THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT Rem-ants Of Old Traditions Recall Restraint Of Females I4 The action of the Michigan Union able tradition that even now is re- executive staff last week in scouting sponsible for touching scenes of recol- rumors that the all powerful taboo lection when alumni, many long miles against women's use of the Union away from the Michigan campus, re- front entrance had been permanently turn to look for their name, held for abandoned, summons from the past all time in carvings on the carefully memories of many bygone traditions preserved table tops hung in the of the Michigan campus, remnants room. of which now exist chiefly around This tradition of seniors incribing this school men's organization. their names and years on the Union The custom of restraining campus taproom tables during Commence- cuties to side doors, a duty for years ment Week, is another old timer dat- past of that familiar custodian of the ing back to the time of Joe Parker gate, George- Johnson, all started, it and the Orient's ascendency. At seems, back in the days of the Union's this time, according to those who inception. At that time, in spite of know. freshmen and sophomores were the fact that Michigan was one of definitely ruled out of these, then the first coeducational schools in the magnificent elbow-bending empori- country, great preponderance was ums, which more resembled an ex- placed on the masculine aspect of clusive men's club than a mere gar- things, a fact which had a natural den. outcome in the establishment of this Since these wondrous places were organization. More naturally wom- restricted only to the god-like upper- en were restrained to use only of a classmen, the story goes, 'and since special dining room, and the ball- these individuals would do no wrong, room, without even a peak at the in- it was their wont to inscribe many ner sanctums of the building. sayings and names on the tables as Nowadays, about the only place they drank. As time went on the allowed campus men for complete custom was held only to seniors, and and utter solace in the company of then as the tradition crystallized, only their own sex, is the Union tap only for seniors immediately to grad- room, (noted for malteds, adv). This uate. Now the custom remains in is the last of the Michigans, the sole this form, changed only in its loca- remaining sanctuary protected from tion, and sadly, in its popularity. ravages of modern civilization; now So are traditions created, and soA even this place of peace is threatened do they die out. Many are the in- by the thundering invasions next violable ways 'which have passed out door on Friday and Saturday nights. of existence, stifled by time. The In this taproom, now we've men- magnificent cap night is no more, tioned it, is embodied another vener- gone the way of senior canes and but recently, frosh "pots." But as the old ones die, so are new customs created. Glabassy Returns A hopeful example for the future of Michigan's habits is the unhearlded, From Miiing Job completely informal spring pajama sing of the Allan Rumsey boys, start- ed two years ago. Erwin G. Clahassy, '41, geolbgy ___twoyears major, arrived yesterday from Fair- banks, Alaska, where he was em- Church Activities ' ployed as a geophysiast for the Bur- eau of Mines. This is the fourth Planned For Today summer he has worked in the Alaskan _ _ gold mines. Clahassy left for Fairbanks direct- 'Local churches are providing var- ly after exams in the spring and ious forms of, entertainment and worked on the surface analyzing the activities of interest for Ann Arbor earth for gold deposits. Gold min- young people this weekend. Univer- ing, he said, is not the romantic voca- sity students and all others interest- ion it used to be. It is highly iEed are :urged to attend. dustrialized, and most of the men Tonight there will be dancing, never see any of the gold that they games, and refreshments at the Con- are washing out of the mountain gregational church, sponsored by the side. Congregational Student Fellowship. Bad transportation facilities were "Men and Books Which Have In- cause for his late arrival for regis- fluenced My Mind" is the subject of tration, he said. the address to be given by Prof. __Preston W. Slosson of the history department at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Dean Walter To Speak Foundation. The speech will be giv- en immediately following the regular At Round-Table Today Conservative Services. The third of the Freshman Round- At the Presbyterian Church the Table Discusions will be held at Lane regular open house will be held. A Hall at 7:15 pm. today. Dean Erich scavenger hunt will feature activi- Walter, Assistant Dean of the Lit- ties. erary College, will speak on "How, Can a Student Get a well-Rounded: Shows Today at 2-4-7-9 P.M. Captoains 'Doomed' Ship Capt. Edgar A. Chelton is master of the American steamship Iro- quois which Germnan officials say, according to a statement released at the White House, will be sunk when it nears the American east coast "through a repitition of cir- cumstances which marked the loss of the steamship Athenia." Generosity 0' Red Maxn Makes Indian .Awards Possible In casting a glance about today's streamlined campus, it is difficult to associate it with the days of war whoops, whirring arrows and Indians. However there are many people bene- fiting today by the generosity of the red men of yore. The first benefaction received by the University of Michigan, consist- ed of the gift of three sections of land for the use of the school. The grant waa made at the Treaty of Fort Meggs in 1814, and sold by the University's Board of Trustees in 1817. From their original gift has evolved a reciprocal grant known as the American Indian Scholarships. These awards have been offered at the University since 1932; there are five scholarships and any American Indian student may benefit by them. It entitles them to a cash allowance sufficient to meet their semester fees, and is open to both men and women in any of the colleges of the Uni- versity. Two descendants of these great- hearted Americans are here on cam- pus at present. They are Marian Powless, '41, from Port Huron, and Arthur Biggins, Jr., '42, who hails from Pocatelo, Idaho. Matinee 25c' Eve. 35c Dr. Goldhamer To Talk Oct. 10 Will Discuss 'Transfusion And Blood Bank' Dr. S. Milton Goldhamer of the Department of Internal Medicine in University Hospital will address the Washtenaw County Medical Society Oct. 10 at its meeting in the Union. He will discuss the topic, "Trans- fusion and the Blood Bank." Post-graduate courses sponsored by the medical, school will be offered beginning Oct. 30 at University Hos- pital, Dr. W. M. Brace, secretary of the society announced. A course on the "X-ray Diagnosis of Thoracic Diseases" will be held Oct. 30 through Nov. 4; a course in "Psychiatry" Nov. 2 and Nov. 3., and on "Diseases of Metabolism" Dec. 11 to 16. University officials today announ-- ced that no changes in classes will- be permitted after Saturday, Oct. 14. The official announcement was issued as a correction to the literary school catalogue which states that no classes may be entered after the "second week." Slosson Gives Talk At Hillel Discusses The Influence Of Men And Books The books and men which have influenced my mind the most are those which by their style have crys- tallized the thoughts I had in solu- tion, Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tory department, said in a speech given at the Hillel Foundation yes- terday immediately following the regular Friday night Conservative Services. Three professors of history at Col- umbia University are the men who influenced me the most, Professor Slosson remarked, for they made their subject so real and alive that I gave up my plans to become an attorney and decided to teach. tI, ____-______W_______- Yost Of Field House Scene Huge Pep Meeting 9,000 Salute I Football Team (Continued from Page 1) All of them surged into the streets when the entertainment was over and proceeded in a noisy rush to the campus business district. Class competitive rivalry reared its head with the perennial "to hell with '42" cries rising from the crowd several times a minute. The mob swarming in the streets was organ- ized on more or less class lines throughout the entire evening. Michigan's sensational Varsity, Band broke the trail down State Street at 7:15 p.m. to open the pep ceremonies. "They were trailed by the thousands of students who had been waiting for half an hour for the program to begin. They poured into the Field House by the hundreds, and literally filled the place to the rafters. A half dozen daring youths climbed up on the steel girders when they found all the seats filled down stairs. Said Dye Hogan whose "M" Club prevented the recurrence of the riots of the past: "As far as I am con- cerned, we shall have more pep: rallies." .Hey Jitterbugs! Have you heard Herb "Wed-" Ritz and His Rand at the ARMORY? Sweet* .** * t Ranee Music Every Friday and Saturday from 9 till 1 Straits Bridge Bid Taken LANSING, Oct. 6.-(/P)-The State Highway Department announced to- day that Sprague and Henwood, Inc., of Scranton, Pa., was lowy bidder qn projected test borings in the Straits of Mackinac for the proposed bridge linking the Upper and Lower Penin- sulas. G. Donald Kennedy, deputy high- way commissioner, said the .borings are cssential to a study which will determine the feasibility of the Straits span. The exploratory pro- ject will cost an estimated $25,000. I Men 40c Ladies 25c You'll beam all over after a meal at FLAUTZ Cafe Come down and have one of our special dinners of tender, juicy meat, French fried potatoes, fresh vegetables, beverage and dessert, and you too, will be sure to come back. Priced rght too. R, STARTING TODAY DREAM GIRL OF 50,000,000 MEN in her first picture since "Algiers"! J I------------------:~:i "~ U :w .~ w~ u ~ 4 1