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October 07, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-07

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Fair and warmer.


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VOL. L. No. 12



Hitler Is Prepared
To Discuss Peace;
Sees Naz i Victory


Per Fuehrer Says Poland
Of Versailles Treaty
Will, Never Rise Again
Daladier Declares
War Until Victory

Prexy Sits In Stands
With The Rest Of Us

(Unless otherwise stated all foreign
" dispatches are subject to censorship.)
BERLIN, Oct. 6.-P)-Adolf Hitler
today offered peace in Europe or a
fight in which "I do not doubt for
a single moment that Germany will
be victorious."
"Let those who consider war to be
the better solution reject my out-
stretched hand," he said-and auth-
oritative sources indicated he expect-
ed an answer in less than a week.
Outlining his stand in an address
of one hour and 20 minutes before
the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera
House, the Reichsfuehrer envisioned
a conference of European nations to
ensure peace in the future.
"Why should this war in the west
be fought?" he asked.
"For restoration of Poland? Po-
land of the Versailles treaty will nev-
er rise again."
Soviet Russia and Germany exclu-
sively, he said, would solve the prob
lems. of "final reorganization" and
"the question of reestablishment of
the Polish state."
He kept his hearers guessing as to
how "a Polish state" would be formed
in the part of Poland allocated to
Germany except to say it would be
"so constituted and governed as to
prevent its becoming once again
either a hotbed of anti-German ac-
tivity or a center of intrigue against
Germany and Russia."
Should the war in the west be
fought to give Germany a new re-
gime? 'Hitler further asked.
France To Fight
For 'Lasting Peace
PARIS, Oct. G.--(P)-remier Dal-
adier tonight gave France's answer
to Adolf Hitler's peace proposal with
a blunt declaration that the Euro-
pean war would be fought until "the
victory which alone will permit as-
surance of a regime of real justice
and lasting peace in Europe."
Only two hours after Hitler out-
lined his peace formula in his speech
before the Reichstag Daladier pound-
ed out the assertion to the French
Senatorial Foreign Affairs Commit-
t ~ that:
"France and Great Britain will
never lay down their arms until that
peace has been effectively assured."
As though to give emphasis to the
French-British determination to
fight, General Maurice Gustave Ga-
melin, Commander-in-Chief of the
French and British armies, 'on-
ferred today with Major General Sir
Edmund Ironside, chief of the Bri-
tish Imperial Defense Staff.
Britain To Examine
Peace Proposal
LONDON, Oct. 6.-P-Adolf Hit-
ler's peace proposals were promised
a careful but wary examination to-
night by a British government proud
of its naval might and the quick
dispatch of expeditionary forces to
Britain's cautiously worded com-
ment on Hitler's Reichstag speech
coincided with accounts of achieve-
ments of its armed forces-that the
Royal Navy "continues successfully
to hold the seas" and that British
expeditionary forces were arriving in
France "in greater numbers and with
a larger volume of material than was
thought possible."
An official British statement dis-
missed Hitler's survey of past events
with the assertion that it "abounds
in perversions of the truth which will
be readily recognized by the people
of this country and indeed of the
whole world."
Russia Continues
Eastern Europe Policy
MOSCOW, Oct. 6. -P)- Soviet
Russia, apparently convinced she
holds an advantage over Europe's
warring leading powers, continued to-

day her policy spreading her influ-
ence in eastern Europe through "ne-
gotiation and neutrality."
She has been successful thus far

If you want to see President Ruth-
ven at the football game today, take
a glance at the stands, and not at
the box seats down in front.
Following an old custom, the Presi-
dent will sit in the stands, along with
the rest of the cush customers. He'll
be there with his family.
Sometime during the game Dr.
Ruthven expects to greet Gov. Luren
D. Dickinson, who has announced
that he will cheer for Michigan State
"because they need it more."
Embargo Foes
To Force Vote
On Neutrality
Senate Leaders To Take
Advantage Of GOP's
Parliamentary Move
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-(/P)-The
Senate leadership decided today to
take advantage of a Republican par-
liamentary maneuver and force a
test vote next week on the Adminis-
*tration neutrality bill.
After a series of cloakroom con-
ferences, Administration lieutenants
said they had agreed tentatively to
demand a vote Monday on a motion
by Senator Tobey (Rep.-N.H.) to
send the bill back to the Foreign Re-
lations Committee. They were con-
fident they could defeat the motion.
Tobey has suggested that the com-
mittee should split the bill into two
parts--one carrying out . President
Roosevelt's recommendation for re-
peal of the present arms embargo and
the other embodying restrictions on
American shipping and travel to bel-
ligerent zones.
Tobey contends Congress should
act quickly on the second part, in
order to keep America out of
trouble, and discuss the first part
After checking on sentiment for
Tobey's motion, strategists for the
embargo bloc made it plain they
would prefer that the Senate delay
action on its indefinitely. They said
it was certain to be defeated and
that its defeat would be regarded as
a clear-cut victory for the Adminis-
They were handicapped, however,
by the fact that the motion is privi-
leged and may be called up for action
by any member of the Senate.
A "gentleman's agreement" be-
tween Tobey and Majority Leader
Barklpy (Dem.-Ky.) would permit a
vote on the motion Monday. Ad-
ministration Senators indicated they
would call for a vote if the opposi-
tion failed to do so.
The price, on the 1940 Michi-
ganensian rises 50 cents Monday
morning, Richard T. Waterman,
'40, business manager annonuced
yesterday. Ensians may still be
.purchased in front of the Main
Library or from staff members for
$3.50 today, however. In addition,
seniors may save 75 cents by pur-
chasing their Ensian and a senior
picture coupon now.

232 Pledges
Are Named
By Sororities,
Kappa Takes Class Of 22;
Theta Second With 20;
Silence Ends Tomorrow
Total Is Nine Less
Than Last Year's
Eighteen sororities pledged 232 wo-
men last night as formal rushing
season ended. The number pledged
was nine les sthan last year.
Silence period ends tomorrow when
formal pledging will take place at
the chapter houses.
Kappa Kappa Gamma heads the
list with a'pledge class of 22, and
Kappa Alpha Theta is second with
a class of 20. The list is as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega: Catherine Tay-
lor, '43, Ann Arbor; Louise Higbee,
'43, Cleveland; Jane Restin, '43, Mt.
Vernon, N.Y.; Dorothy Farnsworth,
'43, Rockford, Ill.; Barbara Mac-
Laughlin, '43, Midland; Madeline
Smith, '43, Hartford, Conn.; and
Barbara Curtis, '43, Milford.
Alpha Delta Pi: Alice Franklin, '43,
Indianapolis; Muriel Hagemeyer, '41,
Detroit; Elizabeth Halpin, '43, Grand
Rapids; Fay Kilburn, '41, Flint; Mary
E. Mayfield, '41, Flint; Doris Ann
Mehrkens, '43, New York city; Louisa
Psretzschner, '43, Buffalo; and Louise
Rommel, '43, Sturgin, Mich.'
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Irma Schlow,
'42, State College, Pa.; Deena Bieber,
'43, Rochester, N.Y.; Patricia Kunz-.
man, '43, Plainsfield, N.J.; Lenore
Packer, '43, Chicago; Lois Arnold, '43,
Syracuse, N.Y.; Vivian Nussbaun, '43,
Detroit; Lois Shapiro, '42, Chicago;
Paula Copeland, '42, Detroit; Hazel
Taylor, '43, Atlanta, Ga.; Ruth Bloom,
'43, Detroit; Muriel Bluestein, '42,
(Continued on Page 5)

Wolverines Fav
In Close Gam.e N
9,000 Jam F'ield



Appears Safe
On Trip Home
White House Officials Say
Nazi Tip Assures Safety
Of American Steamer
HYDE PARK, N.Y., Oct. 6.-(R)-
Persons in close touch with the White
House suggested tonight that the
American steamer Iroquois would be
one of the safest vessels plying the
Atlantic as a result of publication
of a German tip that she would be
sunk and ensuing provisions for her
protection by United States warships.
Naval vessels and a coast guard
cutter were sent speeding to the Iro-
quois, now three days out of Ireland,
after the Government received the
German warning, with its implica-
tion that England or France would
sink her as she and her 584 American
passengers approached the United
States coast.
White House officials said Presi-
dent Roosevelt had received no defi-
nite reports on the Iroquois today
and that it seemed safe to assume
that "no news is good news." They
said that the radio on the ship, a
coastwise liner recruited by the Gov-
ernment/ to bring home stranded
Americans, doubtless was being kept
And if the President, who came to
his country home to check up on the
damage done to his spruce trees by
the drought, knew where the Iro-
quois and the ships to accompany
her were to meet, or whether they
had met, he kept it to himself.

Cheers And Catcalls Mark
Frenzied Meeting As Yost
And Weber Greet Crowd
South Ferry Field
Has Huge Bonfire
More than 9,000 pairs of University
lungs shouted themselves hoarse in
the Yost Field House last night, giv-
ing Michigan's 1939 football team
a tremendous salute for the tradi-
tional Wolverine-Michigan State
football game here this afternoon.
A mob of students, high school
boys and girls, and adults jammed
into the spacious field house build-
ing to hear Fielding H. Yost, Wally
Weber, and the University of Michi-
gan band, and to give the greatest
display of shouting power that has
been demonstrated in the cultured
city of Ann Arbor during the last ten
Coach Fritz Criler left his Michi-
gan gridders tucked away in bed at
Barton Hills to deliver the main
speech of the evening at a roaring
bonfire in South Ferry Field, and
then was unable to make himself
heard over the mob of persons that
lined the countryside near the blaze.
A public address system that had
been installed for the bonfire cere-
monies ceased to operate soon after
the program began, and both Crisler
and Capt. Archie Kodros were un-
able to complete. their scheduled
roles in the program.
Coach Crisler, awed by the size
and spirit of the pep meeting, ex-
pressed his sorrow immediately after
the bonfire at being unable to thank
the student body for the enthusiastic
manner in which they delivered the
annual salute to the team.
"It was the greatest display of
college pep I have ever witnessed,"
declared the coach, a veteran of many
football seasons in all sections of the
The - fire provided a spectacular
lighting effect for the whole of south
Ann Arbor. It was lighted immedi-
ately after the conclusion of the rally
in the field house, and spread flames
30 to 40 feet high.
There were at least 9,000 students
present for the pre-game celebra-
tions, and it may have been 10,000.
(Continued on Page 2)
Ballerina Ends
iI .
Showing Today
'Way Down East' Begins,
Week From Sunday
The last local showing of the French
film, "Ballerina," set behind the foot-
lights of the Paris Opera Ballet, will
be presented at 8:15 p.m. today at
;he Lydial Mendelssohn Theatre.
Two of the world's leading ballerin-
as, Mia Slavenska of the Ballet Russe
de Monte Carlo and Yvette Chauvire
of the Paris Opera Ballet, are the
stars of the picture, with 12-year-old
Janine Charrat cast in the role of a
young dancing pupil.
Other programs which will be spon-
sored by the Art Cinema League dur-
ing October include the first of the
series of motion-picture landmarks.
The picture, "Way Down East," pro-
duced in 1920 by D. W. Griffith, will
be shown Oct. 15. Also scheduled for
showings this month are the Russian
movie, "Alexander Nevsky," Oct. 12,
13 and 14, and "To The Victors," an
English production, Oct. 27 and 28.
Mundelein Buried
As 750,000 Watch
CHICAGO, Oct. 6. -01)- George
Cardinal Mundelein's faithful follow-
ers, friends and fellow citizens-750,-

000 of them-saw his body borne to
the grave today.
Some 2,000, including many high
ranking representatives of the Ameri-
can hierarchy and federal, state and
city governments, attended a solemn
Pontifical Requiem mass for the pre-
late in crowded Holy Name Cathe-
Electrifried Fillet
n®1-i'mo ad, '

Prof. Remer Says Hitler's Plan
Void Of Any Concrete Proposals

cDogs,' Band And Home Team
Reasons For Grid Enthusiasm

Hitler's most recent peroration and
peace plan was completely void of
any concrete proposals as to the
essential institutions of peace, or 01
the methods of establishing them,
Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the eco-
nomics department said soon after
the German broadcast yesterday.
"He seems to believe peace to be
a matter of assertions," Professor
Remer continued, "but one wonders
what name might be applied to the
methods used in the case of Czecho-
Slovakia." That conquest was peace-
ful in the sense that no bombs were
dropped, he said, but it was not
based upon principles which carried
with them the possibility of general

One of the most important prob-
lems of durable peace is presented by
the supply of raw materials and
their distribution, Professor Remer
added. The solution of this problem
requires, he stressed, however, a dif-
ferent atmosphere than that of Hit-
ler's speech yesterday.
The availability of supplies from
Russia, he continued, depends first
on the willingness of that country
to provide German needs. This will-
ingness, he believes, has yet to be
demonstrated. Secondly, it depends
upon Germany's ability to pay, a
problem which Professor Remer be-
lieves extremely difficult to solve.
Thirdly, Russia's efficiency as a

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