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October 12, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-12

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Partly cloudy today and
tomorrow; cooler.




Inexpensive Living
Cooperative Style

VOL.1,U No. 16




Talent Search
For Tentative
Mimes Opera
Registration Of Students
Wishing To Participate
Continues Until Friday
Campus Groups
To Collect Blanks
The drive to find talent for a pos-
sible revival of the Union Opera be-
gins today.
Students who have had either tech-
nical or dramatic experience in stag-
ing a theatrical production and who
wish to participate in the Opera are
asked to fill out registration blanks
today or tomorrow.
Representatives of campus organi-
zations will accept registration blanks
from 9 a. until 4 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the Union lobby, Angell
Hall lobby the General Library, the
Engineering Arch, the Music School
and the College of Architecture. Port
Brown, '41, representing the Union,
Phil Westbrook, '40, representing
Congress, and Stan M. Swinton of
The Daily will be in charge.
Tryout To State Experience
These .interested will be asked to
indicate any experience they have
had in. any phase of theatrical work.
Try-outs -for the cast of the Opera
will state whether they have had any
singing tralning, any acting experi-
ence or a y dance training-either
tap, rhythn or ballet, and what kind
of part they want in the show.
Lon4, ittees in which students may
participate include: costumes, music,
scenery, and properties, dance, make
up, personnel and publicity. Regis-
trants must be scholastically eligible
to participate."
From these registrants will be
selected the cast and committee
members, If the findings of the -sur-
vey; make a rebirth of the Opera
Founded in 1907, the Union Opera
became one of the most popular
campus institutions. During its hey--
day as many as 500 students tried
out yearly for its choruses, orches-
tras, ca'sts and committees. .
Early Operas Local
The first five Operas were local in
scope. In 1913, however, the alumni
invited the sixth Opera, "Contrarie
Mary," to Chicago. By 1923 tlh
Opera tok a yearly tour through the
nation's largest cities and once set
a record for gross receipts of an
amateur production at the Metropol-
tan Opera House in New York City.
During the 23 years of its existence,
the Oera had a gross income of more
than $800,000, resulting in a net profit
of nearly $150,000, and played before
audiences totaling approximately
400,000 persons.
This is the third attempt at reviv-
al of the Opera since it was aband-
oned in 1930. Revival efforts in 1934
and 1935 were not successful.
Parran To Talk
Here Tomorrow

50,000 Idle
In Chrysler
Plant Dispute
UAW Announces Intention
To Call General Strike;
Five-DayNotice Needed



DETROIT, Oct. 11. --)- Moreo
than 50,000 auto factory workers
were idle tonight because of theV
Chrysler Corporation production dis-r
pute and complete paralysis of oper-
ations in all its plants was threat-N
.With the likelihood that the tietpr
will affect 60,000 workers by tomor-p
row, the United Auto Workers (CIO)
announced its intention to call a gen-I
eial Chrysler strike. Five day noticet
with the State Labor Mediation Boarde
is required.I
Operations Suspendede
Plants which tad virtually sus-r
pended operations tonight were
Chrysler-Kercheval, Chrysler-Jeffer-
son, Dodge, Plymouth, De Soto, and{
Dodge Truck, all in or near Detroit.
By Thursday it was indicated that
all Chrysler divisions, including the
plant at Evansville, Ind., would be
down except for miscellaneous work
in a few departments.-
The tieup so far has centered
around the corporation's Dodge plant,
a key unit in which the management
charges the union instigated a slow-
down and the union claims the as-
sembly line was speeded up. One by
one other plants dependent upon
Dodge became unable to operate.
One unit of the Briggs Manufac-.
turing Co. also became involved anc
6,000 of its workmen were sent home,(
although they are not parties to the
Conference Held
Richard T. I'xankensteen, regional
director of the union, and Herman L.
Weckler, vice-president of Chrysler in<
charge of operations, spent several
hours in conference and Secretary of
Labor Frances Perkins assigned Coi-
missioners E. C. McDonald and D. T.
Roadley to Detroit thelp ork out
a solution.
Both sides accused each other of
camouflaging the real issue, declar-1
ing the question of a new contract to
replace the one that expired Sept.
30 is the vital point.
Frankensteen said he was preparedl
to file at once the five day notice of
intent to strike now required bya
Michigan law.
Russian Film
Begins Today
Art Cinema Group Offers
'Alexander Nevsky'
"Alexander Nevsky," Soviet film
portraying Russia's greatest medieval1
epic, begins a three-day engagement
at 8:15 p.m. today at the Lydia Men-
delsohn Theatre.
Sponsored by the Art Cinema
League, the film reproduces Russia's
struggle with the invading Teutonic
knights in the 13th century. Sergei
Eisenstein, considered Russia's gret-
est director, is in charge of the film,
and Nikolai Cherkassov, star of "Bal-
tic Deputy" and "Peter I" has the
title role.
The climax of the film is built
around the "Battle on the Ice," in
which Nevsky, the Prince of Nov-
gorod, led the Russian troops to a vic-
tory that has become a legend in
Russian folk-lore. In reproducing
the battle, Director Eisenstein used
as many soldiers as were engaged in
the original.
Tickets are on sale at the League
box office. All seats will be reserved.
Early Peace Aim
Of ASU Resolution
A resolution that "the United
States stand ready with other neu-
tral nations, to use all its forces to
bring to an early conclusion this
present European war" was passed
last night at a meeting of the Peace
Commission of the American Stu-
dent Union in Lane Hall. This reso-

iution will be presented to the mem-
bers for approval at the next general
membership meeting.
The commission also resolved to
'support the embargo against Japan
and to give medical, economic and
Ainlmati ni fn hin . tocl nn.,

Student Senate
To Make Final
Election Plans
Final election plans and the date
f election will be the main subject
at the meeting of the Student Sen-
ate at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union,
Mtartin Dworkis, '40, acting president
said yesterday.
Norman A. Schorr was recently ap-
pointed to the post of director of elec-
tions, Dworkis said, but the details of
election have not as yet been decided.
At last week's meeting, a committee
was appointed to formulate a policy
of American neutrality for the Senate,
Dworkis added, and it is expected that
the group will adopt this policy to-
A move to abolish voting by proxy
was tabled at the last meeting and
will be brought up again tonight, thus
making attendance a necessity in
order to exercise a vote.
Senator Betty Shaw, '41, was ap-
pointed a committee of one last week
to investigate a program of home
education initiated by Mrs. Samuel
T. Dana, wife of the dean of the for-
estry school, and her report will be
presented at tonight's meeting.
Gibb, Former
County Clerk,
Goes On Trial
Township Officials Testify
At First Day's Hearing
In Circuit Court Here
Charged with the embezzlement
of $5,549.55 from county relief funds,
Emmett M. Gibb, former county
clerk, went on trial . yesterday in
circuit court before Judge George
W. Sample and a jury of 14 mem-
bers. "
Last May, Gib resigned from
office', during removal proceedings
conducted by a special tribunal. How-
ever, he has refused to plead "guilty"
to the enbezzlement charge.
Testimony yesterday was confined
by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp and
Defense Attorney. John Conliin to
an examination of transactions be-
tween various county townships and
the relief office of which Gibb was
head. Only five witnesses were called
during the two sessions: Miss Lottie
Wallace, city clerk of Saline; Frank
Leeson, treasurer of Manchester
township; Miss Jane Forshee, treas-
urer of Ann Arbor; Fred C. Perry,
Ann Arbor city clerk, and John Ber-
sUder, treasurer of Bridgewater town-
All were asked to identify the re-
lief checks sent to the county clerk's
office from their townships. Leeson,
who was treasurer of Manchester
during Gibb's term of office, testi-
fied that several of his checks were
(Continued on Page 2)
Postmasters Hear FDR
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.-(IP)--
President Roosevelt told 4,000 post-
masters gathered on the south lawn
of the White House today that the
postal service had been developed in-
to an "efficient institution" under
"the able direction of our Postmaster
General," James A. Farley.

Forum Brings
Experts Here
University- Life Magazine
Conference To Be Held
Nov. 1, Anderson States
Scientists To Hold
Transporting Study -
One of the outstanding technolog-
'ical conferences to be held in the
'United States during 1939 will meet
in Ann Arbor beginning Nov. 1, it wask
announced.Wednesday by Dean H.
C. Anderson of the engineering col-
Sponsored jointly by the University
and Life magazine, the conventiont
has been named "The University of1
Michigan-Life Conference on New
'Technologies in Transportation."
Scientists To Be Present
Distinguished scientists, research
men and technicians from the labora-
tories of- the =great industrial cor-
porations, governmental bureaus, re-
search foundations and leading na-
tional technical schools will attend
the three-day forum.
Speakers will include Charles F.
Kettering, vice-president in charge
of research, General Motors Research
Corporation; C. R. Smith, president
of American Airlines; Fred M. Zed-
er, vice-chairman of the board,
Chrysler Corporation; Dr. Riard
M. Wick, research engineer, Beth-
lehem Steel Co.; Otto S. Schairer,
vice-president in charge of patents,
Radio Corporation of America; and
D. A. Wallace, president, Chrysler
Sales Corporation.
Study Is Planned
Sponsors of the conference have
described it as ."designed to examine
new methods, new materials, and new
directions in the transportation field."
It will deal with specific 1939 achieve-
ments in the respective fields of en-
gineering, metallurgy, thermo-dyna-
mics, structure,. tensile strength;
speed and capacity in the fields of
air transportation, automotive, high-
way, rail and marine transportation..
Dean Anderson yesterday issued the
following statement in announcing
the conference: "The amazing tech-
nological advances in Urited States
transportation during the past dec-
ade, linking the Pacific and Atlantic
with overnight flights, bringing new
speed and traffic to the new Ameri-
can railway systems, opening a new
aviation frontier in the stratosphere,
carrying automotive internal com-
bustion engines into higher and un-
dreamed of areas of flexibility are
unilaterally dependent on the be-
hind-the-scenes work of America's
SAE Elects New Officers;
D. Scroggin, Chairman
The Society of Automotive Engi-
neers held its organization meeting
for the new semester last night. The
officers elected were: Chairman,
Dudley Scroggin, '40E; secretary-
treasurer, Lew Briggs, '40E; program
chairman, Robert Jackson, '40E; pub-
licity, Afired Bobrowski, Grad; mem-
bership, Edward Egle, Grad. The next
meeting on Thursday, Oct. 19 is open
to all who are interested.






Identification Cards
Will Be issued Today
Student identification cards will
be given out again today in Room 2,
University Hall, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
it has been announced.
Distribution began Wednesday,
with hundreds of students receiving
the cards. Identification cards must
be displayed for admittance to the
football game Saturday.
New Directory
Goss On Sale
In Record Time

Book Out Today Stresses
Accuracy; Adds Lists
Of Professional Groups
Setting an all time. record for,
rapidity of production, the Student
] irectory appears for sale today on
campus complete with student in
formation ani several new features.I
"The book is as accurate as it is
humanly possible to make it," said
Lenton G. Sculthorpe, director of the
publication's staff. Names, address-
es and phone - numbers were double
checked both at registration and withX
health service records, he stated. a
The directory will include a com-
plete list of members of social frater-
nities and sororities as In the past,
with -the added innovation of. lists
of professional groups. Also dormi-c
tory lists will be complete,.includinge
members of the new .West Quad-
rangle houses. As usual, a campus
information section listing the stu-
dents engaged in the various school
activities will be featured.
The lists of students, according
to Sculthorpe, include all who were
registered in the University up to the
time of printing. Corrections and
changes of address also were made
as late as possible. The faculty sec-
tion names all members of the teach-
ing faculty and those administrative
members of the school who are in
contact with the student body. 3
A revised system of staffing the
student directory starting this year
was reported by Sculthorpe, who said
that it "made for better efficiency
and rapidity of production." The
new system entails a directorship by
a senior rather than a junior member
of the Ensian, who heads an entire
staff of junior workers.
'Garg To Come
Out On Time
Contest Naming Wolverine
Open To Readers
Breakingan all time precedent, the
Gargoyle, Michigan's campus humor
magazine, will, according to Ellis
Wunsch, '40, editor, definitely appear
tomorrow morning-on time. This
ambitious statement was substantiat-
ed by the fact that the issue was on
the presses last night.
Two contests are being featured
in the issue. One of these is the
wolverine naming bout, for which one
entry blank will be issued with each
copy of the Gargoyle. The winner
receives a new 1940 Chevrolet. The
second- contest, to be a regular
monthly feature, benefits the writer
of the month's best short story by
$10. Harvey Swados, '40, provides
the winning story for this issue.
Other sections to be featured in the
issue, are a two page spread on the
beauty of the freshman class (fe-
male) which utilizes purportedly
"unretouched" photographs, and a
special photo feature on Coach
"Fritz" Crisler.
Women's Dance Petitions
To Be Received At League
Supplementing information given
in yesterday's Daily on petitioning
for positions on the Soph Prom anc
J-Hop dance committees, Don
Treadwell. '40. president of the Union

Great Britain And Russi
Reach Barter Agreemen
FinandPrpars efens

London To Get Soviet Timber Under Pa<
Helsinki And Viipuri Evacuated
Against Possible Attack
(Unless otherwise stated all foreign dispatches are subject to censorship.)
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN-German naval observers claim Germany controls Nord
Sea; air ministry orders new large-scale operations against blockadin
British fleet.
LONDON-Britain announces trade agreement with Russia; in
portant political results looked for; government discloses that.158,04
British soldiers now in France.
MOSCOW-Northern European states reported urging Britain ar
France to make peace with Germany so Germany can help chec
Russian expansion; Finnish delegation arrives for negotiations.
HELSINKI-Finns prepare to defend country against any Russia
move at domination; civilians evacuated from Helsinki and Viipur
military measures taken.
PARIS-German army and air force pressure reported increasir
on Western Front between Rhine and Moselle Rivers.
NEW YORK--"Threatened" American liner Iroquois enters Ne
York harbor safely with U.S. naval oonvoy.
WASHINGTON-Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.) in neutrality deba
accuses President Roosevelt of assumhig unlimited emergency power
Senator Burke (Dem.-Neb.) urges repeal.of arms embargo to prote
United States from "Hitlerism."
Finland Ready To Resist British Men And Armd
Demands For Concessions In France Ready To Fib
HELSINKI, Finland, Oct. 11.-(P) LONDON, Oct. 11.-(;P)-Bri
-Liberty-loving Finns today pro- agreed today to trade rubber and
ceeded calmly and methodically with to da o t mber an
preparations to defend their republic clos i e ousf om m, n s
against any, Soviet Russia move at closed in the House of Commons
domination which. might come from 158,000 British soldiers and 25
impending Moscow negotiations vehicles of war already were in FrE
Hoping for the best but fearing the to fight Russia's friend, Nazi C
worst, they started a mass exodus of many.,
civilians from ..Helsinki and Viiupuri The barter agreement, annoui
and increased military measures by the ministry of supply, is expe
against the possibility of Finland tak- to have "important political as
ing her place along with Estonia, as trade impacts," said the autho:
Latvia and LithuaniM as virtual Soviet Live press association. The amo
protectorates. not disclosed, were said to be a
A Finnish delegation arrived in the same as in normal peace-
Moscow today at Russia's "request" transactions.
but foreign minister Elias Erkko Hore-Belisha Cheered
said the formal talks with Joseph In the House of Commons
Stalin's government would not start Secretary Leslie Hore-Belishac
until tomorrow afternoon. repeated cheers as he disclosed1
Dispatches from Moscow had in- ain's vast movement of men and
-dicated the Russians had expected chines across the English Chann
Juho Kusti Pasikivi, the Finnish dele- the first five weeks of hosti
gate, to go to the Kremlin this after- "without a single casualty."
noon or tonight. All have been placed "under Fr
Regardless of when the talks start, command," he said, their number
responsible Finnish sources empha- Leeding pledges to France.
sized concessions similar to those 'The major operation is over,'"
gained in the three states across the MHore-Belisha in his first war re
Baltic and would resist if necessary. "There is no need for furthe
They backed up their determina- lence."
tion by speeding up the task of get- Many of the war vehicles
ting the nation's affairs in order tanks, he reported, "some of the
against any emergency. There has enormous dimensions," weighin
been no mobilization order as yet, tons or more
but the preparations were obvious. "We have created our base

el i
r ex
r s



In the country long lines of horses
could be seen driven towards central
points for the possible war to be.
Carts piled high with hay also were
moving towards these concentration
Passing trains drew flat cars load-
ed with more hay wagons. Around
the bases of the larger bridges long
rows of barbed wire had been strung
to catch any unwary marauder

Surgeon General Begins
Medical Lectures
Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., surgeon
general of the U.S. Public Health
Service, will discuss "Medicine in a
Changing World" at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
Dr. Parran's speech will inaugurate
a series of extra-curricular medical
lectures to the attendance of which
the School of Medicine has invited
the public.
The federal drive against kyphilis
was undertaken at Dr. Parran 's insis-
tence. As one of his contributions
to the success of this widely publi-
cized battle, Dr. Parran wrote "Sha-
dow Over the Land" which was pub-
lished in 1937.
In addition to his position as U.S.
Surgeon GenerTal, Dr. Parran serves
as Scientific Director in the Inter-
national Health Division of the Roc-
kefeller Foundation and as a member
of the editorial board of the Ameri-
can Journal of Venereal Diseases.
Dr. Parran began his public health
work in 1917 as an assistant surgeon
in the U.S. Public Health Depart-'
ment. Before his appointment as
Surgeon General in 1936, he held
public health positions such as chief
medical officer at Muscle Shoals,
Al _ "r ohl... of ,T R nivimgin of

Neutrality Debate Brings Plea
For Repeal, Attack On Roosevelt


WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. -VP)-
Tiring crowds in the Senate galleries
pricked up their ears today when
Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.), oppos-
ing repeal of the arms embargo,
accused President Roosevelt of as-
suming unlimited emergency powers,
and when Senator Burke, (Dem.-
Neb.) urged repeal on the ground
that it would strengthen Great Bri-
tain and thus protect the United
States from "Hitlerism."
The debate on the Administration's
bill to lift the ban on arms sales to
warring nations drew nearly as many
spectators as at the start of the dis-
cussion last week, but Capitol police
said they drifted away from the
Capitol much more quickly.
Administration leaders renewed
predictions that a final vote might be
reached late next week, but Senator
Nye (Rep.-Ind.), one of those op-
posed to repealing the embargo, said
he thought speech-making would
continue about ten days.
Meanwhile, it was announced that
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, whose
recent speech, counselling strict a-
11,r-n1 ,- frnmfs r ,, 7 .++,~t.a+iAPA mll

war-minded. In this connection, he
named Louis Johnson, assistant sec-
retary of war.
Careful scrutiny of the President's
recent proclamation of "limited em-
ergency" showed that it contained
no limitations whatever, the Missour-
ian contended, and that under it the
President could exercise all of the
powers of a national emergency
which are his without specific auth-
ority of Congress.
Senator Burke, who stood with
Clark in the successful fight against
President Roosevelt's court reorgan-
ization bill in 1937 and who has been
a bitter critic of Administration
labor policies, delivered one of the
most outspoken pleas yet made in be-
half of the President's embargo pro-
After denouncing Adolf Hitler as
a persecutor of the Jews and other
racial and religious minorities, as a
breaker of promises, a suppressor of
individual freedom and an aggressor
against independent nations, Burke
said the embargo should be repealed
to help Britain and France. This,
'h wnrnma schnrten the war andr

' s

German Air Fleet Ready
To Continue Blockade


BERLIN, Oct. 11.-(R)--Squadrons
of German warplanes stood poised to-
night at North Sea bases ready tok
carry out new orders for large-scalek
operations against blockading Brit-t
ish warships.
The order for the air force to throw
its power against the British at sea
was issued as disappointment setsin
over failure of the allies or neutral
powers to respond to Adolf Hitler'sa
peace proposals. .
One official described it as "one ofl
the most important announcements
since the Polish war ended."
The Germans launched upon a pro-
gram of aerial cooperation with sea
forces in fighting the British North'
Sea fleet Oct. 7 and official quarters
tonight said the first three-days had
brought such success that the new
order was decided upon.
This seemed to indicate the Ger-
mans considered their aerial fighters
to be getting the best of the British,
despite British reports to the con-

lines of communication organizati(
so as to assure a regular flow of sub
plies and ammunition of every kit
and to receive further contingents a
if and when we may decide to ser
them,".he declared.
Chamberlain Awaited
The House still awaited the Go
ement's reply to the German pea
proposal made by Adolf Hitler la
Friday. Prime Minister Chambe
lain, who postponed his sixth war r
port until tomorrow, was' expect
to state the British position then.
Chamberlain conferred today wi
August Zaleski, foreign minister
the Polish Government in -exile i
up in Paris, and informed him th
Sir Howard Kennard, British Ai
bassador to Warsaw, would resui
his duties shortly as envoy to t
regime in Paris.
Northern European State
Seek German Assistance
MOSCOW, Oct. 11.-(P)-Nervc
northern European states were i
ported unofficially tonight to
looking to Germany-if she could
released from her war on the west
to aid them in halting Soviet Russi
bloodless military and diplomatic cc
These powers were described
urging Britain and France to e
hostilities against Germany, belie
ing that if Germany were at per
with the western powers, she col
prevent Russia from dominating ei
tern Europe
Finland, whose delegation arri
here today for talks with Soviet lei

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