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October 07, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-07

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. . .


Jem. loe
1-leywood Broun
William E. Borah of Idaho wrapped himself in
the weight of his years and experience and drew
around himself the cloak of wisdom at the be-
ginning of the great debate. That he spoke

>By Young Gulliver,



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City, Editor
. Associate Editor
* Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Staff

usiness Manager
st. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
omen's Business Manager
omen's Advertising Manager
iblications Manager

* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
For Living .. .
HE GRADUAL collapse of certain
- age-old taboos surrounding mar-
riage and sex education has loosed an increas-
ingly great pressure on educational institutions
to alter their Victorian attitude. Every year in-
roads are made into the antiquated conception
that permits students to leave college, fairly
well versed in science, in letters and perhaps
in some profession; but with little more' than
bull-sessional gleanings in sex, marriage and
A step toward a more practical view is now
on the docket of the Student Senate. This is
the "Education For Living" program of study
planned by Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, wife of the
forestry school's dean.
It is not a seven-leagued step, yet a very sane
one. Mrs. Dana, with the cooperation of three
members of the faculty and three Ann Arbor
women, has drawn up a list of courses offered
in the various schools of the University that
would be of practical benefit in successful home-
Thus, from the architecture school are drawn
courses in home and landscape design, from the
business administration school a course in the
economics of copsumption, from the psychology
department courses in embryonic and child psy-
chology, and so on. It is not intended that stu-
dents should concentrate in homemaking, or
even let it interfere with their field of major
interest. But every one of these courses that the
student takes will be another feather in his cap
in "education for living."
The only fear one can have in advocating such
a plan is that it will prove a stopgap rather than
a stepping-stone. It obviously is not the per-
fect answer: there is only a smattering of prac-
tical information in homemaking to be gained
from many of the studies, and the composite
knowledge of all the courses may avail little in
meeting the problems of domestic life.
But it is a step away from Babbittry and it
deserves the interest and support of senators and
-Hervie Haufler

To the Editor:
A strange cloud of fatalistic despair rests on
the American people. Gallup polls and other
surveys show that the majority of the nation
wish to keep out of the present war, and also
that a majority believe it impossible to do so, at
least if the war lasts for any considerable num-
ber of months. In other words, most of us expect
to do what we do not want to do.
Nor are the minorities any happier. Some,
who are international idealists by nature, have
become isolationists from sheer despair. They
say that "at least" an island of democracy in a
world of tyranny and dictatorship "may" be
preserved in this country "if" we remain at
peace. Apparently a second deluge is to over-
whelm the world, but Noah and his sons may
be saved in the ark; Sodom is doomed to fire
from Heaven, but Lot may perhaps escape if he
flees without looking back. Others are isola-
tionists anyhow, who have always said "America
first-and the rest nowhere!" They talk of big
armies, of a navy "second to none" in both the
Atlantic and Pacific, of a total cessation of
foreign trade, of still more rigorous laws against
immigrants and a rigid censorship of foreign
isms," including internationalism and pacifism.
At the opposite extreme, some say that we should
enter this war, but they dare not hold out the
old hopes, now so much the object of ridicule
and contempt, of a "war to end war" or a "war
to make the world safe for democracy." They
merely offer the pleasant but negative prospect
of "stopping Hitler" and restoring the frontiers
of a year ago.
Aqusiesce To The Whar Cycle
Well, none of these is good enough! Worse
than a thousand wars or tyrannies would be to
become reconciled to war or tyranny. Granted
that we failed to establish the basis of an en-
during peace at Versailles and afterwards. Are
we therefore to acquiesce forever in a cycle of
war-peace-preparedness-alliances-war? Or are
we to make yet another effort, and as many
more as may be needful, to put an end to war
as an institution? That question is of infinitely
more moment than our short-sighted debates as
to neutrality, embargoes and national interests.
It is even more important than the question
of whether we suffer as a belligerent or suffer
merely as a neutral from the present conflict,
for suffer we shall in any event.
Why not take our own destinies, and the
world's destinies, boldly in our own hands and
say "This time we shall not drift into war nor be
trapped by secret treaties nor stung by submarine
outrages into entering a conflict whose ends and
aims we cannot foresee. Still less shall we set
our names to a peace and then run away from
its terms to nations weaker, more embittered or
less impartial than our own. Least of all shall
we take refuge in the pathetic belief that a world
in flames will always spare our own rooftrees.
We will offer Europe and the world peace, peace
on our terms and a peace that will be enduring.
And the acceptance of that peace will be the
sole condition of our cooperation in the eco-
nomic and, if need be, in the military effort,
involved in establishing this peace." Why not?
We have the wealth and the power. Have we'
the will?
The Bases Of Enduring Peace
What are the bases of an enduring peace?
They are not recondites; many have pointed them
out during the armistice years of 1919 to 1939.
The world knew, but it would not heed. In its
present dire need, it may perhaps heed. At least
we should make the effort, since it is our only
1. As a gesture of good will, wipe the slate
clean of both reparations and of international
debts. Experience has shown that they will not
be paid anyhow; so the creditor loses nothing
except a barren legal title.
2. Place all, not merely some, tropical colonies
and dependencies, under the mandate system,
with equal trade rights to all nations. This will
wipe out the chief economic cause of wars, the
desire for. a "place in the sun."
3. Agree that all causes of international dispute,
without exception, shall be peacefully settled. If
ordinary diplomacy cannot solve these disputes
give mandatory jurisdiction to the League of
Nations, or whatever newer and stronger inter-
national agency may come out of the war.

'4. Agree to enforce the decisions of such an
international tribunal, without exception, by the
entire armed force of the law-abiding nations.
How can there be peace in the world without law,
or law without enforcement? This would not
mean "sending our sons to Europe to fight her
quarrels" as myopic politicians say. 4 It would
mean rather stopping wars before they get
started by such a show of determined force that
force itself need be rarely if ever used.,
5. Agree that all changes in the map must
be preceded by a plebiscite of the area affected;
a plebiscite conducted in the presence of an.
armed police belonging to neither of the parties
in dispute. The Saar election shows the method.
If this principle were applied, Poland and
Czechoslovakia could be reconstructed, but any
genuinely Russian districts could become
6. Reduce armaments; but also, as a guarantee
of good faith on the part of all, give the experts
in the service of the League of Nations (or other
international organization) the right to inspect
all munitions factories, shipyards, forts and other
places of military importance so that no secret
armament can be prepared-or suspected.
These should be the immediate terms which
the United States and her allies should propose
in the event of war. If accepted, they would put
an end to the Second World war. If rejected
by the aggressor governments, at least they
would avert a Third World War by crowning

is an aswer and there is a force which are power-
jul enough to strip the cloak from off the shoul-
ders of the old stalwart.
Borah's original premise in his argument was
against recorded history from the beginning of
time. As a matter of fact, although he has added
eloquence and -triumphs he is actually offer-
ing once again Henry Ford's famous dictum,
"History is the bunk."
Now, while it is true that no age should con-
tinue to be controlled by the dead hand of the
past, there is no escaping the fact that the very
spinal fluid of man's fate is a mixture of present
aspirations and the hard clots of previous ex-
Mr. Borah hinself guessed badly at the close
of the last war. He and his adherents, in all
sincerity; chose to believe that if they could close
the door of America to the rest of the world,
never again would our country be disturbed by
the tap, tap of some stranger at the gate. And
there it is right now a-pounding.
* * *
And by the very fact that the gentleman from
Idaho rises again to cry out "for isolation he
testifies that there is no hermit cave into which
this nation can retire and count Europe a lost
and distant continent.
Even the Senator can hardly believe that the
history of the United States is a narration which
can wholly exclude forces operative across the
water. We won our freedom in a war in which
Europe was vitally and actually present along
our shores. Even after the establishment of our
own nation the politics of America were gravely
shaken by the French Revolution and its reper-
cussions. Any good historian could take'a pencil
and. show how our own map from Florida to
Alaska has been altered by conditions abroad
Waterloo was 'not fought in a pigeonhole, and
Napoleon's adventures altered the life of every-
one living here, although the ocean was much
wider then than it is today.


effectively cannot be denied,
and only a fool would ques-
tion the utter sincerity of
the elder statesman..
It is quite probable that
no other man in the upper
house will be able to take
him over the jumps, and tho
final answer to his argument
may not lie with Roosevelt.
And still I believe that there


SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1939
VOL. L. No. 12

1OB Rosa, who is not only one
of the most able, but also one
of the most well-liked gents on cam-
pus, was elected President of the
local chapter of the ASU the other,
night. When a candidate was pro-
posed for Vice-President, a lad in
the back of the room mumbled, "I
guess this guy'll be sub Rosa." Which
should make the lad a like candidate
for the Order of the Potted Palm.
THE above leads Gulliver quite na-
turally to the incident the other
day in a history class which shall be
unnamed: a young scholar arose to
report that the Calvinists wanted to
attain salvation through self-deprav-
ity . .
AT this point Gulliver paused, his
wrists neatly arched over the
typewriter. Shall I proceed now, he
thought, to a violent attack on Morty
Q? I could tell him; for instance,
that there is a Burton Wheeler on
campus, (which there is) and then
challenge him to find a William
Borah, under the heading GULLIVER
HURLS DEFI. No, that sort of thing
is wearing thin. Then shall I write
something witty about the world of
'BOOK TILL 3 A.M.????
Or shall I go to town on the cinema,
How' about a quick explanation of
the European situation? Not today.
So while he's thinking about what
to say; Gulliver inserts the following
Dear Gulliver:
Miss Harris's skill in the use of
the apt and rhythmic phrase certain-
ly helps to liven up a column. Please
ask her to interpret for use in her
own inimitable style the following
from page 90 of the announcement
of the school of education: 102 Child
Hygiene. (2) Maternity and infant
TION and normal development of
the child from birth to school age
Something like this (only far bet-
Oh, infant immatriculate,
You've got to learn to graduate.
Before you ever use your eyes'
Or learn your blood to oxidize
Your fond mamma will enter you
In Education 102.
As soon as you can come alive
You'll join the class of '65
And write "To hell with '64"
Somewhere upon the nursery floor
-Phil Ephemeros
It looks as though June Harris has
a worthy rival.
AND now Gulliver would like to cal
your attention to a fable in this
week's Liberty Magazine entitled "The
Communists Offered Me Free Love."
The joe who wrote the piece doesn't
say whether or not he accepted the
offer, but still it makes damn good
reading; and it's got a lot about that
red, red organization, the NYA.
Sample quote: "Some of my friends
were discussing what we should do
that night. Suddenly one spoke up
with the air of one who had made a
great discovery. 'Why, it's Friday!' he
said. 'Let's go round to the Young
Communist League tonight. I feel

in the mood for some free love!' So
.we spent the evening at the Young
Communist League, and were not dis-
Gulliver wants to wind up for to-
day with a quotation from Vincent
Sheean's Not Peace But A Sword; he
recommends it for memorization.
Sheehan was waiting in Prague a
year ago for the bombs to fall, and
then came Munich. He says: "On
the night when we knew about Mun-
ich (Sept. 29) I did not sleep at all,
but lay looking at those dimmed
funereal lights for hour after hour,
reluctant to turn them off .since they
seemed to be the permanent illumina-
tion of Europe thereafter. The nights
when we had expected the bombers
seemed, in retrospect, nights of hope:
for no material catastrophe could
have destroyed the foundations of
hope as Munich did. From that night
on I knew that France and England
would never fight for anything worth
fighting for: that their resistance,
when it came, would come for their
moneybags or their empires, never
for a principle of any consequence
to the human race; that no pledged+
word, no law and no reason could


To The Members of the Universityc
Council: There will be a meeting of I
the University Council at 4:15 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 9, in Room 1009 A.H.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
To Deans, Directors, Departmentp
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: -
Payrolls for the first semester are$
ready for approval. This should ben
done at the Business Office before
Oct. 18 if checks are to be issued on
Oct. 31.
Deadline for change of elections,6
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts: No. course may be added
after the end of the third week of
the semester. This correct informa-
tion conflicts with the statementf
(page 37, Announcement, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts)
which reads, "No student shall beZ
admitted to a class after the end of
the second week of a semester." The
last day for adding courses is Satur- -
day, Oct. 14, the end of the third
The Congress Cooperative House is
accepting applications for board. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at
the Congress Cooperative House, 909
E. University Ave.
Mail for Students, Faculty, and
temporary residents at the University:
All students' and new members of
the faculty should call at the U.S.
Post Office and make out pink card,
"Order to Change Address," Form 22,
if they have not already done so.
This applies also to temporarynresi-
dents in Ann Arbor who may be do-
ing reference or research work on
the Campus.
Unidentifiable mail is being held in
Room 1, University Hall, for the fo-
lowing addressees:'
John Adair, George Wesley Allen,
Dr. S. H. Allers, T. B. Barnum, Cy
Beiter, Francis Russell von Bichow-
sky, Nancy P Bowman, Mrs. Clara
Bradley, Evelyn Cleaver Brown, Mae
Burton, Mrs. Jesse Carll, Gloria
Carll, Kenneth Chernin, Donald E.
Church, Lillian Churchill.
W. W. Schiefflin Clayton, W. L.
Crawford, Barney Custer Jr, Norman
Damon, Robert W. Day, Primitiva De-
mendante, William R. Duden, Prof. L.
H. Duschak, Danny Economopoulos,
Martin V. Engstrom, Cornas A. Farero,
Rudolf Flake, Kimon Friar, Walter
Galston, Dean Lloyd K. Garrison,
Paul Gillan or Gellan, Richard F.
Gilbert, Ada Goldman, A. H. Gross-
man, Esther E. Hakkola, Mrs. C. M
Harpster, Marian Hayetine, Edward
G. Hoffman, Harry Hoffman, Clar-
ence H. Holleman, Mary Hoferkamp
Helen B. Houghtaling, Virginia Jo-
seph, Lloyd W. Josselyn, Frederick
Keller, Prof. M. M. Knappen, James
Kiethler, Martha Koehne, Charles
Kralovic, Sidney D. Kramer, C. Krist-
all, Dr. L. D. Leach, Harold Lillywhite,
JunekLonghauser, Rev. Chester H.
Loucks, Mary Virginia Lueders.
Henry Barker Lyon, P. S. McKibben,
Bob McNeal, Ed. Marcourt, Endi
Marcoux, Woodrow Carl Marcus, Da-
vid Margold, Frank Marsh, Josephine
Mayoes, Joseph Mills, Hamilton B.
Mitchell, Robert Mohlanan, Aimee
Moore, William Morgan, J. R. Mundy.
Dean Nichols, Adele Nieman,
Charles O'Hof, Wi. Oleksak, Eleanor;
*Palmquist, Mrs. Clyde Parker, James
Perry, Charles Joshua Pettit, Mary
E. Porter, Mary Porter, Geo. Kevin
Ray, LaVonne Rector, Joanna Red-
ding, Mamereo Revines, Ernistine
Reynolds, Prof. Lewis Richards, Wil-
liam Richards, Sally Roe, Clifford
Sackett, Bill Saltzen, Fenton C. Scul-
thorpe, Joseph Philip Sells, Adrienne
Seltzer, Gerrit J. Shipper, Pauline
Slavin, Lulu M. Smith, Robert Worth
Smith, Noel Solman, J. Springer.
Mrs. Genieve Stone, Prof. True, S.
Wells Utley, Edwin P. Vary, Phoebe
L. Weigh, M. Wendt, Prof. Maurice
Whittinghill, S. A. Wideman Jr, Prof.
G..C. Wilson, Abigail Wise, Dr. Henry
Yee, Mrs. Floyd Wendell Yinger, Vir-

gil Young.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics: For persons qualified to
write them, examinations will be heldI
on Oct 30-Nov. 1. Please notify the
Department office at once if you plan
to write the examinations at this
I. L. Sharfman.
Preliminary Examinations for the
doctor's degree in the School of Edu-
cation will be held on Oct. 12, 13 and
14. Graduate students desiring to take :
these examinations should notify my
office, 4002 University High School,
Building, at once, concerning their,
desires. Clifford Woody.-
Make-up Examinations in History:
Make-up examinations in all history
courses will be held in Room B, Haven
Hall, from 3 to 6 p.m., on Friday, Oct.t
13. All students taking a make-up
must see their instructor before Wed-
nesday, Oct. 11, and must bring the
instructor's written permission to take


Chicago Divinity School will speak on
"The Church and the Social Crisis"
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Sunday, Oct. 8, 8 p.m., sponsored
by the Inter-Guild Council and the
Student Religious Association. The
lecture is' open to the public.
Toda ys Events
Freshman Round Table: Dean Erich
A. Walter will speak on the subject,
"Sifting the Catalogue" at Lane Hall,
tonight at 7:15 p.m. All freshmen men
and women are welcome to take part
in the discussion.
Hillel Foundation: Open house will
be held at the Foundation after the
football game. All students and their
guests are cordially invited.
Coming Events
Faculty, School of Education: The
first monthly luncheon meeting of the
Faculty will be held on Monday, Oct.
9, at 12 o'clock noon at the Michigan
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The first luncheon meeting will
be held Monday, Oct. 9, at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founder's Room of the Michi-
gan Union.
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-
vited. There will be a brief informal
talk by Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer.
Deutscher Verein: There will be a
business meeting, reeption, and pro
gram TUesday night at 7:45 in the
Michigan League. All students of
German, faculty people, and others
interested are invited.
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting Sun-
day, Oct. 8, 6:15 p.m., at the Michi-
gan Union.Brief but important busi-
ness will be discussed. All graduates
and members new to the campus are
Theatre Arts -Production Ushers:
All girls interested in ushering 'for
Theatre Arts Productions, who have
not attended any previous meetings,
are urged to meet in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Monday, Oct. 9; at
4:30 p.m. sharp.
.The Graduate. Education Club: The
Graduate Education Club will hold its
first meeting Wednesday, Oct. 11, 4
p.m. in the Graduate Library' of 'the
University Elementary School. Dean
Edmonson will give a report of the
Congress on Education for Democ-
racy held recently in New York. All
graduate students taking -work in the
School of Education are welcome. Re-
freshments served.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men will report for rehearsal for the
Flint concert, 3 p.m. Sunday. Regu-
lar rehearsal.for all members at 4:30
Secrist Fennell
Holt MacIntosh
Heininger Kelly
Pinney Steere
Peterson Vandenberg
Tuttle Levinson
Ossewaarde Hines
Stitt Gell
Schwarzwalder Morris
Langford Smith, R.
Berger Luxan
Whitney Fromm
Nelson, A. Brown, G.
Brown, C. Liimatainen
Sorenson Lusk
Gibson George
International Center: Monday eve-
ning at.7 p.m. "Wallie" Weber, Assis-
tatit Football Coach, will give ",a talk,
illustrated by moving pictures, on the
American game of football. This is
in response to the request for such a
talk by a large number of foreign'stu-
dents who will see their first football
game today and want to have some
instruction regarding the strategy of
the game. This talk takes the place

of the movie announced in the semes-
ter program for next Monday.
R.O.T.C. Signal Corps: The R.O.T.C.
Signal Corps will hold a free class for
all students wishing to practice the
international Morse code in Room
301 Engineering Annex at the follow-
ing times: Monday, 4 to 5 p.m.;
Thursday, 4 to 5 p.m.; Friday 2 to 4
p.m. All University students are in-
vited to attend.
All League Houses are asked to send
'their Athletic Managers or a repre-
sentative to a very important meet-
ing at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing on Monday, Oct. 9, at 4:15 g.m.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at the northwest entrance of the
Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day, Oct. 8. Those attending will
divide into groups for hiking, bicyc-
ling, and canoeing, and will later re-
turn to the Rackham Building for
refreshments. All faculty members
and graduate students are welcome.
In case of rain, there will be an in-
door meeting.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet at its regular meeting in the


Ann Arbor is extremely fortunate in being able
to see three movies that are among the best of
their kind. The Women at the Majestic is one
of the best drawing-room comedies this year;
Golden Boy at the Michigan as a fast-moving
picture with good dialogue; and Ballerina at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the League,
a moving and highly enjoyable portrayal of a
young girl who wants to become a ballet dancer,
or a ballerina.
The story of Ballerina is quite simple: it treats
with the ambition of a girl of about twelve to
become a dancer. She causes an older ballet
dancer to cripple herself and subsequently de-
velops a sort of guilt-complex. This is suffi-
cient for the r'eader to construct for himself the
situations that are possible-the French (the
movie is in French, but with adequate English
sub-titles, and graphic enough to be understood
even without them), to repeat, the French seem,
to be unusually good in their handling of the
delicate problems of adolescence. And if one
phrase iiay serve to describe Ballerina, it is that
the movie is delicately beautiful.
The acting of the adults is rather poor, but
this is overbalanced by the fresh and competent
performances of the young ballerinas. (I under-
stand that it is the first movie for many of them;
and if this is the case, they and their director
deserve a great deal of applause.) The film
starts slowly, as was the case in Grand Illusion,
but develops strongly. It may take a few min-
utes for some to adapt themselves to a foreign
tongue and screen technique, but this language
and technical obstacle is soon removed. On tho
whole Ballerina is staged, photographed and
edited with Hollywood fineness, but fortunately
without Hollywood's tinsel. Given the same
theme they would hire Stokowsky, turn chorus
girls into ballet dancers (or vice vers#), and
have Shirley Temple do a dance called, On the
Good Ship Lollypop.
The French film Ballerina is much more sen-
sible than that-it is told realistically and effec-
tively and the result is more satisfying from any
point of view. (Who can remember Hollywood's
Midsummer Night's Dream without thinking of
it as Ziegfield Follies in the Woods?) The music
is from Chopin and Gounod and the dancing
done by the Ballet of the National Opera: this
in. itself makes the movie 'worth seeing more
than once. We simply don't get a chance to see
anything like it in Ann Arbor; the Art Cinema'
League, which brought this film, is indispensable.
In addition to Ballerina there is a Donald Duck
(who outranks Mickey Mouse in popularity) and
a March of Time describing the progress of mov-

A Plan
For Economy

0 0

C ONGRESS, independent men's or-
ganization, deserves a vote of praise
in its truly worthwhile move to save the Michi-
gan student some money. And it's a well-known
fact that the expenses of living here in Ann
Arbor are not the lowest in the country.
For this move is designed to effect savings
of 30 per cent on cleaning and pressing charges
over the current rate charged by members of
the Ann Arbor Cleaning and Pressing Associa-
tion. The plan also saves its participants 10
per cent on shoe repairs and 10 per cent on
purchases of clothing and furnishings.
Long have the complaints of Michigan stu-
dents rung out against the seemingly high
prices imposed upon them by the Ann Arbor
trade associations, but not until this semester
has anything been done about it on such a
large scale. And it is fitting that the tas
should be taken over by a campus organization.
William Etnr

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