's war on the seas. £1.UII s LUULII4UIu 01 A lecture course in marriage rela- its of the sinking were the sinking of the Courageous, first tions, conducted by medical authori- re by survivors, about British warship to go down in the ties and open to seniors and gradu- were landed in England two weeks of war, was barren of de- ate students, may be repeated at r, ~tail. It only said the Courageous had.r;. ted crewmen sang and {been lost by enemy submarine the University again this year. Ss m after h n sMarriage courses were given twice ad foundered. the action," that an undisclosed number during 1938-1939 and met with wide F a powerful unit of the of survivors had been picked up by student approval. The course was in st navy shocked a na- destroyers and merchant ships and the form of five lectures, dealing with angered by the loss of that the submarine was "heavily at- different marital problems. ships-among them the tacked by destroyers and is believed ...x r Two committees, one of faculty rdn what the Brict- There were two distinct nanks at members and one of students, spon- sored the series. Tickets were issued warfare. intervals of about a second," related and attendance was limited to 1,000. 'se brought to England one of the survivors. The lectures were given in the Gradu- "After that there were a few minor Th lctre w ate School auditorium. explosions and most of the crew Textbooks were used to supplement an Wine jumped into the water. The order the course and were on file in Lane ALL CUT-RATE to abandon ship came within five ' Hall and the League. Students who minutes and the Courageous foun- ":.had received a Bachelor of Arts de- South State dered 30 minutes after the first ex- gree, students in public health work, hone 5933 plosion. The ship heeled so badly ELLIS WUNCH members of the Michigan Dames, and some lifeboats could not be used." qualified undergraduate senior men Steepe d it tradition wc yras nd women were eligible to take part grown up around it in its 35 years on in the second semester course. the Michigan campus, "Gargoyle" re- tains its position as peer of the Na- EV G tion's collegiate numor magazines. Seek To Avert Names of those on the staff in the past include such celebrities in the Power world of humor as Gurney Williams. Among the artists who have worked on the Garg staff is Tom Powers, the CIO Unnion Threatens s . } ''cartoonist. cartonist.State-Wide Tie-Up Articles by well-known campus raeW d Ti- writers, cartoons by expert artists, fashion pages, hundreds of jokes, LANSING, Sept. 18. -(I)- The contests and short stories form the State Labor Mediation Board sought bulk of the diet which Gargoyle feeds tonight to avert a paralyzing strike the campus each month. in electrical and gas plants of the Ths year the magazine -is being Consumers Power Company. completely revitalized, according to The Utility Workers Organizing N. Stewart Robson, '40, business manager. It will be published on Committee, a CIO affiliate, informed Publications Building presses and Arthur E. Raab, chairman of the the price per issue will be lowered board, it had voted to call a state- from 25 cents to 15 cents. The new wide strike of its employes in Con- subscription rate, decided upon after sumers Power plants at midnight an enthusiastic campus reception of Tuesday in protest against what it the magazine last year, is one dollar described as "intolerable" working for the eight issues. conditions. for reading, studying, and Editor of the magazine during the Raab, however, following a day of S sscoming year is Ellis Wunsch, '40. The conferences with spokesmen for the sa tasks. Baby Gargoyle, which is given free company and the union, stated that to freshmen during orientation week, progress was being made toward an & VALUE .is aready being circulated. amicable settlement. The strike vote, taken Saturday Plan. Historical Mural night at Ionia by the UWOC, is an fl fl maftermath of a controversy between A mural depicting the laying of the the union and the International first railroad constructed west of Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Schenectady, which was built through each of which has demanded recog- the pioneer settlement of Blissfield nition as the sole collective bargain- in the Michigan Territory, is being ing agent for employes of the com- State Street at North U. painted in the Briasfield post office p_ by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the College of Architecture.Hi e T Cod c HolidayServices , - ,. z.Services for Yom lKippur, Jewish DayerfiAtonement, will be held this year at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- eatre, under the auspices of the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of the Foundation, will con- duct services and give the sermons. .. The holiday will begin with serv- ices at 8 p.m. Friday. Subject of the - 'y °:sermon is "Man Resolute." "Man Tri- umphant" is the sermon subject for the first Saturday service, which will begin at 9 a.m. Afternoon and Me- . .morial services will begin at 2:30 p.m. -".1 Saturday. Dr. Rabinowitz will speakl ....................................... .. on "A Good Name." ' tOrthodox services will be held at Beth Israel Center, 538 Division St. ' Friday services will begin at 5:30 p.m., Saturday services ta 8 a.m. Medical Students To Meet Students of the Medical School ". will hold annual convocation exer- cises in the Medical building Mon- day morning, Sept. 25. Dr. Frances C. Senear, of the Uni- versity of Illinois, will be speaker. GOOD YEAR'S Attention Cordially Invites the Class of '43 To Open House at the Camera an Camera Fans NEW STATE STREET STORE The Gach Camera Shop Thursday, Sept. 21st'... 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.i s the campus photo cen- ter. As a Part of Ann Arbor Retail Demonstration Week Drop in and say hello; Long a favorite of Michigan girls, GOODYEAR'S waves a cordial greeting I want to meet you. to'43 from a new shop near the campus. Here are to be found exclusive While in Ann Arbor lines of tailored classics . . B. H. Wragges and McMullens, memorable you will have many chances to use your date dresses and off-campus clothes as well as lingerie, accessories, hats, camea tCmusews, camera. (Campus views, shoes and toiletries. Everything, in short, to help male a girl's college football, news and action, C t TI p W. 0 R ac Il llll tiIII I 1 11 ..:4.'t,. ... r __.. __