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October 17, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-17

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No. 20




Embargo Foes
'Credit Clause
Is Abandoned,
Leaders Plan Amendment
To Relax Restrictions
On U.S. Merchant Ships
Revisionists Hope
To Shorten Debate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-(A)-To
strengthen their position in the fight
for repeal of, the arms embargo, Ad-
ministration leaders consented today
to strip the neutrality bill of its pro-
visions permitting 90-day credits to
belligerent governments.
In addition, the leadership indicat-
ed strongly that it soon would be
ready with an amendment intended
to relax the measure's severe restric-
tions on the wartime operations of'
American merchant ships.
Tactical Maneuver Involved
Separately, or in combination, these
concessions involved a tactical ma-
neuver of much significance in the
present controversy. A number of
Senators who favor repealing the em-
bargo are strongly opposed to the
credit and shipping provisions of the
bill. By meeting their criticisms, the
leadership felt that it could nail
down their votes on the more im-
portant embargo question.
Then, too,, the leaders hoped that
by reducing the points of contro-
versy contained in the bill, much
time-consuming debate might be
avoided and a final vote correspond-

U.S. Should Offer Peace Plan
Immediately, Slosson Believes

150 Attend

Prof essor. Says Proposal
Is Important. Although
Success IsUnlikely
The United States should make
peace proposals at once to the nations
engaged :in the Second World War,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the his-
tory department, said yesterday.
While the prospects for an imm=-.
diate peace are "nil," Professor 8los-{
son continued, we should make the
proposals to show definitely how we
feel about the war and to make what
may prove to be a rallying point when,
both sides have become worn-out. It
Maria Talk
Tickets To Go
On Sale Today



is important that we show the world
today "what our government feels to
be the terms of a permanent peace
which is just and can be enforced, he
Plan Must Reestablish Poland
A peace plan which would be con-
sidered by France and England would
have to contain a clause reestablish-
ing the independence of Poland-
something which is absolutely con-
trary to German aims, he said. It
is foolish, Professor Slosson explained,
fto think of Germany's abandoning
as easy a conquest as Poland. It is
equallyr foolish, he pointed out, to
think of England and France ever
renouncing their war aims and grant-
ing a 'German victory.
"Despite the fact that I can see no
chance for an immediate end to host-
tilities, President Roosevelt should
offer to act as mediator for the war-
ring powers and present them with a
plan which seems to be a lead, to
lasting peace," said Professor Slosson.
This plan would have to contain
guarantees that peace would and
could be maintained, he went on,
regardless of the aims and ambitions
of any nation or group of nations.
Would Limit Armaments
The ideal peace proposal, he said,
would contain a clause which empha-
sized limitations of armaments and
periodic- inspections to ensure their
permanent limitation. This would not
only keep armies and naVies small,
but it would prevent ill feeling from
developing between nations because
of suspicions of breach of faith, he
pointed out.
Compulsory arbitration of all in-
ternational disputes, Profesor Slos-
son continued, must be put into effect
if any peace is to be lasting. This
(Continued on. Page 2)

Public Rites
Of Anderson
Engineering College Dean
Dies From Heart Attack
At His Home Saturday
Rev. Henry Lewis
Conducts Services

German Bombers Attack
Firtb Of Forth Sea Base Av n e0 nF e c o


redictions that gen-
tbe finished by the
eek appeared, how-
r-optimistic. Some
irs were expecting at
t more of formal
efore the bill could
eches Continue'
echmaking went for-
e, for most of the
enators and a capa-
ectators listening.
(Dem., Ida.) said
of repealing the em-
p Great Britain and
war with Germany.
led, by refusing even
er's recent offer of
ae the aggressors in
consequently did not
assistance. Repeal,
rer, was the first step
involvement in the

Lectures Limited To 1,000
Seniors And Graduates;
Course Will Open Friday
'Tickets for the Marriage Relations,
Course, which are available to seniors.
and graduates, will be on sale from
2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9. p.m. today and
tomorrow at the League, the Union
and the Lawyers' Club.
Enrollment is limited to approxi-
mately 1,000 and the fee for the
course is $1. Women will register at
the League and -men at the Union
and the Lawyers' Club during the1
times indicated. No tickets will be
sold to registrants without their iden-
tification cards, and students will be
accepted in the order of registration.
There will be no course given during
the second' semester of this year.
Entering its third season on cam-
pus, the Course will open Friday with
the first in a series of five lectures
by four -noted authorities on various
phases of marriage and parenthood.
All lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m.
on their respective dates in. the Lec-
Pure Hall of the Rackham Building;
Students may feel free to attend the '
first lecture on Friday in formal dress'
as the talk has been scheduled for the
night of the Union formal.
Dr. Ernest G. Osborne, assistant
professor of education at Teachers
College,' Columbia University, will
speak Friday on "Psychological Fac-
tors in Modern Marriage," stressing
the problems of emotional maturity
and the psychology of men and wo-
Dr. Raymond Squier, practicing,
gynecologyst and-obstetrician of New
York City, will present the second and
third lectures, Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Nov. 1 and 2. The subject of his
lecture is, "Anatomy and Physicol-
ogy of Reproduction." The second
lecture is entitled, "The Medical Basis
of Intelligent Sexual Practice."
Fourth of the series will be a lec-
ture by Dr. Robert G. Foster, lecturer
and consulting psychologist of the
Merrill Palmer School, Detroit. Dr.
Foster will speak on, "Marriage Ad-
justments." "Courtship and Pre-
Marital Relations," is the subject of
the final lecture to be given Wednes-
day, Nov. 29, by Prof. Mary Shattuck
Fisher of Vassar College.


More than 150 persons attended
the public funeral services yesterday
afternoon at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church for Dean Henry C. Ander-
son of' the College of Engineering,
who died of a heart attack Saturday.
The services were conducted by
the Rev. Henry Lewis. Previously,
private services for members of the
Anderson family were held at his
home, 1600 Washtenaw Ave. Burial'
was in Forest Hills Cemetery.
Besides Dean Anderson's family
and friends, many students, his col-
leagues in the University faculty and
in professional life and officials of
the University administration attend-
ed the public services. The members
of Sigma Chi, Dean Anderson's so-
cial fraternity, were present as a
group, as were leaders of various stu-
dent activities.
Dean Anderson is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Ellen A. Haynes of
Akron, O. and a son, Mr. John G.
Anderson of Saginaw. Mrs. Haynes
has a year-old son and Mr. Ander-
son is the father of a month-old
A member of the faculty since 1899,
Dean Anderson had been ill of a heart
condition for the past two years. He
was a graduate of the University of
Kentucky and came to Michigan as
an instructor in mechanical. engineer-
ing. He became dean of the engin-
eering college two years ago, suc-
xeeding Dean Herbert C. Sadler.
In 1934, Dean Anderson was ap-
pointed Director of Student-Alumpi
Affairs by President. Ruthven. He
served for more than 20 years on
the Board in Control of Physical Edu-
(Continued on Page 6)

George Counts
To Speak Here
Noted Educator Will Begin
Lecture Series Today
Professor George S. Counts of Co-
lumbia University will begin this
year's series of University Lectures at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham au-
ditorium when he speaks on "The
American Schools, Can Teach De-
Invitations for the lecture, which
will be sponsored by the School of
Education, have been sent to teachers
in neighboring public and private
Dr. Counts is widely known both as
an educator and as a writer on the
function of education in a democ-
racy. He was a teacher at Harvard,
Yale and Chicago before going to
Columbia's Teachers College as pro-
fessor of education. In 1925, Profes-
sor Counts was appointed to the
Philippine Educational Survey Com-
mission and last year he was an im-
portant speaker at the National Edu-
cation Association's convention in
He is the author of "The Ameri-
can Road to Culture," "The Soviet
Challenge to America," "Dare the
School Build a New Social Order?"
"A Ford Crosses Soviet Russia" and
"The Social Foundations of Educa-

Troops Launch Onslaught
Establishing First Hold
On French Territory'
Counter-Attack Stops
Sweep, Paris Reports

PARIS, Oct. 16.-(P)-Waves oft
Nazi troops in field gray today1
launched a long-awaited attack int
force against French positions on the
northern flank of the Western Front,
drove the French out of German ter-1
ritory at one point and, although7
thrown back, still held a precarioust
foothold on French soil for the first
time since the European war began.,
A French communique acknowl-
edged tonight that the Germans'
fought their way into the Frencht
village of Apach before they were
thrown back by .a French counter]
The fighting lasted all day and as
night fell the Germans apparently
still were holding the heights of
Schneeberg north of Apach on wes-
tern slopes that reach into France.
The 9:05 p.m. (3:05 p.m. EST)
communique of the French High
Command said merely that the Ger-
mais had withdrawn "to the north
of ~Apach" after penetrating the vil-
Although the German attack cov-
ered a front of four miles, the main
force of the blow was delivered at
the junction of the French-German-
Luxembourg frontiers on the extreme
northern flank of the Western Front.
Here the French established posi-
tions during the first month of the
war to: prevent the Germans from
driving through neutral Luxem-
bourg territory to out-flank the whole
French front.
Since the French had been holding
advance positions some two miles in-
side German territory at this point,
it appeared to military observers here
that today's German attack obviously
had driven the French back that dis-
Scripts For JGP
Must Be In Oct.28
The deadline for scripts for the
1940 Junior Girls' Play has been ex-
tended to Saturday, Oct. 28, Lee
Hardy, '41, publicity chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
Scripts may be written by anyone,
whether or not they are connected
with the University, and the author
of the accepted script will be paid,
unless he is a member of the junior
Collegiate themes are not usually
successful, but the musical comedy
motif is good, and those who are
writing scripts should remember that
it must be adaptable to production
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It
should also include a large cast to
allow a large part of the junior
class to participate.
County Receives Funds

Band To Give
ShowT onight
'The University Band will present
its fourth annual Varsity radio show
tonight at 8 p.m. at Hill Auditorium
before an expected audience of more
than 5,000 persons.
Prof. Revelli, director of the band,
predicted that the program would be
the best ever presented by the band.
In addition to a sparkling array of
talent, the sponsors have succeeded
in securing Ty Tyson and Harry Wis-
mer, two of Detroit's ace sports com-
mentators, to provide a little variety,
Wismer handling a "man-in-the-au-
dience" -bit and Tyson relating some
of the morenexciting adventures of
his colorful career. Highlight of the
program will be the special arrange-
mpnt of "Over The Rainbow," in
which the band will serve as a glee
club, with Warren Foster, regular
tenor of the University Quartet,
featured as soloist.
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism -department will direct two
quiz programs with students acting as
recipients of his queries.
Tickets for Varsity Night, the pro-
ceeds of which will be used to send
1the band to Chicago, may be secured
at the Union, the League, Wahr's
bookstore,.or from any band member.
Reds Continue
Turkish Talks



Research Men
To Meet Here
Transportation Assembly
Will Convene Nov. 1
Nationally known scientists, re-
search men and technicians will
gather here Nov. 1 for the University
of Michigan Life Conference on New
Technologies in Tranportation, Prof.
Alfred H. Lovell, Assistant Dean of
the engineering college, announced
Among the speakers at the three-.
day session will be Charles F. Ket-
tering, vice-president in charge of
General Motors Corporation Re-
search; Fred M. Zeder, vice-chairman
of the Board of Chrysler Corpora-
tion, and Otto S. Schairer, vice-presi-'
dent in charge of patents, Radio Cor-
poration of America.
The conference is sponsored jointly
by the University and Life Magazine.
Finnish Students
Discuss Problems,

Admiralty Admit 15
Claim Four Nazi
Brought Down In
Berlin Says Tv
Cruisers Dair
(Unless otherwise stated all
dispatches are subject to cen
LONDON, Oct. 16. -(EP)-
the first admitted bomb Y
British warship since the wi
German bombers slightly
the cruiser Southhampton i
tacular attack on the vital E
and Firth of Forth area of
The Admiralty said the
caused the death of two no
cers and 13 enlisted men,
the total casualties were 35.
German Raiders Dow
A joint communque by
Ministry and the Admiralt:
least four of the 12 or 14
raiders were downed by R
Force fighters and anti-airc
teries during a fierce battle.
(A German announcem
two British ' cruisers were
A communique said the b

Enineer Pols'
Open For Vote,
Senior Engineers To Elect
Class Officers Today
Elections for the positions of presi-
dent, secretary and treasurer of the
senior engineering class will be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. today, James Brown,
'40E, president . of the Engineering
Council announced yesterday.
Polling will take place in the En-
gineering Arch, the entrance of the
West Engineering Building and in
the lobby of the East Engineering
Candidates for. the three positions
are: C. Owen: Broders,' Almon W.
Conrath, Robert R. Smith, Robert
K. Tiedeman and Theodore M. Zur-
hurst for president; Henry C. Bill-
ings, Hugh H. Estes and Robert F.
Watts for secretary and Charles H.
Forbes, Robert H. Jeffers and Paul
C. Robertson for treasurer.
The election will /be conducted by
the Union, which last year took over
the duties of the defunct Men's Coun-
cil. Only senior engineers prpsent-
ing identification cards will be eli-
gible to vote, Brown emphasized.
Officers elected will hold their po-
sitions until the fifth reunion of the
class, at which time new officers
may be elected.

Protracted Negotiations
Bring No Settlement
MOSCOW, Oct. 16.-(P)--The pro-
tracted diplomatic negotiations be-
tween Russia and Turkey kept up
yesterday but no inkling of conclu-
sive results was forthcor.iing from
the Kremlin.
Sukru Saracoglu, the Turkish For-
eign Minister, consulted for two
hours with Russian officials and
there was no official announcement'
on what had occurred.
The two countries had been re-
liably reported several days ago to
have agreed on some sort of a pact.
The Tuirkish Embassy declined to,
state when Saracoglu would leave
here but admitted the possibility he
might remain to confer with the Tur-
kish Minister of Agriculture, Erke-
men Muhliss, now en route to Mos+-
cow, ostensibly to see an agrictiltural
exhibition in progress here.
Tass (official Soviet News Agency)'
announced tonight a trade agree-
ment between Soviet Russia and the
Lithuanian republic for 1939-40 was.
signed here yesterday,
The agreement provided for
doubling trade between the two
countries, Tass said.
As to another field of Russian dip-
lomatic activity, it was said the Fin-
nish envoy, Dr. Juho Kusti Paasikivi,
was not expected to return here any
sooner than the latter part of the

Air raid warnings wei
ed in the area of the
the Firth of Forth froz
Throughout the raid tra
to cross the highbridge
syth and the south ban]
during the attack, givii
a chilling closeup of bor
huge waterspouts in tl
feet below.
Admiralty Had Denk
Shortly before the ae:
British warships was
the Admiralty and the
the Admiralty had deni
claim that the battle ci
was damaged by the sai
which sank the battles-
Besides the slight d£
bow of the Southampt
admiral's barge and ai
nace moored alongside
The British said one I
the Mohawk and burst
the splinters hitting me:
The Mohawk was retu:
bor from convoy escort
The communique se
ships were ready for ti
the raid.
LONDON, Oct. 16.:
two officers and crev
677-ton Whitby steal
sunk in the Atlantic
submarine Saturday, w
day at a south coast pc
A fireman was killed
was attacked by a Ge
The ship's sinking 1
announced previously.



n u

Student Senate Will Consider
Peace Resolution And Election

Sipping the national Finnish drink,
coffee, 25 University students of
Finnish descent gathered at the first
meeting of the Suomi 'Club Sunday
night at Lane Hall to discuss the
Finni-Russian situation and to elect
new officers for the semester.
The discussion brought out two
opinions expressed by the group.
One, that their first loyalty was due
the United States. Two, that Fin-
land had little chance against Russia
in a military conflict.
Toivo M.. Liimatainen, '41E, was
elected President for the first semes-
Postpone Marley Talk
'V ..1 Lb nb'~ e r'u"

Looming on the "horizon for the
Student Senate are two important
campus functions, one traditional,
and the other in line with the appar-
ent determination of the student body,
to keep out of World War IL.
The first is the semi-annual sena-
torial election. Norman A. Schorr,
'40, and Stuart Knox, "40, were chos-
en last week to serve as co-directors
of elections. The date for the elec-
tion was officially announced as Nov.
According to Martin B. Dworkis,
'40, acting president, pending action
of several collegiate coordinating
agencies in requesting the stand of
the Michigan student body on the
foreign situation and its bearing on
the United States, he has submitted
the following resolution for action
at the Senate's next meeting this
WHEREAS, the members of the
Student Senate, like the great ma-
jority of the American people, are of
the opinion that there is no more ur-
gent problem confronting the people
ofti niintrthan that of devising

yet fought for the dictatorship of
Poland, and the fact that Great Brit-
ain and France have offered no plan
for the rehabilitation of Germany or
for providing employment for their
own people in case of military vic-
tory, andC
WHEREAS, once a war economy ex-
ists in this country, all classes of
Americans (including industrialists
making war profits, workers whose
jobs depend on war orders, and farm-
ers selling to war markets) will hesi-
tate to stop sales to warring countries,
we will then sell on credit to prevent
preciptation of a "recession," and
eventually go to war as we did in
1917, to safeguard our war invest-
ments, and
WHEREAS, the proposed neutrality
legislation which would place an
embargo on arms, ammunitions, and
implements of war, will not prevent
the United States from shipping oth-
er goods to warring nations and from
extending credits to warring nations,
WHEREAS, the second current pro-
posal, which would permit unlimited
n'Ic. t an n nntirnn en nn' 00 '14' i lAf

Morning Marauder -
Escapes With $110I
An early-morning marauder who"
"apparently knew his ?lay around"
got away with $110 in bills by rifling
the pockets of members of Alpha
Kappa Kappa, professional medical
fraternity at 800 Oxford Rd., Allan
Hayes, president, revealed last night.
The robbery was carried out be-
tween 3 and 6:15 a.m. yesterday,
Hayes surmised, by someone familiar
with the house and its members. In
one instance, he explained, the thief
took a wallet from one member's
trousers, removed the'bills, and put
the wallet on that member's desk.
Police summoned yesterday took
fingerprints, but there have been no
results yet, Hayes declared.
Student Directory Sale
To Be Concluded Today

Stanton Says Turkey Will Sell
Her Support To Highest Bidder

LANSING, Oct. 16.- (P) - The
State Highway Department sliced the
weight tax melon for the third quar-
ter of the current year today. It
totaled $3,670,515. Washtenaw county'
received $51,711; Wayne, $1,110,580.

Turkey's support and friendship in
the "present international situation
will go to the highest bidder for her
services, Dr. John W. Stanton of the'
history department declared yester-
Although Moscow is the present
scene of important Turkish negotia-
tions, Dr. Stanton observed, it must
be remembered that the Turkish
diplomatic mission to London has re-
mained there since concluding the
pact guaranteeing to Britain that the
Dardanelles would be kept open in
The western powers need Turkish
friendship most, Dr. Stanton com-

Dr. Stanton pointed out other con-
siderations tending to drive Turkey
into an alliance with the western
powers. Fear of German domination
of the eastern Balkan states, menac-
ing Turkish territory is one consid-
eration, he said. Great pressure on
the Chamberlain government by
English oil interests in Rumania are
responsible for attractive British
loans to Turkey, he added. (By keep-
ing the Dardanelles open, Turkey
could facilitate British aid to Ruma-
nia in case of attack.) Another point,
Dr. Stanton observed, is the late dic-
tator Mustapha Kemal's conviction
that Turkey had supported the wrong
side during the World War.

Germans Claim Hit
Scored On Repulse
BERLIN, Oct. 16.-(P)-F
shal Goering's warplanes at
Admiral Raeder's submarine
a lightning war against En
In a surprise attack,
'bombers appeared over the
Forth in Scotland and, a:
announcement said, "two
cruisers were hit by bombs
Another official announce
clared the British battle er
pulse had been torpedoed in
out Adolf Hitler's appare
mination to sink or disable
'tish warship after another
tain gives in.
Although a first commur
the 32,000-ton Repulse I
severely damaged and put 01
mission, a corrected commu
er said "the same U-boat w
the British battleship Royal
pedoed the battleship "Re:
Submarines did not steE
limelight. Anti-aircraft ba
the region of Mainz and
am Main, ,the High Com
ported, last night brough
British Whitney bombing


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