THE M ICIIHIGAIN DAILY THUSDAY, OCT. 1 - 7CIi fT__ kuat xT I .T ® aoIs 1939 rv j:1 *., '"L, A.Ei....a......l rence Preuss, of the political science in all ways short of war by whicI; T5 Handerkchiefs........ department, declared in a recent that end may be accomplished." f February 14, 1939 4 Pr. Socks .............16 statement prepared for the Ann Ar- Should Lift Embargo 1 Towel(.....s...A...r...04 bor Citizen's Council. Lifting the embargo is urged by lords to line) for'one SUNSHINE LAUNDRY Our declarations of policy at the Professor Preuss as the "minimum onNDial 6964 outbreak of warfare in Poland ac-. contribution which we should make ing line for three or Dree Pick Up and Delivery complished "legal neutrality" for the to a cause which, in the opinion of ng loUnited States, and no legislation we most, is in a real sense our own." P 3 lines per lnser- AUN4DRY -- 2-1044. Sax darned are able to enact will ever make us Under the embargo act, only arms Careful work at low prices. neutral" i a practical sense, Pro- and munitions are prohibited from ates are on the basis - fessor Preuss explained. being shipped to belligerents, while ent before the ad is Seek Safest Policy a score of other commodities are be-/ is inconvenient for SILVER LAUNDRY Consequently our Congressmen in ing carried in American ships every our offices to make 6 01 Hoover Phone 5594 Washington today are merely grop- day, he argued. All of these other essenger will be sent Free pP kups and deliveries ing for the safest foreign policy for contraband are just as liable to seizure r ad at a slight extra Price List the United States to adopt, he said. on the high seas, he pointed out. All articles washed and ironed. "Either 'cash and carry' or 'arms em- "Clarity of thought would be pro- r information call Shirts . . ...............14 bargo' is equally in conformity with moted if we recognized frankly that op at 420 Maynard Undershirts . . .......... . ... .04 international law if it applies to all the real issue in the present contro- EVENING ELEGANCE. . Shorts.. ............. .04 belligerents alike." versy is whether we should, by lifting .Pajama ,0Suts...........0et aliinte.lgaeneis"nth ne ararg ttasin faor __Pajama,Sts.....hep10 Neutrality in the legal sense is "an Varsity-Town had but two things in mind FOR SALE --3 Socks, pair.................03 attitude of impartiality toward war- fwchance and Great Britain." thy- created hes ±otms fid Handkerchiefs ............02 :ing nations," Professor Preuss de--when they created these formals . . . first, 122 Normal St., Ypsi- Bath Towels ....... .........03 ared, "but this formal equality does equipment of the late All Work Guaranteed lot give our country any practical DiSCuSS Waterway System to give yoq STYLE... next, to give you the W. Paton, including I Also special prices on Coed's laun- legislation which will not, in its prac- MILWAUKEE, sae casual, comfort you now enjoy in your B.O. bags (new), oak dries. All bundles done separately. tical application, grant to one side MILWAUKEE, Oct. 11.--(P)e-i chairs, desks, opth- No markings. Silks, wools our advantages which are denied to f t Sysem wshe Great Lakes Water- Iaytime wear.n Their exact tailoring, per- )toscope, instruments, specialty. 9 other." way System was described by Lt. Col- fect details, and style expression make it "One cannot procure neutrality by W. H. Holcombe, District Engineer of YP G-__in atau an___i it;he U.S. Army Engineering Corps, as practically impossible for you to choose RENT -5 "TYPrNG- 18 passing a cstatute and labelling it, ;ontributing much to the industrial anything but a Varsity-Town Formal if ___________"Neutrality Act," he said. levelopment of the nation at a meet- Vwly decorated roomst ist Professor Preuss also stated that ing of the American Association of you're looking for America's smartest ee- wly deorae rhooms 6and notary public, excellent work It "is perfectly obvious that President sort authorities here today. ning clothes. !g lavatories. Shower 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 3 Wing_______________lothes.______________ heat, garage. Phone Washington. TRANSPORTATION -21 FOR RENT 43 WSHED SA AN aGRAV iquire 431 Thompson. SSE ADADGAE PortablwTyewriters, Diea ravel, washed pebbles. , Killins Gravel Company. Phone RS with rooms to 7112. ALL MAKES AND MODELS. Many good buys s and their wives, at on a night on Oct. 26 in USED Standard and Portable Models otify the Department Grable Divorces Coogan CLUB TAILS . . . . . $35 , 213 Haven Hall, by LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11--(tP)- CASINO CLUB TUXEDO. . $35 ving address, phone Betty Grable finally divorced Jackie CLUB ROYAL TOPPER . . $35 character of accom- Coogan today. PARKER PENS- STUDENT SUPPLIES . L. Brumin. It took only a few minutes to con- TYPEWRITER RIBBON - Special 49c STRUCTION - 15 elude this Hollywood love story, which has been a public affair-with accom- Experienced teacher panying photographs of shapely 1f onsultation and priv- Betty-for three years. BA LL or supervised study. Miss Grable, detailing ner budding, tion, remedial read- :hen. blighted romance, said young State Street on the Canpus er subjects skillfully Coogan was quarrelsome, caused her 229 South State St. Tel. 2-3333. Refer- mental anguish and hampered her movie career. ... SA M P1E Price per 16.. DLU E Mnmum Student Bundle 5c 2 Suits of Underwear TAKE LAUNDERING, for instance. We learned what 3 .hrsS i*sE~ a.I we know, right here in Ann Arbor, from experience. Our 6*adecif Fl DesSit r o inlue in thi SpcalPi years of business in Ann Arbor have taught us that an 6H nk rhes(ulDesSit r o nlddi hsSeilPi 2c increasingly larger number of students are taking ad- J Fairs of docks vatage of the convenience and money saving pinciples 2 Bath TowelsEp involved in having their laundry done in Ann Arbor. As P X E , pair . . . a result we are prepared to give you the optimum in A pprxx laundry service, convenient call for and delivery sertvce, mgarn fk n c guaranteed careful and efficient work, and prices de- Handkerchlefs, Extra . . signed for the students' budget. Why bother with ship--, ping a laundry box home and risking an uncertain return date when you may have clean, white unruffled laundry returned to you every week? Service to families is one of our specialties. Phone for, our representative today for corn- plete information. KTER lUDRY VARSITY LAUNDRY Ph~ftAl R Phnno t1 71 4c 2c