THE MICHIGAN 1DAli.V TUESDnAY, 0e 111<" _________________________________..__._..__......._ -L, 1:71/i" LV, LUa291 IE MICHIGAN DAILY Readers Claim Neutrality Demands Reoassertion Of Faith In Democracy I / Edited and managed by students of the University of ohigan under the authority of the Board in Control of udent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press [he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the Sfor republication of all news dispatches credited to or not. otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also erved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ond class mail matter. ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 0; by mail, $4.50.y y REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEZrSING BY , National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -'OSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCiSCO ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Petersen ott Maraniss a M. Swinton ton L. Linder man.. A. Schorr nis Flanagan n N. Canavan Vicary . Fineberg Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor * Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor r . ,_ ri Business Staff siness Manager at. Business. Mgr., Credit Manager )men s Business Manager men's Advertising Manager . blications Manager . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratk o . .Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy To the Editor: We are all resolved to keep out of war. The important decision involved the technique of realizing that objective. Our task is to evaluate the alternatives. We do not believe that this country must in- evitably be drawn into the European conflict. The Gallup Poll does not force the future course of American public opinion; a weak Allied posi- tion need not inevitably bring us into war. We feel, along with the Editors of The Daily, that Democracy has meaning and promise--but only so long as its political institutions reflect the will of the people. There must exist a func- tional relationship between the elected repre- sentatives and the body politic. Hence, any action influencing the will of the people is rele- vant and practical. In these crucial times, there must be a re-assertion of faith in democracy. An appalling similarity exists between the American position before the last World War and the situation today. Once again, a "villain" stands in the way of a "final" peace and a "final" solution. But we cannot see how the present conflict will achieve this "final" solution. For neither side has gone into the fray with clean, hands. And we cannot presume that a peace made by any of the warring governments will be a "final" peace. We firmly believe that the diversion of our human and natural resources to the European scene would achieve no worth- while end. Today's battlefield of Democracy is at home. Let us be militant in our efforts to strengthen our own democratic institutions. The first program we will consider-complete isolation-has been advanced by the Editors of The Daily. Mr. Rosa and Mr. Duesenberry have rightly pointed out that the cessation of foreign trade would severely contract our national in- come. Untold hardships would be inflicted upon, for example, the cotton growers of the South and the automobile workers of Michigan. Such groups would be fertile field for false panaceas. To minimize these disturbances a planned eco- nomy would be essential. We are not here in- terested in discussing the merits or defects rof such planning, nor the form and direction it will take. As an immediate plan of action it has no chance of success. ? It-expresses a philosophy that conflicts with the social, thinking of the American people. We mustalso consider this approach unrealistic. Although Mr. Rosa and Mr. Duesenberry have seen the economic shortcomings of a policy of non-intercourse, they have advocated a "cash and carry" plan without fully realizing its eco- nomic implications. We maintain that "cash and carry," unaccompanied by other controls, would result in a war boom-a false prosperity. Huge credits-gold reserves and. private securi- ties (which can be liquidated by the various gov- ernments)-would be the basis for trade in large proportions. The effect of this trade would be, as follows: "(1) Certain industries would expand beyond their peactime level. (2) The profits ac- cruing from the increased sales would lead to even further expansion both in these and allied industries. The effects thus become cumulative." This process of' expansion would give rise to a serious dilemma. The prolongation of the war would rapidly exhaust the credit resources men- tioned above, and it would become increasingly difficult for the Allies to continue trade on a cash and carry basis. If we then would revoke the cash and carry clause, we would be faced with the same conditions which drove us into the last war. Yet the curtailment of trade would leave us with misallocated resources and over- expanded plant in certain industries, leading to depression and unemployment. There is considerable doubt as to the extent to which Ameican resources may shorten the war. And so long as such doubt exists and America may be brought to the dilemma out- lined above, the cash and carry proposal en- dangers the security of the American people. The discussion of neutrality in Congress has explicitly assumed that the arms embargo and the cash and carry, plan, applying to all other materials, are mutually exclusive. We see no such contradiction. First, with regard to the value of the arms embargo. Certain writers, among them the editors of the New Republic, find no danger in the repeal of the embargo. Their contention is that the whole question of maintainance or repeal has little significance, since American munitions factories are operating at capacity to satisfy the United States' peacetime needs. The repeal of the embargo, however might very well lead to expansion in these industries. It is also argued that the arms embargo lacks significance in so far as it is possible to send to belligerent powers the raw materials used in the manufacture of munitions. Although the material effect of the act may thus be weak- ened, we assert that -the- spirit in which it was written is important today. The embargo now represents the feelings of the American people toward these warring nations and to war as a means of settling disputes. It serves notice to the people of both factions that the United States favors neither side. We assume as our main objective: to minimize the disrupting influences which war will have on our economy. Only with a peacetime economy can we keep out of war. Cash and carry without proper implementation would foster undue ex- pansion in the war industries. A program of strict isolation is also inadequate because it will decrease our national income. - We advance our plan not from the point of view of aiding either side, but to remove the danger of misdirected production. We propose: (1) Maintainance of the arms embargo: (2) 'Cashand carry,(on all other ma- terials) governed by 'expert quotas. We admit the difficulties connected with the quotas, but we are convinced that the problems such as the determination of a base year and the allocation of exports among the various American industries can be solved by experts in international trade and finance. That such a plan is feasible has been shown by Germany", experience both in post-war and recent years. In, the export quota device would en- tail the extension of the sphere of governmental actions. But that control seems a small price to pay. ,,Export quotas will, protect us from a wild war ,boom and the cataclysmic depression, which must necessarily follow. We have not here attempted to give a complete peace program, which would include such tasks as the maintainance of civil liberties and the promotion of closer Pan-American ties, but onfly to deal with the questions now being debated in Congress. Any complete peace program, how- ever, must be predicated on the fact that our entanglement is in no sense inevitable. Edward Fried Edward Lebeis Harold Osterweil NIGHT EDITOR: ELIZABETH M. SHAW The editorials published in The Michigan "il Daily are' written by members of The Daily staff, and represent the views of the writers :only. Police Brutality :And Poliuics *. * ETROIT'S Mayor Reading, in vigor- ously opposing a Common Counc investigation of police brutality and lawless- I ness, appears to have been unduly influenced by his-approaching battle for reelection. Only a short time before the Common Coun- cil's -public. hearing on police brutality, the Mayor had solemnly voiced his approval of. a f Council investigationof Police Commissioner Pickert's policies to a committee representing progressive, church, Negro and organized labor groups. At the public hearing, his Honor rose, and, Instead of supporting the investigation, branded the petitioning organizations and individuals "were the Civil Rights Federation and its leader Rev. Owen A. Knox and Rev. J. H. Bollens; State Senator Charles Diggs; Father Malcomb " . Dade of St. Sepian Church; Mr. Mort Furay of Labor's Non-Partisan League; and Rev. Rober5 . 4,Bradby of the Second Baptist Church. Mayor Reading justified his reversal of opin- ion by saying that the Police Department had investigated itself and found that it had not acted in a lawless manner. It is interesting to note that the Mayor based his final decision on the report of the department under accusation, and not on the 50 detailed case histories of police brutality compiled by the Civil Rights Federa- tion and other petitioning organizations. Mayor Reading found company in supporting Commissioner Pickert. The Women's Legion of the Blue Cross, avowedly against the retention of democracy in America, was vehement in its support. One pro-Pickert speaker declared that an investigation was unwarranted because there are instances of police brutality every day. ' It is a senseless policy to quarrel with the Mayor who probably was driven to act as he did by political expediency; but it is a sound policy to ask the Common Council when it will in- vestigate Commissioner Pickert and his depart- ment." --Richard Harmel Tin Pan Alley's Neutrality The current war is an unemotional dry-eyed, affair according to commentators, and American 1 sentiment will not be aroused by heart-rending j ballads according to the American Society of t Composers, Authors, and Publishers. In 1916, Tin-Pan Alley poured out such lyrics as "I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier" and Sother war themes. Musicians gleaned millions from the pockets of war-conscious Americans. t The convention of the nation's music-makers reveals the profession in quite another mood re- d garding the second war in our time; the key- note of the meeting was in an anti-war-glooi 0 festival. Twofold purpose of the leaders is to keep the conflict off the public's music mind, and W to halt profiteering on sorrow and anxiety. Determined to maintain an even balance in themes, neutral publishers have not accepted t the temperamental slush prepared by Tin Pan t Alley since September. Such selections as 0 "Keep Us Out of the War," "Lizzy Don't Look So Good in Her Gas Mask," and "Let's Stay Out Sof It" have not found a market. If refusal to print such songs represents the feeling of most GULLIVER'S CAVILS B3y Young Gulliver F YOU were Gulliver, sitting at this typewriter and trying your damn- dest to be brilliant in the correct number of lines, your digestion wouldn't be improved by the sight of Morty Q lolling about with a gigan- tic cigar between his yellowing teeth, rolling it around his dirty mouth and expectorating in businessman's style. It takes one back to the days when Tuure Tenander, the Finnish jitter- bug, used to drive weak-stomached college boys out of the Daily build- ing with his foul-smelling, coal black stogies. The fumes have gone to Gulliver's head, and as a result he is going to break a precedent to which he has been faithfully adhering. He is go- ing to speak of the football team. This is a subject which rightfully belongs on the sports page; never- theless Gulliver wants to inform the student body that Capt. Archie Ko- dros' correct name is actually Aris- totle Kodros. That's all. W E PROCEED now to a discussion of Ballerina, the French film which the Art Cinema League had on display last weekend. Gulliver is in disagreement with both Mr. Bern- stein and Mr. Q, who thought that it was a peachy picture. Y.G. liked the dancing, the blonde ballerina Mia Slavenska, and little else. It should be apparent to anyone wh'o has been seeing French films regularly for the past few years that they are work- ing this child psychology business to death. Just as Hollywood has two kid angles-Shirley T. and the Dead End Kids-so France seems to have just one kid angle-the sensitive mis- understood child stuff. And you can flip a coin to decide which is more unsubtle. In Ballerina, they do everything except hit you over the head to con- vince you that Rose Souris is Case Four in Joe Doakes' Elementary Psy- chology Book. The picture (except for the ballet slant) is little more than a remake of Les Maternelles, Poll de Carotte, and half a dozen other French kid pictures. Ballerina is not exceptional in acting, direc- tion, or photography, and Gulliver left the Lydia Mendelssohn with the following- Moral Lesson deeply en- graved .in his alleged brain: Young girls are apt to have crushes on older women. These (the crushes) may have- tragic results. But every- thing usually works out all right in the end anyway. Maybe the Art Cinema League thinks Gulliver is teeing off on them just for nastiness' sake, but such is not the case. The League has a fine historical film series this year, and their next two releases (Alexander Nevsky and To The Victor) are two swell shows. All those who have been criticizing Gulliver for wandering all over the place will appreciate how splendid his contributions to The Daily really are after reading Morty Q's "column" in Sunday's Daily. Those feeble scourings of a badly disorganized mind stand out in contrast to Gulli- ver's fresh and lucid prose style. Even so, Y.G. is going to attempt to move upward and onward, with the aim in view of writing of each column about one subject: he will leave the rambling stuff to Morty Q. Today's closing item concerns the enterprising freshman who had a date with an extremely large young lady. "Look," he said, "if I take this girldout, do I get Physical Ed. credit?" Borah Nips Boomlets Senator Borah, enjoying the inter- national limelight, is under no illu- sions about his availability for the presidency. The Senate dean recently has had the unhappy task of squelch- ing Borah-for-President boomlets in several states. That friends in Demo- cratic South Carolina and 'Georgia were among his willing sponsors might indicate that some of this sup- port stemmed from Mr. Borah's fight on the administration neutrality pro- gram-thin ice on which to found White House aspirations. The Senator, however, is frank enough to admit other handicaps. He feels that differences with the Re- publican high command are sufficient to bar any possibility of his nomina- tion. To one friend he wrote that his age-74-would prevent his con- sideration. Mr. Borah could have mentioned another factor. He is from Idaho, a' distinction he doubtless has enjoyed,1 but one with a serious disadvantage.; Probably the veteran recalls a com- ment once made by a colleague to the< late Sen. John Sharp Williams ofc Mississippi: "John, you're from thet wrong state. If you came from New York, you'd be President " Our free and untrammeled de-I mocracy usually requires that ment great enough to rule the nation must 1 be summoned from states with large r (Continued from Page 2) p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Building. History Make-up Examinations: Make-up examinations in all history courses will be held in Room B, Ha- ven Hall, from 3 to 6 p.m., Friday, Oct. 13. All students taking a make- up must see their instructor before ~Wednesday, Oct. 11, and must bring to the examination his instructor's written permission to take the make- up. Economics 51 and 52: Make-up final examination will be given Thursday, Oct. 12, at 3 o'clock in Room 207 Ec- onomics Building. All students ex- pecting to take the make-up should see Miss Mabbs in Room 107 Econ- omics Building before Wednesday. Exhibition, Ann Arbor Art Associa- tion. The seventeenth annual exhibi- tion of works of art by local artists will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall from Oct. 13 to Oct 25. The open- ing reception to members of the Art Association and exhibiting artists will be held Thursday evening, Oct. 12. Lectures Extracurricular Medical School Lecture: Dr. Thomas Parran, Sur- geon General of the Uned States Public Health Service, will deliver the first lecture of theseries on Fri- day, October 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the Horace H. Rackham Lecture 'Hall. The title will be, "Medicine in a Changing World." All classes in the Medical School will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m. in or- der that the students may attend this lecture. The meeting is open to the public. Msgr. Thomas of Madras, India, will discuss "The Current Situation in In- dia" in the Rackham Amphitheatre Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 4:15 p.m. Today's Events University of Michigan Glider Club will hold its second meeting this evening, from 7-9 p.m. in Room 348 West Engineering Building. Movies of club activities will be shown. Dues will be payable at that time. Let's have everyone interested in glid- ing out there. Deutscher Verein: There will be a business meeting, reception, and pro- gram this evening at 7:45 p.m. in the Michigan League. All students of German, faculty people, and others interested are invited. Botanical Journal Club will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1139 N.S. Reports on interesting ex- periences in recent travel and ex- ploration will be given by: Professor W. R. Taylor Linn Zwickey Stephen White LeRoy Harvey Volney Jones Elzada Clover Choral Union Ushers: Last year's ushers may sign up at Hill Auditorium box office between 4 and 5:30 p.m. today New men at same time Wed- nesday. Varsity Glee Club: The following men, who tried out for the Varsity glee club, will please report for the Reserve Club rehearsals this after- noon at 4:15, third floor, Union. Allen, R. Boynton, R. Brill Crowe, J. Dellplain Fox, G. Goldstein, J. Hartman, F. Massin Parkes, D. Runyon Spear, P.1 Whittemore Math. 370, Seminar in Continued Fractions will meet today at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Dr. Scott will speak on "Convergence of Continued Frac- tions." Sigma Rho Tau will hold its annual freshmen mixer in the Union at 7:30 p.m. tonight Prof. Morrison of the Highway Department will speak and there will be entertainment and re- freshments. All interested engineers and architects are invited. International Center: 1. American Social -Customs Class.s This evening at 7 o'clock will be held the first of a series of four discus- sions and demonstrations of typical DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "beta-alanine, a Constituent of the Molecules of Pantothenic Acid and of Carnosine." All interested are in- vited to attend. Alpha Kappa Psi, Business Admin- istration Fraternity, will hear Mr Eugene Power speak on "My Experi ences in Germany," at the Chapter House, 1325 Washtenaw ,tonight at 8:15 p.m. His talk will be accom- panied by his motion pictures taken in Germany this summer. All Ec- onomics and Business Administration students are cordially invited. Re- freshments will be served following the talk. Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Pro- fessor E. W. Miller will speak on "Ap- plications of Transfinite Processes." Michigan Anti-War Committee will hold its first open peace meeting at the Michigan League this ,eve- ning, at 8 p.m. Professor T. S. Lovering will speak on "The Embar- go", and the problem of the United States keeping out of war will be presented. All students are cordially invited to attend. Coming Events Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct 11. Dr. O. L. I. Brown will speak on "Modern Methods in the Thermo- chemistry of Organic Compounds." Physical Education Men: There will be a joint mixer of Phi Epsilon Kappa and the Physical Education Men on Thursday, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Every physical edu- cation man, including freshmen, grad- uates, faculty and coaches, is invited and urged to attend the affair. Re- freshments will be served. Michigan Chapter A.AU.P There will be a regional conference' of the A.A.U.P..under the auspices of Wayne University, Saturday, Oct. 14, at 10 a.m.; luncheon meeting at the War- dell; and afternoon meeting at 2:30 p.m. Morning and afternoon meet- ings will be in the auditorium of the Detroit Institute of Arts. Those plan- ning to attend, please call, Professor Wenger, 2-2627, before Wednesday morning. The Graduate Education Club: The Graduate Education Club will hold its first meeting Wednesday, Oct. 11, 4 p.m. in the Graduate Library of the University Elementary School.- Dean Edmonson will give a report of the Congress on Education for Democ- racy held recently in New York. All graduate students taking work in the School of Education are welcome. Re- freshments served. Sociedad Hispanica: The first meeting of the Sociedad Hispanica will be held Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 11, at 7:30 in the Michigan League. All old members are urged to be present and anyone else inter- ested is cordially invited to attend the meeting. Phi Sigma business meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Room of the Horace Rackham Building. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences on Wednesday evening, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing Mr. Cass Hough, Vice-President of .the Daisy Air Rifle Co., will speak on "Instrument Flight." An open discussion will follow the talk by Mr. Hough. Dues must be paid at this meeting by all those students who wish to receive the "Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences." Refresh- nents will be served. Electrical Engineers: The Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers invites you to the first meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 8:00 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Deati A. H. Lovell, vice-president of the Great Lakes District of the Institute, will introduce the organization to new members. Charles Forbes, magician, will provide an evening of fun. Re- freshments will be served. Scabbard and Blade: F Company, Fourth Regiment wiH hold its first meeting on Wednesday, October 11, at 8 p.m. in the Union. Everyone is urged to come, since first plans for the fall initiation are being made. Uniforms are required. Bring dues. " - MUSIC By RICHARD BENNETT Opera For What? N WRITING the cultural history of the United States, historians are going to be a little amused and perhaps a little sad at discovering the part that opera and the music drama have had to play in it. For what has opera come to mean to millions of Americans if not a baroque, non-functional amusement of the select class of their fellow-beings who are either fortunate enough to live in the metropolitan centers where such an amusement isaccessible to the few that can afford it or of those who have been privi- leged with an 'education' which makes it in- telligible when offered to them second hand via the victrola and radio? They know that nothing is more corrupt than the centralization of opera in the lone precincts of the New York Metropolitan Opera House (and its three or four satellites) with its bevy of soloists and choristers most of whom are a dis- grace to the art of music and a very few of whom are so lauded by the press that it becomes virtually impossible for any artist falling a split hair short of their high endowments to gain a hearing in their company. Likewise, they know that nothing is more ludicrous and corrupt than the performance and broadcasting of music drama in a language not only alien to their own, but one which is used. to conceal the essential hollowness of the greater part of the works on the current production list. For most of these works, when studied in English, reveal a shock- ing irrelevance to the psychological outlook of today. They are concerned neither with the im- mediate problems facing us nor with those con- cepts which have long since established the un- shakable modernity of the Greeks and Eliza- bethans. Of course, the companies controlling operatic production know this. They also know that if the mouldy body of music drama that is dished sense about the difficulty of obtaining apt trans- lations of truly significant works and the diffi- culty of departing from precedent is a mere subterfuge to justify maintaining the status quo for reasons dangerous to explicate. Not only are there enough competent poets (ask Mr. DeVries of Poetry Magazine if you doubt the statement) who would be glad to use their en- ergies in this direction, Dut there are enough vocal artists in the United States who are ready and waiting to render in English roles long per- formed in the language of the Big Ten. If we are willing to content ourselves with the tin-pan-alley music routine of vaudeville and the cinema, we shall probably eventually witness the final collapse of institutions such as the Metropolitan Opera House, a collapse which should be celebrated in some ways as sure- ly as the fall of the Bastille.' For what the Bastille was to the French work- ing Class (and to some far more securely situ- ated) the Met has become to would-be singers and audiences throughout the United States. It has given Americans a complex that smothers every attempt at the performance of challenging works by small provincial companies. While the theatre boasts its rural companies and the dance has expanded despite its Martha Grahams and .Weidmanns, opera, in some ways the most com- prehensive of the three, has allowed itself to be hopelessly confined to one or two centers of activity. The names of Bodansky and Flag- stad have so petrified lesser artists that when some group more foolhardy than the rest at- tempts a performance of Fidelio or Wosseck, not giving a damn whether Melchior would have done it this' way or Tibbett that, a little flurry of excitement has been aroused over the possible paranoiac tendencies in our midst. Nor is there any tenable argument that this , is a necessary state of affairs. There is no good social situations in which American customs differ from those in other Hillel Registration: Registration for countries. All foreign students and Hillel Classes is being held every af- their American friends are invited to ternoon from Oct. 8 to Oct. 14 at the attend. Foundation. 2. Broadcast over Station WJR De- troit. Arrangements have been made Student Identification Cards will to take a limited group of students at be given out Wednesday and Thurs- the International Center to Detroit day, Oct. 11 and 12, in Room 4, Uni- next Sunday evaning to he n rnent 't iversity Hail from 8 tn 5 C E