Sit igau
cert Series Inauguration Is
Tuesday, Oct. 2z
ral Union President Predicts Successful 1
.F -
.. a +
Noted Diva Returns In Choral Series
Barbirolli Will Conduct New York
Philharmonic Group Here Nov.27
Nation's Oldest Orchestra, t.....
Founded In 1842, Boasts [$
Long And Proud History
The New York Philharmonis Sym-
phony Orchestra with John Barbirol- a :" .
li as conductor will play in Ann
Arbor in the Hill Auditorium at 8:30
Monday evening, Nov. 27. The.New
York Philharmonic Orchestra is the .
oldest orchestra in the United States,
and the third oldest in, the world. ¢
To GivelO10
endous ;'
ing Series
. . ... . .. ..... Oct. 24
violinist . ... Nov. 6
pnis, bass .. Nov. 13
y Orchestra . Nov. 27
birolli, conductor
g, tenor .....-Dec. 4
. ...........Dec.'14
sevitzky, conductor
tad, soprano, Jan. 15
ii, violinist .- Jan. 25-
.Feb. 14
ein, pianist . Mar. 6
d word from most of
of the artists assur-
11 of them will be able
e despite the, war situ-
t Sales Huge
have been tremendous
ahead of last year, he
'rther support for his
would be an "excep-
The Orchestra had its beginning
with the inception of the Philhar-
monic Society in 1842, and the Sym-
phony Society's entrance in 1878. In
1928 the New York Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra and the New
York Symphony Orchestras merged.
In the gas-lit days of early America,
when the telephone and the automo-
bile, the radio and the airplane were
undreamed of miracles, the Philhar-
monic gave' its first concert. For
twenty years the Philharmonic was
without rival and laid the foundation
for the development of musical taste
in New York and the country.' To-
day, Ameriacn Orchestras are famous
world over, but to the Philharmonic
belongs the glory of having been the
first in pioneering the field of sym-
phonic music.
There were sixty-three members in
the organization when it was found-
ed. Today there are 104 regular
members of the Qrchestra. In its
first season the Philharmonic gave
three concerts, for the next sixteen
years four, for the following ten
years five. During its twenty-sev-
enth season the number was aug-
nented to six. But last year the
number, which has been building
up all these years, totaled 127, in-
cluding 18 concerts on tour.
In 1925-26 Arturo Toscanini was
with the Philharmonic as guest con-,
ductor. The next season he shared
with Mengelberg and Furtwaengler.
Milestones in the history of the
Orchestra are many. In the Spring
of 1891, Carnegie Hall was'dedicated
with a Music Festival under the
New York Symphony Society with its
orchestra. Tchaikovsky came here
especially for the occasion. The fol-
lowing November the New York Sym-
phony participated in Paderewski's
.0 * * . 1
Kirsten Flagstad Returns Here
On Her Fifth U.S. Concert Tour
has r
ual statement
concerts fol-
an annu
to presei
and org
ties for
who cor
at the s
n of 1879-1880, the
al Society has been
ringing to the, Uni-
e city of Ann Arbor
of concerts. The
istently endeavored
>st renowned artists
s for the two-fold
ling cultural facili-
usands of studeiqs
come and go, and
i, to provide whole-
ent for those who
Famous Soprano Comes
To Ann Arbor Fresh'
From NewTriumphs
Kirsten Flagstad, who will appear.
in the seventh of the Choral Union;
Series Jan. 15, has returned to the
United States for her fifth concert
tour fresh from the fields of new
triumphs, Australia and Hawaii,
having heard her for the first time
during the summer.
"Greater than ever" is the verdict
of the current press on the Wagner-
ian soprano, whom Lawrence Gil-
man, music critic, calls "the first of
living singers." Though her concert
appearances total more than 100 in
this country alone-exclusive of her
foreign engagements-according to
Mr. Gilman, "Miss Flagstad's voice
has never since she came to America
sounded so fresh, so limpid, so pure,
so vital."
Madame Flagstad modestly attri-
butes her success to a lucky coin
which came to her simultaneously
with her first contract with the Met-
ropolitan. As she was about to begin
an audition for Gatti-Casazza, man-
ager of the Metropolitan, she noticed
the shiny coin on the floor at her'
feet. Instantly she received the pre-'
monition that it was a lucky symbol.'
The premonition proved to be true
and she still credits the charm with
much of her success. The coin was
converted into a bracelet and has re-
mained a part of her concert equip-
ment ever since.
Believes In Hard Work
In spite of her belief in the charm,
Flagstad does not depend on it.solely.
In fact, her recipe for success does
not even include luck. "Work, work
and more work," is guiding. maxim
of her career. Shesbelieves that the
work habits that are a necessary part
of her early career' have contributed
much. to her eventual' success.
According to Flagstad, diligent ef-I
fort is, not enough. For example, in
the Wagnerian roles in which she ex-
cels, a special kind of voice, special
training,. and especially assiduous
mental preparation is necessary. She
says, "Wagnerian parts demand great
power, great range and great volume
of tone. Then there is the problem
of diction. Special study is required
to master Wagnerian German."
"But perhaps the greatest need of
the Wagnerian singer .is the mental
approach. The power of the Wag-
nerian characters lies in the fact
that they are not a 'story book peo-
ple, but actual figures of history and
legend who present to us real life,
in love;: she is that woman. It is this
reality which the Wagnerian singer
must learn to capture. To do * it, the
singer must live the part completely]
and by living it, become that person.
To do this one must learn everything
possible of the part, the habits the
customs and the history of the char-
acter of the times. One must also
lose one's identity in that of the
character, instead of merely wearing
a costume and playing a part." Cri-
tics consider Kirsten Flagstad a liv-
ing example of this professional the-
Opens Season
Here Oct. 24
Noted Pianist Has Written
Many Types Of Music;
Led Moscow Opera,
Opening event on the 1939-1940
Choral Union Concert season will be
a typically distinctive piano recital
by Sergei Vassilievich Rachmaninoff,
pianist, composer, conductor and po-
litical exile.
Rachmaninoff did his first com-.
position while still a pupil at the
Moscow Conservatory, where he was
also awarded the gold medal for his
efforts. He has since then written
practically all forms of music in-
cluding operas, symphonies, piano
compositions and songs. The best
known of his works is his C Sharp
Minor Prelude.
Born at Onega in the province of
Novgord, Rachmaninoff early showed
musical ability. At the age of nine
he entered the St. Petersburg Con-
servatory to study the piano, but
three years later transferred to the
Moscow Conservatory, where he
studied under such masters as
Zvierey, Siloff, Taneiey and Arensky,
While at the conservatory his one-
act opera "Aleko" was produced with
success at the Moscow Opera shortly
after his C Sharp Minor Prelude at-
tained popularity. By 1900 his repu-
tation began to spread through Eur-
ope. He gave up his duties as con-
ductor of the Grand Theatre in Mos-
cow and went to Dresden, where he
devoted all his time to composition.'
This period gave impetus to a list
of works which now includes three
symphonies, a symphonic poem, "The
Island of the; Dead," four concertos.
for the piano, a "Rhapsody on a
Theme by Paganini" for piano and
opera, a second opera, "Francesca de
Rimini," a cello sonata, a piano trio,
two suites for the piano and many
(Continued on Page 2)
Does Not Pamper Voice (Continued on Page 2)
Flagstad says she does not believe
in pampering her voice. All of her sdssevitzky
practicing and rehearsing is done in
full voice. She attributes the strength Fa
of her voice to her custom of exertiingo
it to its fullest scope. She adds,
"While studying the role of Isolde, Serge Koussevitzky, who has di-
I sang the entire part every day in rected the Bostony Symphony Or-
full voice, and then appeared at the chestra for the last 12 of its 59 sea-
theater in- Oslo every evening for my sons, is regarded as the man mainly
regular performance in other operas. responsible for the high quality of
That meant I was singing two com- this organization.
plete Wagnerian roles a day. It was Other distinguished conductors
hard work. But by the time I had have presided over its welfare but it
Isolde well in hand my lung expan- remained for Koussevitzky to ad-
sion had developed to such an extent vance substancially its accomplish-
that the sleeves of my dresses were ments in many directions. He has
bursting out in the back!" , brought together on assemblage of
When Kirsten Flagstad appears world-famous ensemble and solo per-
here on her sixth tour of the United formers, and he has broadened the
States, she will bring her lucky charm repertoire of the Boston Symphony
and an artistic personality that is to include the substantial works of
considered one of the greatest in the all time, including those of contem-
world today. porary composers.
Sergei Rachmanin
JuSsi Bjoerl1ng Begin Series Wil
t Recital In Aud
Star Of Opera Program.Inch
____u Kreisler, Fl
Noted For Completeness when Sergei Vassiievic
Of Operatic Repertoire ninoff sits down at the pi
A d Q 'ck Mp.m. next Tuesday, Oct<
And QuickMemory Hill Auditorium, the *e.
Choral Union Series 'amd
Jussi Bjoerling, youngest major bor's winter musical seas
star of the Metropolitan Opera Corn- ficially begin.
pany who will appear in the fifth Numbering ten, the 0c
concert of the Choral Union series ranged by the Universi
December 4, has at 27 already become Society will feature the
known for having one of the most soloists and ensemble grc
complete operatic repertoires of all musica1 world. In additio
time. Despite his youth, Bjoerling maninoff, the 1939-1940 I
has appeared in no fewer than 54 ion Series will include: I
operatic roles. ler, violinist; Alexander E
Two factors have .especially con- the New, York, Philharn
tributed to the development of the phony, John Barbiroli
young tenor's vast repertoire, the ex- Jussi Bjoerling, tenor;
ceptional range of his singing voice Symphony Orchestra co:
and his ability to learn quickly. His Serge Koussevitsky; Ku
adaptability is such that he is able stad, soprano; Robert V
to sing the ethereal music of "Mig- linist; Bartlett and' Robe
non" or "La Boheme" or recite the ists and Artur Rubensteir
heavier tragedy of "Pagliacci" with Ful House Expec
equal ease. There are few tenors who Ticket orders for ths
in one week would sing "Elisler are far ahead of last ya
o'Amouir" and in the next do "Lohen- to Dr. Charles A. Sink,
grin", yet Bjoerling has done it. the University Choral U
Bjoerling -made his debut on- the ty and a capacity crowd
opera stage at Kungshln in the ex-' to'be on hand for the o
ceptionally difficult role of Dqn Otta-
vio in Mozart's "Don Giovanni". An artist whose paot
Since then he has appeared in all of at the Choral Uio sAnn
the well-known operas, like "Aida", he o est s
"Madame Butterfly", "Faust", "Rigo- one of the foremost cente
letto", "La Traviate", and 'Samson1 ica' musical culture, SE
and Delilah". Other operas less well maninoff, makes his sevOe
known which he has appearedi ance in the winterconce
have been 'Don Pasquale', "The Ma- The Russian composer,
gic Flute", "Martha", "The Masked and pianist, who will op
Ball", "Tosca", and 'Il Trovatore". ies, is known throughou
"Romeo and Juliet", a French opera, for his versatility. HeJ
has long been one of Bjoerling's fav- practicaily all' form, of
(Continued on Page 2) has conducted the osc
ny Orchestra and also I
Private Opera. But it is
Piano Recital that he has gained wide
tion and acclaim.
'11 Fritz Kreisler, violinis
W iRi Conclude present tie second progr
Nov. 6, needs no introduc
S eriArbor music enthusiasts.
1eared here on 10 previo
and always to capacity
.i e. i .i musicians and laymen aliJ
Rubinstein, Polish Pianist, and his instrument are
To Appear Here March 6 in one breath. "There a(
PP . .linists-there is only or
In Season's Final Recital has become a musical a
Artur Rubinstein, world famous A newcomer'to the An
Polish pianist, will conclude this sea- cert age, Alexander Ki
son's Choral Union series, on March politan bass l apar
6, in Hill Auditorium, day nov 13. His grea
Acclaimed by all as one of the beeA chieved in Euro
greatest living masters of the key- sang at both the Bayreut
board, Rubinstein is appearing on buring music festivals and
his second American tour, his recitals
last year receiving critical accolades national Festivalsin t
wherever he appeared. New York Times, spa.
The tour last year included South
America, Asia, Northern Africa and operatic fame, has alle
the continent as well .as the United greatst living Gurna-
States, his journeys taking over more John Barbirolli brin
than a million miles through all theYokPihmncSy
cities of the world where music is chesra to Hill Auditori
loved. Nov. 27 to maintain the C
His homeland, Poland, has grant- tradition of presenting ti
ed him a passport which bears the ing symphony archestras
I inscription, "On a mission of art for try. The organization i
Poland", and as a member of the of its kind, and has t
country that has fostered so, many conductor, but the
great musicians, amongst them the seems to be a happy o
composer, Artur uRbinstein has taken birolli has stepped forwa]
his genius over the world. to plug up the hole left b:
After his yearly travels are over, departure several years
he returns with his family to their Youngest Major
s studio home in Paris that they have Jussi Bjoerling, the y
remodeled from a huge cobbler's jor star of the Metrop
e workshop. There amidst his art trea- Association, will sing in t
- tures, collected in his travels, and gram Monday, Dec. 4.
s the many first editions of his friends, youth, Bjoerling is a vel
Husley, Wells, Dreiser, he sits with era, having made his d
e his companions and spins tales of Royal Opera at Stockhc
- his exciting and rich memories since was 19 years old. In hi
e the days of his childhood when he York recital at Town H
s was the most promising protege of ported that the "walls x
are permanent pawu.
Each season the list contains aI
happy balance of old favorites and4
new stars, carefully chosen to coverI
as wide a range of music literature as
Cooperative Public Praised
Whatever success has attended theJ
efforts of the Society in its endeavor
for so many years has been due ina
large measure to the cooperative sup-
port of a sympathetic and discrimi-
nating public. Through its words
of commendation and its continued
resence, this public has given the
Society courage in major undertak-
ings, which otherwise would be im-
The Society takes pleasure in mak-
ing this public acknowledgement of
appreciation, and expresses the hope
that the programs arranged for this
season may again warrant the en-
thusiastic approval not'only of for-
mer concert-goers but newcomers as
Violinist Believes.
In Planning Life
Rnht Vini vai noun genius of
Alexander Kipnis, Ukranian Basso,
Has Sung In Every Corner Of Globe
Alexander Kipinis, called since the
death of Chaliapin the world's pre-
mier basso, has sung in every corner
of the globe, and will make his Ann
Arbor appearance after the comple-
tion of a two months' concert tour
of Australia.
Born near 'Kiev in the Ukrainian
part of Russia, Mr. Kipnis studied at
the Warsaw Conservatory. Oddly
enough, when he was a child he sang
coloratura soprano arias at musical
gatherings, and today he has one of
the lowest voices in the world.
When he decided to leave Warsaw
to take up the career of singing, Kip-
nis had no set plans. With all his
worldly goods in one suitcase, he
stood on the platform at Warsaw
wondering which way to go. He had
at the Theatro Colon in Buenos Aires.
For many years he was a principal at
the renowned Bayreuth Festival, and
in 1936 sang at the new Mozart Fes-
tival at Glyndebourne, England
Equally famous as a singer of lieder
he has received many valuable as-
signments for recordings. In 1938
the centennial year of Franz Schu
bert's death, he made a commemora-
tive series of recordings of Schubert's
songs. His services were secured two
years ago for the special gramaphonf
recordings of the Hugo Wolf Socie-
ty, and just last year for the Brahms
Song Society.
When he was forced to evacuate
Vienna because of the German an-
nexation, in January, 1938, he gave
a farewell concert at which he was
it w
- - II