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October 17, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-17

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The editorials published, in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Loehester's Plan
or Orientation - - -
HE {RESHMEN are led into the
library. "You will now be shown
w to obtain a book from the library stacks,"
s the adviser, who motions toward great
inets with an astounding number of cards
ed inside. The adviser writes some hiero-
yphics on a paper he names a "call card." This
library attendant takes and wads into a small
ntainer that is chunked unconcernedly into a
be and whisked away as if by magic. After a
w moments, more or less, a book slides out of
opening in the wall and plunks into a plush-
ed box like an egg into a nest.
The freshman is led through the Student Pub-
ations Building, Waterman Gymnasium, the
alth Service. He is told why he should have
)TC training, how to study, how to classify.
e impressions come in a never-ending flow ,
.e parts of an assembly line., By the end of the
ek he has been introduced to so many places
d people that his first view of college is apt to
one of confusion rather than the orientation
at is intended and, apparently, expected.
Orientation Week is probably one of the most
'ing in a student's life. It is a time of revolu-
nary upheaval, of change as complete as
nsplantation into foreign soil. It is a time
ien one seeks adjustment, and yet impressions
ne so thickly that most of them bounce off
ain like water off a duck's back. The student'
thrust, usually poorly prepared, into a new
rld and his only guides are a few inane Holly-
od movies of college life, an unintelligible
.lege bulletin and an orientation program that
>ws him buildings, but answers few of his
Certainly in a university as large as Michigan
is impossible to solve the problems of each in-
'idual freshman. But if the student is to
complish the adjustment that Freshman Week
supposed to aid, then the orientation program
ist obviously provide more than tours of the
[t is'gratifying, then, to see any school make a
ious attempt to improve, its orientation pro-
un. In Sunday's New York Times there was-
.nted a description of a new plan adopted by
chester University. It is a plan based on the
aclusion that much of the advice previously
ren to freshmen at the opening of the year
s meaningless because the freshman's experi-
ee was not sufficient to permit him to digest i,
Thus the university feels that advice on how
study, how to budget time, how to use the
rary, how to read effectively, is mere theory
til the freshman has learned by actual experi-
ce what college assignments, as contrasted
th high school "home work," are really like;
at the temptations of wasting time in idle
mpus pursuits are; what adjustments are
eded in finances and personal relationships;
tat life on the campus, as contrasted with life
home, calls for.
Accordingly, lectures and discussions on these
bjects will be offered simultaneously with the
shman's own trial-and-error experiences. In
dition, as the freshman progresses m adjust-
s himself to college work, the university will
adully give him detailed information about
e major fields of knowledge-literature and
ier arts, the social sciences, biological sciences,

To the Editor:
The Daily editorials this year on the subject
of war and neutrality have the great merit of
being provocative. This has been true, in fact,
of Daily editorials for some years past. Even
those who have been most provoked by them have
been forced to concede the ability and force
shown by their authors. If I join in the current
debate on war and neutrality, it is only because
The Daily uses a line of argument that has wide
circulation elsewhere and that seems to me to
involve a clear misreading of recent history.
The argument is suggested by Mr. Maraniss'
statements in Sunday's Daily that this i a "rob-
bers' war" and that "this is no people's war and
there is no opportunity for its becoming such 4
war." Such statements are commonly made
these days, coming chiefly from the left. Th
argument boils down to this-the Chamberlain
government has shown by its abandonment of
Spain and Czecho-Slovakia that it is concerned
only with the immediate selfish interests of the
British Empire and is therefore "imperialist;"
when it enters into war for the defense of Po-
land it can only be pursuing the same selfish in-
terest; this is "a war between imperialisms," and
the outcome is for us a matter of complete in-
It has already been pointed out in your columns
that Britain and France are now doing precisely
what they were criticized before for not doing,
criticized especially by Americans who disclaimed
any responsibility in world affairs and took none
of the risks involved in a firm stand. If Britain
and France should have gone to war to save
Spain and Czecho-Slovakia from fascist invasion,
it is still more obvious that they should go to war
to save Poland. The Daily editorials give no
answer to this argument. I do not believe that
there is any answer.
Leftist Pressure
The main question seems to be this--how did
it happen that the British and French govern-
ments finally decided to resist further aggression
by war? Where did the pressure come from, in
both countries? Unless we have been completely
misinformed, it came most strongly from the
parties of the left, from the Labor and Liberal
parties in England, from the Socialist and Com.
miunist parties in France. Perhaps The Daily
will say that these parties do not represent the
"people." If so, who does; or are there no people
in England and France who like ourselves pro-
foundly desire peace and are willing to make
sacrifices for it? Private letters from individuals
confirm the reports in the newspapers and from
all persons who have recently been in England:
on the necessity for resisting Hitler there is
something as close to complete unanimity as one
will ever find in a democracy. Much as they
hate it, the ordinary people of both countries are
determined to see it through. My estimate of
the situation would be this-even after the in-
vasion of Czecho-Slovakia Chamberlain showed
a willingness to pursue a policy of surrender, but
neither the Chamberlain nor the Daladier gov-
ernments could have survived the storm of popu-
lar protest if they had pursued it further. Un-
der the pressure of that protest they made mili-
tary commitments in the east which were, as
Lloyd George has said, extremely rash, since
Russian support was not assured. Even so, they
surely had no choice. Do The Daily editors
think they had a choice, that Poland too should
have been abandoned to Hitler at another
A Chamberlain Peace
There is still the further question-can the
Chamberlain government be trusted to impose
a just peace? I doubt it. I do not believe that
the Tory clique around Chamberlain has learned
enough to be trusted with their enormous re-
sponsibility. But when one has said this, does
it follow that a Chamberlain peace could be com-
pared with the terms that Hitler (helped per-
haps by Stalin) would impose on a prostrate
Europe? Does anyone recognize Hitler in his
newest transformation-the lover of peace, the
advocate of international agreements and free
trade? What hope is there for human freedom
and decency, in Europe, Asia, or even South
America, if Hitler and his murderous gang can
clearly and decisively triumph? In terms of our
own attitudes, I find it impossible to say that
Englishmen and Frenchmen should cheerfully
bleed themselves out on the western front and

that it really doesn't matter. I would suggest
that the moral influence of America should rath-
er be thrown on the side of the British Labor
Party, in their effort to secure a specific state-
ment of war aims and to influence the final
settlement. I say this particularly because I
personally am convinced that we have an enor-
mous stake in the outcome; that the refusal to
admit this merely involves another form that
short-sighted . view of self-interest that led to
I can understand the reasoning of most of our
isolationists, though I cannot agree with it. Their
attitude seems to me to come to this. The over-
whelming majority of Americans have a profound
sympathy for England and France and a pro-
found dislike of Hitlerism. We should not pub-
licly acknowledge this, however, because we are
an emotional people, and we cannot trust our-
selves to express that sympathy through modifi-
cation of the embargo without being immediately
swept, against our will, into war on the western
front. That does not seem to me to be an adult
attitude, nor does it assume any capacity in our
people for free decision. However that may be,
it is surely unnecessary to reinforce }the argument
by attributing motives to Englishmen. and
Frenchmen that most of them do npt possess. We
cannot remain indifferent to the great tragedy
that is about to be enacted, though we may
rightly decide to stay out because for the time
being our own skins appear to be safe.

Ann Arbor audiences are once again enjoying
the art of Jascha Heifetz, violinist par excellence,
now playing at the Majestic theatre in the film
They ShWl Have Music. The recording is ex-
ceptionally clear, and the solos are worked into
the picture with a minimum of disjunction.
One may wax eloquent over the virtuosity and
musical refinement of this distinguished artist.
But the very name Heifetz already implies all
that. One characteristic, however, that may still
bear comment is the almost sacred respect he has.
for the music he finds worthy of his labor. His
choice of repertoire, his unerring devotion to the
music alone, his consistent denial of unwar-
ranted subjectivity or egocentricity (the usual
musical histrionism),-these are the qualities
which place Mr. Heifetz in the rank of the truly
great. It is because of the intense respect he'
holds for the composer's conception that he never
commits that worst but most common of all
errors, confusing the attitude (style) of one com-
poser with that of another.
Just how much of this is "intuitive" and how
much -scholastic is a problem more pertinent to
the psychologist than the layman. The major
concern of the artist is: have I made of my anal-
ysis a living thing, or has the act of persistent re-
flection dimmed the inner fire? For when this
occurs pedantry is the result. The artist is said
to be cognant, but cold and vapid. Far better
that he be unbridled passion than an academic
The happy norm is that state wherein the
turbulent will and the logical self complement
one another in a just proportion. That is the
new attitude, the new ideal. And it has no
greater exponent than Jascha Heifetz.

Violin Recital


Drew Pemsoa
WASHINGTON-One of the most significant
events at the Army's spectacular ordnance exhi-
bition at the Aberdeen (Md.) Proving Grounds
didn't get reported at all. This was a secret
round-table session on "Industrial Prepared-
ness" conducted by Brigadier General C. T. Har-
ris, salty Assistant Chief of Ordnance, and at-
tended by 450 select business leaders.
After giving a general outline of the Army's
plans for industrial mobilization, General Harris
observed, "You gentlemen probably will not like
some of the compulsions that would be imposed
on you. But, as I am sure I need not remind you,
war enforces distasteful compulsions on every-
body involved. Which gives point to the moral,
'Don't get into war if you can help it.'"
Another moral Harris pointedly tossed at his
business listeners was to go easy on price boost-
"Don't run wild on prices," he warned quietly.
"You can't afford to get out of hand on that. The
public would resent it and you'll run head-on into
trouble. We want you to make money; we are
not against that. We're all for it. But there is
a difference between making a legitimate and
reasonable profit and profiteering."
Legitimate Profit
This thrust brought a chorus of questions as
to what was considered a legitimate and reason-
able profit.
"Well, I can't talk for the government," said
Harris with a twinkle in his eye, "but personally
I look at it this way: I had some secuirties a few
years back that paid me six per cent dividend.
Now I considered that a very good return on my
money-and I think the same now."
None in the audience openly challenged this
contention but from sotto voce remarks it was
apparent that more than one business man vig-
orously disagreed with Harris.
Note: The veteran officer scored a big hit per-
sonally with the business men by his deft, effi-
cient handling of the meeting. He met an hour's
barrage of questions with unfailing tact and good
humor; courteously brushing aside silly ones and
adroitly side-stepping inquiries he didn't want to
For two years, beginning with the 1937 Supreme
Court battle, the GOP delightedly sunned them-
selves in the glow of the hot factional warring
among the Democrats. But now the tables are
Harmonious for the moment, the Democrats
are revelling in the rare pleasure of watching the
Republicans scrap heatedly among themselves
over the neutrality issue.
Knox Knocks Vandenberg
Still kept undercover, thanks chiefly to the
firm hand of brainy Senate Floor Leader Charley
McNary, this rowing has resulted in several acri-
monious personal clashes between top-rung party
chiefs. The bitterest was between Senator
Arthur Vandenberg and Col. Frank Knox.
Old friends, dating back to when they both
were cub reporters on a Grand Rapids, Mich.,
paper, they are on opposite sides on lifting the
embargo. Knox stands with the President on the
question; Vandenberg is opposed. But this dif-
ference'was not the cause of their set-to.
What touched them off was Knox's objections
to Vandenberg taking a leading role in the isola-
tionists' fight. Knox contended that by sticking

'y Young G ulliver
THREE things prompt Gulliver to
sit down and knock off an anal-
ysis of the European situation. One
is Alexander Nevsky, the Soviet film
which appeared humorous to many
because of its anti-German bias, an-
other is Elliott (the Ace) Maraniss'
editorial in Sunday's Daily, and the
last is Professor Dawson's letter on
today's editorial page.
'Gulliver feels that there are a
number of very prevalent miscon-
ceptions which should not be preva-
lent. First is that Adolf Hitler and
Joe Stalin are now buddies, having
sworn oaths of undying fealty. Grant-
ed that there were good grounds for
such a supposition in the days im-
mediately following the Soviet-Ger-
man pact, the Soviet moves of the
past few weeks should prove that Joe
Stalin isn't wasting any time forti-
fying Russia against his new friend.
Unless you think that Uncle Joe has
been putting the screws on the Ba-
tic states in order to defend himself
against Madagascar.,
Stalin Analyzed
The question then arises as to why
J. Stalin has been putting on the
palsy walsy act with A. Hitler. This
one is easy for Gulliver too. Stalin
knows that the British Empire is on
the skids, and now is his big chance
to grease the skids carefully enough
to insure Britain's fall (Hitler is of
course the greasing agent). There-
fore the anti-German stuff in Nevsky
was on the up and up. The big wind-
up speech of Nevsky's might just as
well have been Joe Stalin's warning of
a few years back to the effect that
foreign pigs had better keep their
snouts out of the Soviet garden. Just
to make sure, Joe is building a nice
wall around the garden.
EXT misconception which puzzles
Gulliver is is the one that Cham-
berlain, having seen the error of his
ways, is now determined to make
mincemeat out of A. Hitler, Hitlerism,
and fascism. The people who hold
to this point out that Chamberlain
finally went to war for Poland, after
welshing on half the countries of
Europe. But again, this conduct
of the war-itself by Britain has proved
that Chamberlain never had any in-
tention of helping Poland. Of course,
Britain couldn't have sent her army
over to Warsaw, but the Poles could
have used some English planes which
they never got. If Chamberlain
didn't sell out the Poles as well as
the Spaniards, the Czechs, and the
Austrians, what in the name of
Smigly-Rydz did he do?
Dawson Analyzed
A variant of this argument is that
although we detest Chamberlain, at
least he is doing the job of getting
rid of Hitler for us, and therefore we
ought to support the British and
Frch. Such is the substance of
Prof. Dawson's letter. The argument
is given added punch by the undeni-
able fact that the British and French
people sincerly want to get rid of
Hitlerism (see the recent election in
England, in which a Labor Party man
from.Glasgow was elected on a prose-
cute the war platform.) However, if
there is any truth proven by history,
it is the one that wars are planned
and executed not by the soldiery, but.
by the generals and "statesmen." The
British Tommy and the French poilu
want to fight to defeat fascism, but
Generals Gamelin and Ironside, and
their bosses Daladier and Chamber-
lain, evidently have different aims in
FOR if there is anything which
troubles the dreams of these;
gentlemen, it is the spectre of q'

Europe bolshevized up to the Maginot
line. And the spectre of communism
is haunting Europe more surely than
it ever has since 1848, when Marx
and Engels first wrote the death sen-
tence for European capitalism. It.
follows that Chamberlain cannot af-
ford to defeat Hitler so decisively that
the German working class will revolt
and set up a soviet with the aid of
the menacingly neighboring Red
Army. What Chamberlain would pre-
fer is to beat Hitler just badly enough
so that a new dictatorship of the
right would be set up which would be
amenable to Franco-British imperial-
Lippmann' s int
There have been a few indications
already that such is the case. One{
is the British conduct of the war to
date. Another is the hint of Walter
Lippmann's, in a column he wrote a,
while back, that German big business
men have been conferring with lead-
ers of the German army as to the
possibility of establishing a military-
business dictatorship after Hitler,
goes. Following upon this was the
unusual death in Poland of Gen. von
Fritsch, who was looked upon as the;
likeliest leader of a non-Nazi dicta-
torship in Germany.,
SO FAR it would seem that Gulliver1
is in agreement with Ace Mar-
aniss. Which is so. He does, how-'
ever, disagree sharply with the Ace'
on the question of America's mediat-

(Continued from Page- 2)
ture" at 4:15 P.M. on Thursday, Oct.
19, in Room 303, Chemistry Building.
The lecture is open to the public.
The Rev. Mr. Marley of the First
Unitarian Church, will lecture on "I
Believe" in the East Lecture Hall,
Rackham Building on Wednesday,
Oct. 18, 8 p.m. This lecture was or-
iginally scheduled for this evening.
Today's Events
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting this
evening at 5:45 p.m., Michigan
Union. Come on time and be through
for the Varsity Show.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: The
seminar in Biological Chemistry will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m., this evening.
The subject to be discussed is
"Arginine and Arginine Derivatives."
All interested are invited to attend.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its or-
ganization meeting tonight in the
Union from 7 to 8 p.m.. Promptness
is important ,so that members may
attend the Varsity Show.
University Girls' Glee Club: Try-
outs will be held today from 2-4 pm.
in the Game Room of the League.
All persons interested in joining the
University Glee Club, and all fresh-
men interested in joining the Fresh-
man Girls' Glee Club, are urged to,
try out at this time. Anyone who can-
not come at this time should call
Betty Stadelman at 2-3159.
Freshmen Glee Club: Rehearsal at
4:15 p.m. today at Michigan Union.
Reserve Men's Glee Club: 3rd floor,
Michigan Union. 4:15 today. Open
to upperclassmen.
Math. 370, Seminar in Continued
Fractions, will meet this afternoon
at 4 p.m., in Room 3201 A. H. Dr. J.
Koehler of the Physics Departmentj
will speak on the "Application of con-
tinued fractions to differential equa-
The Social Committee of the League
will hold a meeting this afternoon at
4:30 in the League for the benefit
of those persons who were unable to
attend the first meeting.1
Phi Lambda Upsilon: The firstS
meeting of the society will be held
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building tnight at 7:30r
All me.inbers who are affiliated with
the University of Michigan for the
first time this fall are cordially in-
vited to attend.9
American Social Customs Class:
This evening, the second of the series
of discussions and demonstrations of
American social customs will be pre-
sented at the Center. These ses-
sions are open not only to foreignc
students but to their American
friends, many of whom have ex-
pressed their wish to attend.
Hillel Classes: First meetings of the
following classes are being held to-
Elementary Hebrew, led by Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz, at 4:30 p.m
Conversational Hebrew, led by Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz, at 7 p.m.
Jewish Ethics, led by Dr. Hirsch
Hootkins, at 8 p.m.
The Peace Commission of the
American Student Union will hold at
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Union. All those interested are in-
Coming Events ;
Freshmen and Transfer Engineering

Students: The date of the smoker for
freshmen and transfer engineering
students has been changed from
Wednesday, Oct. 18, to Wednesday,
Oct. 25. 1

18, at the League. The room ium-
ber will be posted on the bulletin
E glish Journal Club: First meet-
ing of the year. Professor C. D.
Thorpe will talk on, "Some Aspeets of
Thomas Hobbes' Aestl etic Theory,"
on Monday evening, Oct. 23, at 8
o'clock in the Men's lounge, Rack-
ham Buildin. The pm lic Is ivited
to this opening eeting.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122, ChemIstry Bldg.
at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18.
Professor G. E. Uhlenbeck will speak
on "The Heavy Electron (Mesotron) ."
Scabbard and Blade: Important
meeting of F Company, Fourth Regi-
ment, at 7:30 p.M, Wednesday, Oct.
18, in the Union. All members are
urged to come, as voting on initiates
will take place. The support of every-
one is needed. Uniforms are required.'
The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha
will hold its first meetirig for the new
school year on Thursday evening,
Oct. 19, at 7:30 in the West Confer-
ence Room on the third floor of the
Rackham Building.
Prof. N. L. Willey will be the speak-
er of the evening whose address will
be based on "Early Norse Discoveries
of America."
Every member of the Beta Chap-
ter who is on campus this year is
urged to attend. An interesting eve-
ning is promised. "
Institute of the Aeronautical Si-
enees: There will be a meeting of the
Student Branch of the Institute of
the Aeronautical Sciences on Thurs-
day, Oct. 19, at 7:30 p.m., in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg.
A sound motion picture "The Ameri-
can Way" will be shown. Mr. Frank
M. Burg of American Airlines, Inc.,
will be present to introduce the film
and to answer any questions. The
public is invited. Owing to the lim-
ited number of seats, admission
passes are required. These may be
obtained, ,free of charge, in Room
B-47 East Engineering Bldg.
Trip to Greenfleld Village: A trip to
Greenfield Village, Mr. Ford's recon-
.structed early American' village and
his museum of early American his-
tory, has been arranged for next Sat-
urday, A special bus will leave the
Center at 1 p.m. sharp and return at
5 p.m. Reservations, at $1, must be
made in the office of the Center by
Thursday at 5 p.m.
Research Club will meet on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 18, at 8 \p.m., In the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Election of officers. Professor
C. F. Remer will speak on "Interns-
tional Research in a Year of Ten-
sion." The Council will meet in the
Assembly Hall at 7:15 p.m.
All-those intereste4 in trying, out for
sophomore track managers' positions,
come to a meeting at 5 p.m. on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 18, in the Coaches' Room
at Yost Field House.
Cerele Francais:'There will be a
meeting for the old members on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 18, at 7:30 p.m. In Room
408 R.L. bues will be payable.
Alpha Kappa Delta, national hon-
orary sociological fraternity, will
hold its first meeting at the. home
of Dr. A. E. Wood, 3 Harvard Place,
on Thursday, Oct. 19, 'at 7:30 p.m.
important meeting. Members may se-
cure transportation in front of Ha-
ven Hall at 7:15 p.m. Members are
urged to attend.
Social Committee of the League
will hold a meeting on Thumrsday,
Oct. I, at 4:30 p.m. in the Under-
graduate Office for those interested
in working on the Etiquette Booklet.

All Faculty Members and Students
are cordially invited to attend the
first of the Coffee Hours to be spon-
sored by the Michigan Wolverine
Student Cooperative, Inc. in its build-
ing opposite Lane. Hall. The time
is Thursday, Oct. 19, from 3 to 4:30
in the afternoon. The Coffee Hour
will be directed on an informal, open
forum basis by Professor Mueschke
(English) and Mr. Horner (Econom-
ics). This is an excellent oppor-
tunity for men and women students
to become better acquainted as well
as discuss academic, political, and
economic, problems, etc. with their
Sigma Eta Chi will have a regular
meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 18.
All old members please be present
for a business meeting at 7:30. Pledg-
ing of new members will be at 8 p.m.
Anatomy Research Club Meeting:
The first monthly meeting of the
Anatomy Research Club of the cur-
rent school year will be held on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 18, at 4:30 p.m. in Room
2501 East Medical Building.
Dr. J. H. Ferguson will present a
paper entitled: "A Review of the Cur-

r r I



The Student Chapter of the ASCE
will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at
7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Professor Wisler will speak, and sound
pictures of the Bouder Dam will be
Assembly and Congress: Congress
and Assembly are jointly holding a
radio "Open House" from 1 to 5 p.m.
on Saturday in the League Grill Room
for the Chicago football game. There
will be dancing and card games when
the game is not on. Everybody is
invited to come.
Upper Peninsula Men: The Hiawa-
tha Club cordially invites you to the
first club activity of the year, the
annual- U.P. Men's Smoker. This
will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday,
Oct. 18, in Room 319 of the Union. A
splendid program has been planned
including movies of the Michigan
State game and a lunch of cider and
doughnuts. Come up and get ac-

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