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October 10, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-10

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10, 1939



Pledge Dinners
eldLast Night
By 40 Houses
bicrease Of 61 Over '38
Is Seen As 506 Men
(Continued from Page 1)
Harry Altman, Murray Mark}nd,
George . Rudolph, Robert Reed,
O ihles Canfield, Jack Edwards,
Harry Smith, Wm. DeLourcy, 'Ray
B. Powell.
Lamba Chi Alpha: George Edwin
Bosch, Albert George Charters, Ken-
neth Bliss Field, Joseph Marr Gwinn,1
III, Herbert J. Howerth, John Wil-
1iam MacMillan, Samuel Jackson
Rupert, Thomas E. Zeerip, Leo James
hi Beta Delta: Melvin Colvin,
Norman Elson, Sylvan J. Herschko-
witz, Nathaniel B. Messinger, Lester
Oberman, Solomon Rabinovich, Mer-,
win J. Sherline, Albert B. Wohl, Ed-
ward Zerden, Leonard Borin, Robert
Lewin, Leonard Kassman, William
Rosenberg, Abe Goodman, Arthur
lhiDelta tTheta: Edward King
Aldworth, James Edward Andrews,
Douglas D. Baker, Robert George
Begle, James R. Blanchard, John
Lincoln Brown, William Floyd Coale,
Jr., Parker Consaul, Robert iMtts
Edison, John 'Pryor Emmett, Jhn
Edward Fletcher, Ray Burke Grip-
man, George Highman Guffin,
George Hlarry Hildlebrandt;, Alden
Carr Johnson, Carl A. Lehman, Emil
Achard Lockwood, Frank William
McCabe,Jr., Walter A. Reed, Ed-
ward Reichert, Benl F. Smith, Harold
L. Smith, John Ford Swain, Richard
Fre.deric Walker, V. Hudson White,
Jr., William Garland Windle.
Phi Epsiion Pi: Ralph Franklin
fleriow, Thomas L.Felber, Fred Gais,
Richard . Goldsmith, Jacob D Gor-
don, Jerome Wolfe klein, Joseph
William Kopman, Cyrus A. Neuman.
Phi Gamma Delta: Fred T. Ander-
son, William F. Dawson, Benjamin
N. Douglas, Peter Grant, Robert F.
Rext, William B. Houle, Lyons How-
land, Lawrence A. Hubert, George
M Irwin, Louis Kasamis, Jr., John
W. Medill, Stuart J. Miller, Jerome
S. Miller, Robert J. Norwick, Walter
E. Peters, William J. Phillips, Jerome
E. Saxe, William D. Schoedinger,
James Snodgrass, Edward F. Steele,
Lafayette Stuch, John H. Vaughan,
Frank E. Washburn, Jr., Hubert
Phi Iappa Psi: William R. Candler,
Edward G. Chase, Frank Curto, Don-
ald William Darron, John Fauver,
Robert Fife, James B. Funk, Jr.,
James E. Hoff, Richard S. James,
William M. Kelly, James J. Kennedy,
Thomas K. Matthews, Peter B. Olm-
sted, John A. Patton, Raymond A.
Phi Kappa Sigma: Clarence Alfred
Andersen, II, James H. S. Carlisle,
George Edward Earle, Marcus J. Ev-
erett, Richard1V[. Mansfield, C. James
Rash, Jr., G. Edward Reynolds, Hol-
lis Tara, Roy Christian Wetterhall.
Phi Kappa Tau: David W. Daniels,
Emil M. Misura, George W. Portz,
John A. Scoville, Arthur E. Skeats,
Jr., Roy H. Smith, Jr., John F. Sul-
livan, Bruce W. Wark.
Phi Sigma Delta: Harvey Asher,
(Continued on Page 8)
Local Boy Named Editor
Of College Law Review
John F. Schmidt, of Ann Arbor,
has been elected to serve on the stu-
dent editorial board of "The George
Washington Law Review" this year,
it has been announced by the George
Washington University Law School.

Schmidt, one of 47 student editors
whose appointments were recently
announced, was selected because of
high scholastic standing. The stu-
dent editors, under the supervision
of the faculty editor-in-chief, un-
dertake legal research and writing
which constitute part of the required
work for their degrees.
For this Parker-Made
Pen with
(Shows When to RefilI)
* New Streamlined shape
* Super-smnooth Point, tipped
with polished Iridiumn
*Choice of 4 Smart Colors
* Smart new clip
Pen and Pencil Set
Only $j5m

Good Food, Service, Economy
Bring Women To Wolverine


permission to sit at their table be-

Better food than in the restaur-
ants, quicker service, pleasant sur
roundings, collegiate atmosphere, and
above all, economical meals-all
these are given by women students
as reasons for their "crashing" the
Wolverine Cooperative Restaurant
this semester.
This unprecedented membership
adds up to almost two dozen women
students among the more than 800
male student members.
"The Women" have been invited
to join the Wolverine in previous
years, but have been extraordinarily
bashful-for Michigan women. "They
try to crash the front door of the-
Union, and the I.M. pool," com-
plained one member of long standing,
"but wo.uld they come when they
were invited? No." Last year women
members numbered two, with Vivien
Siemon, '42, and Adele Allan, '41, the
only ones to hold membership cards.
The only explanation given for the
sudden increase in women members
is the use of posters left from the
Summer Session, which especially in-
vited women to join.
The girls have been received with
too much courtesy, they complain.
"We don't want any special atten-
tion, or any extra trouble on our
account," many of them announced,
"because then the boys will resent us."
When tlf bus boys began appearing
in collars and shirts in addition to
their regular, uniforms, the new wo-
men members considered starting a
petition asking for the return to
more informal dress. They dropped
the project when they discovered
that the collars had been the rule
since summer, and were not a "frill"
for the benefit of the female diners.
Several of the men, thinking that
the Wolverine was a masculine refuge,
have been severly jolted when they
looked up from their meal to learn
that the voice so timidly asking for

longed not to an immature freshman,
but to one of the Wolverine coed
members. The girls are received
good-naturedly, they say, except for{
the occasional times when they be-
come confused by the crowded tables
and eat part of their neighbor's meal.
"It wasn't so bad when I drank
one boy's water," said Jean Goldstick,
'42, "but when another found me eat-
ing his meat, I was a little embar-
The consensus of opinion among
coeds is that .the Wolverine is the
only place in Ann Arbor where they
can get a good-sized meal-and eat
it-without being reminded by pangs
of conscience about their empty
pocketbooks. Several of the boys
who serve the food have expressed
surprise at the amount of it put away
by the slender Michigan coeds. "They
not only eat the first meal, but they
come back for more mashed pota-
toes," one exclaimed. "I'd sure hate
to take one of them out to a dinner
on me."
The girls also are enthusiastic
about the atmosphere of the Wolver-
ine, describing it as the only place
where they can sit and. talk after
finishing a meal and not have the
feeling that they are retarding a pub-
lic business. None of the girls ad-
vanced any complaints. They don't
seem even to mind the presence of
so many men in proportion to the
number of women-certainly not un-
usual for Michigan women.
ASU Meeting Postponed
The American Student Union Peace
Commission meeting which was
scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight at the
Union, will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow'
at the Union. Officers for the com-
mission will be elected at that time
and plans for a big all-campus peace
rally will be made.

Psi Upsilon Acquires
Latest Campus Canine
Bruce Wiggle, '4?, formerly of
Grosse Pointe, Mich. has become af-
filiated with the local chapter of Psi
Upsilon, John Chapman, '40, rushing
chairman, announced yesterday.
Bruce, a prize-winning cocker
spaniel, was presented with a special-
ly engraved harness at the pledge
banquet last night. His affiliation
with Psi Upsilon came as the climax
to intensive rushing which has been
going on since the opening of the
University. Although Bruce was hot
listed among the rushees who regis-
tered with the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, it has been reported that he was.
present-as a welcome but uninvited
guest-at meals at other fraternity
Bruce's status in the house has not
yet been formally defined, Chapman
stated. An impediment in his speech
is compensated by a "magnetic per-
sonality," so it is likely that he will
be used to meet guests at the door,
Chapman continued. It is not known
what further "pledge duties" will be
assigned him.
Schl euk er's
Leaf Rakes . . 47c
Luminous Dial Alarm
Clocks . . .$1.39
Electric Toasters . . 98c
as some of the hundreds of values.
they are offering in their Value
Roundup of Fall and Winter Hard-
ware Needs. The store is filled with
unhead-of bargains created for you
by the manufacturer, the. jobber,
and the retailer. Make Schlenker's
your first stop when shopping for
hardware, items.
"Since 1886"
213-215 W. Liberty Ph. 2-3265

Petersen Will Headline
German Club's Meeting
Feature of this year's initial meet-
ing of the Deutscher Verein, student
German club at 8 p.m. tonight in the
League, will be a talk by Carl Peter-
sen, who traveled recently through
northern Europe. Petersen, manag-
ing editor of The Daily, also included
in his itinerary a 14-day bicycle trip
through Germany.
Plans for the future meetings of
the Verein will be discussed tonighlt
Included in these plans is a program,
of talks delivered in German by
various faculty members, continu-1
ing a tradition of past years.

Warner, Tanner Added
To Architectural Staf
Sidney Warner and S. J. Tanne
have been added to the staff of the
architectural college.
Mr. Warner will teach industria
and applied design. A graduateo
Carnegie Institute of Technology, h
taught at the University of Wash
ington and at a women's collegei
North Carolina before coming her
Mr. Tanner, who is the new librarian
succeeds Miss Mabel Randall, wh
died during the summer. Mr. TaI
ner was formerly connected with th
state library in Lansing.

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R aglan

T IHE Business Statistical Buweau recently asked 150,000 newspaper
readers to name their favorite columnist. They were carefully selected to
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first choice was Heywood Broun, for his column IT SEEMS TO ME.
So readers' ballots confirm our editorial judgment that Brou is one of
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Whether it's about the League of Nations or Joe Louis, about painting or
poker-playing IT SEEMS TO ME has invariably something new to say,
and says it in a new way.


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