Filed trality debate in the Senate, and the .e second attack was fron Beginning Monday; Six possibility of a vote on the question to 2: 0 p.m. and was by "two : S a e. R u e at any moment' tions of six and four aircraft Signatures Are Requred Admiralty said. No damage was done and on Petitions for candidacy in tle fifth Andrews Resigns man plane destroyed, the Ad, semi-annual Student Senate election reported. on Friday, Nov. 3 may be filed begin- Wag e-Hour u fice B fing next Monday at the Senate of- BERLIN, Oct. 17.-)-tIs bombing planes attacked Britis fices, 302 Union, Norman Schorr, WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.-(IP)- ships at Scapa Flow today '40, and Stuart Knox, '40. co-direc- Elmer F. 'Aridrews stepped out as German official news age;n tors of the election announced yes- wage-hour administrator today amid nounced terday. a chorus of conflicting explanations The short announcement sE Any student may enter a petition for his departure. British warship had been str by having it signed by at least six' Praise for the way he put the year- heavy and medium weight students and by paying a fifty cent old wage-hour act into operation that a British battle plane ha fee at the Senate offices, Schorr said. mingled with contentions that he shot down and acknowledge The offices will be open from 4 to 6 had not been tough enough, that he one German plane failed to p.m. from Monday through Friday. had been too tough and that he had from the battle in which clashed with Secretary of Labor Per- anti-aircraft defenses parti Candidates may have a party name kins., furiously. or other designation placed after their Neither the White House nor An- ur__usy. names on the printed ballot if they drews gave any explanation of his wish, Schorrsaid. They may also resignation, although Presiden C take advantage of the special plat- Roosevelt's letter of acceptance e--o ii preslue form page to be printed in The Daily pressed "heartfelt appreciation" for the week of the election. what he had done to make the newTo'Speak , H Voting for the election Nov. 3 will division "operate smoothly and ef- begin at 9 a.m. and continue until ficiently." 5:30 p.m. with polling booths located Lieut. .Col. Philip Fleming, army Dr. Warbasse Will Di at six vantage points on campus. district engineer at St. Paul, named 'The vote counting will be carried out by the White House to take over An- Cooperation And P on the Hare system of proportional drews' duties, said only that the news f representation, Schorr said. was not unexpected. Dr. James P. Warbasse. n First University Lecturer Lists Seven Necessary Democratic Mentaliies The development among our people of a more adequate conception of the role of a teacher is necessary be- fore the schools, can teach democracy, Prof. George S. Counts of Columbia University told 400 students andt teachers in the first of a series of University lectures yesterday after- noon in the Rackham School Audi- torium. Every democratic society needs to" develop certain attitudes in its citi- zens, Professor Counts advocated, and listed seven democratic mentalities which the school must support in order to maintain the social system. The mentalities necessary to° foster democracy are: 1. organization of the life and pro- gram of school so as to develop a feel- ing of competence and adequacy in the student. 2, to create in the child an allegiance to the democratic prin- ciples of equality, liberty and free- dom. 3, to develop systematically a loyality to democratic processes of free speech and movement. 4, to de- velop a mentality marked by fairness and integrity and perhaps even by a scientific attitude:5, to develop a re- spect for and appreciation of talent and character, 6, to develop the fun- damental sense of the obligation to work. 7, to develop an enlightened devotion to the good of 'the group, community, to the nation, and to the good of all mankind. To develop these attitudes teach- ers of free and independent spirit must be chosen, Professor Counts stated. Man must either learn how to cooperate sufficiently to prevent recurrence of depressions or he will pass under the rule of dictatorship. of the : The tI their res class ret elertion Marriage Talks To Attract 8001 Ticket Supply Is Limited; Sale 'To Close Today Approximately 800 tickets, avail- able to seniors and graduates for the Marriage Relations Course, which begins Friday, were sold yesterday. A limited number of tickets may be purchased from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the League, Union and Lawyers' Club. The fee' for the course is $1. Women will register at the League and men at the Union and Lawyers', Club dur- ing the times indicated. No tickets will be sold to registrants without their identification cards, and students will be accepted in order of registration. No course will be given during the second semester of this year. All lectures will be given at 7:30 p.m. on their respective dates in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. The first in the series of five lec- tures by four noted authorities on various phases of marriage and par- enthood will be given Friday by Dr. Ernest G. Osborne, assistant profes- sor of education at Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University, on "Psy- chological Factors in Modern Mar- riage." Students may feel free to attend this meeting in formal dress as the talk has been scheduled for the night of the Union formal. n #Mra _ Vr - z1iy- 1 b. plOjjjjOl1 111AY ll1 I I Finnish Stand Against Russians Regarded Hopeless By Stanton : I II 1.GicuC&Ji To Talk Today Rev. H. P. Marley To Give Humanist Point Of View The Rev. Mr. H. P. Marley, of the Unitarian church will give the second in the series of "I Believe" lectures at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Aiming at a liberal interpretation of religion and life, Reverend Marley will present "the humanist point o1 view, together with an outline of the social obligations 'of the church in the modern world." The individual as such, cannot be forgotten, he said, but he must be given an en- vironment which is hospitable to his highest aims. A graduate of Union Theologica Seminary, with 10 years of student religious work on campus as back- ground, Mr. Marley is exceptionally well-qualified to present the views of the Unitarian creed, according t Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the Association at Lane Hall. He has ber of the Friends' Service Commit. also had wide experience as a mem- tee camp in the Pennsylvania coa fields, and completed, last summer a study of government schools and factories in Mexico. It is pathetic to think that Fin- land has any chance of resisting suc- cessfully any attempt by Russia to' force her into an alliance by the use of military action, Prof. John W. Stanton of the history department said yesterday. Russia, he explained, is determined' to continue the establishment of her version of the American Monroe Doc- trine by building up a series of alli- ances with states which border her. own territory. She has already smashed the neutral bloc of the minor Baltic nations by concluding mutual assistance pacts with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, he continued. Finland, he said, is the last member of the late bloc, and Russia must have herx cooperation. With no pact between Russia and Tr - I n . _3+t_..IA a - t- nr- nnu .p Moscow, Professor Stanton comment- ed, would provide permission for oc- cupation of Finnish land by Soviet troops in the event of a war against a power of western Europe-it need contain no clause forcing the Finns to fight for a Russian cause not af- fecting Finnish territorial integrity. Although Finland is a state which could offer no effective resistance to Russian invasion, Professor Stanton went on, her government, afraid of being overwhelmed by the Soviets, is holding off acceptance of the Rus- sian pact in hope that Germany or Sweden will come to her aid. It is difficult for the Finns to under- stand, he said, why Germany, the na- tion most likely to be affected by Russian expansion and power, will give the Moscow government such a free hand in the Baltic area. 1, e s .1 t e s, l :,. d Michigan Coeds Spurn Local Men For Yale Adonis Variety By PAUL CHANDLER portant, these women claim that they Breathe a prayer for the Michigan expect Yale's offspring to be "an 'man, folks. If the talk coming from improvement over some of the males Alpha Phi sorority house means any- that have been chasing us around thing, he's going to need it. so far this year." It's all because the gentlemen from Before it was completed, the din- IYa'e willbe shergoon.Ele'fobling table gab session turned into a Yale will be here soon. Eli's football blanket indictment of those who wear team will battle the Wolverines here- pants in Ann Arbor. on Oct. 28, and there will be a train- As told to a Daily reporter, here are load of New Haven males following some of the highpoints of the con- along for a look at Michigan's co-eds. servation. What's more, the young ladies in No Originality Ann Arbor are already letting it be "Michigan men have about as much known that they will welcome the originality as Charlie McCarthy. If visitors from the east with a sigh and they are looking for something to do, a smile. it is ine~itably a trip to the Bell, the Alpha Phi has started the storm. Union . . . or the Arboretum." The women who live in that house "Michigan men are self-centered last night made' the announcement and conceited." that they "were fed up with the un- "Yale men are self-centered and originality of some of the men around conceited too. but they have a/ right Miniature Crime Wave Hits Two More Houses A miniature crime wave seems to have struck Ann Arbor Monday night, -nvn in i e . . n-nrA ,.I,.annre ,a + ...r