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October 14, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-14

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r today, tomorrow
and warmer.


Sir igun



L Opera Given
oval By Board;
Bud get Grant

British State
German Subs

FDR Declines
To Undertake

ter During Poll
ent Participants
:ipus Production

David Falvay
Offers Solos
Varsit yNight


ectors of the gave
ay to the revival
ision was made
vqy has indicated
ficient talent on
roduction of an
budget for the
st yet be granted
ommittee of the
meet early next
committee give
on the opera will

Are Checked
English Armies In France
Await Rush Confidently;
French Troops Are Alert
Russo-Turkish Pact
Reported Imminent
LONDON, Oct. 13.--P)-Britaln
announced the sinking of three Ger-
man submarines today as further
proof that the undersea menace has,
been checked and declared that her
armies in France "await attack in
complete confidence.--ready for any-
The Admiralty also took exception
to the American nations'. rights -to
establish a safety zone around the
Americas within which belligerent
action would be forbidden. Whether
this would be respected remained for
the belligerents to decide, the Ad-
miralty said.
"Friday, Oct. 13, has proved an un-
lucky day for the U-boats," said the
terse Admiralty communique, adding
only that "the hunting craft were
able to rescue some survivors." Fur-
ther details of the sinkings or the
rescues were not given.
Germany Begins
Talks With Partners
BERLIN, Oct. 13.-(A)-Germany
was reported tonight to hiave begun
consultations with two of her pact
partners, Soviet Russia and Italy, as
a preliminary to her next major
move in the European war,
Indignation over Prime Minister
Chamberlain's rejection of Reichs-
fuehrer Hitler's proposals for ending
the war swept through Nazi ranks.
An official press release said that
Chamberlain had "rejected the hand
of peace stretched out to him by the
Fueher" and that Britain's war aims
meant "war against the German
people, war against the German
Reich unto annihiliation."
But officialdom nevertheless ex-
pressed a hope some neutral power-
ful enough, such as the United States,
Nazis said, "in her own interest"
would bring pressure on Britain to
accept a peace conference as the
Fuehrer suggested in his Reichstag'
speech just a week ago.
Russo-Turkish Pact
Seen On Straits Contol

Peace Move
No Formal Request Made
By Nazi Government,'
President Tells Press
Plea By Germany
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-(AP)-Any

to the re-

Fihre Dorsey Soloist
r Member Of Band,
Trombone Artist
Falvay, '43, former guest solo-
h Tommy Dorsey's band will
is trombone to Varsity Night,
, at Hill Auditorium, Donn
student manager of the band,
cedi yesterday.
,y, now a member of the Uni-

Passing Barrage I
As Varsity Opens
Lack Of Medical Care Blamed
By Parran For U.S. Un fitness'

possibility of the United States inter-
vening in the European war with a'
peace plea, on its own initiative, ap-
peared definitely ruled out tonight,
despite the renewed hints from Ber-
lin that the German government
would welcome such action.
When reporters brought up the
subject at his press conference Presi-
dent Roosevelt observed that he had
not yet received any word direct from
Berlin as to the peace move sug-
gestions that have been made unoffi-.
cially. Further, he said he had
nothing to say about the possibility
of peace smoves from here.
Hull Denies Mediation
Secretary Hul said no phase of
the question of mediation had been
brought up with the American Emn
bassy in Berlin by the German gov-
Press dispatches from Berlin quot-
ed authorized Nazis as saying any
neutral action must come in response
to Chancellor Hitler's speech last Fri-
day and not as a result of any diplo-
matic request by Germany.'
Won't Act On Speech
Official quarters here, however, said
this was not enough. This govern-
ment, they predicted, would not act
on the basis of a speech.
It is realized here that the Ger-
map government may be reluctant to
put in official form the suggestions
emanating from Berlin that President
Roosevelt or some other neutral lead-
er take the initiative toward peace.
Such a step through formal, diplo-
matic channels, might be considered
an admission of weakness.
t rade reaties
. f
Seen In Offin
U.S. Gold Hoard May Back
Latin American Deals
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. -(P)-
President Roosevelt revealed today
that he might employ part of this
country's unprecedented $17,000,000,-
000 gold hoard to build up trade with
Latin America.
In the case of a few unnamed coun-
tries-reported to include Brazil and
Puerto Rico-the President said the
matter was near the actual negotia-
tion stage.
Responding to a question at his
press conference, the Chief Execu-
tive explained that the subject had
been under continuous study for
about three years and hinted that
the war's disruption of European
trade with Latin America was the
occasion for renewed efforts.

Inadequate Hospitalization
Public Health Problem,
Says Surgeon-General
Inadequate medical care and wide-
spread failure to apply preventive
medicine have made the United
States "physically unfit" as a nation,
Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., Surgeon-
General of the U.S. Public Health
Department, charged here yesterday
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Addressing a capacity audience of
1,100, in the first of a series of extra-
curricular medical lectures, Dr. Par-
ran pointed out that in our land of
plenty, 40 m'llion people have in-
comes of $800' or less and are unable
to afford medical care. More than
20 million of these will be sick during
the next year, eight million will be
disabled for one week and six million
will receive no medical care at all.
The United States has the men,
equipment and facilities to make this
nation healthy, according to Dr. Par-
ran. The last century has seen dip-
theria fade as a major public health
problem. Insulin has made diabetes
no longer unbearable. Sulfanilimide
has made a "host of streptococcus
infections" lose their terror. On
every medical front there was sweep-
ing progress while the United States
saw 250,000 women, without any
medical care whatsoever, bear chil-
dren while the infant mortality rate
soared to a figure two times as great
as it should have been.
Our hospitals contain scores of
empty beds, Dr. Parran continued,
beds that are empty because state
and county funds are not enough to
adequately hospitalize the poor All
people, no matter what their income
may be, need hospitalization. Charity
wards are always full, but they can
hardly measure up to the demand.
This nation needs 500 hospitals for
outlying rural communities. Our
mentally ill need 100,000 hospital
Seating Plans
Set For Dinner


who cares-
," Richard
of Mimes,
not be
r everyone,
rious com-

tional high school championship for
trombone player: ie was noticed by'
orchestra leader Frank Simon, and
in 1938 appeared as guest soloist with
Simon's band. His next success was
an invitation to play with the Col-
gate University Band last year.
"Atlantic Zephyrs," by Gardel Sim-
ons is Falvay's selection for his
Varsity Night solo. The 'solo will be
preceded by playing Tommy Dorsey's
theme song "I'm Getting Sentimental
Over You" in true Dorsey style.
Tickets for Varsity Night, the
proceeds of which are to be used to
send the band to Chicago with the
team on Oct. 21, are twenty-five
cents, and they may be obtained at
the Union, the League, Wahr's book-
store or from any band member.
Dickinson OK's FDRI

will meet at
n Room 316 of
he development

MOSCOW, Oct. 13.-(P)-A Soviet
Russian-Turkish agreement on con-
trol of the Black Sea and the Dar-
danelles was reported imminent to-
night as the Kremlin postponed fur-
ther talks with Finland in order to
confer with Turkish Foreign Minister
Sukru Saracoglu.
Lacking official comment, observ-
ers believed Russia and Turkey also
would define their mutual attitudes
in the European war in a pact antici-
pated within a day or two.
Finland's Emissary, Dr. Juho Kusti
Paasikivi, had a brief meeting yes-
terday with Joseph Stalin and Soviet
Premier - Foreign Commissar Vy-
(Continued on Page 6)


owa Game Are.
le At Union
bhe ticket resale serv-
game, was announced
er, '41, of the Union
11. The service will
om 9 a.m. until 1:30

Michigan wi observe Thanksgiv-
ing Nov. 23, the . President's date.
Governor Dickinson, in informal
statement, made no objection to it
and tacitly accepted. He issued no






Garner Seeks Rapid Embargo Vote;
Lindbergh Asks U.S._Keep Arms Ban

p.m. at the bus desk in the lobby of
the Union.'
All tickets which have been pur-
chased and cannot be used may be
registered for sale at the booth. No
student tickets are salable. The tic-
kets will be sold at their face value,
and no charge will be made for the
Union's service or for insurance.
Singer stated yesterday that there
were already several 50 yard line
seats available, some of which were
in groups. Also there was a large
block of seats in section 26 which will
be on sale.r
Singer urged all people who turned
in tickets for sale at last '-atur-
day's game to apply at the student
offices of the Union for their money.
Frolic Funds To Send
Yell Leaders On Trips
All cheer leaders this year may be
able to attend out-of-town games,
according to Jack Grady, '42, chair-
man of the 1938 Frosh Frolic.
Surplus funds from the Frosh Fro-
lic, Grady revealed, will be donated
to the cheer leaders. Fifty-nine
dollars and 95 cents is in the fund.
Tn nravimr a arseearrlars have

Vice-President Suggests
Compromise To Limit
Debate On Neutrality
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-( P)_
Vice-President Garner took a hand
today in maneuvers to hasten a final
Senate vote on neutrality legislation
after administration leaders were re-
buffed in efforts to obtain an agree-r
ment to limit debate.
The Vice-President was known to
have counseled supporters of the
arms embargo repeal bill to compro-
mise the stringent provision which
would prohibit American vessels from
carrying any materials to belligerents
anywhere in the world.
He argued, some senators said, that
such a compromise would shorten de-
bate which proceeded through its
ninth day today with Senator Nye
(Rep., N.D.) vigorously attacking the
embargo repeal as a step toward war
and Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) de-
fending it because, he said, an arms
ban "really makes war more likely
throughout the world."
Earlier nDemocratice ader Barklev

acted, Chairman Pittman (Dem.,
Nev.) of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee called on senators
to submit suggested amendments to
the shipping provision and said he
would lay them before the Demo-
cratic drafters of the bill early next
Three 'amendments, which in gen-,
eral propose to permit American ves-
sels to operate in all areas where they
would not be in danger of being sunk,
already were in Pittman's hands.
The Foreign Relations chairman,
however, laid down three conditions
which he said must be met by any
amendment before it would be per-
sonally aceptable to him.
These were:
1. That such an amendment involve
a minimum of danger to American
2. That licenses for shipments made
under the exemption clause must be
obtained from the munitions control
board and that no arms be carried in
these shipments.
3. That the President be given pow-

Demands Great Britain,
European Nations Leave
Westen Hemisphere
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.- (?) -
Col. Carles A Lindbergh called to-
night for maintenance of an embargo
on "offensive weapons" and virtually
demanded that Great Britain and
other European powers get out of
this hemisphere lest they drag the
United States into war.
"We desire the utmost friendship
wtih the people of Canada," he said
in a radio address prepared for Mu-
tual Broadcasting System. "If their
country is ever attacked, our navy
will be defending their seas, our sol-
diers will fight on their battlefields,
our fliers will die in their skies.
"But have they the right to draw
shis hemisphere into a European war
simply because they prefer the Crown
of England to American indepen-
Lindbergh's stand was similar to
the one taken recently by Herbert
Hoover. The flier advocates the fol-
lowing four-point program:

Tables At Ruthven Banquet'
To Be Of Three Sizes
Groups of three sizes will be ac-
commodated at tables at the Ruth-
ven Anniversary Dinner , Oct. 27,
Stanley Waltz, manager of the Union ,
announced yesterday.
Fifty-four tables will seat 24 people,;
52 tables will accommodate 20 people,
and 32 tables will seat eight persons,
he explained.
This arrangement excludes the
speakers' table, which will be located
on a platform along the east side of
Yost Field House. About 16 persons
will sit there.
Tables will be secured from four
sources, Waltz stated: the University,
Union, Masonic Temple and St.
Thomas' Church.
Tale Of Espionage
[Told Dies Committee
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-(A)-
The Dies committee heard from a
former Communist organizer today
that party members in factories
throughout theUnited Stateswere
used as spies for the Russian OGPU
-testimoney which Chairman Dies
(Dem., Tex.) termed "almost unbe-
The tale of espionage and intrigue
rolled in. Russian accents from the
tongue of Maurice L. Alkin of New
York, who produced credentials as
a charter member of the Communist
party in this country and who served
two years in prison on a felonious as-
sault charge growing out of the New
York fur workers strike of 1926.
Michigan Flying Club

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