____________________________ U A. 0 Duettists "Return Fritz Kreisler, Violin Maestro, To Play Here Rubenstein Will Conclude Concerts Performance Bartlett And Rae Robertson Tot Give Arrangements Here. In Choral Series Pair Played Here For May Festival The corncert to be presented Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 14, in the Hill Auditorium promises to be a novel and unusual one, if the performance, of its two artists, Ethel Bartlett and tae Robertson, can be judged by their careers. Bartlett and Robertson, who re- ceived a great ovation in last year's May Festival concert here in Ann Arbor, willi be back with another pro- gram of two-piano selections. Ac-, cording tot the Manchester Guardian, "theses artists show that' playing on two pipnos need not be the mechan- ical thing which most musical duet- ists make it. Perhaps there must be some mysterious bond greater than that of common artistic insight link- ing two people who are to become so whe1iy one at the keyboard . Two musicians of whom we are in- ordinatdy proud and who have justi- fied our pride by playing with im- mense suecess in foreign countries." Studied Under Schnabel Ethela Bartlett was born and edu- cated in London. She comes of a musical family, and very early in fer career- won the Associated, Board Scholarship. She studied at the Royal Academy of Music with Fred- erick Moore and Tobias Matthay. Later sklw went to Berlin, where her teacher was Arthur Schnabel. Re- turning to England, she made a high- ly successful debut in London, and for a tirme. played and toured exten- sively as a virtuiso. At this time she _and frerjuvotly Playjed at the Queen's Hall Poenade Concerts, besides ap- pearing at most of the provincial cities in Great Britain. She also. made a great reputation for herself in chamber music, and besides quintet, quartet and trio work, was associated with John Barbirolli, the present conductor of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Or- chestra, in 'cello sonata recitals. Rae Robertson was born in In- vernessSotland. He cannot remem- ber the time, when he did not play the piano. His home was near some military barracks, and he would re- peat by ear all the tunes he heard there, whether it was band or pipe music. Sved From Front By Piano When he was six, his playing at a party attracted the attention of a lady who had been a pupil at the Leipzig Conservatoire. She immedi- ately offered to give him free tuition, and the offer was accepted without hesitation, Later he went to Edin- burgh :University to prepare for his master's degree, and while there con- tinuedf. his piano work with Philip Halstead. He won the Bucher Schol- arship: for music, and was preparing to go to Berlin to study under Car- reno when. the first world war broke dut. Sf instead of Berlin, he went to London for a few months and studied :with Tobias Matthay at the Royale Academy. Then he threw away his scholarship and joined the army as -a Tommy. He served for four years, and was twice wounded-once in the hand ,and once on the arm. Then he came home to England for hospitalization. There. the authorities discovered his genius- at the piano, and gave him no alternative but to join the hos- pital concert party. After that there was never any question of his going back to the front! Met As Fellow Students' After the war he completed his scholarship at the academy. When he first went to the Acad- emy he. had met Ethel Bartlett as a fellow student. Something mora than a warm friendship had sprung up between them. While he was^ in France they had written to each other regularly. As soon as their Academy days were over they were married. Later> Robertson toured as pianist. with the Russian Ballet, playing the piano parts in "Petrouchka" and "The Three-Cornered Hat." Steadily he and his wife built up considerable reputations as solo pianists, and in 1927 they gave their first joint recital. It was an immediate success and they have been at the top ever since. Kreisler Is Expert L Various Fields Many amazing things arc true of Fritz Kreisler, the violinist. For in- stance: le is as fine a. pianist as he is a violinist, in the, opinion of manry, Famous Concert Artist Cit Prodigies Can J Fritz Kreisler, violinist, who has been called "the most beloved per- sonality now appearing on the con- cert stage," will appear here Monday, Nov. 6, in a featured concert of this season's Choral UnionSeries. Kreisler is a lhving refutation of the theory that child prodigies rarely' fulfill their promise in maturity. He appeared in a concert in Vienna at the age of seven and entered the Vienna Conservatory the same year. Three years later he carried off the gold medal for violin playing. At the age of ten he was admitted to the Paris Conservatory where he created quite a sensation; this "petit Viennois," under the tutelage of such masters as Massart and Delibes; Two years rater young Fritz won the Pre- /mier Grand Prix de Rome against forty competitiors, and now.there was .general recognition of this true gen- ius. Planned To Give Up Violin Several years later, after two suc- cessful tours, he upset the musical world with an announcement that he planned to give up .his violin com- pletely and follow his father's foot- steps and be a physician. He was interrupted in this endeavor by a call to military service, after which he returned to his first love. Mr. Kreisler has frequently been isked about any special care he might devote to his hands, to which he re- plies, "I have never bothered myself about them. During my whole life I've never treated them as if they were anything special. I am a fatal- ist and have neither the leisure or desire to fritter away time." The possessor of a large collection Series Grew 'With Building Of Auditorium Bigger, Better Concerts Result From Donation By ArthurHill, '65 With the moving of the Choral Union concert series into Hill Audi- torium, so has the quality and size of the musical festival improved. The Choral Union Concert Series was first inaugurated during the sea- son of 1879-1880, with the first May Festival in 1894. For almost two de- cades from that time the concerts and festivals were held annually in the small confines of University Hall. In 1909, Arthur Hill, an alumnus of the University, bequeathed funds for the construction of an auditorium wherein concerts, and other Univer- sity functions might be held. He was one of the first private donors to pro- vids funds in large enough amounts to care for needs which could not be taken out of by the regular University budget. The Auditorium. was completed early in 1913 and was first used to stage the May Festival of that year. Because of his contribution and in- terest, the auditorium has been named for Mr. Hill. Today it sta ds as an imposing structure on North University avenue, one of the finest college auditoriums in the nation. ed As Living Proof That Fulfill Promise of violins, Kreisler has four whichc he uses in iis recitals, all o them very famous. For concerts given in 1 smaller halls he uses his Stradivari- us, a small, beautifully delicate in- strument with the fine silvery tone characteristic of the best Stradivarii. He alternates this with his Gagliano, which is the work of one of the earli- est Florentine violin-makers. He has two Guarerius violins which he uses for recitals in large halls and for appearance with the orches- tra. One of these formerly belonged to Wilhmj and is dated 1737. The other, made in 1742, was long held at a fabulous figure by the house of Hill of London, and Kreiser real- ized the fulfillment pf a life-long de- sire in finally acquiring it. . Has No Artistic Temperament Mr. Kreisler believes in living the t9days, and never the yesterdays or tomorrows. He confesses, somewhat apologetically, that he has no artis- tic temperament and he goes through no special ritual before or after a performance. His traveling manager and accom- panist are fiercely protective when on tour with him, for alone he would be utterly defenseless against the hordes of admirers who would take up his time and energy if they could reach him. In a more obscure walk of life, it is, said, he would be the best loved and most imposed on man in the community; the kind of man who would be nice to wallflowers at a party, who would listen with interest to a neighbor's recital of his ail- ments, and who would lend money to his friends without security. Among the opinions which Kreisler has is that the amateur gets more out of music than the professional and that every really great musician is at heart an amateur. He believes that he became a viol- inist because his father wanted to be one and couldn't. The latter was forced by his parents to study for a "bread and meat" career and thus became a doctor. Yet, the elder Kreisler was a great lover of music and used to meet with his friends in town to play. These men really strove to understand music, Fritz Kreisler once said, and they got much more out of it than do artists because they are not handicapped by being professionals. Owns Valuable Library The most reasured possession, aside from his favorite Stradivarius, of Fritz Kreisler is his library, which contains many thousands of volumes. As he, , himself does not even know just how many books are in it, these volumes, many of them worth several thousand dollars each, have been sent to London to be catalogued by ex- perts." The keystone of the philosophy of this great musical master is that music is a fundamental need of man. Man naturally needs music, and not only music, but good music is his opinion and he further believes that much of the present day musical out- put was "written for the metro- nojne." "Music has gone astray," he said in a recent interview, "nevertheless it is, and always will be what it has been through the ages-a cultural necessity, a necessary medium for the refreshing of a person's soul and spirit, so he can concentrate upon higher things." h I -.. ALEXANDER KIPNIS The beauty of his voice and the magic of his personality have won artistic triumph for him in the music capitals of the world. According to the New York Times, h is "the re antet living Gurne-