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October 11, 1939 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-11

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the "Committee of Audience Relations" to exer-
cise constant vigilance in his administration of
the code. And it might Well be called to Mr
Bill's attention that a lucrative field for in-
vestigation is Station WJR of Detroit and Gen-
eral Manager Leo Fitzgerald.
The code, if Mr. Fitzgerald will consent i
be governed by it, will doubtless stick in his
craw as depriving him, among others, of Father
Coughlin's well-paying Social Justice program.
We suggest that Mr. Bill ask Mr. Fitzgerald
why the American League for Peace and Dem-
ocracy, sponsoring and willing to pay. the pre-
scribed rate for talks which would attempt to
give the other side of what certainly is a "con-
troversial public issue," could not under any
conditions purchase the valued time from Sta-


Edited and managed by students of the University of
.chgan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Ldent Publications.
iubyisbed every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session.
Member of :the Associated Press,
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
' fnot other~wise' credited 'in this newspaper. All
lits of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions, during regular school year by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representatve
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

tion WJR.
cover ample
of ethics.

Mr. Bill would then probably dis-
reason for the formation of a code

-Seymour Podolsky

eywVoo Broun
Somebody should appeal to the Attorney Gen-
eral. The Yankees have just won their fourth
consecutive world's series, and if that isn't a com-

L. Linder
A. Schorr
r. Cariavan
cary .
Leberg .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate ,Editor
Women's' Editor
. Sports Editor


bination in restraint of trade
I never- saw one.
The situation is also an in-
citement to subversive pro-
paganda. Our national game
itself may be seized upon by
agitators to prove that effi-
ciency does not depend upon
the profit motive. This is
not a reference to the em-
ployees of the club who have

Business Stafff

ess Mgr., Credit Manager
.usiriess Manager
dvertising Manager
s Manager

Paul R. Park
Qanson P. Taggart
2enovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
taff and represent the views of the writers
I Unioin Opera...
C AMPUS OPINION seems to be swing-
ing solidly behind an effort to revive
of Michigan's finest traditions-the Union
)uring the years between 1907 and 1925,
other campus activity received as much en-
.siasm and interest as Mimes, the dramatic
anizatiori which produces the operas. At
es .hnore than 500 students tried out for the
t, chorus, committees and orchestras. Cam-
artists entered the poster contests in droves;
lent musicians wrote Michigan songs that
still sung at every musical bull-session.
'he achievements of Mimes during those years
1 like the press-book of a professional dra-
tic company. In 1923, "Cotton Stockings"
red the largest cities of the East and Mid-
st.: -The proceeds from one performance at,
Metropolitan Opera House in New York
e more than $6,000, a record for amateur
ductions. Mimes stars used their college
matic experience to launch them into the
ropolitan Opera, the Chicago Opera Com-
y and Broadway.
nd tlhen, as swiftly as it had risen, the
ra lost its prestige, its glory, and in 1929
Union reluctantly gave it up. Abortive,
rofitable attempts at. revival in 1934 and
i only discredited the Opera still more.
an Mimes be revived? The oldtimers hope
the Union is planning a new attempt; fra-
dities are willing to lend their support. But
s pointed out by Homer Heath, '07, who
ped organize Mimes' and guide it through"
greatest years, that the Union must start
n scratch; it has no backlog of talent or
or this third attempt at revival to be suc-
ful, Mimes must have the support of the
re campus.
-Hervie Haufler

a proper and healthy passion for pay checks.
It is worse 'than that. The management itself
seems subject to the charge of being corrupted
through and through with idealism.
The New York American League Baseball Co.
has not gone in the red, as far as I know, but its
gains have been gravely curtailed by the fact that
recent races have been runaways, with all th
contests in the latter part of the season consti-
tuting nothing moer than academic exhibitions:
And when the series crown is gained in fop
straight games the bread comes right out of the
mouths of the magnates. And yet President Ed
Barrow sits chortling in the counting house and
seems to say, "Money isn't everything."
* * *
Bores From Within
The National Manufacturers' Assn. should cite
him as one who bores from within against the
capitalist system. Not only would the coffers of
the club groan more vehemently than at present
in the event of a tight race, but there are spares
upon the roster who would bring a rich price on
the hoof. And the stars of the team are pearls
almost beyond price.
Joe DiMaggio if placed upon the block would
fetch a sum beyond that of any old master. Not
even a Leonardo could command such a fabulous
figure as Giussepi unadorned.
Seemingly, the brewer's heirs have strung
along with Omar rather than the vintners. They
are inhibited from trading by their perplexity
as to what they could purchase one-half so
precious as the stuff they might sell. So great
is. their pride in Ruffing that they refuse to
let him out for revenue or a Rembrandt.
And no hope of greater equality in the game
looms ahead. The pursuit of happiness by the
rival owners is little better than a wild-goose
chase, since along the racks replacements lie
maturing for some day to come. When Gehrig
went the way of iron men up popped DahlgreA,
and Keller seems another Ruth fit to follow the
Babe in laying about amid the alien corn. Gor-
don is already tops, although a juvenile, and
Dickey admit'tedly one of the great receivers of
all time.
* * *
Petty Pitchers Hurl
In other words, we bestride the baseball world,
and petty pitchers hack helplessly at the ankles
of the-Yankees.
This is bad. It adds fuel to the hate of those
in the hinterlands who insist that New York is
not properly a part of the Union. And it does
not satisfy these protesters that annually the
Giants and the Dodgers are offered up as sacri-
ficial goats to atone for the virtues of the
In the old days men who had the welfare of
the national game at.heart sent misisonary expe-
ditions to Japan, England, Australia and other
remote corners of the globe so that the unlettered
savages might get a touch of American culture
and learn to cry out, "Kill the umpire!" But
missionary work is also needed here at home.
,Surely we ougth to send a pitcher down to Wash-
ington in order to introduce baseball to the
nation's capital and convert the Senators and
Representatives from their present passion .for
rounders as conducted under the leadership of
Clark Griffith.
Bremen Mystery Solved
To all the theories about what has happened
to the Bremen, T. R. Ybarra adds the possibilities
that she may have been converted into a sea
raider like the Kronprinz Wilhelm during the
World War, or that her captain may have ordered
the sea cocks opened to prevent capture and,
incidentally, give modern history its most notable
case of maritime hara-kiri.
More conclusively, a radio wag reports that
the ship has been found on Cape Cod-in a glass
It is strange that everybody has overlooked the
real explanation of the ocean greyhound's dis-

Of ALL Things'.
B..y Morty-Q .. .
THE young lady walked into the room, said:
hello, dropped her books and coat on a desk,
walked over to a typewriter, sat down and started
to cry. Sniffing. Sniveling. Blowing her nose.
Poor girl, thought Mr. Q. Perhaps she is in need
of aid; perhaps she needs a nickel for a glass of
milk. So Mr. Q., ever the gentleman, sidled up
to her and mooched a cigarette.
"Now, young lady, just what is bothering you,"
said Mr. Q. "You don't have to be afraid. I am
your friend. There, there, don't cry. Everything
will be all right."
This reassurance of better things to come had
no visible effect upon the young lady, vho looked
very familiar to Mr. Q., except to make her cry
all the harder. It was a pitiful sight to see this
pretty young woman, draped over the typewriter,
shaking and sobbing, with her tears plopping
on the keys, springing them up against the paper.
Mr. Q. (who has had strange experiences with
typewriters that had minds of their own) was
not very much amazed to see the tear-driven
keys spell out a series of words: Young Gulliver,
that stinker .
The sight of the name started a train of recol-
lections and Mr. Q. immediately knew the young
lady to be June Harris, who pens those keen
rhymes. So it finally turned out that the reason
she was so sad was that no one had seen her
latest bit of verse which appeared last week in
Y.G.'s column for the simple reason that no
one reads his column which is perfectly under-
standable because he is such a stinker. Any-
how, she had another sample of her caustic dog-
gerel on the fire, so Mr. Q. offered her the pro-
tection and reader-guaranteed security of this
space. Incidentally, when here last year, Louis
Untermeyer said he thought June one of the
cleverest people at this sort of stuff that he had
seen in a long while.
Fox Hunting Restricted
LONDON-0P)-The British government
advised the house of commons today that
sportsmen might be asked to make sacri-
fices to aid wartime economy.
Agriculture Minister Dorman-Smith said
the government was considering whether to
restrict fox hunting.
I take my pen in hand, dear sirs
To state a noble case,
This outrade to our honor's
An abominable disgrace!
I realize these are dire times,
That sacrifice is fine,
I know all this but, damn it, sire
We have to draw the line.
This is an institution, sir
That's not so lightly waived,
For the good of the land,
I take my stand,
The fox hunt must be saved.
The British aristocracy
Has earned consideration
This dastard, MIr. Dorman-Smith
Will undermine the nation!
Morale is lost, our spirits low
Our faith is gone, in short
England won't be England
Without this fine old sport.
Think of the force of tradition, sire,
The cries of tally ho
And join with me
In a noble plea,
The fox hunt must pot go!
-June Harris
* * *
VOU'D Never Think It Dep't: A few days
ago, one of our milder and most sedate
English professors, a soft-spoken, calm old
' gent, was lecturing his class on early English
literature, mentioning John Lyly and his Eu-
phues. Trying to explain what a - euphuism
was, said the professor: "It's a nice way to
say something stinks."

APPROPRIATE Errors Dep't: Received in the
mail the other day from Sigrid Arne, star
feature writer with the Associated Press and
former women's editor of The Daily, was a
letter addressed thus:
Esther Osser
411 Masher Hall
Ann Arbor, Mieh.
How true, how true.
Cash Or Credit?
Failure to include a genuine cash-and-carry
provision in the neutrality revision bill has
provided the administration's opponents with a
new weapon of assault, which is certain to b¢#
wielded lustily in the debate beginning today.'
As the measure now stands, it permits the
sale of goods to the belligerents on commercial
credits and short-term obligations, thus allow-
ing up to 90 days between shipment of the goods
and payment. Administration leaders contend
this means cash sales, but the general public
had expected a rigid provision in accordance
with the "cash on the barrel-head" slogan of
revision spokesmen.
In response to protests over the 90-day pro-
vision, the draft of the bill has been amended
to provide that debtors who fail to pay at the
end of that time may receive no further credit.
They are not debarred from buying goods for
cash thereafter, however. This is an improve-
ment on the original measure, but it still leaves a
loophole; a cutomer could buy a large ship-
ment, or several shipments, on 90-day terms;
refuse to pay for the goods and make future
purchases for cash. This would create the very
situation of debts abroad, of a financial stake
in the victory of one side. that the cash nrnvi-

dio 's -Code
Ethics . ..

~MONDAY, Oct. 1, 1939, marked an
historic day in the story of radio.
Little-noticed but far-reaching in its possible
effects was the official adoption of a code of
ethics by the National Association of Broad-
casters. Not to be confused with the -earlier
unofficial but very strongly enforced code of
morals, the code of ethics serves as a very
necessary supplement to its predecessor in
the radio field.
It seems that radio has finally awakened
to the irreparable damage which can be inflicted
upon it by stupid or thoughtless actions of its
executives, and has observed the beneficent
results of similar procedures adopted by the
movie industry and the stock market.
Self-imposed, the code has been described as
having the following purpose: "to serve as a
yardstick of good taste and decent regard
for social sensibilities." (New York ,Times, Oct.
1, 1939). Neville Miller, president of the NAB,
said the code requires that radio stations shall
provide free time for the discussion of contro-
versial public issues in such a way that con-
flicting viewpoints in public matters have a fair
and equal opportunity to be heard.
What is going to be the result of this self-
discipline? iThe mere adoption of 'a code 'of

Goodbye, New Deal
"But, Mr. President," demurred
Representative Lee Geyer of Cali-
fornia, "I don't think this matter
can wait that long. I agree with you
that the embargo should be repealed
with all possible haste. But profi-
teering is a mighty serious problem,
and a lot of harm can be done to
American consumers between now
and January.",
"That may be true," replied Roose-t
velt, "but let's get the biggest prob-
lem out of the way first. You must
remember you can always make an
excess profits tax retroactive. We
simply cannot afford any delay on
this neutrality issue."
When he finished talking a silenceI
fell on the group for a few momen
and then, sighing deeply, Roosevelt
"This war in Europe is certainly
throwing a monkey-wrench into our
New Deal. I shudder to think what
may happen to our reforms as a re-
sult of measures we may be forced
to take to protect ourselves in this1
tragic world turmoil. What especial-
ly worries me is that labor may suffer1
if it ever becomes necessary to de-
emphasize the functions of the Labor
Board and Wage-Hour Administra-
His Name Led The Rest
When Harold Ickes was Public
Works Administrator, his WPA pro-
jects bore an inexpensive copper
plaque which read:
Federal Energency Administration
of Public Works
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harold L. Ickes
But when John Carmody, the new
Federal Works Administrator, took
over PWA, he immediately changed
the bronze plaques even on the build-
ings which Ickes had built but which
lacked a few weeks or days of being
actually completed. The new plaques
place Carmody's name first. After
his name comes the name of Franklin

A meeting of all house presidents
will be held tonight at 6:15 at the
Lambda Chi Alpha house, 1601 Wash-
tenaw. Dinner will be served.
Sophomoroes wishing to try out for,
track manager, will please report at
5 o'clock this afternoon in the,
coach's room at Yost Field House. Be
Stalker Hall: Student Tea and;
Open House at Stalker Hall from 4-,
5:30 p.m All Methodist students
and their friends are cordially in-
Crop and Saddle tryouts and mem-I
hers meet at Barbour Gym at 5 p.m.J
today for supper ride. If in-
terested but unable to attend, call,
Yvonne Westrate at 2-3159 beforeI
Wednesday noon.
Hillel Registration for Hillel classes
is being held at the Foundation every
afternoon this week.
The Publicity Committee of thei
Theatre Arts Committee will hold a
meeting at 5 p.m. today at the League..
All those interested in any phase of
publicity work are'invited to attend
this meeting whether or not they've
attended any previous meetings.
International Center: The first in a
series of programs of recorded music
will be given this evening at 7:30 in
the International Center. These pro-
grams have been carefully planned to
give an intelligent idea of music of
different nations. This week's pro-
gram is- as follows:
1. Russian and Ludmilla Overture,
2. La Mer (The Sea), Debussy.

All those members of Theatre Arts
Ushering Committee who are able to
asher for Russian film Thursday, Fri-
Jay, or Saturday evenings, or for first
in series of Art Cinema Pictures Sun-
day afternoon and evening, Oct. 12-
13-14-15, should sign up on list on
bulletin board in Undergraduate of-
Tice in League before Thursday noon
when lists will be taken down.
Exhibition, Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion. The seventeenth annual exhibi-
tion of works of art by local artists
will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall
from Oct. 13 to Oct 25. The open-
ing reception to members of the Art
Association and exhibiting artists will
be held Thursday evening, Oct. 12.
The Outdoor Club will hold a roller
skating party Saturday, Oct. 14. All
interested are invited to meet with us
at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. Those
who have bicycles will ride to the
rink; others may take the bus.
Attention, Juniors, College of Phar-
macy! Interested in organizing social
activities? Then attend the meeting
of the junior class at 5 p.m. on'Thurs-
day, Oct 12, in 'Room 300 -Chem.
Graduate Students: An informal re-
ception for students enrolled in the
Horace H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies will be held in the Assem-
bly Room of the Rackham Building
on Thursday evening, Oct. 12, at 8
o'clock. 4
All graduate students and their
wives or husbands are cordially in-
vited to attend.

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