Weather Cooler today; Rain tonight and tomorrow. Y V V liaiI Editorial International Center And Friendship i VOL. L. No. 17 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1939, t, PRICE FIVE CENTS 100 Register In Response To Mimes' Call ForSuppor t .Sek Administrati Acting Jobs; Enthusiasm Apparent__In Balloting oday s Final For Talent Survey The first day of the survey of cam- pus talent for a tentative revival of the Union Opera showed a "gratify- lng reSponse," according to Don Treadwefl, '40, president of the Union. Registration for the day passed 100, of which approximately 80 were for acting parts and 30 for administra- tive part1iepaton. Tah sstudents with either techni- cal or dramatic experience in staging a theatrical production and who wish to participate in the Opera may fill out registration blanks today, the final day of the survey. Restration Continues Union staff members will accept egistration blanks from 9. a.m. until 4 p.m. today in the Union lobby, Angell Hall lobby, the General Library, the Engineering Arch, the tungo.. School, and the College. of rchitecture. Port Brown, 41, re- tre tfig the Uion, Phil West- S ,''40, representing Independent Mef's Congress, and Stan M. Swin- tn. of The Daily will be in charge of the poll. -Tihose interested will be .asked to indicate any experience they have had in any phase of theatrical work. Try- ouits for the dramatic cast of' the .pera will state' whether they have had any nging training, any acting experience or any dance training- whether tp, rhythm or balle, arnd Ow kind of Art they want in the iomittees in which students may bartlcipate include: costumes, musiE, scenery and properties, dance, make- up, pesonlnel and ublcity. Peis- trants ste" scliolatcally eigible toparticllate and as'yeetn provisidn ha been made for women registrnts. ?articiption. is .lso denied to fi'st- semester freshmen. Revival Is Dependent Treadwell stressed tiat on the out- come of this slivey hinges this years revival attempt. Efforts to reorgan. ize Mimes in 1934 and 1935 were un- successful, he explained, largely be- cause sufficient talent was lacking. The varied activities that go into the production of an Opera, he add- ed, afford opportunities to many fields of talent. Musicians, artists, dancers, and personneliadvisers are needed fully as much as the actors who appear before the footlights. From the list of students who reg- ister during the poll will be selected the participants, should the findings of the survey indicate that the sup- ply of talent will be sufficient. The cast will be chosen and committees organized within a few weeks, Tread- well stated, if the Opera is approved. .The history of the Union and the Opera are bound up closely together. It was the Opera, founded in 1907, that supplied funds for the exten- sion of the Union and which greatly aided in the construction of the pres- ent Union building. During the 23 years of its existence, the Opera had a gross income of more than $800,000, resulting in a net profit of nearly $150,000, and played before audiences totaling approxi- mately 400,000 persons. Four Testify In Gibbs Case Identify Relief Checks Sent By CountyClerk By MILTON ORSHEFSKY Four more city and township offi- cials were called by Prosecutor Al- bert J. Rapp yesterday In the county case against Emmett M. Gibb, form- er county clerk charged with em- bezzlement of $5,549.55 from relief funds. The witnesses--Harvey Holmes, Ypsilanti city clerk; Freeman Web- ber, former treasurer of Northfield township; William Clark, clerk of Dexter township, and Oscar Haeus- sler, former treasurer- of Freedom township-identified the relief checks sent by them to Gibb between Jan. 1, Mimes' Revival Campaign Begins Richard Humphreys, '40, (extreme left), president of Mimes, shown above accepting registration blanks for work on the Union Opera, Tom Harmon, '41 (second from left) examines one of the blanks. U.S. Can Bring Lasting Peace T World, Prof. Slosson States League Of Nations Given 'Teeth' In Plan Created By Member Of Faculty (Editor's Note: Every provision of the recently announced British ' "War aims" is contained in the six points of Prof. Preston W. Slosson's peace plan, as outlined in this article.) By WILLIAM NEWTON It is within.the powerof the United States to offer and enforce a lasting world peace today, Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department and assistant librarian of the Amer- ican delegation to't-he Versailles Peace Conference of. 1919, said yesterday. Our attention, :Professor Slosson continued, should be focused on the establishment of'a' permanent world peace, rather than upon the state- ments of despairing writers and speakers. We can, if we have the will force the warring nations to accept a' plan which, -though it may not, work out perfectly for world peace, will at least "make the effort," he stated. "What are the bases of an endur- ing peace? They are not recondite; many have pointed them out during the armistice years of 1919 to 1939. The world. knew,+ but, it would not heed," continued Professor Slosson. "In its present dire need, it may per- haps heed. At least we should make the effort, since it is our only hope." Professor Slosson went on to out- line his own plan for world peace, the details ofwhich follow,: 1. "As a gesture of good will, wipe the slate clean both of reparations and of international debts." 2. "Place ALL colonies, not merely some tropical colonies and depen- dencies, under the mandate system, with equal trade rights to all na- tions." 3. This section of Professor Slos- Frosi Handed Mandate: Pots Are Only Headgear Pots, those traditional emblems of campus neophytes, are going 'to be revived, at least as far as fraterni- ties are concerned. Fraternity presidents, voting '100 per cent at 'a meeting Wednesday night, decided in favor of having all freshmen pledges wear the little grey caps. Moe's sport shop has been chosen official distributor.' son's outlined plan provides that all causes of international dispute, with- out exception, shall be peacefull settled. If ordinary diplomacy can- not handle these problems, they should be handed over to the League of Nations, of "whatever newer and stronger international agency may come out of the war." 4. This section calls for a world- wide' agreement to enforce this in- ternational tribunal's decisions by the entire armed force of the law-. abiding nations. This would mean, Professor Slosson explained, that the United States would be in a position to stop wars bfeore they actually be- gan, by such a determined show of force that no application of that force would actually be necessary. The provision for armed support of the will of an international tri- (Continued on Page 8) e s National War Opinion Poll' The ballot appearing below is printed by The Daily as part of a National College Poll conducted in an effort to determine the attitudeI of students all over the country to-I ward the present European conflict and the policy of the United States in regard to that conflict. Vandenberg And Murphy To Talk Here Banquet F*eting Ruthven Will Feature Pageantry Of University History All Campus Groups Will Enter Parade Attorney General Frank Murphy and Senator Arthur Vandenberg have accepted invitations to speak at the Ruthven Testimonial Dinner, Oct. 27, at which more than 1,000 students will take part in a giant pageant de- picting 10 years Qf University history made under he administration of President Ruthv'en, the committee on student participation announced last night. Already in the hands of the com- mittee are pledges from 75 campus organizations promising 40 differ- ents features to make up the mile- long parade whch will pass down a middle ramp in'Yost Field House be- fore more than 2,600 persons gath- ered to honor Dr. Ruthven on the tenth anniversary of his presidency. Wednesday Is Deadline The committee has set an absolute deadline of Wednesday noon for par- ticipating groups to present a com- prehensive outline of what their fea- tures will include. These outlines can be turned inat the student' of- fices of the Uion or the under- graduate office of the League any day from 2 to 5 p.m. Each fraternity, sorority, dormi- tory, League house, the Union, the League, men's and women's honor society and other campus groups will participate. Five features will rep- resent fraternities, six sororities and other groups will present individual or cooperative fAatures dealing with events in the last 10 years of Univer- sity history or' any event in Dr Ruthven's life. Organizations Listed Organizations wnich have an- nounced their participation thus far include; 16 soror ties 41 fraternities, Adelia Che"ever' Ann'A)ror Inde- pendents, Alumnae. House, Betsy Barbour, Helen Newberry, Jordan Hall, Mosher Hall, Martha Cook, League Houses, Mortar Board, Scroll, Senior Society, Wyvern, Michigamua, Vulcans, ROTC, and many others. A limited number of student tickets is available at the League under- graduate office and the Union stu- dent offices. The price is $1.50. Student Senate Asks Campus Stand On War Possibility Of Cooperation With Foreign Neutrals Is SuggestedIn Report Adoption of a resolution with re- gard to American peace and neutral- ity, and an announcement that the fifth semi-annual election of Sena- tors will take place on Nov. 3, high- lighted the meeting of the Student Senate last night. On the basis of a report by Hugo Reichard, Grad., chairman of the Peace Committee, the Senate adopt- ed the following resolution: "In view of the character of the international situation, the Student Senate recommends to the campus a careful consideration of the problem of preserving our peace. "The Senate recommends that these questions in particular be given attention: Is this an imperialistic war that is going on in Europe? Shouild America remain out of this war? Should America take no sides in this war? How can we best pre- serve our civil liberties at this time? Should America take steps, in col- laboration with other neutral na- tions, to mediate an early conclusion to this war? In addition to this resolution, -the Senate authorized the Peace Com- mittee to make preparations for a Fall Parley on Peace and to provide for an open discussion on the ques- tion of peace. Journalistic Fraternity Hears Sportcaster Stern 1 TIM m- r Vntinnl rnadetinv As Peace Finla nd Gets U.S. Suppe-,ort a ___________________ ____ Embattled Baltic Nation Begins Talks With Soviet As America Intervenes Steinhardt Coners With Communists By LYNN HEINZERLING HELSINKI, Oct. 12.-(P-Finlandt today welcomed, reports of United States representations in her behalf in Moscow where a Finnish delegation gathered around the same Kremlin conference table at which Soviet Rus- sia has obtained major concessions from three other Baltic states. 3 Officials maintained. silence, but wellinformed observers said these reports confirmed their belief' thatf powerful outside forces were work-. ing to save Finland from demands such as those which reduced Estonia,j Latvia and Lithuania to the status of virtual Soviet protectorates. (In ^Washington it 'was' learned authoritatively that' Laurence A. Steinhardt United States Anbassa- dor to 'Moscow, conveyed to Soviet Premier-Foreign Commissar Vyache- slaff Molotoff the United States' "earnest hope" that 'Russia would re frain from extreme demands which would disturl peaceful Russian-Fin- nish-relations. . S(Itwas also reliably reported in Moscow that ministers there of Scan- dinavian 'countries followed Stein- hardt in urging' Sviet 'moderation in any proposals to the Finns.) Finland, meanwhile, continuedwith headlong 'preparations to fight for her independence, in the event she felt forced .to resist the Soviet de- mands, on which Finns here thus far have not been-.enlightened. 'Optimists foundl comfort '-in the fact that early reports were lacking on the opening of the Kreilin nego- tiations at which the Finnish dele- gation, headed by former Premier Dr. Juho Kusti Paasikivi, conferred for an hour with Molotoff, Joseph Stalin and Vice Commissar Vladimir Pot- eemkin. These sources speculated that the Russian demands at least had not seemed so unreasonable to the Fin- nish envoy as to lack a basis for dis- cussion. On the other hand, those who watched long lines of women and children fleeing Helsinki to the safer environs of the countryside were less hopeful. Military activity on all sides also served as a grim reminder that the country might be in danger. Foreign Minister Elias Erkko, scheduled to make a radio address to the United States early tomorrow morning, held up the final draft of his speech until the last moment in the hope that he could include some word of the Moscow developments. . remaar kable' Describes Life Of First Lady Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the President and a nationally- known figure in her own right, will speak Thursday, Oct. 26, in Hill Au- ditorium in the first of this year's "Lecture Courses" sponsored 'by the University Oratorical Association. Mrs." Roosevelt's subject will be "The Relationship of the Individual to the Community." Observer of the -American scene, syndicated newspaper columnist, ra- dio and platform speaker, Eleanor >Roosevelt has emerged, even in the opinions of anti-feminists and her husband's political enemies, as the most remarkable First Lady in his- tory. In the past summer alone she ap- peared on the "Hobby Lobby" radio program as mistress of ceremonies, published a volume of excerpts from her column, entertained Britain's King and Queen, adopted a refugee Spanish child, visited various Nev Deal projects, wrote "My Day" with- out missing a deadline, preparec, numerous articles, reviews and testi- (Continued on Page 2) 21 Late News Summary By Associated Press BERLIN-Real warfare must be started now,' Hitler decides, after construing Prime Minister Chamber- lain's Commons speech as rejection of Nazi peace proposals. MOSCOW-United States, Scan- dinavian states make plea to Russia not to menace peace with Finland. LONDON-Britain turns down German peace feelers; there can be no peace on Hitler's terms, Prime Minister Chamberlain tells Commons. HELSINKI-Finns heartened over word that important outside influ- ences are seeking to save their Mos- cow delegation from demands such as reduced sovereignty of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. COPENHAGEN-Norway, Sweden and Denmark tell Moscow they hope Finland's independence will not be threatened' PARIS--French offensive, activity resumed on Western Front after five days .of defensive action. WASHINGTON-Senator La Fol- lette warns Senate neutrality law re- vision eventually would 'ruin United States prosperity. (Unless otherwise stated all foreign 'dispatches are subject to censorship.)' Arms Embargo Repeal Fouht By La Follette Fuehrer Decides Parleys Are Futile After British Take Determined Stand Chamberlain Asks Positive Guarantees 1 t I f 1 t t : I By MELVIN K. WHITELEATHER BERLIN, Oct 12.-(A')-Fuehrer Adolf Hitler has decided to wage war in earnest against Britain and France, after having weighed Prime Minister Chamberlain's speech to- day and found it wanting, The Fuehrer halted his six-day peace effort, informed sources said, and summoned his general staff to take charge of the war in the west. This action followed a three-hour word-for-word study of the British Prime Minister's reply to his peace overture. With his closest advisers, Hitler was said to have decided that the British government Was "determined to fight for destruction of the Reich and the German people." Further Parleys Useless Germany holds, informed quarters said, that further parleys are useless and that arms must speak. The Nazis said they had hoped un- til the last that some means of ob- taining peace could be found, now that their war aims in the East have beei fulfilled with the conquest of Poland. Activity in the air, which Germany believes to be her best ace, Was ex- pected to. be the first evidence that the war in' the West has emerged from one of watchful waiting into a fight to the finish. This action was awaited against blockading British ships in an effort t6 establish what for the Nazis is one Hitler Plans arnest War' Proposals Fail; The Daily requests the cooper- ation of every student in filling out these ballots. Check your answer to each of the ten ques- tions, tear the ballot out and de- posit it in the ballot boxes in the Union lobby, Angell Hall lobby, the General Library, the En- gineering Arch, the Music School and the College of Architecture. This ballot has been sent to more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States by the University of California and the California Daily Bruin, student newspaper, which are convinced, as are the edi- tors of The Daily, that a concentrated national student opinion will affect the attitudes assumed by the general pub- lic and the policies adopted by the American government. Believes Disastrous Boom' Will -,Follow Proposal , Of Neutrality Revision WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-(AP)-In the same chamber where his father fought a losing battle against Ameri- can entrance into the World War, Senator LaFollette (Prog.-Wis.) raised his voice today against Presi- dent Roosevelt's proposal to repeal the arms embargo. "Young Bob"-he is 44-warned his colleagues that the Administra- tion's proposed revision of the Neu- trality Law would lead to a disastrous war boom, draining the country's re- sources into Europe in exchnge for "sterile" gold. Instead of encouraging war trade with Europe, he said, the government should concentrate upon building a sound economy at home and in Latin America. The United States could help make her South American neigh- bors secure against possible "Fascist attacks," he added, by using part of its "hversupply of idle gold" to make direct investments which would raise South American standards of living. and to stabilize the banking systems there. LaFollette served notice that he, would ask the Senate later to amend the Administration bill so that trade quotas would prevent "valuable and necessary products" from being drained away. His speech concluded a day's de- bate in which those opposed to lift- ing the ban on arms sales to warring nations picked up the support of. Senator Chavez (Dem.-N.M.), who previously had been uncommitted publicly. of their most important strategic problems at.. present, namely: "Can. the blockade be broken' by the combined use of airplanes, sub- marines and surface craft?" To Consult With Allies At any rate, Nazis said, those who interpreted Hitler's peace efforts as a sign of weakness soon would learn their mistake. Diplomatically, it was said that consultations with Joseph Stalin of Soviet Russia and Premier Mussolini of Italy would be held immediately to determine what aid, if any, Germany may expect now that the die is con- sidered cast with Britain and France. The question of direct Russian miltiary assistance will be raised, it was asserted. Soviet Premier-Foreign Commissar Vyacheslaff Molotoff is expected in Nazi quarters to visit Ber- lin some time this month. It still was believed to be unde- cided whether Mussolini would be asked to join actively, as the general staff apparently was not certain whether Italy could be of more use as a neutral than as a belligerent. Britain Scorns Nazi Peace Offer u ,o® , I' . I II NATIONAL COLLEGE POLL (Deposit in boxes at above named locatios (Check Answers) 1. Under present conditions, should the United States enter the European war as an active fighting agent? 2. If Germany is defeated in the war, do you think the [ spread of the totalitarian form of government will be pre- vented?C 3. Under present conditions, should the United States sellE munitions on a cash basis to any belligerent nations who can call for the items in their own ships?E 4. Do you favor increased armaments and extension of armed forces in the United States at the Dresent time?[ 5. Would you be willing to fight if: A. The United States proper wereE attacked?E B. Any United States territorial possessionsr were ittacker F -- -YES ]NO ]YES ]NO ]YES ~ NO YES ~ NO L a y 1 J f IFC Redistricts All Fraternities Date For Pledge Banquet Set ForThursday Plans for participation in the President's Pageant, a complete re- districting of the 41 houses on cam- pus, and next .Thursday evening as the date for the Annual Pledge Ban- quet were announced last night at a meeting of the Interfraternity Coun- cil, according to Tom Adams, '40, president of the Council. in years past, fraternities were grouped together in five non-con- tiguous districts, with noconsidera- tion onf geograph ic.position or tra- By ROBERT E. BUNNELLE LONDON, Oct. 12.-(A')-Britain sternly refused today to make any peace with Adolf Hitler based on "recognition of his conquests and his right to do what he pleases with the conquered." Grim-voiced Prime Minister Cham- berlain offered the German Fuehrer a choice between a real and lasting peace backed by "effective guaran- tees" or a war in which France and Britain "must persevere in their duty to the end." Almost in the next breath, how- ever, the, Prime Minister expressed doubt Hitler could give such guaran- Itees, declaring to the House of Com- mons: "The plain truth is that, after our past experience, it is .no longer pos- sible to rely upon the unsupported word of the present German Gov- ernment It was Chamberlain's first speech since Hitler in the Reichstag last Friday outlined his ideas for a Euro- pean peace and, with Premier Da- ladier's Tuesday broadcast, con- stituted the Allied reply to the Fuehr- er's proposals. Without fixing specific conditions, Chamberlain said, "either the Ger- man Government must give convinc- E-1 [ _ ~ YES NO YES ,.T,-. I I-1 NO i