THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1l NY An Effective National Health Program; Combined Federal-State Action Needed d managed by students of the University of ader the authority of the Board in Control of blications. every morning except Monday during the ear and Summer Session. ember of the Associated Press elated Press is exclusively entitled to the ublication of all news dispatches credited to otherwise credited in this newspaper. All publication of all other matters herein also t the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as mail matter. ons during regular school year by carrier, il, $4.50. RESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERN1,ING BY tional Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative D MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. AGO * BOSTON * LOs ANGELES - SAIl FRANCISCO- Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff :en . . . Managing ' Editor niss Editorial Director Tinton C. City Editor Linder . . . . Associate Editor Schorr . . . Associate Editor nagan Associate Editor navan . . . . Associate Editor Women's Editor g Sports Editor Business Staff By ELLIOTT MARANISS Surgeon-General Parran's lecture here yes- terday served to focus local attention upon orie of the most urgent problems confronting the American people: the changing position of medi- cal science and service in a changing world. One of the most distinctive features of the democratic form of government is the common belief that the primary function Qf government is to provide for the general welfare of the en- tire people. It is exactly that function that justifies the existence of government at all. American history, in fact, can be most inspir- ing and meaningI'ul when read in terms of the persistent demands of the people to gain legis- lative action that will assure the well-being of the entire population. Free schools, free land, old-age pensions, social security, unemployment compensation, collective bargaining and civil and religious liberty: 3when written in these terms- humanitarian, liberal and social-the American experiment in democracy has -been able to enlist the common sentiment of the American people. In the light of this progressive realization of measures aimed at increasing the well-being and happiness of American citizens, the relatively backward status of medical service raises quej tions of fundamental importance. The situation becomes even more anomalous when the follow- ing facts are realized: that the medical profes- sion, above any other group, itself has trained the American people to feel that medical serv- ice is the first human necessity, and that modern medicine has wonderful facilities waiting to be used; that, while we boast of the world's finest resources of medical knowledge, equipment and personnel, we are still sadly deficient in bring- ing those resources within the reach of all who need them, and that, while we have long ag6 passed beyond the day when government's re- sponsibility for the health of the population ceased with sanitation, quarantine and insane asylums (American medical care today is tax- supported to the tune of $500,000,000 a year, more than one-sixth of the total national health bill paid from all sources) organized medicine still indulges in infantile emotionalisms when it is suggested that these expenditures be givei im- petus and direction by framing an intelligent, long-range national health program. The American nation stands condemned, as an active agent for the preservation of the health and happiness of its people, by those of its citizens who have been denied adequate medical service. Sickness causes a total wage loss of more than a billion dollars a year. Every day of the year 5,000,000 Americans are disabled by sickness to such a degree that they cannot go about their work or engage in their usual activities. Furthermore, it is pertinent to note that it is among that third of the nation that isr ill-fed, ill-housed, and ill-clothed, that the inci- ., Credit Manager Manager ng Manager iger Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy FIGHT EDITOR: MILTON ORSHEFSKY The editorials published in The Michigan aily are written by members of The Daily aff and represent the views of the writers nly. )nscientious Objectors id Bergdoll . .. T HE PPIDE of the United States Army must be a great thing. it had to be reat thing in order for the military boar6 ch sentenced Grover Cleveland Bergdoll to to hold such an inhumanitarian viewpoint. e was a man, of German blood, who was 'ted at the time of our entrance in World I, and who objected to fighting a war in ch he could see no purpose, and, moreover, inst a nation of his brothers. istly, Bergdoll was a conscientious objector. )ndly, he was a German. In 1917 both of e categories were the objects of scorn from sides. But 22 years later a military board regards the man as a traitor. He was not only one who had no wish to fight. Accord- to statistics of the War Department, no less S,65,000 men drafted into the Army entered ms for non-combatant service. Of these, ap- Kimately 4,000 refused service under any mili- ' control whatsoever. board set up by President Wilson examined 0 of the objectors and finally assigned all but to' non-combatant service. The remainder e court-martialed and only 54 suceeded in lining their freedom. The remaining 450 e sentenced to serve in Federal penitentiaries. ir sentences ranged from one year to life.. o the student on a modern campus, there nis to be a wider pacifist movement than ever re. This may be so, but there were approxi- ely three-quarters of a million American citi- before the war who belonged to religious s that forbade or disagreed with war. In case var again, we shall be up against the same ation as faced these. ergdoll was unfortunate in that he fled from draft. He should have registered as an ob- or and perhaps by now he would again be ee man. There are millions of young men his country who will be called upon to fight, uld war involve us. Of those there may be nany or more objectors than in 1917. They not flee, they must register. They must, 'ever, make preparations now. The Army has le theirs already. There are seven bills Citing enactment by Congress should war ak out. Under these, exemption from com- ant service is accorded only to members of -organized religious creeds which forbid war. President is to be empowered with the right determine what organizations come under scope. All other pacifist organizations re- *e no mention in the bill, which indicates that President must set up rules and regulations erning them. At present there seems little e for the conscientious objector who is not member of a strictly pacifistic religious group. --William B. Elmer dence of sickness is greatest. According to the United States Public Health Service, wage earners' with an incofe of less than 1200 dollars a year suffer mnore than twice as many days of dis- ability as the people with incomes of $3,000 a year or more. The relationship is a natural one: lack of purchasing power for food, clothing, and shelter means inevitably, lack of purchasing power for medical care and services. One further implication can be drawn. The contradiction, of idle doctors and medical equipment, on the one hand, and untieated patients on the other, paral- lels our idle industrial machines and idle workers. Restricted opportunities for health, education, and culture are the direct results of restricte , industrial and agricultural opportunities. And not until the idle machines are put to the task of raising the national standard of living, aimed at protecting and extending economic security, can a really .effective national health program emerge. But the facts of sickness and suffering and disability remain; and also on the books is the $500,000,000 already being spent by the nationa? and state 'governments. What is urgently re- quird today, given the above situation, is the utilization of the sums already being spent by governmental agencies, with an additional outlay to make the program effective, in such a manner so as to assure all groups of the population a minimum of adequate medical care. In January President Roosevelt took the lead in this regard by recommendingto Congress the study and adoption of a broad plan of medical care for the nation, based on the past five years of study of our national health problems. Acting on this invitation, in February Senator Wagner introduced a bill "to provide for the general wel- fare by enabling the several states to make more adequate provision for public health, prevention and control of disease,.miaternal and child health services, .construction and maintenance of need- ed hospitals and health centers, care of the sick, disability insurance, and training of personnel." The bill proposes that the Federal government shall make avaliable to the several states a sum of money of over 80 millions of dollars for the first fiscal year, and considerably more in the two succeeding years, .for specific health serv- ices. This is to be done on a matching basis, the Federal Government appropriating from one- sixth to two-thirds of the money spent, varying with the service rendered, and the states pro- viding the rest. In general, the bill expects the individual states to determine the kind of medical program each wishes to carry out, and also the extent to which it will perform the services. Note the emphasis on reciprocal state and fed- eral action. Whatever the fate of the bill in the next Congress (the last one failed to adopt it) its eventual usefulness, as its sponsor indicates, will depend on the extent to which the states take efficient advantage of its provisions. Only if the' states participate in the national health program in a wise and comprehensive fashion will it prove. to be a boon to the American people. In most cases precisely those communities most needing medical services have the least consciousness m the matter. It will also be noted that the com- munities that ostentatiously go about the busi- ness of "balancing'the budget" usually do so at the expense of children's hearts and lungs and limbs. It is in a double .arena, then, that the battle for the health and happiness of the American people will be fought. And until Con- gress reconvenes, the people of the states must insist that the local governments prepare the way foi participation by inaugurating health programs geared to their immediate needs. CAVILS B3y Young Gulliver Letter to Jonathan Swift. Page 2. I told :you something about Ann Arbor the other day, daddy, and today I'm going to tell you some more. All I can tell you is what I see around me, pop, and if you can figure it out you're pretty good. There are only one or two things the people around here hate. One of them is examina- tions and the other is Hitler., Everybody hates Hitler because he seems to be a little nuts, and nobody likes the idea of a crazy man running a country, because it results in thousands of people being killed and tortured and deprived of every right. Very few people around here like the Japanese rulers either, be- cause for the past few years they have been kill- ing off the Chinese and ruining their country. And everybody around here seems to feel that sooner or later we're going to have to fight the Japanese, or Hitler, more likely. But they wouldn't bother with little things like boycotting German goods or Japanese goods, because that's too much trouble. It sounds foolish, but it's true. What are you going to do about people when they're like that? And another thing. What people don't like about Hitler is that he persecutes Germans for no good reason. No, Jew has a chance in Germany. So wliat happens here in Ann Arbor? Every September about ten thousand kids come to town. About a thousand of them are Jewish. And the Jewish boys have to wander all over town looking for rooms, because there are a lot of landladies who, like Hitler, don't like Jews around. Things are even tougher for the Negroes. They can't get rooms anywhere near campus. Half of Drew Pedrsi add 0 RabertSAfen . WASHINGTON-One of the closely guarded secrets of the FBI is an in- vestigation it is making of suspected sabotage of bombers being built for the Navy at the Glenn L. Martin 'air- plane plant in Baltimore. The case is one of the most sinister tackled by the G-men in a long time The Navy ordered 21 of the air- planes, a new type of long-range, twin-motor, patrol bombers, at a vot of $25;00 apiece. The first was delivered recently at the Naval air station near Norfolk, Va., and trouble developed immediately. On the very first flight one of the twin motors burned out. Replaced with another brand new motor from Baltimore, the same thing happened again--and continued to happen un- til four new motors in rapid suc- cession had burned out. Also, sev- eral crack test pilots narrowly escaped death in bringing the crippled, heavy ship to earth. Alarmed by the mysterious burn- outs, Acting Secretary of the Navy Edison called in the FBI, simultan- eously ordered work suspended on seven other ships until the G-men and naval inspectors got to the bot- tom of the affair. They promptly padlocked that part of the plant where the ships were being built and placed all the employes under scrut- This investigation quickly brought to light the interesting fact that some of the key men in the plant were Germans. Three of them had a direct connection with the building of the bombers. Note-Besides the 21 bombers, the Martin firmh has an order for 100 other naval planes for completion by 1942, also is building 500 bombers for the French to be delivered by next spring, and a number of military ships for the Dutch Government. Yeah, Man! "Happy" Chandler tried awfully hard to be dignified when he roared into Washington, accompanied by his wife and a crowd of office-holding followers, to be sworn in as Senator. But, beside himself with joy, he was as frisky as a colt and bubbled all over the place. "This reminds me of the time I vis- ited Hollywood," he exclaimed. "They threw a party for me and I was set- ed between my wife and Hedy La- marr. Well, I looked her over and boy, she was something. So I turned to my wife and said, 'M m, it was nice to have known you." AFL Conveittion A significant feature of the AFL convention last week was the un- published fact that in private many of the delegates talked seriously of replacing President William Green This behind-the-hand discussion progressed no further than the talk stage. In an atmosphere of harmony and good feeling, Green was re-elect- ed unanimously for another one- year term. But the prevalence of the talk iidicated that Green's hold on his position is far from being as se- cure as it appears on the surface. Sentiment to retire him is there if any one of his ambitious would-be successors can bring it to a head. However, Bill Green's strength is the same factor that won him the job in the first place. His, stronger and abler rivals dis- trust each other too hlinch to allow any one of them to becePresident. But if some of them ever' do get to- gether and pool their forces, then Green is finished. For, basically, he is not liked either by the conserva- tives or by the liberals. Among the leaders of the Old Guard, such as William Hutcheson, aged head of the bricklayers and a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, Green is considered too pro-New Deal. But the younger and more liberal lead- ers think he is too much under the sway of the Hutcheson element, and; not militant enough. Caught between this cross-fire, Green actually has an unhappy time, of it. Nevertheless this situation is his salvation, so long as neither group will risk ousting him for fear the other will capture the coveted prize. Shipping Victory The shipping lines have already won their fight to eliminate the dras-; tic merchant marine restrictions from the neutrality bill. Both Adminis- tration and isolationist leaders have secretly agreed 'to amend the measure so as to keep U.S. ships from being driven from the seas. Two factors played a leading role in this victory. One was a confidential memoran- dum from the U S. Maritime Com- mission to Sen. Joseph Bailey, North Carolina chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, warning that unless the restrictions were removed (Continued from Page 2) Science and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after today.. E. A. Walter. English 31. My section will not meet on Saturday W. R. Humphreys. German Make-Up Examinations: The make-up examinations for Ger- man 1, 2, and 31 will be given on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 to 12 a.m. in 'Room 306 U.H. No student will be allowed to take this examination 1unless he presents a written permit from his instructor at the time of the examination. Concerts Choral Union Concerts: The fol- lowing artists and organizations will be included in the Choral Union Concert Series this season: Oct. 24: Sergei Rachmaninoff, pi- anist. Nov. 6: Fritz Kreisler, violinist. Nov. 13: Alexander Kipnis, bass. Nov. 27: New York Philharmonic- Symphony Orchestra, John Barbirol- li, Conductor. Dec. 4: Jussi Bjoerling, tenor. Dec. 14: Boston Symphony Or-. chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, conduc-' tor. Jan. 15: Kirsten Flagstad, soprano Jan. 25: Robert Virovai, violinist. .Feb. 14: Bartlett and Robertson, pianists. March 6: Artur Rubinstein, pianist. A limited number of season tickets, as well as tickets for individual con- certs, are on sale' at the School of Music Business Office daily, except Saturday, from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Organ Recitals: Recitals will be played on the FriezeMemorial or- gan in Hill Auditorium, complimen- tary to the general public, on the fol- lowing dates, at 4:15 p.m.: Wednes- day afternoons, Nov. 11, 8, 15, 22, 29 and Dec. '6 and 13. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend, but is respectfully requested to be seated on time. An Exhibit of Southwest Indian Pottery and Painting will be shown in the Central Galleries, on the Mez- zanine, floor, of the Rackham build- irig. The exhibit will be open daily until Oct. 21 the club may pay their dues at this meeting. Deposits shouldbe made at this time also for the anniual -out- ing at Camp Takona, which will be held on Oct. 20, 21. The Michigan Christian Fellowship meets at the regular hour, 4:3.0 to 5:30, Sunday afternoon in the Fire- place Room at Lane Hall. There will be a talk and discussion on "Why I Believe The Bible." Eta Kappa Nu: There will be an-im- portant meeting, on Sunday, Oct. -15, at 7 p.m. at the Union. Those wishing to eat in a group will meet in the lobby of the Union lafeteria at 6:30. Those graduates who are members of Eta Kappa Nu and all members of the Electrical Engineering faculty are cordially in- vited to attend. Mimes Meeting: There will be a Mimes meeting Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Michigan Union, Room 316, at 7:30 p.m. Churches First Baptist Church, 512 E. Hiron. 9:30 a.m Church School. Classes for all ages. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Ser- mon topic, "Thy Kingdom Coine- On Earth," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 12 noon. Young People's Round Table. Discussion topic, "What About Jesus?" 6:15 p.m. Roger Williams Guild. In the Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr. Roger H 'Freund, Executive Sec- retary of the YMCA will speak on "A' Religion for Today." A social hour will follow the address. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Doctrine of Atone- ment." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech, and Junior Church; 11 a.m Kindergar- ten, Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Student meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof. Leroy Waterman on "The Tw(elve Hebrew Tribes and How They Crew," second in series of talks on the "Foundations of our Religion." Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will have a meeting for worship at 5 p.m. in the Michigan League; business meeting at 6 p.m. Supper in Ius- sian Tea Room at 7. All interested are cordially invited. Unitarian Church: 11, a.m., Mr. Mar- ley Will speak on "Why I Like Arieri- ca." 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union First pr'ogram of Youth Adventure Series. First Congregational Church, State and Williarm. 10:45 a.m. Public Worsiip. Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "Pris- on for a Word?" 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will meet at the church for supper. 7 p.m. Vice-President Shirley W. Smith will speak on "Religion on Main Street." First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m , "Religious Convictions on The Pedigree of Man" will bie the subject of Dr. W.' P. Lemdn's ser- ion at the Morning Worship Service.. 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- dent group, will meet for a supper and fellowship hour. There will be a panel discussion on "Religious Per- plexities" with Dr. Lemon in charge. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIf MUSIC By RICHARD BENNETT To construct in aword a workable definition of art, one that is neither too philosophic nor too technical for immediate use, is not as diffi.: cult as might be supposed. Art, shall we say, is simply the explication of a theme divorced from its accidents; that is, from all those qualities or events which are not functional to it as an organic unit. Whether the work of art is a 'great' work or not depends upon the elas- ticity or comprehensiveness or the theme. For example: a present case in point is the' 'Viking's Funeral' scene from the current film, Beau Geste. This scene, beginning with Digby's scaling the wall of Zinderneuf and closing with his departure from it, is as compact, organic, and 'solid a piece of business as Hollywood has given us in some time. All events which might have been extraneous to the theme have been ignored. There are no disjunctions in the inte- gration of camera, music, and action. Every movement is toward one end, the functional build-up of the theme itself. As art, then, it has fulfilled the fundamental requirement. But is it great art? That is partly a subjective, partly a social consideration. How much of myselfi was symbolized in the theme? How much of my own personal history was vicariously pressed in the final sounding of that low trum- pet call from the lips of Digby? I am the race, and the race is the world. I am the world, a society of all peoples. Thus the question takes on a very real meaning: how universal was that final sounding? Less so than that other trumpet call, Siegfried's Death March to the Rhine? But what has all this, you say, to do with music. Frankly, everything. Firstly: the definition is as applicable to music as to any particular art; though some would choose to be mystics here and have it otherwise. In fact, it is by virtue of this defini- tion that Ezra Pound was wrong when he wrote that every analogy is a lie. For in so far as Beethoven was able to rid himself of all super- fluity and project a major theme of extensive implication, just so, far is his work to be con- sidered analogous to that of El Greco, Dante, or Frank Lloyd Wright. When it is affirmed that art is the explication of a theme divorced from its accidents, all rambling, all hyperbole, and certainly - all melodrama, become nonsense. There stands a criterion for judging nineteenth century music. And secondly: it is the tendency of the age, -and a very savory one indeed, for musicians to merge the study of music with the study of all the arts (a refined instance of this is to be foun4 in Elie Siegmeister's Music and Society). Mous- Todays Events I Freshman Round Table: "Extra- Curricular Education" will be dis- cussed by Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Di- rector of the Student Religious As- sociation, at the Freshman Round Table, Laiie Hall, tonight at 7:15 p.m. The Outdoor Club will hold a roller skating party this evening., All in- terested are invited to meet with us at Lane Hall at 7:30. Those who have bicycles will ride to the rink; others may take the bus. Smith League House, 1102 East Ann St., will be "At Home" to friends this evening at 8 o'clock. The Michigan Christian Fellowship meets each day, excepting Sunday, for noon-day prayer between 12:30 and 7:00 in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Coming Events Student Loans: There will be a" meeting of the Student Loan Commit- tee in Room 2, University Hall, held at 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 16. Al ap- plications to be considered for the meeting must be filed in Room 2 be- fore Sattirday, Oct. 14, anid appoint- ments made with the committee. German Table for Faculty Mem- Ilers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief in- formal talk by Prof. Christian N. W e n g e r on "R4eiseeindrucke in Deutschland Sommer 1939." -Aet's Look Mfore We Leap... TODAY our attention is focused upon the turn of national and interna- onal events, -and most of us are hoping that he United States will keep out of the conflict ow raging in Europe. The minds of students have always been PrIm. fields for the cultivation of new and Physics Colloquium: Mr. H Tatel will speak. on "Anonyious Scatter- ing of Neutrons in Helium" at the Physics Colloquluin on Monday, Oct. 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Oct. 18, at 8 p.m., in tote Amphitheatre'of the Rackham Build- ing. Election of officers. Professor C. F. Remer will speak on "Interna- tional Research in a Year of Ten-. sion." The Council will meet in the Assembly Hall at 7:15 p.m. Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting Tues- day, Qct. 17, 5:45 p m., Michigan Union. Come on time and be through for the Varsity Show. Finnish Students: The opening meeting of the Suomi Club will be Student Evangelical Chapel: Those interested in EvangelicalChristiani- ty are nvited to worship at the Mich- igan League Chapel. The Sunday morning service at 10:30 is to be con- ducted by Dr. G. Goris who will speak on "Spiritual Paramours." Dr. Goris' topic for the Sunday evening service at 7:30 will be "Un- conscious Inner Degeneration." Every Friday evening this group sponsors a social and recreational p:rogram in the Fireside room at Lane Hall. You are invited. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ): 10:45 a in., Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m., Mr. John Huston of the Anti-War Committee will speak on "Students and War." A discussion will follow the address. 7:30 p.m., Social hour and re- freshments. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, at Stalker Hall. Mr. Vredevoogd will lead the discussion on "Can a Student Deny the lxis- tence of God?" Wesleyan Guild Meeting at p .m. at the Methodist Church. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on "Two Genera- tions Try to Understand." Fellow- ship hour and supper following the meeting.