______THE MICHIGAN DAILY AY, OCT. 15, 1939- derson Dies fFrom_ Stroke (Continued from~ Page 1) 'Bowen and King 'Farreil, Dean son's business associates. ty Clay'Anderson was born on 41872, the soniof JQlgi. Ge1r 3Qhia Cromwell Andeisonr 4Pn nfield, Ky. He attended Mor- id Academy and the Academy ,ntucky State Colege at Lex- i.. e graduated from the Ui- 7 f Kentucky in: 1897 with ;the Murphy To Speak At -ftut ven Banquet ee of 'Bachelor of Mechanic vleering. ter two years as assistant xfli )f. mnechanics; for.a Chsttanool oad ;Dean ,Anderson came to tl ,ersity in 1'899 as an instruct ecehanical engineering. became an asitant profess, 903, a junior professor in 191 a fulfl professor in 19,12. In 19. ~anmed chairmn of the nmec k.1 engineering department, , ol zng in that post-until 1937 wht acceeded Dean 'Sadler as head engin~eering college. 'eaded Stucleii-Aunmni Affairs ve years ago Lean Andersoni w: ,ted by President Ruthven .t student-alu~mi relations a :oordinnte organizations dealt extra-curricular student a ni affair. Accor~ding to [_ tk . Robbins, Assistant to..t ident, his selection at the tin due to his reputation as "an efi tlevel-.headed admninistrate vn, liked and trusted by all. enry 'Anderson was a peculiar it and lovable. person and Iii sof friends. He was extreme flar among his students andcc aes atnd was always intensely i ;ted~ in them and their problem Rqbbns said last night, ce-Presiden~t Shirley, W, S ,he-,had. known Dean-.Andrs 60 earsand "never knw afi 'an, oe who :served, the .Ur iy better than he," wh2ile ;Asis Dean Alfred HI. Lovell declari 4University.,and the Colege, inrixg ;,'have suffered, :ye t loss. Dean Anerson hd ,t nest heart and the greatest ii it in thir~affairs." esident-Ruthven .yas ouit ofto could not be reached for a stat Prominent enginer wofessioi 19a she for or *6 17 .ens' of Tas to nid nig rid' bie me rly; iad' ply, Al- ier '.4. i d 3 a i t ' : Had Tern jered Marria, ge Tall Yev Musscb6t Sre Pand Like Michigan Marital Relations Course ' The 'University's new and yet unil-lgnI~ia named mascot is. rapidly building a (Continued from P4ge i) 1reputation for ferocity by ripping _________________ 1apart ,wooden boxes placed in hiss ~gent Sex~ual, Practice" and will be pmetal cage ,and growling at, all vi- concernedl with,:the. physiology of ditors. In between football 'games 'he =intercourse and related subjects. {remains on.,the delivery. platform of 'the "University Museum building, F~ourth Lecture Nov. 15 .waiting 'for the decision of whether . o~rt1i ,of the,,oe eries will .be. a lec- 1he is only, #another animal for the xture by Dr. Rbr G. Foster, lec- ;Uniyesiy zo, orwheherhesholdturer, and ;,consulting 'psychologist ' occupy "a more .fitting place..o h Mril amrSho, De- Our mascot takes a bath every 'troit. Dr. Foster Will speak on ; Mar- morning, eats his beef scraps, and .riage Adjustments" treating such sub- cocks 'his head at xevery noise mnade ~jes as ti iances, ins-laws, career an~d within'thecorothbuligr by :child training. This 'lecture will 'be a asn uooie n huhgvnesaNvhis manner,indicates he would like to "Cutship. and Pre-Marital Rela- eat the meat of ' curious visitor's tions" is the subject of the final lec- hand, he .is gentle, enough to eat ture, to ,be given Wednesday, Noy. raisins oult of 'the -hand' of 'his' keeper. 2,b rf ~r htuk'ihro Vassar College Dr. Fisher will dis- cuss, the ,,hoice of a mate, emotional " adjustments, age and time for mar- H ead. Of 11 1 riage and the engagement. Course Closed Next Semester The Marriage Relations Course was To lalk Today first conducted last fall and was re- peated during. the spring':term. There R .., will be .no, course given. during the Classical Record Concert second semester, this year., Will Be Given Tionighit Women will ,register .at the League. and men at the. Union and the' Law- D~r.Isaac Rabinowitz, director -of yers' Club during the times indicated. the'Hillel Foundation, ;will ;give a talk Identification cards Wlil ,be required on "WaaMa Wrsi"at1 of all registrants.. Students will. be ajn. today,. ati the Foundation, im- accepted in. the. order of registration. mediately "following the regular Sun -_______________ day 'morniing 'Reform 'Services. This talk 'is the first of a, series ofr 10 which will be given throughout the FR S 0 school year-discussingthe Jewish Re- flgion and its fundamental prin- YOU who have been wheedled, into ciples.'" into taking five or six 8 o'clock sA record, concert will be given at 8'' classes a week - .p~, tdayat heFoundation. 'Sched-' YOU who have worn down the soles tiled todayat he re, s' oce-and 4ieels of, your shoes to ni- uledto e hardareDuks' Sorer~croscopic dimensions ,in vain,"at- er's Apprentice," :Symphony in G ma- temipts, to. race _by and notf jor by Mozart ..0upiter), and. Cesar through the doors of your 8 Franck's Symphony in D minor., o'clocks- The concert Is primarily. designed YOU need no longer despair. Your -to'~dl thoe-sudens tkingcouse-footwear -wili '.be weilloared for -to elp thoe stdens taingcoures by the sym"pathetic in ,:musical :apprecdiation ,At :was -an- I" nounced by Bill Simon, '41, chairman # -off th~e ~llel'music, committee. All " Uau rV xstuden'ts, however, are cordially in-' vited to attend. 0he R p i Allied Planes Dominate 70_ akrda tt 'western Air, Say 7French PARIS, Oct. 14,-I?)-A. semi- official' French. statement said today;., that Allied pursuit planes "clearly TODAY and domiinate'.'. erman pursuit aviation. The,'statemenlt said -French-British; Monday only! producttion of war planes wasj"large- 4ly -counterbalancing" that of. Ger -__ mnany, and . that soon they will be :producing three times as many. MISS YOURQ Abbot Inttervews Sportsaster, #fltSi4,Before fa4® oClass Neseel Comm'entato rl duriga 'broadcast, "spiotters" from Neseach team are used, 'he 'disclosed. Describes 1IS Entran1ce These men keep a finger perpetually Into Broadcasting Field pointed to the players' 'names on a chart before them. By JUNE McKEE Having "played at football" ini his The Voice of the News-of-'the-day: own college days, Bll Sternxhas~fir~st recently resounded in Moris f tall. 'hand experience to, help him n~.'der- Broadcasting classes benefitted a.s stand the boys' positions. The radio- radio and sportscasting were. dis- caster does not believe smoking cussed in an interview Prof. Waldo ,throat-injurious, at least in his ,case. Abbot: improvised wit'h ace announcer However,. drinking, h'e said, wouI~d 'Bill Stern. .: have weakenin'g 'effect on voice for With an indubitable "You'~ve all a broadcast of any length. He 'de- probab ly seen him, in his shorts," scribed how his newsreel sport scene; lProfessor Abbot introduced the radio were cut, edited, then synchro1iz ai reporter. 'Husband of a Michigan with script, and comp~ared movxie. alulmna, ,BEill Stern declared h~e'd been anid radio ,'casting techniques, _sent off to announce the Iowa 'game Hoped For Picture Breaks with wifely admonitions to "stop Through Hollywood and hopes for talking long enough to let the audi- picture breaks, Bill Stern eventualy fonce hear Michiganis st- band-in- enitered the radlio field, staritn'g "with the-country."KFinLsAglsad-pors 1 Soter IdntfyPlaer ing thri~ugh rexas,Shreveport, Lou- Ecre 'in advance .t boblclisiana, Buffalo, Cincinniati, and Bsal- color, ad getcq&uainted _\v , te timore stations. "Radio is a grand play',i: and their,-peculiarities, Stern fieldl, bu~t it mu.st be entered on the declared that NBC only 'decided. to ground floor." 'For learning all end's car{y the MichiganIowa gamea fters of the trade, he cited the best, start- Iowa's finie;shovi~ng agnt ;ina ilug jobs, these with 100 or 150 wat- To keep the players ever identified ; ters. k Y A. f 1'. L . y a a' t *T L 7. 5. __ . s - Ui 'wishes 'to announce that ~TH~~1E AX OFFICE AT T HE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE 'W/ILL -BE dPEN .TODAY FO.R TiI E 7-7 r r SASLE &QF MEMBERSHIPS. i4a~46n, Compser %rsity' VieVists cen OfM!MeiTM ries e 7 t t Governor to a com ved as a m Control of Ph- nore than twee ex-officio me Gohvernors _ SS( 'l ;ed Bringinig back memories, tradi- athletics what 'they, are today. He of Vtkans. an~d reminiscences, J Fred put 'the stadium where it -is so it will, py Lawton, '11, composer of "Varsity" "never be flooded. He made Michigan. ,e, and other favorite Michigan songs, fobl eas"hmioso h In-~ returned .to. Ann Arbor yesterday for fWeslt."mseChamldios men ine the Iowa game. Ws. ehnldhsmni wn Seated comfortably before the fire- fatherly way. e- place at' his fraternity, he read Laying-,aside the hook,:-he quickly. through, '1100 Years of Athletics at came back to the present, saying, th Uiversity of, Michigan," making "~But don't you think our great toe s irk comnments on various scenes. Paus- are all in the 'past. Our team this, )6 ing over a pi'cture 'of the. victorious year should be invincible. What with m-,.otalta~eunn from the first such potential All-Amnericans - as EKo- Ii- Rose Bowl-'game ever played, he pre- dros, Harmon, and Evashevski and n. dieted, "This picture will live for- the fine coaching of FritzCrisew Its ever. , ere's. Snowy,-one of the grat- shaould;L be ju~,st as powerful' as we1 L- est 'players that ever lived." were back 'when. This boy Westf all a.n Leafing on hea camne to a -portrait 4s certainly not to be underestimated. e- of ".Pe" James43. Angell stand- He has the greatest driving 'powerfo ys' izg }fat and cane in hand, looking as a man his size 'I've ever seen" distinguished as University has Pic- _ ;P-. tured 'hinm.-Lawton paid .him tribute is- by declaring him "as genial and good-- LUCEO}NS-DIN NERS ial; humiored a man as will ever walk 37, the campus." he Lbawton 'turned on till he reached of the Old Man, Fielding H. Yost. 'R a Hu Lr-' Somxie day," J. Fred said, "there will .be a monument .on this camnpusi Main Dining Roor fie, taller than any other building-dedi- a-cated to Yost. He made 'Michigan ' ' - ie iProf. -Pie To G*ive 'WILLI AM I PReftaI On Carillon --- ;o- Prof.. Percival Price -of the',School of of, "Music will give a recital at 4:15 for p.m. today on the Charles Baird Caril- I- on in the Burton Memorial Tower. -o f tt 'Included on the program are two ?h- carillon compositions: "Petit Air" byTH M STI a.u Vendette and "~Reverie" by Giles. H OT1 Pa Professor Price will 'also play -Ballet SCREEN THl Music from "Orpheus" by Gluck and TEY a'- Haydn's "Serenade." 'Five Scotch TEY he airs : "Ye Banks and Braes;" "Caller )n Herrin'," "Loch Lomond," "Robin 41 Adair" and "Bonnie Dundee" are a'- also scheduled to be heard. SMarie "Corp s QpellnEL Ie ru ftixin_in State DETROIT, Oct. 14.-(RP)-Opening of Marin~e :Corps Recriting -O ffices at Flint and Lansing was announced toiday by Capt. -J, 0. Brauer, of the " - Detroit headquarters staff.: ' A reen order :fVozl Marine Corps He~adqsuartersin.Washington directed the recuiting of 6,000 men, and of, this number the Michigan quota is Capt. Bauer said this was the first- 4N E IYNO1D time recruiting offices for the. Marines hdbe salse nMcia outside of Detroit since the close ofTl the World War. - Ships Closed To Public' W== BALOCanal Zone, Oct. 14.- EXTRA Af')--In orderto'prevent possible. sab- rNEWS -OF otage_ by -persons. or organizations -having-anti-Am~erican feelings, United CART States na~val vessels stationed. in .thie "SHEEP IN TI Capnal Zone -will not be open to the public Navy Day, Oct. 27'. -_________ 'I. Stage and Screen Aglewi! ROCKING GIt[AIS GOODiBYE, MEN!I -Mi SPECI.AL 'PARTIES m-- Second Floor SEAR STATE 4 'The price of full men bership for the 'first semes- ter and admission to the fiive programs is $1.00. t" WAY DOWN EAST" ---the first of 'the series, will be °presented this evening at 8:1-5. Adn-issioh by membership'only. k A !TC1V LIFE IS A 2 ..... and Phi AP0RTAN RfLL OAF EAR T TODAY 7-4 P.M. also a nember of the a Detroit Athletic Club, ti r Rotary 'Club, the Bartoc [try Club, the Pleasan and Sigma Chi social fra MAISIE HEMe.tw':I...dwyn-Mayers ___ +Witily wicked new adventures' with 'the rowdily H 'gray team'6f 'brcve, brave, brave detectives t ! 4'"" ' 4-' 'V IiID W YW x xn ua -M m I wmesl l *W~TE1 IINNAN 4ARCHIIE MAYO G ON THE birect fromi Hollywood where they skyroc. STAGEketed -to fame in "Golddiggers In Paris". FREDDIE FISHER'S NATIONALLY FAMOUS Su nday GROiJP bOFMUSICAL JESTERS Monday Shows, 1-3- X 7it Gest T9 P.M. 'You've heard the'm-on -yo6ur rddio- ete Adults 40c.., You've seen them on the scren- enjo th m iipeson Now ejoy hem n peron! ~ 'tit" . i 'raining Lea'ds #6 ew; students, are accepted j .Monday, day or--evening, iecretarial, Accounting. . and ness Administration. cours- ADDED THE DAY T00N 'E MEADOW" HI with RALPH ' OPSY "FATS" FRADY BOB BARNES I lIHARRY LIN'DERMAN JIMMY FAY Emnploynment .Depart- assists. ,graduates in get- .foothold in Ibusiness. All te~s halve been p~laced. 'ets advance individual- All 11 - - - _.. ry _a, _ t ,. AVF VAl NeR J I