aul Kromer's Leg Injury Will Keep
Him Out Of Iowa Tilt
i -------
Star Back Injured
I-M MSpeedball Begins Today
By HAAIOLD WILSON 1 tramural Department. Of the 41
Kinnick-Spells Trouble.
"Michigan," came muffled out o:
the sweatshirt Campbell Dickson wa
peeling yesterday in the locker room
after practice "won't face a better
all-around back this year than when
we meet Nile Kinnick of Iowa Sat-
Then off came his pants and a,
"Nor will we fact, a Geam that's as
fast. Their bckfield is faster
than, ours.They concntrate on
speed, and they never stop rush-
ing," continued the Wolverine
end who scouted Iowa whip
S. Dakota, 41-0 and Indiana 32-
"Kinnick is a real all-around threat
and yet there are two men, fullback
Bill Green and halfback Russell
Busk, in the backfield who are faster
than he. But his headwork and foot-
work make him more formidable.
Then there is always the threat that
he will lateral to Busk who stays back
with him on punts."
°- The name Kinnick is not new to
Big Ten football Two years ago he
was all-Conference as a quarterback.
Last year he was harassed by injuries
but now, in Eddie Anderson's Notre
Dame system in which he is a half-
- back, he has been a real threat in
9'their only two games. Against S.
A Dakota he scored three times and
a drop-kicked five consecutive points
I after touchdown. Against Indiana
- he scored once, threw three touch-
a down passes to captain and end Erwin
rasse, 'drop-kicked two conversions
- and quick-kicked for 74 yards to pave
the way for Iowa's first score. Against
I the Hoosiers he carried the ball 19
r times for 103 yards, a better than
five-yard average per try.
"All their emphasis is placed
on speed," continued Dickson.
One sock was now off. "Speed
and spirit." There went the oth-
er sock.
"On the whole their replacements
are good except at three positions,"
he said. "For Kinnick, Prasse and Jim
" Walker, a 205-pound tackle who's as
quick as a cat, they have no adequate
alternates. But outside of these
three, their second string fills in
* * * .
Little Guard Leubcke ? ? ?
We were particularly interested in
reports of a little guard named Hen-
ry Leubcke (not to be mistaken for
the Lepke in whom another Michigan
man was interested). This Leubcke
has been likened to Bert Metzger, the
watch-charm guard who made All-
American while playing for Knute
Rockne at Notre Dame. It is true
that he is not quite as small as Metz-
ger but what's a hundred pounds more
or less. In this case it's more. The
Iowa guard tickles the Toledos at 270.
Of course, this is playing weight At I
the beginning of training he wasn't
satisfied before the scales showed
better than 300.
"He does a bit of their run-
ning guard work," Dickson told
us. (There wasn't much left to
take off so we'll respect Gover-
nor Dickenson) and omit further
references to the play-by-play de-
Grid Stars Awarded
With Theatre Passes
The Wloverine gridders who were
outstanding in Michigan's defeat of
State Saturday have been rewarded
in the form of 30-day passes to the
Michigan Theatre by Manager Jerry
Hoag chose the following to be the
lucky men this week: Bob Zimmer-
man, for recovering a fumble; Reu-
ben Kelto, for rushing a passer; Ed
Frutig, for blocking a kick; and Capt.
Archie Kodros, Paul Kromer, and
Dave Nelson, for intercepting passes.
For 'the latter award, each pass in-
tercepter received four individual
Four more passes, good for 30 days,
will be given to players in the Iowa
game, but the conditions o fthe
awards have not been decided as yet.
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undress). " e drops back to act
f as protection for Kinnick's kicks,
s And on some plays he acts as
running guard. He's surprisingly
r agile for his weight."
Iowa isn't going to be that breath-
er everyone expected they'd be two
weeks ago.
* * * *
Biaf fling Referee...
As we suggested in Sunday morn-
ing's column, Forest Evashevski did
not know that Michigan had scored
its second touchdown when, on the
first play of the second quarter, Tom
Harmon went over his left guard.
Evie explained it to us this way.
"The referee only put up one
hand instead of two so I went up
to argue with him. 'Shut up,' he
said, 'or I'll penalize you.' So
what could I do? I went back to
the huddle and called on Har-
mon again to try to score. No-
body said nothing.
"Well, we ran the play and I got
up off the ground, looked around. and
thought, 'shucks (?), didn't make it?'
Then the rest of the team started:
running back 'up the field. Hell, I
didn't know what was happening
then. So I went over to the ref again
and asked him how come the quarterI
was over again so fast. He told me
we'd scored. I gave up then. t
This football is sure a tough game."
We were going to print the resultst
of the selections the Ann Arborx
Sportswriters and Prognosticators As-t
sociation made before Saturday's
games but someone came up and
stole the copies. So we can't tell who
won. Oh well, we'll try again next
Dye Hogan, president of the "M"
Club whose members acted so effi-
ciently Friday night in preventing,
any rioting after the pep meeting,
wants this message delivered. In
effect, he says, "All of you who have
black eyes or sore arms or necks still
covered with the yellow yoke of a
chicken's masterpiece, please forgive
us. While applying that beefsteak
to the injured member, just remem-
ber than we did it for the sake of
tradition. Oh, tradition. What a
wonderful thing. Never again will I
run myself ragged for thee. )ea,
Back in 1921 the need arose for an
autumn sport which could provide the
greatest number of participants,
skilled and unskilled alike, with the
maximum amount of athletic en-
joyment, yet which would be easily
adaptable to Intramural facilities.
Elmer Mitchell devoted himself to
the task at hand and came up with
the invention-speedball. Passing,
similar to that employed in basket-
ball and football, and footwork, much
as used in football and soccer, were
ombined to produce this new game.
The embryo sport lost little time i i
gaining a prominent place in the In-
tramural program. Other schools,
colleges and universities soon recog-
nized the game's possibilities and in-
troduced it in their own Intramural
activities. Steadily increasing in pop-
clarity, speedball has even gained
dherents in foreign countries, being
aow played in China, Mexico, Canad
and the Phillipines.
Utilizing some of the best features
of basketball, football and soccer,
peedball moves at a rapid pace
,hroughout its 20 minutes of playing
time. It is played by two teams of
nine men each on a field 240 feet
ong and 160 feet wide. Methods of
scoring are numerous; thus making
for free-scoring contests.
Today marks the inauguration of
another season of fraternity speed-
ball under the sponsorship of the In-
Full Line of
701 Packard
cial Greek letter groups on campus,
38 have entered teams in the scramble
for the championship. Sigma Chi,
last year's titleholder, is back again
to defend its crown.
Paul Kromer, who is the picture
of poise and polish on the gridiron
as he teams with Tom Harmon to
form the "Touchdown Twins" com-
bination, may be lost indefinitely
to the squad if a leg injury proves
Iowa Set For Michigan
IOWA CITY, Ia-(P)--A day of
rest was the reward Monday for
University of Iowa football players
who battled to a 32 to 29 victory overj
Indiana Saturday. Coach Eddie An-
derson checked the several injured
members of his squad and learned
that all likely would be in condition
for the game with Michigan at Ann.
Arbor Saturday. 1
314 S. State St. (opposite Kresge's) -
Since 1908
Phone 6615
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