THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCT. E MICHIGAN DAILY Should America Mediate The War? An Analysis Of Motives And Means I Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of udent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press rhe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e 'for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also served. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ond class mail matter. Subscriptions duringregular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERiSING By. National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAIsoN Avg. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON LOS AGELe P-SAN FRANCISCO 'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 By ELLIOTT MARANISS THE STUDENT Senate has laid before the campus a question that is central to the prob- lem of American neutrality: Should America take steps at this time, in collaboration with other neutral nations, to mediate an early con- clusion to the war now going on in Europe? What lends particular urgency to this ques- tion at the present moment is the declared will- ingness of one of the belligerents to cease hos- tilites. This willingness at first gives pause. For why does Hitler, the rationale of whose politico- economic system is incessant aggression and territorial plunder, enter a plea for peace at this juncture of history? The answer is formidably simple. For such a war-machine as Hitler's, based on rickety and impoverished resources, the easy victory is the only victory possible. But Hitler's most recent act of aggression has proved to be his last easy victory. Available to him in Europe no longer are single, isolated, defenseless nations to be preyed upon. The North, the East, and the Southeast are closed to him; for while the Russians are letting him talk about the great help they are going to give him, every day it becomes clearer that Russia is constructing a great defensive barrier from the Baltic to the Black Sea. And on the West, of course, he is confronted not mere- ly by a defensive barrier, in the shape of the Maginot fortifications, but also by great armies capable of subduing him, by great armadas ca- pable of strangling hiseconomy. The conquest of Poland has opened up to Hitler no opportuni- ties for further conquest. On the contrary, in reaching out for "Lebensraum," Hitler has set loose tremendous realignments and repercussions that he had never reckoned with; he has thereby secured for himself European living-room that fronts on dead end. Both Sides Imperialistic At the same time it has become indisputably clear, despite the sonorous pretensions of the British and French governments, that the Allies are simply fighting to crush a rival imperialism. This has not been a war in defense of hapless Poland, and this is not a war for the destruction of the fascist system. Virtually without a .hand being lifted in her behalf, Poland has been aban- doned to the Nazis, just as Czechoslovakia was. As for Chamberlain's outcries against Hitlerism, they signify at bottom merely that a German dictatorship under Adolf Hitler is intolerable. but that a dictatorship under Goering or any- one else willing to submit to the domination of British imperialism would be acceptable. In the final analysis the Anglo-French bloc is prosecuting the war solely in order to subject Germany to another Versailles. In the prosecu- tion of this war the peoples have had no voice; the formulation and execution of the war policy of the Allies has been monopolized by imperialist cliques for their own ends. So that this is no people's war, and there is no opportunity for its becoming such a war. Chamberlain and Dala- dier, far from desiring to free the people of Ger- many from the yoke of tyranny, have seized up- on the pretext offered by the war to unleash a wave of regimentation and repression within their own countries that is rapidly assuming di- mensions of undemocratic rigour, of fascist dic- tatorship that equal Nazism itself. Early Peace Is Best It becomes increasingly evident that an early peace is in the best interests of the people of Europe. For it will bring to a close a robber war that would, if continued, precipitate further in- ternational injustice and instability; it will save millions of lives; it will help to save English and French democracy. Equally does it become manifest that Amer- ican mediation with a view to such a peace is both within the purview of our national respon- sibility and in the immediate interest of our peace and security. It is a hallowed tradition in international law and when either belligerent in a war indicates a desire for an armistice, it is the humane duty of the neutral nations to take the initiative in proposing peace. It is sig- nificant, furthermore, that American leadership in a peace conference at this time will facilitate American insistence on an equitable settlement. Finally, terrific acceleration here of the pres- ent assault on civil liberties and on living stan- dards, of the drive of propaganda and pressure for involvement in the war, can be anticipated as a certain consequence of continuing the pres- ent conflict. The longer the war drags on, the more successful will grow the attacks on our Bill of Rights, the more overwhelming will grow' the forces working for American participation in the slaughter. To preserve our democratic way of life and to assure our remaining at peace, America must accept her opportunity to mediate an early conclusion to the war. Petersen tt Maraniss M. Swinton on L. Linder aan A. Schorr nis Flanagan N. Canavan Vicary Fineberg Editorial Staff Business' Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director A City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor siness Manager t, Business Mgr., Credit Manager men s Business Manager omen's Advertising Manager . blications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart' Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: HELEN CORMAN The editorials published in The Michiigan daily are written by members of The Daily taff and represent the views of the writers only. Still Lost: One Generation * * URS has been frequently labeled "the ' .7 lost generation." Reared for the most part in a depression economy, faced now ith a devastating ware of international scope, we may indeed deserve that classification. We *ho are in college may feel' that our own status may be favorable' enough to hold some little lope for the future.., But what about the three pillion unemployed between the ages of 16 and 24? Surely their plight is appalling. ' John Chamberlain, writing in the October Survey Graphic, poses the problem of this sizable group. He points out that the Civilian conservation Corps and the National Youth Administration have provided relief for a ,ertain proportion of these persons. But their gontribution is obviously only a temporary and partial solution. Mr. Chamberlain makes use of the 1936-37 survey of the American Youth Commission in Maryland, which found in 4eneral a disheartened, apathetic youth. This widespread indifference was assumed to be due to observed limitations on educational and voca- tional opportunities by an individual's economic 4ond tions. For example, lack of funds forced many out of school. Lack of an adequate educa- *on, in turn, limited the type of job these young persons might secure, as well as the speed of their advancement. It often meant no job at all, or m1erely spasmodic, unskilled, seasonal employ- ment. This least privileged class usually pro- duces proportionally more children than any other group. Thus the evil is perpetuated in a hopeless cycle. z To lessen these inequalities, the Commission recommended "more effficient educational, vo- eational and recreational opportunities for all youth," an unfortunately vague generalization. -ducators must reduce these abstractions to con- e rete reforms. As one possible improvement, the establishment of high school vocational bureaus, designed to give intelligent and comprehensive vocational information and aid, merits consid- eration. Constructive action along many fronts is imperative., The desructive potentialities of three million jobless youths are tremendous, since they might well produce at some time what Philip LaFollette has called a social "explosion." Idle youth, you will remember, invariably formed the front- guard for Fascism in Europe. A similar de- velopment is not an impossibility in the United States. For in sheer desperation this unem- ployed group may conceivably accept any sort of fantastic economic panacea. If we are interested in building up a positive, dynamically attractive democracy, we cannot long ignore the serious challenge of their problem. -Chester Bradley, Of ALL Things!... By MORTY Q- I ART By J. E. G. In many ways the seventeenth an- nual show of the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation, on exhibition in the galler- ies of Alumni Memorial Hall untilt October 25, is typical of all such "lo- cal" shows but a rather large groupI of very competently done water col-t ors and several well painted oils lift, the level, the total effect, consider-I ably above that of the run of such t shows. There is an appropriate num- ber of "municipal" genre paintings, to-be-expected flower pieces, and potpouris of sky, water and beach, the over ambitious displays of imita- tive and unassimilated technique, ab- stracttions from which no sort of sig- nificant form emerges from the dis- organized masses of color. All of these we expect to see, to be indul- gent with, because they are done by our friends (by extension) but it is genuinely surprising and pleasing to discover that a number of these "friends" are doing intelligently con- ceived and well-executed work. The show is rather heavily weight-, ed on the side of the water colors.- The bulk of the prints and sculpture, although technically well done, are pretty pedestrian and uninspired. There are not many oils but this is to be expected, of course, since Ann Arbor's few "masters" are primarily interested in water colors. There are three notable deviations from the water color theme. Margaret Brad- field's two portraits in oil, "Rest" and "Mediation" are conventional in treatment and color but in both she succeeds in capturing the feeling of arrested motion that is the particu- lar forte of the portrait artist. In both fact and figure her. portraits are sensitively treated, a sensitivity which a redundancy of elements in the background does not dissipate. Jean Paul Slusser's oil, "Catastro- phe" is a fine study in the disciplin- ing of a narrative subject under the compulsions of composition and col- or. It is primarily a study in moving forms but the representational ele- ment emerges enough to make it something more than an abstraction without at all obtruding. Both Miss Bradfield and Mr. Slus- ser also contributed some of the best water colors of the show. Mr. Slus- ser's "Under Construction", a study, as its title indicates, of a building under construction, shows an able treatment of solid masses in a me- dium that, carelessly used, imparts a translucency to all solid areas of color. Miss Bradfield's best water color is her "Farmyard" in which her treatment of detail and strong use of color is particularly notable. Margaret Hittle Chapin's three water colors are not only well painted but show a clever use of color. Her "Cottage Bedroom" is a rather con- ventional treatment of a convention- al subjectsbut her sparing use of small areas of striking color gives them an almost epigrammatic qual- ity. Edward Calver's "Calvinism" stands out for its intelligent simpli- city and restraint in a show that is not particularly notable for these qualities. Only Avard Fairbank's "Champion Percheron Stallion" of his three pieces in the show is free from sen- timentality and a general lack of inspiration. Of the prints, Alexan- der Valerio's two lithographs are the most pleasing with their smooth and skillful treatment of lights and shades. It Seems T o Me By Heywood Broun A short dispatch in the newspapers the other day said the American cor- respondents were going up to the Bri- tish front along the West Wall. This had a nostalgic note for me. My first trip up to the line last time was with the British. This was early in the summer of 1917. My cre- dentials came only a day or so be- fore the newspaper party was sup- posed to start, and the job of making myself look like an officer on short notice was difficult. There wasn't time to have any- thing run up on the machine, so I went to a French store, called Gal- eries Lafayette, and explained to a young lady that I wanted to look like an officer, in a hurry. Although her English was flawless, she still seemed puzzled. Finally, with the help of everybody in the store, a burnt sienna tunic not unlike a smock was dragged out from the back of a shelf. The girl said it would look better under a Sam Browne belt. * *1 * Next they brought out riding pants and puttees made of some composi- tion approximately leather. They failed to sell me spurs. With those pants I could hardly sit in a chair, much less on top of a horse, even if an amiable one could have been dis- covered. But my moment of triumph was to come. The headquarters where I was instructed to report was in Amiens. Here was only one other newspaper- man present, and the English offi- Wherein Mr. Q. spends a few days with his boss from Chicago and sets down a few notes: WEDNESDAY: ... to the Union in the morn- ing to check on a room-reservation for the Minnesota week-end . . . surprised to find they are booked solid with a long waiting list.. .same thing at the League and the Allenel .:. Mr. Ryan not in yet. . . down to football practice at 4; glad when a stocky, good-looking gent ups to intro- duce himself as Jack Ryan from the Chicago Daily News.. .delighted with his amazing store of sports anecdotes and his seemingly endless amount of information.. .talking to John Ni- cholson, limbering up after a few days inaction, assuring us he'll be in there (see front page) - - . and the One Man Gang, who is hilariously in- terested in Mr. Ryan's spirited regards from Black Pete Lisagor . . . newsmen are rolling in the aisles when Wally Weber, he of the Webster- ian complex, starts telling of his proposed trip to Los Angeles, where he is to scout the Illinois- Southern California game ... Wally insists he won't pay any attention to the cinemainas, at which point he is needled off the field Jack impressed with the zip and pepper of the boys ... remarks that Iowa doesn't stand a chance (see front page) .. . to the locker room, where he meets some of the boys and talks to Captain Archie to get some dope for a planned feature . . Kody, with his boyish modesty and ever-pres- ent grin, makes immediate hit . . . speaking to Clarence Munn about Arch, Jack is told that he (Munn) never handled a more willing, eager- to-learn, and conscientious boy . . . "he's the greatest offensive center I've ever seen," says Clarence ... in the coaches' locker room, where light talk and stories are accompaniment to the undressing . . . Jack tells story about Wily Bob Zuppke, who has been moaning .because of the lack of speed on the Illini squad. At the rail- road station last week to embark on the trip to California, the group was 10 minutes late-... cracked Bob: "you see, they're so slow they can't even catch a train" ... to the Union where Coach Crisler invites Jack and Mr. Q to join them at the training table for dinner . .. delicious meal . .. interested to see how worried coaches were about the Hawkeyes (see front page) . . . to Jack's room for a little gab and home to a book and a bed-... THURSDAY: met Jack at 9:30 . . . down to see Wally Weber about some Chicago freshmen on his squad . .. Wally all excited about his ap- proaching departure . . . upstairs in the Admin- istration Building for a short chat with Phil Pack and arranged for press-box seats ... an after- noon tour of campus high-spots with Jack amazed at such show-places as Law School and Rackham Building . . . Mr. Q. once again re- minded that it is hard to surpass the thrill one receives standing in the dark Rackham Audi- torium when the star-set lights appear in the sky-like ceiling . . . down to practice again and lock.r-rnom talk with Fred Trosko. who is so season about over, Carmichael, meeting Stern at a fight, inquired how he liked the book .. . (Bill asked Mr. Q. not to print his reply) ... to dinner with Jack and Mel Fineberg . . . a Union steak is one of Ann Arbor's more pleasant things- to-be-remembered. . . Norm (Madcap)nPurucker joined later and down to show Jack some of the local bistros .. . home and waking up "The Brain" (Maraniss) to remind him he had only six more hours to sleep ... FRIDAY: To Prof. Waldo Abbot's broadcast- ing class where Bill Stern answers a few questions. . . Class gets big laugh when Profes- sor Abbot remarks: ". . . we all have heard your broadcasts and seen you in your shorts . . ." Sat in on Mel's sportcast over WMBC with Stan Swinton and a chap named Tom Harmon . . . sources close to the coaching staff say they be- lieve this Harmon fellow may develop into a foot- ball player . . . home to sleep for three hours . . . with Jack, Purucker and Roy Nelson, ace cartoonist of the Daily News, here to do a cari- cature of the coaching staff, for dinner again in the Union dining room . . . (Mr. Q. would like someone to remind him to vote for Colonel Knox should he ever run again) . . . SATURDAY: . . . to the stadium and the press box with Jack at 1:304. . . newsmen stunned as Iowa scores first ., . . more stunned for the remaining 56 minutes of the' ball game as Tom Harmon goes on a wild rampage, assuring him- self a place on every All-American . . . every writer's lead in his final story went something like this: "Tom Harmon, Michigan's great power- house halfback, sent Iowa's dazed and battered Hawkeyes back to the tall corn country today, having personally accounted for four touch- downs and three conversions, virtually clinch- ing his All-American berth, as, etc . . ." With all due respect to Tom, who will take his place as one of the Big Ten's all-time greats, too little credit is being given to Joe Savilla, who set up three of the scores with his blocked kick and fumble recoveries, and to "One Man Gang" Eva-' shevski, whose blocking and fierce line-backing was one of the high points in the game . Evie is one of the greatest quarterbacks in the country . . . Jack off for Chicago at 4:45 . . . Introduced Mr. Q. to Major Griffith, boss of the Big Ten, who thought the Wolverines were a great team . . . game was noticably cleaner than the State affair last week with none of the elbowing and roughing that the Spartans used . . . NOTE of approaching mayhem: Harvard, 61- Chicago, 0 . . . Coach Crisler is thinking about sending the debating team up for the game instead of the grid-men . . . the Maroons will have a tough time trying to prove mind over the Michigan football matter . . . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) day afternoon, 2-5 p.m., Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. An Exhibit of Southwest Indian Pottery and Painting will be shown in the Central Galleries, on 'the Mez- zanine floor, of the Rackham build- ing. The exhibit will be open daily until Oct..21 Lectures American Chemical Society. Dr. G. E. F. Lundell, Chief of the Chemistry Division, U.S. Bureau of Standards, will lecture on "Chemical Analysis, its Services to Science and Industry, its Problems, and its Role in the Fu- ture" at 4:15 P.M. on Thursday, Oct. 19, in Room 303, Chemistry Building. The lecture is open to the public. Todays Events Eta Kappa Nu: There will be an im- portant meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at the Union. Those wishing to eat in a group will meet in the lobby of the Union ;afeteria at 6:30. Those graduates who are members of Eta Kappa Nu and all members of the Electrical Engineering faculty are cordially in- vited to attend. Mimes Meeting: There will be a Mimes meeting tonight at the Mich- igan Union, Room 316, at 7:30 p.m. The Graduate Outing Club will meet for hiking, bicycling, and a pic- nic supper today. All graduate stu- dents interested in these activities are invited to meet at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. Those who wish to be- come formal members of the club may pay their dues at this meeting. Deposits should be made at this time also for the annual out- ing at Camp Takona, which will be held on Oct. 20, 21. The Lutheran Student Club will meet at Zion Parish Hall, 309 Wash- ington St., today at 5:30 p.m. There will be a fellowship hour from 5:30 to 6:00 when a dinner prepared by the ladies of the church will be served. Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department will be the speaker for the evening. All are invited to join us. QS.. Hillel Foundation will hold a con- cert at the Foundation tonight at 8:00 p.m. 'The program of recordings includes the G major symphony by Mozart (JIupiter), The Sorcerer's Ap- prentice by Dukas, and the D minor symphony by Cesar Franck. Coming Events International Center: Monday, October 16: 7 o'clock. Mov- ie Night. "Our State"-"Michigan, the Land of Hiawatha"; "The Wonder Isle"; "The Michigan Mit- ten". Tuesday, October 17: 7 o'clock. Class in Social Customs. Wednesday, October 18: 7:30 o'clock. Program of Recorded Music. Thursday, October 19: 4 o'clock. Tea; 7 o'clock. Speech Clinic; 8 o'clock. Chess Class. Friday, October 20: 7 to 12 o'clock. Recreation Night. Saturday, October 21: 1 to 5 o'clock. Trip to the Ford Rotunda and to Greenfield Village. Reservations at $1.00 each must be made at the Center by Thursday at 5 p.m. Actuarial Students: Mr.. A. G. Ga- briel of Detroit will give the first of a series of talks for actuarial stu- dents, Monday, October 16, at 8 p.m., in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. All interested are welcome. Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Oct. 18, at 8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of' the Rackham Build- ing. Election of officers. Professor C. F. Remer will speak on "Interna- tional Research in a Year of Ten- sion." The Council will meet in the Assembly Hall at 7:15 p.m. Physics Colloquium: Mr. H Tatel will speak on "Anonymous Scatter- ing of Neutrons in Helium" at the Physics Colloquium on Monday, Oct. 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting Tues- day, Oct. 17, 5:45 p m., Michigan Union. Come on time and be through for the Varsity Show. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief in- formal talk by Prof. Christian N.' W e n g e r on "Reiseeindrucke in Deutschland Sommer 1939." Math. 370, Seminar in Continued Fractions, will meet Tuesday, Oct. 17, All interested are invited to attend, Psychology 34, 38 and 42 Makeup Examination will be held Wednesday, October 1, at 7:30 P.M. in, Room 3126 Natural Science Building. Freshmen and Transfer Engineer- ing Studeits: A smoker for fresh- men and transfer engineering stu- dents will be held Wednesday eve- ning, Oct. 18, at 7:30 in the Union Ballroom. Movies will be shown and refreshments will be served. Mem- bers of the College of Engineering Faculty are urged to attend. Hillel Class: The first meeting of the class in Rapid Biblical Reading, led by Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, will be held Monday at the Foundation at 4:30 p.m. Churches First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron. 9:30 a.m Church School. Classes for all ages. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Ser- 'non topic, "Thy Kingdom Come- On Earth," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 12 noon. Young People's ' Round Table. Discussion topic, "What About Jesus?" 6:15 p.m. Roger Williams Guild. In the Guild House, '503 E. Huron. Mr. Roger H Freund, Executive Sec- ;etary of the* YMCA will speak on "A Religion for Today." A social 'hour will follow the address. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Doctrine of Atone- ment." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. St. Andrew's' Episcopal Cheh, Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon try the Rev. Fredrick W. Leech, and Junior Church; 11 a.m Kindergar- ten, Harris Hall; 7 p.m, Student meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof. Leroy Waterman on "The Twelve Hebrew Tribes and How They Grew," second in series of talks on the "Foundations of our Religion." Apu Arbor Friends (Quakers) will have a meeting for worship at 5 p.m. in .the Michigan League; business meeting at 6 p.m. Supper in Rus- sian Tea Room at 7. All interested are cordially invited. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Mr. Mar- ley will speak on "Why I Like Ameri- ca." 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union First program of Youth Adventure Series. First Congregational Church, State and William. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "Pris- on for a Word?" 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will meet at the church for supper. 7 p.m. Vice-President Shirley W. Smith will speak on "Religion on Main Street." First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m, "Religious Convictions on The Pedigree of Man" will be the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's ser- mon at the Morning Worship Service. 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- dent group, will meet for a 'supper and fellowship hour. There will be a panel discussion on "Religious Per- plexities" with Dr. Lemon in charge. Student Evangelical Chapel: Those interested in Evangelical Christiani ty are invited to worship at the Mich- igan League Chapel. The Sunday morning service at 10:30 is to be cori- ducted by Dr. G. Goris who will speak on "Spiritual Paramours." Dr. Goris' topic for the Sunday evening service at 7:30 will be "Un- conscious Inner Degeneration." Every Friday evening this group sponsors a social and recreational program in the Fireside room at Lane Hall. You are invited. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m., Mr. John Huston of the Anti-War Committee will speak on "Students and War." A discussion will follow the address. 7:30 p.m., Social hour and re- freshments. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. today at Stalker Hall. Mr. Vredevoogd will lead the discussion on "Can a Student Deny the Exis- tence of God?" Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on "Two Genera- tions Try to Understand." Fellow- ship hour and supper following the meeting. The Zion Lutheran Church, Wash- ington and Fifth Ave., will hold wor- ship services today at 10:30 a.M. Rev. Stellhorn will deliver the sermon. Everyone is urged to come and worship with us. T|init v.nthan Church. Williams Old Folks At Home. Senator Gerald P. Nye, of North Dakota, de- clined to read Hitler's reichstag address because "like presidents, kings and premiers, he talks for his folks back home." ' So Hitler does. He did last week. But he also had much to say that was of extraordinary in- terest in England, in France, even in distant America. Senator Nye is playing an important ,.ms ,_~ ,a c nm ...nart.ta. l i m -- lln a