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October 12, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-12

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
udent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday, during the
iversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
[he Associated Press is exclusively' entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
hts Of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as
ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40


i Petersen
ott Maraniss
,n M. Swinton
rton L. Linder
'man A. Schorr
anis Flanagan
n N. Canavan
n Vicary
. Fineberg

Editorial Stafff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor

Iife einrftlo, Me
Heywood Broun
I think that Roosevelt has a rendezvous with
history. By a curious and ironic turn of events
many of the men in Congress who 'have argued
that the President should
turn his back utterly on
European affairs are now
eager to have him act as
mediator in the conflict. At
the moment the White House
seems in no hurry to take on
the role which has been in-
directly proffered by Berlin.
And it would be fruitless for
Mr. Roosevelt to make a
move until he has received a round robin invita-
tion, even though that bid is supported by noth-
ing more than the lifting of an eye-brow. But
the time is close. The effort should be made.
It is optimistic to expect that a lasting peace
can be arranged around a council table in which
many will sit whose pledged word is justly sub ct,
to suspicion. And yet if one accepts the premise
that the war is far more than a brawl the utility
of negotiation is heightened. If it is true, and I
believe it to be true, that idealogies have clashed,
then there is reason for argument rather than
the continuance of bombardment. It may be so
that the most important actions up till now have
been the leaflet raids and the duel of rival radio
addresses. Force has not been outlawed by any
means as one of the important factors in the
present commotion.
Words, Not Soldiers.. ..
- Yet even Hitler in those moments when he
makes public boasts of victories in the field, gives
palpable testimony to the faith which he holds
in the power of Nazi words and proclamations.
And since the case of. democracy is good it de-
serves its day upon the record. There is almost
unanimous American agreement that we should
send no men to war along the West Wall. - It is
my notion that we should be equally determined
to send words and phrases for the fight again,
the 'totalitarian philosophy. And even the most
bitter political opponents of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt may be moved to admit that he, aboe
all others, is the most eloquent and effective
spokesman for American ideals.
I have become convinced that a continuance
of the war will not readily 'solve the issues at
stake. I say this not because I think the issues
are too petty and too local, but because I believe
they are fundamental and almost beyond the
range of even the most powerful of guns. In the
long run, the proof of every economic and poli-
tical theory must lie in its performance. Per-
sonally I am ready to say that even if Fascism
worked I wouldn't like it. But I say this chiefly
because of my firm faith: that it is not a way
of life to bring blessedness, peace and joy to
any people in the world. An ardent love for
democracy is not the worship of a word but the
expression of a faith in fellowship. It is a declar -
ation to the belief that mankind, with all 'i
faults, may in the long run approach the perfec-
tion of the image in which it was created. And
so I can see at least the possibility of a truce
based upon a rational agreement.
* * *
Go Y O wn Way

Business Staff

siness Manager . .
st. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
omen's Business Manager
)omen'sAdvertising Manager.
blications Manager

. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
* Jane Mowers
.'Harriet S:: Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan,
'7aily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
nexpensive Living, .
Coperative Style .
PrHEIR YEARS of activity . on the
~ .Michigan campus have proved co-
operatives to be beyond the "interesting experi-
~ nent" stage. In the Wolverine Restaurant and
'the eight cooperative houses Michigan students
have found the answer to the need for some
eans to lower living expenses, while maintain-
ing a high standard of living.
Starting with a nucleus of 25 members, the
Wolverine has.,grown to the.largest independent
student center on campus, with more than 800
members, both men and women. A member an
buy a meal ticket entitling him to a week's meals
for only $4.75. Although the cooperative houses,
~have been in existence a shorter time (Rochdet3
House was established in. 1937, with the other
five boys' houses and- the two girls' started some
time later) they have already set a low for
their members' living costs that other systems
have yet to equal on the campus. Individuals
save up to $25 a month on room and board by
" living and working in these houses.
But even more significant than the financial
saving entailed in cooperatives are the training
in self-government available to members, and
the opportunity for students to earn the greater
part of their living expenses. All the cooperatives
are run democratically-with each member hav-
ing one vote on all questions, and officers selectjl
by popular election. The less tangible spirit q
camaraderie and "give-and-take" among mem-
bers is no unimportant feature of this develop-
ment in student life.
In cooperatives, students are finding the solu-
!tion to the problem of how to earn part of their
-expenses, how to lower their total living costs,
and how to get experience in responsible citizen-
ship as they contribute lasting institutions to
their immediate community.
--Jean Shapero
State's Newspaper Becomes Of Age
An official end came Friday afternoon to the
"dirt column" as a feature of the pages of Michi-
gan State News. Feeling that the column caused
an endless exposure to libel and ill will, officials
of this newspaper announced the "dirt's" disso-
-It is doubtful if the "dirt columnist," hated in
some centers, extremely popular in others, ever
deliberately set out to hurt or harm any individ-
ual or group. It has been his ambition to get
interesting items and to present them in as racy
a style as he possessed.
However, thrusts at groups on campus took
their toll on the "dirt columnist's" journalistic
life, and the end came through pressure based on
too many violations of good taste.
With the "dirt column's" dissolution, State
News officials feel that the last throwback of
high school days has been ended. No college
paper of reputable standing, no professional
newspaper has the equivalent of the "dirt
The end of the column is an appropriate time
for the Michigan State News to apologize to any
individual or group who feels he has been made
the butt of a "dirt" item. To anyone who feels
that way, this newspaper apologizes.
May the Michigan State News "dirt column"
rest in the Hades of Journalism, for it has no
place in Michigan State college.

B~y Young G]ulliver
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Oct. 12, 193
Jonathan Swift, Esq.
Dear Daddy,
I'm starting my fourm year at Ann Arbor now
and this wouldn't be a bad time to tell you what
things are like here.
In fact, it's remarkable. The first thing I
want to tell you about is the attitude of the
people here. The main reason people come
here is to go- to college. This involves a
good deal of expense. Everybody grumbles
about the expense but nobody does anything'
about it.
Then you think they'd try to get their money's
worth. But this isn't as easy as it sounds, because
what does money's worth mean? Well, for
some of the girls it means grabbing off a hus-
band. But if that's the case, why do most of
them go around behaving like twelve year olds?
Most of them don't seem to realize that men
don't like child brides outside of India and
Some of them think getting your money's
worth meanis getting all A's. But only one tenth
of one per cent of all the students get all A's.
Most of the college students, however, think
that getting your money's worth means getting
an "education." But, gee, nobody seems to know
what that means; because they are always hav-
ing speakers come and talk about The Meaning
Of Education, and What Is Higher Learning, and
The Meaning Of Culture (I think culture is the
same as education, only nobody knows what cul-
ture is either). And every Spring they all get
together and argue like mad about education,
and you don't know any more when you walk oL*
than you did when you came in.
And anyway, daddy, they've got the funni-
est way of- getting an education. There are a
lot of men- here called Professors,who know
more than the students (usually) and who
are supposed to tell the students what they
know. So the students stay away half the
time, and brag about how niany times they
stayed away, or how many times the Profes-
sor didn't show up. And they also have what
they call pipe courses, which means avoid-
ing education.- - :
It's all very incomprehensiblA.
Besides all this, the students have the funniest
way of Iooking at things. They make me think
of little moles.
I mean they live here for four years and most
of them don't even know what Ann Arbor is
like past Main Street, or what the countryside
is like outside of the Arboretua.p=
And not only that, but they -don't even know
what's going on. They get -all excited every
Saturday about a game, and if you ask them
what the hell difference it makes who wins, they
get mad.
But you never see them getting excited about,
Governor Dickinson. He is an old man who is
very moral. He doesn't belieyae in drinking or
smoking or showing your barsknees. He is also
the signer of a bill which has resulted in thous-
ands of children being deprived of medical care.
Everybody thinks Gov. Dickinson is funny, but I
don't think he's funny at all.- Especially when
you think that there are whole floors empty at
the big University Hospital. And they are send-
ing kids home who have got clubfeet. The kids
could be operated on and fixed up, but' this way
they'll be cripples all their lives, because the
budget has to be balanced.
And if you ask the students why they
don't get excited about the crippled kids, in-
stead of getting excited about a game, then
they all look at you as if you were nuts.

And they've also got some funny idea that
being a student is something special. As a mat-
ter of fact, students are just like everybody else,
only worse. But they think it's more important
to drink stuff and get excited about games than
it is to do something about the United States
or Europe. Except when the Europeans start a
war: then they all get excited when it's almost
too late, because they get the idea that maybe
they're going to get killed like everybody else,
only quicker.
(To be continued)
Warning From Afar
Hardly has the school year gotten away to a
good start when a fraternity robbery has been
reported. This might well be a follow-up on the
thefts of last spring, when several Third street
fraternities were ransacked. In the last one the
thief made away with a tidy sum of $50, a goodly
reward for 20 minutes of work.
These losses could easily have been prevented
with a grain of foresight and a ten-cent lock.
The fraternity house thief is both sly and lazy.
He is lazy in that he won't break into the house
if the door is locked, and he is wise in that he
studies the habits of college men. He knows that
a fraternity never locks up anything but the ice-
box, and he knows too that the best time to
collect his loot is between 4 and 5 o'clock in thb
morning, when the study-worn students are sure
to be in bed.
We pass along to you this bit of advice: Either
lock the door to your room or detail a freshman
to stand guard all night. If either one of these
is found to be impractical, hide your money in

~~ Drew Pearson
RobertS. Allen
WASHINGTON-Here is a tip-off
as to how long the special session
will continue after the neutrality de-
bate is finished:
Among the passengers booked on
the S.S. Lurline for Honolulu at the
end of October is Representative Joe
Martin, astute Republican floor lead-
Other members of Congress listed
as planning the trip are Senators
John Miller, Democrat, ofAkansas,
and Ernest Gibson, Republican, of
Vermont; Representatives Cassius
Dowell of Iowa and August Andresen
of Minnesota, Republicans; Eugene
Crowe of Indiana and Leo Kocialkow-
Lindbergh's Brodeast
The inside story of how Colonel
Lindbergh happened to make his
famous keep-out-of-war radio broad-
cast chiefly revolves around William
R. Castle, Jr., Under Secretary of
State in the Hoover Administration
and an official of the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
Castle had known Lindbergh ever
since the Colonel first flew the At-
lantic, and has become even closer
to him recently.
From the very start of the Polish
crisis, Lindbergh had expressed to
Castle his alarm at the carelessness
of American public opinion which
seemed to think that the United
States might drift into war.
Dining with radio broadcaster Ful-
ton Lewis one night, Lindbergh again
expressed this view, and Lewis im-
mediately suggested that he make a
'radio broadcast. He placed his own
network, Mutual, at the flier's dis-
Lindbergh was non-commital, and
as Lewis left that evening he had
little idea that the Colonel was seri-
ously considering the matter.
Later Castle urged Lindbergh to
accept the invitation, but he de-
,murred. He said he had sought to
'avoid publicity, and that such a
broadcast would put him right back
'in the limelight.
He also argued that such a broad-
cast would make people believe he
was pro-German, and that he owed
it to his children not to make it. Mr.
Castle, however, argued that he owed
it to the American people to urge
them to keep out of war.
Several days later, Fulton Lewis
was fishing in southern Maryland
when a neighbor, ogle-eyed with
astonishment, called him-toa tele-
phone several miles away.
Lindbergh was phoning to say that
he had decided to accept the radio
invitation, but would like to make the
boadcast over all the radio net-
wo rks.To this Lewis readily agreed.
Note: Republican Senatorial circles
also believe that the Lindbergh broad-
.cast was in the nature of a trial bal-
loon to test Lindbergh's possible entry'
in the Senate race in New Jersey,'
where GOP Senator Warren Barbour
faces a tough reelection fight next
Louisiana Nepotists
Nepotism gravy, like gold, is where
you find it. Stocky, vivacious Repre-
sentative Joachin 0. Fernandez of
New Orleans stakes out his claims in
two places, his home-town and Wash-
There is a law in Louisiana against
dual office holding. This has not
however, deterred Louis A. Fernandez,
brother of the Congressman, from
collecting concurrent salaries both as
a state and a federal employee.

As an "undercover" inspector of
the Louisiana Board of Health, Louis
drew a $1,200 salary from July, 1938,
through July, 1939. At the same time
he was-and still is-on the federal
payroll as a $1,500 clerk in the New
Orleans office of the Government's
Mississippi Barge Line.
But it is in Washington that the
Fernandez family makes it biggest
nepotism splurge. A Congressman's
clerical allowance up 'until recently
was $5,000 a year. Every cent of this
money went into the Fernandez till,
as follows:
Viola M. Fernandez, wife,
office assistant ...... ....... $1,200
John D. Fernandez, brother,
secretary....... .,... . 3,800
Total ..................$5,000
Another Louisiana statesman who
does a bit of dunking in the gravy
bowl is Senator John H. Overton. His
nepotist rollcall consists of his two
Washington society-bud daughters--
Katherine, clerk in her
father's office ............ $2,400
Ruth D., ditto ...............2,200
Total .................. $4,60C
Col. Lindbergh Speaks
Col. Lindbergh has given testimony
before. a House Appropriation Sub-
committee in which he indorsed plans
for a reserve of 2,100 planes but urged
that the Government step up its avia-
irm~-- ~ -'-1 r.~a rh .f-rtii4 _ c trc4 ci,

Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
, Election cards filed after the end
of the first week of the semester may
be accepted by the Registrar's Office
only if they are approved by Assis-
ant Dean Walter.
Students who fail to file their elec-
tion blanks by the close of the third
week, even though they have regis-
tered and have attended classes un-
officially, will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Wal-
ter will issue a withdrawal card for
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: I
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week. Sat-
urday, October 14, is therefore the
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later does not affect the opera-
ion of this rule.
Choral Union Tickets: The over-
the-counter sale of both season tick-
Ats and tickets for individual con-
certs in the Choral Union Series is
now taking place daily except Sat-
urday afternoons at the School of
Music office on Maynard Street from
8:30 to 12 a.m and 1 to 5 p.m. A
limited number of tickets are still
Women Students Attending the Chi-
cago Game: Women students wishing
to attend the Chicago-Michigan foot-
ball game are required to register in
the Office of the Dean of Women. A
letter of permission from parents
must' be in this office not later than
Wednesday, Oct. 18. If the student
does not.go by train, special permis-
sion for another mode of travel must
be included in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to regis-
ter in this office
Telephone number of, Dr. Scanio,
listed as 541, should be changed to
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examination.
Last date for filing application will
be Oct. 16, 1939.
Prison farm foreman. Salary range:
$140-160. "
Complete announcement on file at
he Uiversty Bureau of° Appoit-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
The Bureau has also received the
monthly bulletin of New York City
Civil Service examinations. Anyone
nterested may call at the Bureau
during office hours.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
I ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement and en-
rance blanks for Vogue's 5th Prix
De Paris, open to senior women. For
,omplete information, call at the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
3ccupational Information, 201, Ma-
on Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
Naval Architecture and Marine En-
,ineering: The deadline for new sub-
;criptions or renewals to 'Marine En-
ineering & Shipping News' at the
student-rate will be Saturday of
this week. Those who wish to take
advantage of The Technical Publish-
ing Co.'s offer, contact Dave Beach
at 301 Adams House or at the N. A.
& Mar Engr. office.
Michigan Socialist House at 335
East Ann Street, is now accepting ap-
plications for board.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in

Economics: For persons qualified to
irite them, examinations will be held
n Oct. 30-Nov. 1. Please notify the
Department office at once if you plan
>o write the examinations at this
I. L. Sharfman.
Mechanical Engineers: All men ex-
pecting to receive a degree in Febru-
ary, June, or August, 1940, are re-
quested to observe the notice on 'the
bulletin board by Room 221, W. Engr.
Psychology 31 Makeup Examina-
tion for all lecture sections will be
held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room
3126 Natural Science Building.
German Make-Up Examinations:
The make-up examinations for Ger-
man 1, 2, and 31 will be given on

THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1939
VOL. L. No. 16


Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 -to 12 a.m.
in Room 306 U.H. No student will
be allowed to take this examination
unless he presents a written permit
from his instructor at the time of
the examination.
' Lectures
Extracurricular Medical School
Lecture: Dr. Thomas Parran, Sur-
geon General of the United States
Public Health Service, will deliver
the first lecture of the series on Fri-
day, October 13, at 4:15 p.m., in
the Horace H. Rackham .Lecture
Hall. The title will be, "Medicine in
a Changing World."
All classes in the Medical School
will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m. in or-
der that the students may attend
this lecture.
The meeting is open to the public.
Today's Events
Graduate Students: An informal re-
ception for students enrolled in the
Horace H. Rackhaim School of Gradu-
ate Studies will be held in-the Assem-
bly Room of the Rackham Building
tonight at 8 o'clock.
All graduate students and their
wives or husbands are cordially in-
vited to attend.
University of Michigan Flying Club:
The first meeting of the ., University
of Michigan Flying Club will be held
in the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
this evening. Preparation will be
made for the flying meet to be
conducted Sunday afternoon at Ann
Arbor Airport, the winners of which
will be presented with five medals
and a beautiful trophy. Plans for a
Midwest Intercollegiate meet will be
developed also, and refreshments will
be served. All interested fliers of any
kind are invited.
Exhibition, Ann Arbor Art Associa-
ion. The seventeenth annual exhibi-
tion of works of art by local artists
will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall
from Oct..13 to Oct 25. The open-
ing reception to members of the Art
Association and exhibiting artists will
be held tonight.
Members of the Graduate Outing
Club who are planning to attend the
reception for graduate students this
evening are requested to meet at 7:45
In the Graduate Outing Club Room.
Geological Journal Club will hold a
meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 3065
N.S. All students concentratir (or
intending to concentrate) on geology
are invited Subject: "Informal dis-
cussion of summer activities."
Physical Education Men: There will
be a joint mixer of Phi Epsilon Kappa
and the Physical Education Men
this evening at 8 p.m., at the
Michigan Union. Every physical edu-
cation man, including freshmen, grad-
sates, faculty and coaches, is invited

and urged to attend the affair.
reshments will be served.


Instead of speaking of political spheres of in-
fluence an international congress might set up
bounds in which various experimental economic
theories of life might be promulgated. If Fasc-
ism can win the heart of man it will survive. The
same thing goes for Communism. And while
the experiment in democracy is older it has never
been carried through to the hilt of its potential-
ities. Why not say, then, "for ten years, or for
twenty, you go your way and we will go oars:
At the end of that time we will meet again and
see which one of us has the cause most worthy
of sacrifice."
For when that time comes it may be that war
will no longer be though of as the expedient. So
much tangible proof may be ready for the forum
of the world that trial by combat will be wholly
unnecessary. Let Mr. Roosevelt keep the rendez-
vous: Let history write the verdict rather than
putting the issue up to gas and guns and sub-
marines and other sullen things which are not
animated by either soul or reason.
Broadway Theatre
NEW YORK-Broadway is looking wistfully
at the road these days. At Boston, Washington,
New Haven, Hartford, Baltimore, even at far-off
Milwaukee. For although it is the first week in
October, the season-to give it more than its due
--is almost as elusive as the Bremen. It is only
by training spyglasses on the drama's outposts
that we know there is going to be a season at all.
The only new arrivals recently have been the
Shuberts' "Straw Hat Revue" and George Ab-
bott's "See My Lawyer." To those should be
added Leonard Sillman's New York Drama Fes-
tival, which got off to its start on Sept. 18 with
a revival of R. C. Sherriff's "Journey's End."
Presently, and for a week or so more, Mr. Sill-
man is lighting up the Empire Theatre, scent
of festivities, with the late Sidney Howard's
Pulitzer Prize play, "They Knew What They
Wanted." Douglass Montgomery, June Walker,
and Giuseppe Sterni are appearing in the prin-
cipal roles of the Howard play.
As yet, the European situation has apparently
not produced a script with which any producer
feels willing to try the public taste. Mr. Sill-
man had scheduled "Journey's End" long before

Quarterdeck Society, Open Meeting:
All students enrolled in the Depart-
ment of Naval Architecture and Ma-
rine Engineering are cordially invited
to attend the open meeting of Quar-
terdeck Society, this evening at
7:45 p m. in Room 348 West En-
gineering Bldg. Refreshments will be
All those members of Theatre Arts
Ushering Committee who are able to
isher for Russian film Thursday, Fri-
lay, or Saturday evenings, 'or for first
in series of Art Cinema Pictures Sun-
day afternoon and evening, Oct. 12-
13-14-15, should sign up on list on
bulletin board in Undergraduate of-
Tice in League before Thursday noon
when lists will be taken down.
Women's Archery Club: There will
be a meeting of the Women's Archery
Club this afternoon at 4:15 on Palmer
Women's Fencing Club: There will
be a meeting of the Women's Fencing
Club this evening at 7:30 in the fenc-
ing room at Barbour Gymnasium. All
those who have had one season of
fencing or its equivalent (which in-
cludes work through the simple at-
tacks) are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Student Loan Commit-
tee in Room 2, University Hall, held
at 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 16. All ap-
plications to be considered for the
meeting must be filed in Room 2 be-
fore Saturday, Oct. 14, and appoint-
ments made with the committee.
Eta Kappa Nu: There will be an im-
portant meeting on Sunday, Oct. 15,
at 7 p.m. at the Union.
Those wishing to eat in a group
will meet in the lobby of the Union
,afeteria at 6:30. Those graduates
who are members of Eta Kappa Nu
and all members of the Electrical
Engineering faculty are cordially in-
vited to attend.

Strange Bedfellows
When Norman Thomas spoke on
the Carnegie campus two years ago
he said that in his fight to preserve

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